I do not own Inuyasha or How to train your dragon

Chapter 16

Blue was having one of her relaxing days in the sun, her rider was having lessons with the local Night Fury expert and she had no interest to be anywhere close to them when they did this. Only because her new partner was complaining her ears off. As she sat there, at the top of a cliff, she could really relax and think about absolutely nothing. It was bliss and Blue appreciated it more than anything at the moment.

After a while of blissful peace and quiet she heard someone coming up to her, it was her partner. He slowly walked towards her until he noticed that she knew he was there. He sat down next to Blue and looked at her.

"Hey Blue, nice day huh" the boy said and got a grumble in response

'He's not so bad' Blue thought and continued to look at the clouds above them

"Hey Blue?" the boy asked and got her attention, she looked at him and he continued

"I was wondering if we could go for a fly or something" he said and looked down to his hands. He heard a grumble and looked to Blue to find her smiling a dragon smile at him. Taking this as a yes, he brought his hand to her side and stroked her as a thank you, but Blue did not react like he had thought. Blue tensed and turned to look in a direction away from the island and without a thought she grabbed the boy and flew of instantly.

Ignoring the boys screams Blue flew fast, determined to follow the orders repeating in her mind.

'Come to me and bring the boy, you will no longer be alone'

This repeated in her head over and over again until she landed, in the same clearing she had appeared in. There was a light in the middle of the clearing that reached out to her as she landed, caressing her body and mind, coaxing her to let go of the boy. She let go.

The boy was dragged into the light, screaming to Blue to rescue him, but she was still and unresponsive.

Blue came to when the boy re-emerged from the light. She could not believe what she had done, to succumb to a strange voice in her head like that. She cursed herself and walked up to check on the boy.

He was standing in the middle of the clearing, looking at her with bored eyes. Blue approached him and rumbled lowly to se if he was responsive.

'Are you alright' she asked

The boy looked at her more intensely and to her surprise he answered her question

"I am fine, the transfer was successful" he said and proceeded to look over himself

'Oh, good I thought I has caused you har…. WHAIT YOU CAN UNDERSTAND ME?!"

"Of course I can" was her only answer

'But how is that possible'

"Calm down, the transfer may have linked us in a way that makes us able to understand each other" he said as he walked towards her

'What are you talking about? What transfer?' Blue asked

"Do you mean to tell me you do not recognise me miko" he said and smirked at her. Miko, one of her old nicknames. Only one person was allowed to call her that in the end and that was…

'Sesshomaru?' Blue asked timidly

"Finally, and here I thought you were smart miko, now tell me where we are"

All of this was too much for Blue to handle and that smirk made it even worse so she did the only thing she could to, she snapped. She pounced the human claiming to be her ally Lord Sesshomaru and she shouted in his face and just as she was about to fly away Toothless and Hiccup landed in the clearing.

Hiccup got of and tried to calm her down, but she did not want to be calm, she wanted answers. She tried to keep Hiccup at a distance with her tail but when Toothless growled at her she changed target.

'Keep out of this Toothless, it has nothing to do with you' Blue said as she started circling Toothless

'You are acting aggressively towards one of Berks inhabitants, for Hiccups sake I can't let you do that' Toothless answered

'If what he claims is true then he is not the boy he once was' Blue said as she stopped so that Toothless was between her and the humans

'What do you mean' Toothless asked but before he could get an answer the boy came walking up

"This place is too crowded to talk, take me somewhere we can talk in peace Miko" he said

This was a very confusing sentence to Toothless, so he dropped his focus on Blue and he came to regret that when she pounced him, pushed him into the forest floor, grabbed the boy and flew of.

Toothless did not se where they flew of to and Blue was much faster than him so finding them would be hard, especially since it was getting darker so Toothless and Hiccup flew back to Berk.

'Not the boy he once was huh' Toothless thought as he flew back home.