The Avengers were exhausted as they gathered around Ironman's destroyed living room. Tiredly they were munching on take-out that Jarvis had thoughtfully ordered and had delivered regardless of the battle that had just taken place. Everyone had stripped out of their armor as they let the past couple of days wash over them; too bad for them that Tony forgot to call his younger brother back.
Thor startled as he didn't think a storm was due as Natasha rolled her eyes as she knew exactly who it was that made that sound and Clint jumped and looked around looking for the noise and spotted a man he only knew from pictures and stories from Nat. Bruce startled for a moment but continued to nap where he had passed out on the couch while Steve stood up ready to fight as he was still on edge. And Tony? Tony set his fork down and muttered, "I knew I forgot something."
Tony stood up and greeted the person who had made the noise, "Ah! Harry, my dear!"
"Don't you Harry me, Tony! The last I hear is you telling me you love me and tell Pepper that you love – then the phone disconnects!" A black haired male stood before Tony towering over him as he yelled reprimands. He was maybe two inches shorter than Steve and alittle less built. His hair was cropped short with black rimmed glasses resting on his face.
"Harry, Har-bear, all is well as you can see, maybe not see as this level is kinda wrecked but it will be okay," Tony began, "I'm okay as you can see.. maybe a little battered but nothing that some rest and your famous food couldn't cure and nobody kissed me. So it's a win win."
"Tony!" Harry interrupted when Tony took a breath, "I'm happy you are okay, but you had me worried. I thought I lost you."
Tony wasn't surprised when the other man pulled him into a hug. In fact Tony was happy and felt some of the stress and worry melt away especially when he felt a warm breeze caress his skin knowing his brother's magic was soothing the minor injuries away. Hugging Harry back just a fiercely when Tony thought that he would have been separated from his brother had luck not been on his side today.
"I'm sorry brother," Tony whispered that unfortunately the whole room heard as it was unerringly quiet.
"Stark? Who is this man?" Steve questioned, relaxing a little as his teammate knew this man and was friendly with him.
"Capsicle, this is my younger brother Harry. Harry that is Captain Amer- Har-bear what are you doing?" Tony shouted at the end when his brother stalked forward punched the unsuspecting Steve Rogers right in the nose, knocking Steve back into his chair.
"Take away his armor, and Tony is a great man who has a big heart. Its because moronic punks like you, that he feels he has to hide it away," Harry snarled at the shell-shocked hero.
"Black, settle down. We've been through battle today," Natasha requested tiredly but was ultimately ignored as Harry continued to glare at Steve.
"I thought friend Tony called him brother," Thor asked after he swallowed his food.
"Technically I am a Stark, but it would be confusing to have two Starks and I like to honor my Godfather, so its Harry Black," Harry explained straightening and walking back to his brother.
"Actually Har-Bear, your full name is Harry Stark Potter Black, lets not forget your adoptive parents," Tony snarked, eyes tightening. He would never forgive their parents for giving away his younger brother because he could do magic; only for the adoptive parents to get killed and for his brother to go to those monsters when he could have been with him.
"Tone," Harry prodded gently as he poked Tony in the side, "Its in the past. I'm with you now and everything is good, especially since you are still alive."
Forcing a smile to his face, Tony pulled his younger brother into a headlock, "Now that you have shocked Capsicle, which hopefully Jarvis was recording that."
"I did sir," Jarvis sounded overhead, ever helpful.
"Thank you Jarvis and thanks for reminding me to call Har-Bear back," Tony deadpanned before moving to sit with Harry still in a headlock who exasperatedly followed only to break free and sit on the arm of the chair Tony is sitting in.
Harry actually looked around at the group and smiled predatorily when he saw Natasha. In Russian, Harry greeted her, "Ah Black Widow, a pleasure to see you again!"
Returning the smile, Natasha replied in Russian as well, "Shadow Wolf, how were your travels?"
"A bit boring, I wished you could have joined me," Harry waggled his eyebrows causing his brother to choke, forgetting that his brother and the assassin were actually 'bros' as they often teamed up for missions. There was a reason why Tony was able to get away with more shit than anyone else in SHIELD. It helped when your brother was fourth in command.
Steve was still flabbergasted as he held his nose watching the man, Stark's brother interact with Natasha. The man had actually broken his nose and only thanks to the serum was it healing rapidly. He knew he had been wrong about Stark and now he was worried about meeting Ms. Potts if she was like his brother.
"Lets speak a language that everyone can understand please," Clint sassed in Bulgarian, annoyed that he was only able to pick a word or two of what they spoke as he was still learning Russian.
"Clint if you would just learn faster to would be easier," Natasha snarked back throwing a mushroom at Hawkeye.
"Not everyone can pick up languages like you Nat," Clint grumbled flicking the mushroom off his shirt, ears turning pink as he caught Harry watching them.
"I can help you Mr. Barton, if you want," Harry offered winking at Clint.
Thor had been listening to the three speak and laughed joyously when Stark's brother set about romancing his brother in arm, bringing all eyes to him.
"Anyone who will defend a loved one like Harry has demonstrated is a worthy suitor," Thor shared smiling.
"Suitor?" Tony squeaked before looking at his brother who was smiling at pink tinted Clint, "Katniss, Harry? Why do you go for the dangerous people?"
"Because they are fun in bed," Harry answered as Natasha rolled her eyes and Clint coughed staring back at Harry.
AN – Hey! Sorry for being MIA – not promising anything but hoping to get back to writing. Thank you for being patient with me and hanging in there.