Welcome, welcome to another story by yours truly. (Also, yes this is the same opening note for all of my Fairy Tail stories but the ending notes are different). Firstly, I just have to say Fairy Tail is absolutely awesome at creating strong heroines, I mean you look at most of the main shounen manga and they all have a multitude of weak female characters. In any case, there is a lot to like about Fairy Tail but one of my favourite parts is the E.N.D. plot twist. With that said, on with the story.
Even classics like Dragon Ball fell into this after a while, sure they have strong willed characters like Chi-Chi and Bulma, and #18 was a great fighter who had her moments, when she was the strongest during the Android Saga and broke Vegeta's arm for instance, but, eventually it all dissipated.
It is honestly a little sad, I'm no feminist or anything, but almost every female character in every manga is really weak and it is a little annoying.
Then you have Fairy Tail with the likes of Erza, Mirajane, Ultear, Kagura, Minerva, Mavis etc. It is really awesome, I mean if Kishimoto took some advice from Mashima maybe Sakura and Hinata wouldn't have been so damn annoying.
This is a warning for this and all of my other Fairy Tail stories, all of them will play off the knowledge of E.N.D. Some almost straight from the beginning and some halfway through the story, the point I'm trying to make is if you don't know who E.N.D. is and don't want to be spoiled, don't read my Fairy Tail stories until you do.
SSJ3 Kyuubi Gohan.
Disclaimer – I don't own anything from the Fairy Tail anime/manga all I own are my original characters and plot twists.
Chapter 1 – Twist of Fate
Fairy Tail, a guild renowned throughout the lands, famous for its propensity to churn out extremely powerful mages. The guild was not only famous for its powerful mages, but also, was famous for two other things: the sheer grit each and every member put into protecting its members and its knack for causing destruction everywhere its members went. The guild hall itself was no exception.
'Damn it!' Cursed a spiky pink haired boy.
'When will you learn you aren't ready to fight me Natsu? Stop being so childish, if you want to get stronger, train harder, challenging me to a fight every day won't change anything.' Chided a red headed girl, whose hair was mostly pulled back into a long braid, with two chin-length side bangs framing her face. The girl was known as Erza Scarlet and wore a white, long-sleeved shirt and skirt, with dark navy legging-like pants under the skirt, along with brown shoes. The odd part of her attire though, was the chest plate and shoulder armour she wore over the shirt, along with a sword she kept on her left hip, with the help of a belt.
'This is the best way to get stronger though. First, I'll beat you and Mira and then I'll beat Laxus, then I'll be the strongest!' Shouted the boy, now revealed to be Natsu. Natsu was garbed in a red, long-sleeved shirt and dark yellow shorts with brown trim and simple brown shoes. The final and most distinctive part of his attire, was a long, white scarf that had a scaled design to it, that he kept wrapped around his neck.
'I'll be the strongest, then, then I'll be able to find Igneel I know it.' Whispered Natsu to himself.
'Ha dream on pipsqueak!' Interjected a white haired girl, dressed in punk-gothic style clothing.
'Mirajane this isn't your concern, I'll be the one to discipline Natsu, not you.' Stated Erza.
'Oh Scarlet, you have some nerve telling me what to do.' Said the white haired girl, Mirajane Strauss, menacingly.
'Now that I think about, it is about time I put you down, Mira.' Retorted the red haired girl.
'Oh yeah, bring it Erza, I'll crush you!' Shouted Mirajane.
'Bring it Mira!' Shouted Erza.
The two girls grappled and locked their hands together and slammed their heads against each other, both trying to outdo their opponent in a feat of pure strength.
'Heh, you'll see, I'll be the strongest!' Shouted Natsu.
'Quiet down Natsu, before you get hurt.' Commented a black haired child, around the same age as Natsu.
'Put some pants on before you try to lecture me, Gray!' Shouted Natsu to the boy, who suddenly looked down and noticed he was only wearing a pair of dark blue briefs.
'Ah! When did this happen?' Cried Gray, as he looked down in surprise and started running around looking for his clothes.
'*sigh* You really don't notice it at all, do you?' Muttered a brown haired girl sitting next to him. She wore a checkered light brown dress and was setting cards down on the table. When she placed her next card down, her eyes widened.
'Oi, oi what is it Cana, what is it?' Asked Natsu, as he eagerly approached the brown haired girl seated at the table.
Cana shook her head slightly, causing her ponytail, and the two long bangs which reached just past her collarbone, framing her face, to shake slightly.
'I drew The Emperor card.' Said Cana flatly.
'Oh, what does that mean?' Asked Natsu eagerly, as he pressed his hands on the table in excitement, leaning forward slightly to get a better look at the cards.
'Well, normally it means someone is coming back to the guild, someone really strong.' Explained Cana.
'Whoa that's cool, I wonder who it will be? What's the next card?' Asked Natsu eagerly.
Cana placed the next card down and looked at it in disbelief.
'The Wheel of Fortune… what does that mean?' Asked Natsu, as he read the card upside down before looking at Cana.
'It means a change in fate.' Explained Cana, before putting down the next card and shivering.
'The Tower.' Muttered Cana, before laying down the next card.
'The Fool?' Questioned Cana.
'What, what do those two cards mean?' Asked Natsu, who had now come over to sit next to Cana.
'The Tower represents a great upheaval, usually something unexpected or unwanted. The Fool on the other hand represents the beginning of a new adventure or journey.' Explained Cana.
The pink haired boy crossed his arms and thought for a moment, humming to himself.
'I got it! I bet it means someone really strong will come to the guild and take me away on a new adventure!' Declared Natsu, which made Cana laugh.
'Well actually I wasn't doing your fortune, just a general one, but if you'd like, I'd be happy to try one for you?' Offered Cana, as she deftly picked all the cards back up and shuffled them, before looking to Natsu in anticipation.
'Sure why not, maybe it will tell me where to find Igneel.' Agreed Natsu, as he nodded his head.
'Ok here, shuffle the cards first.' Instructed Cana, as she handed the deck to Natsu.
'The Hanged Man.' Said Cana, after she placed the first card down, once Natsu gave the cards back to her.
'Oh, is that bad?' Questioned Natsu.
'No it is just the name, The Hanged Man represents a feeling of being stuck and unable to move forward.' Explained Cana before placing the next card.
'Strength that must be good right?' Stated Natsu happily.
'Hmm, yes it is, usually.' Said Cana, before placing the next card down.
'The Lovers, hmm sounds boring.' Commented Natsu.
'Hey, The Lovers card isn't so bad, most people want it anyway.' Said Cana defending the card.
'Ok, ok, what's the next one?' Questioned Natsu excitedly.
'The Emperor card again.' Said Cana with a raised eyebrow.
'Yes, that means for sure someone strong is going to come back to the guild and train me, I can feel it!' Exclaimed Natsu excitedly.
'The Star.' Finished Cana, as she drew the final card with a slightly forlorn tone.
'Is that good?' Asked Natsu eagerly.
'Well it usually represents hope and wishes being granted.' Explained Cana.
'Yes, I can feel it, I'll find Igneel. I know I will.' Whispered Natsu to himself.
'Hey, can I try and do a fortune for you?' Asked Natsu abruptly, surprising Cana.
'Um sure, I guess you can.' Said Cana slowly, as she shuffled the cards before handing them to Natsu.
'Cool, ok, just let me know what I need to do.' Said Natsu.
'Just like I did for you, lay out five cards one by one. The first card represents the present position, the second, the present desires, then the third, the unexpected, the fourth is the immediate future and the last is the outcome.' Explained Cana.
'Ok here we go.' Said Natsu as he placed the first card down.
'The High Priestess, she is the guardian of secrets.' Explained Cana quietly, which Natsu nodded to before drawing the second card.
'Oh the Death card, is that bad?' Questioned a panicked Natsu.
'N-not necessarily… it usually just means the end of something significant and a shocking change or event that leads to something new.' Said Cana with a slight pause.
'The Lovers card again? Really? How boring.' Commented Natsu, as he placed the third card down.
'Hey stop bad mouthing The Lovers card.' Chided Cana with a pout.
'Fine, fine, here comes number four.' Said Natsu.
'The Moon.' Muttered Cana sadly.
'What's wrong with The Moon?' Questioned Natsu curiously.
'It usually has to do with fears and anxieties… but it can also mean unexpected possibilities too.' Explained Cana morosely, before perking up at the end.
'Alright and lucky last, The World.' Said Natsu.
'That's a good one, it means fulfilment and success or satisfaction.' Said Cana happily.
'So was that a good fortune or not?' Questioned Natsu a little confused, as he scratched the back of his head, after giving Cana her cards back.
'Hmm, well there aren't really any good or bad fortunes, but I do like what my fortune predicts, thanks Natsu, I think this is the first time anyone has done a fortune for me, it was nice.' Thanked Cana with a smile.
'Yeah it was fun, although I still say The Lovers card is boring.' Replied Natsu with a cheeky grin.
'Stop being so mean to The Lovers card, really, it can represent new love or attraction but most of the time it has to do with a struggle between a person's head and their heart.' Cana said defensively.
'That sounds better, still don't know why they choose a crummy name like The Lovers, why not the Heart and Head card.' Retorted Natsu.
'Heart and Head card… that just sounds weird.' Commented Cana, with a perplexed expression on her face.
'Ah whatever, I'm going to go and explore for a while, I'm bored.' Said Natsu.
'Ok, have fun.' Replied Cana disinterestedly, as she glanced back at her cards.
-line break-Natsu had been motivated from hearing his fortune and was now out searching for clues to Igneel's whereabouts.
'Hmm, if I was Igneel where would I go?' Said Natsu aloud in thought, as he walked around Magnolia.
'Aha of course! Igneel wouldn't be in a town, he'd be in a forest or a cave!' Shouted Natsu suddenly, startling some of the nearby people, before he dashed off towards the forest.
Natsu, upon reaching the forest, slowed his run to a comfortable jog as he surveyed his surroundings.
'Let's see, Igneel is really big and can fly so he'd probably be high up in the trees.' Said Natsu, before he quickly scaled a nearby tree and placed a hand over his eyes, to block the sunlight, as he looked around.
"Hmm, I think there is something in that tree." Thought Natsu, as he spotted something blue and white amongst the green, leafy treetop.
Natsu quickly slid down the tree, showing amazing dexterity, before he climbed the tree where he saw something peculiar. With a final grunt, Natsu pulled himself up to one of the higher branches, before he finally found what caught his eye.
'Hmm an egg… this must be a dragon egg, just look at how big it is!' Exclaimed Natsu excitedly, as he saw a large, white egg, with a blue flame-like design along it.
'Alright, I'm going to hatch this egg and maybe the dragon will be able to tell me where Igneel is!' Exclaimed Natsu excitedly.
Natsu spent a long time with the egg, at one point, he tried sitting on it to hatch it, which he quickly stopped when he worried the egg was going to break. After a while, he headed deeper into the forest and found a small clearing and built a small hut, after which, he placed the egg inside and wrapped his scarf around it while sitting close to it, so his body would provide it heat.
'You know Igneel is a real cool dragon, I mean I bet you'll be a really cool dragon too when you grow up, but Igneel was really, really cool.' Said Natsu as he talked to the egg, finding that it eased his boredom.
'I mean you should have seen how high he could fly, it was really cool, like really, really cool. Sometimes he would even drop from the sky really fast and the wind would just rush right through us, it was like we weighed nothing.' Continued Natsu fondly.
Natsu ended up staying with the egg all night and even slept there, right next to it, for days and only left it occasionally to get food. Before he knew it, almost a week had passed and he was still there, waiting for the egg to hatch.
-line break-'Hmm is it just me or has something been odd this past week.' Said Makarov, the Guild Master of Fairy Tail, aloud from the bar.
The only people who heard Makarov's musings were two older men, one of whom was smoking.
'Heh, now that you mention it, it has been pretty quiet this past week.' Commented the man who was smoking.
'Hmm, yeah now that you mention it, Natsu hasn't started a fight with anyone in over a week… come to think of it, he hasn't been to the guild in a week either.' Added the other man who had dark blue hair.
Erza, who had been walking by as the older men spoke, paused and thought on this.
"Hmm, I hope Natsu hasn't done something reckless." Thought Erza, before looking across the guildhall.
'Gray, have you seen Natsu anywhere?' Asked Erza sharply, getting the topless boy to splutter in surprise before answering.
'Uh no I haven't seen him all week.' Said Gray somewhat nervously.
'Hmm, has anyone seen Natsu this week?' Asked Erza loudly, but was only met with negative responses from most of the guild members.
'I can divine for him if you want.' Offered Cana from beside Gray.
'Please do, it is unlike Natsu to not come to the guildhall for such a long period of time.' Requested Erza.
'Feh I bet the little cry-baby got lost or something, he isn't the sharpest knife in the kitchen after all.' Said Mira mockingly.
'Stay out of this you midriff baring wench!' Shouted Erza.
'Oh you want to fight, huh tin-can?' Taunted Mirajane, before the two started to fight with each other.
'Ok, got him Erza… um.' Said Cana, before realising Erza and Mira were now fighting with each other.
'So does anyone want to go find Natsu?' Question Cana flatly.
'Oh, I'll come with you Cana.' Said Lisanna, a girl who shared the same features as Mirajane, but had shorter hair and a warmer disposition.
'Alright, Gray, Elfman, are you guys going to come along as well?' Asked Cana, as she stood up and gave a slight stretch.
'Eh might as well, things have been pretty boring here without flame-brain.' Said Gray, as he unknowingly took his pants off.
'I'll come as well.' Agreed Elfman, another person who shared Mira's features of white hair and blue eyes, as he walked over to Lisanna.
'Alright but firstly, Gray, clothes.' Said Cana in exasperation, as the boy scurried to redress himself.
-line break-
'Hmm I wonder if you are going to hatch today.' Said Natsu to the egg.
'I mean, aren't you hungry in there?' Questioned Natsu.
'Natsu, why are you talking to an egg?' Questioned Lisanna, as she, along with Gray, Cana and Elfman entered Natsu's little hut.
'Oh hey guys, how's it going?' Said Natsu happily, as he waved to his friends.
'How's it going? Really?' Asked Gray incredulously.
'Yeah, why, what's wrong?' Asked Natsu, as he tilted his head in confusion.
'Natsu, you haven't shown up at the guild for a week now.' Said Cana flatly.
'Oh wow, really? I guess I lost track of time.' Said Natsu, as he nervously scratched the back of his head.
'What have you been doing all week Natsu?' Asked Elfman curiously.
'I was looking after this egg.' Said Natsu cheerfully.
'Really, you managed to look after an egg for a whole week and not break it?' Questioned Mira who had suddenly entered the tent with Erza.
'What are you guys doing here?' Asked Cana in surprise.
'Oh we followed after you four shortly, just after you left.' Said Erza before walking closer to Natsu.
'Although I have to say, I'm impressed Natsu, I didn't think you could look after something like an egg for so long.' Complimented Erza.
'It wasn't so hard, although I wonder how it is getting any food in there.' Said Natsu getting a laugh from Gray.
'Ha, eggs don't need food flame-brain!' Mocked Gray.
'Of course they do, everything needs food, how do you explain the egg not being hungry?' Retorted Natsu angrily.
Gray paused for a moment before Mira laughed.
'Ha, you're just as dumb as him.' Said Mira.
'Oi what do you mean, I'm way smarter than him?' Retorted Gray.
'Sure, and that's why you didn't know that eggs have food stored inside them for growth, until they are ready to be hatched.' Said Mira haughtily.
'Um guys, I didn't really build this hut for so many people.' Said Natsu weakly, as he nervously looked around.
'Hmm, good point, well then let's go back to the guild.' Said Erza.
'Wow Natsu, you built this place and looked after the egg for a week, you'll make a great father someday.' Said Lisanna getting everyone to react.
'Oh no, stop thinking that right now Lisanna, you are not allowed to fraternise with Erza's group.' Said Mira firmly.
'Uh, that was an odd thing to say, don't you think sis?' Asked Elfman.
'Why? I'm the mum and Natsu's the dad. You're the uncle, Erza and Mira are the aunts, Gray is Natsu's rival and Cana… I guess Cana is Natsu's mistress.' Said Lisanna with a soft smile.
'What?' Said Cana gobsmacked.
'Mira, what on earth have you been telling Lisanna to corrupt her like this?' Shouted Erza, as she pointed her finger at Mira angrily.
'What, why do you assume I did this to her, maybe Natsu corrupted her from your side?' Defended Mira.
'Really. Natsu!' Shouted Erza disbelievingly.
'Um what's a mistress?' Asked Natsu in confusion.
'See!' Shouted Erza, getting Mira to blush slightly.
'What's the matter Erza, if you want you can be Natsu's mistress too?' Said Lisanna happily, getting Erza's jaw to drop, while Elfman and Gray discreetly left the hut and ran away as fast as they could.
'W-what?' Spluttered Erza, at the innocent look on Lisanna's face.
Erza stammered and opened her mouth abruptly before closing it repeatedly, looking like a goldfish in the process.
'Ha, you being a mistress suits you.' Teased Mira.
'You can be one too Mira, we will be one big happy family.' Said Lisanna, now stunning her sister, who reacted just like Erza.
'Okay that's it, we need to have a talk Lisanna.' Said Mira, as she dragged her sister out of the hut, leaving a flustered Erza, surprised Cana and a confused Natsu behind.
After a long silence Natsu rephrased his question.
'So is a mistress a friend or something?' Asked Natsu.
Erza just looked at Natsu, then, after her words failed her, abruptly left the tent, leaving Cana and a quizzical Natsu.
'*sigh* I'll tell you what it is when you're older, alright Natsu.' Said Cana, as she pinched the bridge of her nose, not looking forward to that conversation.
'Ok… um, do you think we can go to the guild now; I've cleaned out most of the forest nearby for food and don't want to go too far from the egg?' Asked Natsu.
'Sure, let's go.' Said Cana, glad the topic of conversation had changed.
Natsu took his scarf off the egg and wrapped it around his neck, before picking up the egg.
'Alright, let's go.' Said Natsu, as the card mage and fire mage headed back to the guild.
-line break-The residents in the guild were surprised when a nervous Gray and Elfman returned, then quickly separated and sat in far corners of the guild. Eventually, a slightly blushing Mira entered, dragging a cheerfully smiling Lisanna behind her and sat in another unoccupied corner of the guild, shortly after which, a heavily blushing Erza arrived and also sat in the last remaining unoccupied corner of the guild.
Makarov stroked his chin thoughtfully, before loudly asking a question.
'So did any of you find Natsu?' Asked Makarov, which caused the five who had just recently returned to avoid his gaze.
Luckily for the quintet, Cana soon entered the guild, with Natsu following behind her with the egg.
'Hey gramps, sorry I haven't been to the guild all week, I've been looking after this egg.' Said Natsu cheerfully.
Makarov merely raised an eyebrow at this as Natsu approached him.
'Really my boy? You've been looking after this thing all by yourself?' Questioned Makarov sounding slightly impressed.
'Yep and I think it's going to hatch pretty soon.' Said Natsu, only for the egg to start cracking.
'Oh, it's cracking gramps, is it hatching or did I break it?' Questioned Natsu worriedly.
'Settle down my boy, just place it on the ground, it is hatching.' Said Makarov, as he hopped down from the bar and walked over to Natsu, with the rest of the guild starting to crowd around as well, even the group that had comprised Natsu's search party, although they didn't make eye contact with each other.
The egg started to shake and crumble before a bright blue light ascended from the egg. The light intensified before disappearing and revealing a blue and white, winged, cat-like creature.
'Aye.' Said the newborn, before it floated down on to Natsu's head, seemingly falling asleep.
'So what are you going to name it boy?' Asked Makarov curiously.
Natsu looked around and noticed that everyone was smiling and looked joyful at the newborn creature.
'Happy.' Said Natsu, getting a small aye from the creature that nuzzled further into his hair.
Everyone looked at the cat-like creature in happiness, before Natsu decided to ask Makarov a question.
'Hey gramps, by the way, do you know what a mistress is?' Asked Natsu, getting the entire guild to look at him in shock, except for the former search party who all looked away from each other.
'What?' Shouted nearly everyone in the guild.
I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter but now I need your opinion straight off the bat. All of my Fairy Tail stories are set up in a way that they can all be single pairings, in other words just Natsu/Cana for instance, or can have multiple pairings. Each story however has a separate selection of who I could possibly add. For this story however, should most of you choose for multiple pairings it would include any or all of the following: Erza, Lisanna, Lucy, Ultear, Yukino and/or Mirajane. This selection however is non-negotiable as there is a reason for each person, in other words for this story, someone like Kagura would not work at all, hence no amount of persuasion would make me add her.