A/N: Hoo boy, what's this horrible mess of a thing I've made? I started this on a whim and then it turned into whatever you wanna call this sort of thing. If you'll stick with me, it'll get less gross and more emotional later. But, a warning. I've never written something like this before, and definitely never imagined that I would even try to. If you're looking for fluffiness, look elsewhere. This fic is about terrifyingly complex emotions and a probably unhealthy relationship. Also, I don't know what I'm doing, so there's that.

Warning: This fic contains vore, slash, emotional distress, physical injury, mentions of rape, lots and lots of crying, and is generally for a mature audience. Read at your own discretion.

If you aren't at least 16, you should go check out my other SPM stuff. Those are much less M-rated.

This fic is alternately titled "Nobody Has Any Fun Ever", and is affectionately referred to as a garbage fic and an emotional shitpile. Not to say I didn't put any effort into this, oh no no no. In fact, this is the longest, most quality thing I've ever written, and sometimes I can't even with it. It seems like its written itself, almost. As of this posting, I have 10 chapters written, and have sometimes spent almost 5 hours in a row writing, which is unusual for me. The chapters themselves are also much, much longer than my normal, and I keep watching the word count go up in amazement.

If you don't enjoy vore, you can skip to chapter 3.

So... I hope you guys will enjoy this as much as I do. Now, without further ado, release the beast!

5/5/2018 edit: I shouldn't have to say this, but I do not think that anything in this story is ok. Abuse of any kind is an awful, awful thing to do to someone. An author can write about bad things happening in their stories without thinking they're ok to happen in real life, yeah? I may have morbid fascination, but that doesn't mean I want bad things to happen to real-life people, yeah?

This fic was an experiment in writing something purposefully messed up. Perhaps I succeeded a little too well, though the fact that it took nearly 3 years to get any flames seems to say that I was doing something or other right. Anyway, enjoy. Or don't.



Luigi was first aware of the pounding in his temples. He opened his eyes blearily, quickly shutting them again with a groan. The lime green ceiling above him was way too bright… Wait, lime green? His room wasn't that color. With a panicked gasp, he opened his eyes again. His headache only got worse at the garish brightness.

He sat up, but became overpowered by dizziness and had to tuck his head into his knees to just breathe for a moment. His thoughts began to form some sort of order. First off, he was naked. He didn't sleep in the nude. Second, he was clearly in an unfamiliar place. Third, what was he sitting on?

With the headache in check, he slowly stood up and looked around. The eye-gouging color of the walls seemed horribly familiar somehow, as if he'd seen them in some terrible nightmare of his. He looked down and saw that he wasn't even wearing socks, and was also standing on something that appeared to be polished cherry wood.

In fact, it seemed to be a very large, flat plane of cherry wood. Luigi walked cautiously to the nearest edge and peered over it. There was only carpet an even worse color green than the walls, and the long wooden legs of the thing he was standing on reaching down to the floor. He was…on a table? But…why was it so big? He began to pace around the empty tabletop.

His pondering was interrupted by a lilting voice he hadn't heard in years. He shivered and turned to face the speaker.

"Ah ha ha ha… Finally awake, are we Mr. L? Or should I call you Luigi?"

Towering over him was a thin, limber man wearing a comic's mask; the man who haunted his darkest dreams.

"D-Dimentio?" Luigi squeaked, unable to move.

The masked man cocked his head, smiling coyly. "So nice to see you again, man in green," he said. "Though you seem to be lacking in the green department at the moment."

Luigi tried to suppress his shaking. He'd noticed another thing. The jester was much, much bigger than him somehow, a fact that left him disturbingly helpless. "H-How… Wh-What's going on? You're supposed to be dead!"

Dimentio chuckled. "Oh, it's taken me a number of years to recover my strength and escape from that pit of despair called the afterlife. As to your role here, well…you'll see, ah ha ha ha!"

Dimentio came closer, causing Luigi to scramble backwards and fall over onto his backside. Dimentio leaned in until his breath washed over the hapless plumber.

Luigi's view was filled by the masked smile. He covered his nose, not wanting to breathe in the stale air, even if it was faintly minty. He tucked in his legs, trying to hide his nakedness. "W-What do you want with me?"

Dimentio's smile twitched. "…Revenge, of course. I hope you've said goodbye to everything you care about, because you will die here, like an animal trapped in quicksand."

Luigi stared into the jester's mismatched eyes, tears trickling down his cheeks as he nodded haltingly. He remembered ever so vaguely suffering at his hands before, during a time when he was someone else. He knew Dimentio meant what he said. With their size difference, he couldn't hope to fight back. He could only wait.

Dimentio said nothing for a moment, savoring the tiny man's fear. "...I am a bit of a voraphile. Do you know what that means?"

Luigi slowly shook his head.

"Let me give you a hint." Dimentio's expression changed from the aggravating smile he always wore into something more dangerous and predatory. He bent down further and, without giving the plumber time to react, licked Luigi's entire face.

The force of the jester's tongue knocked Luigi over. He sputtered and wiped the sticky saliva out of his eyes, feeling it coating his face and making his hair stick up oddly. He sat up, breathing erratically. He looked up in time to see Dimentio licking his lips, and shuddered with sudden understanding. His eyes widened in terror, and he began to shiver so violently he couldn't have moved even if he had wanted to. There was no escape anyway. He'd die if he jumped off the table, and there would be punishment for trying.

Luigi tucked his head into his knees and sobbed freely, squeezing his eyelids shut. His nerves tingled in the darkness, awaiting the sensations that were sure to come next.

Dimentio let him suffer in anticipation for a bit. "Certainly, it's all too easy to make you just the right size." He toyed with one of the bells on his hat. "I'd play with you for longer, but really I've got so many people to get revenge on. You are but the first. You can rest easy knowing that your brother will suffer for many weeks before joining you."

Luigi mumbled something.

"Oh, did you say something?" Dimentio leaned back over his victim, his nose centimeters away.

Luigi flinched. "P-Please don't…"

"Please don't what?" Dimentio replied in a sickeningly sweet tone.

Luigi let out another sob. "Y-You can do w-w-what you want to m-me… P-Please l-leave everyone else alone…"

Dimentio blinked, then began to laugh. "Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! You really are naïve, aren't you! Do you really think I'd be satisfied with just you?" He suddenly stopped laughing and slammed his hand down on the table, jolting the terrified man.

Luigi lifted his head and pleadingly met the jester's gaze once more. Dimentio tipped forward just the slightest bit and slowly, gently, licked the plumber's face again. Luigi trembled and cringed, not daring to move away. Dimentio hummed softly at the salty taste of his victim's anguish. He gave him a few more soft licks before stopping.

Luigi moaned and curled tightly into a ball, trying to block out reality.

"Oh, I'm going to enjoy this," Dimentio whispered. Without further hesitation, he reached out and grabbed the plumber, wrapping his gloveless fingers securely around the small human's waist and chest. Luigi yelped and writhed in his grasp, but he certainly wasn't going to let him go. Dimentio squeezed him, enough to cause bruising and silence his protests. The jester positively delighted in the feeling of his helpless and shivering prey. "Don't worry, it'll only hurt for a little while," he said maliciously.

The magician opened his hand so that Luigi was lying on his palm with his legs dangling off. He nuzzled Luigi's body, inhaling his scent and feeling himself salivate. Luigi weakly tried to push him away. Dimentio wasn't having any of that, and licked the soles of Luigi's feet. Luigi whimpered and tried to squirm away, prompting Dimentio to lift his other hand and pin the plumber with his index finger.

With a smile, Dimentio placed his lips around Luigi's ankle, causing him to gasp and freeze. Luigi's body was racked by savage tremors of fear as the jester unhurriedly made his way up his leg, taking away the restraining finger. He hazily wondered if he should have passed out from sheer terror already as the hot tongue wrapped itself around his thigh. The sensation of being licked was both titillating and arousing, but was also unbearably terrifying because of what it meant.

Dimentio withdrew and did the same to the other leg, sucking and licking at it. Oppositely, he was wondering if this was giving the little plumber the remotest bit of pleasure. He guessed from Luigi's dazed expression that it might be a mix of both. Either way, he was going to ensure that his victim experienced every second of this. He was certainly having fun himself.

Luigi tried to control his breathing as Dimentio released his leg and flipped him over. He found it impossible as the jester began to slowly, agonizingly pass his tongue along his back and sides. All he could do was close his eyes and weep at the horrid mixture of fear and enjoyment the wet touch brought, and the tingling the glaze of saliva left behind. He started to sob again as Dimentio brushed through his hair and caressed his face, seeking out the salt water.

Once his hair was soaked and his back thoroughly lubricated, he was flipped over again. He couldn't help but watch with horror as the same treatment was given to his chest and arms. His fingers twitched as Dimentio's tongue intertwined with and in between each digit. He sighed as his head was forced back so that his neck could be washed over next, a sloppy pass being delivered to his face every once in a while.

Almost half an hour had passed since the time Luigi had woken up. As the ministrations continued, Luigi passed from tense terror to dull fear. His body relaxed out of its coiled state. He was still so, so scared, but what could he possibly do to save himself? Struggling would do nothing, so his only option was to take it without protest. Every murmur of pleasure Dimentio made sent chills running up and down his spine. Every pass of the slimy muscle drove acceptance in deeper and deeper as the saliva was already working on dissolving him. He managed to let go of memory and family and life, and only experienced for a little while, his nerves jittering with icy sensations.

Dimentio noticed, and let him have that brief moment of loosening. Soon enough though, he sought to rekindle his victim's fear. He stopped, causing Luigi to grow alert again. "You know, I have killed many people before, but never in this way. This fate is chosen especially for you, the special first," Dimentio whispered, his breath passing a cold gale over Luigi's sodden skin. The defenseless man shivered, knowing it was about to go further.

Dimentio bent his fingers around Luigi again, keeping him in a secure hold. "And I must say," Dimentio said huskily. "I'm really enjoying it." He grinned, showing his perfect white teeth before parting his lips and jaw slightly to give Luigi a view.

Luigi stared with paralyzed dread at the pad of Dimentio's tongue and further back to where his uvula dangled above the dark, hungry pit of his throat. Below him, he heard Dimentio's stomach growl demandingly, and began to breathe rapidly in panic, writhing hysterically in the jester's tight grip. Dimentio's lips came forward and lightly kissed the side of his face, lingering there and brushing up against him. "Hush now… None of that…"

Luigi stilled himself obediently, trying not to look past the gate of teeth. He could barely concentrate between that and the breath washing over him, but still had it in him to speak. "P-P-Please! I-I'll d-do anything you w-want!"

Dimentio didn't pause. "Ah, but what if what I want from you is your suffering?"

Luigi closed his eyes, tears falling freely as he felt teeth lightly graze his ear. "I d-don't want it to end this way… I don't want to die…" he murmured hopelessly.

Dimentio paused, his thoughts jumbling for a moment. "…No one does…" he replied softly, his tone strange. Then, without further hesitation, he took Luigi's whole head into his mouth and focused only on the exquisite terror of his prey.

Suddenly finding himself engulfed in darkness, Luigi yelped, smothered and unable to breathe well. He whimpered when he realized what had happened, frantically attempting to free himself. He was forced to stop when he felt a vice of teeth press painfully into the back of his neck and his collarbone. He cried silently and didn't move again, instead focusing on getting what air he could.

The teeth released him, and the fingers that were wrapped around him straightened. He could feel himself being repositioned so that he was laying flat with Dimentio's palm as his only support. He could move now if he wanted, but made no attempt at escape. The darkness was alleviated as Dimentio parted his jaws somewhat, renewing his view of his destination and sending a fresh pang of fear jangling down his spine. The wet muscle under him deliberately extended out and down to his belly button, lifting him up from the hand a bit. It curled lovingly over his back and withdrew, the soft lips moving from his neck down to the middle of his back as more of him was drawn in.

Luigi grit his teeth and clenched his fists in sudden frustration. Now his shoulders were inside, and he had no doubt the rest of him would follow in due time. To think this was actually happening, his end slowly but surely approaching in a way most people would never have imagined in their wildest dreams! He'd been defenseless from the very start, unable to see this coming and unable to do anything about it once it had begun. Once Dimentio decided to take him, that was it.

The tongue beneath him shifted again, going forward and delivering a sensational pass to his crotch that left his already broken nerves quivering. He moaned, his anger overshadowed by terror as he was brought even further within. He could feel teeth scraping against his abs. Everything below his belly button remained free of the damp cave, but his arms were clamped at his sides. He had already been alarmingly close to it, but now his face was mere inches from the ominous hole in front of him. He could barely see, but he sensed it there, waiting for him. Another growl came from below.

The sound of his heartbeat filled his ears, pounding fast and hard. He had never been so completely terrified in his life. Once again, he lost control of himself and he tensed, intending to bring his hands inside and push himself away from the back of Dimentio's mouth. He was too slow, however, as, before he could do anything, the teeth were there again, pinning him with even more force than the first time. He squeaked in pain, whining quietly until the pressure lightened.

They didn't let go, keeping a light hold of him this time. Dimentio's tongue moved again, and all the saliva around him was suctioned backwards. The part of the muscle his head was lying on moved upwards, bending him backwards a little. With what little light there was, he saw it meet the roof of the jester's mouth as he swallowed the excess liquid. With a flutter of horror, Luigi realized he would have been included in that if not for the vice around his waist.

He was liberated from the toothy grip as the tongue lowered him. It moved out from underneath him and began to work over every bit of him that was inside, applying a fresh coating of lubrication. Luigi lifted his head, trying to keep the sticky spittle out of his mouth and nose. His hair was treated to more conditioning, and he was actually starting to feel it pervading into his skin.

After a bit, Dimentio's tongue settled down under him once more. He turned his head and laid his cheek down upon it, just trying to breathe. Dimentio moaned, the sound vibrating through his whole frame. Luigi grit his teeth against the loudness of it. Outside, the support of Dimentio's hand disappeared, leaving his legs dangling. The world around him tilted, and he started to slide even further inside. "N-No! Stop!" he cried out. Dimentio laughed.

Luigi felt Dimentio's tongue push him backwards as the lips readjusted around his thighs. He held himself completely still as his face was nudged into the back of the jester's throat. He mewled softly, trying not to believe that he could feel the uvula brushing against the back of his neck. The muscles around him quivered as Dimentio suppressed his gag reflex, and he forgot to breathe.

The world tilted even more, and, to his terror, he started to slip downwards on his own. The tongue lifted and propelled him further in, and he suddenly found himself in the grip of powerful throat muscles as Dimentio swallowed him. He yelled and kicked, but it was already too late. His scream devolved into hysterical sobbing as the muscles caressed him and steadily pulled him down. He felt his hands come inside, but his upper arms were already locked against his sides and he couldn't even begin to try to get himself out.

He started to slow a little and could feel Dimentio quickly licking over his legs. Then, another swallow came, renewing the contractions as he continued his ghastly journey. He wanted to thrash and scream and fight, but the slick muscles around him held him in an uncomfortably tight caress and he couldn't struggle whatsoever. He heard a loud, rapid pounding beside him, a sound which only served to cloud his scattered thoughts further as he went down and down and down...

Dimentio took in Luigi's feet and swallowed again, savoring the feeling of the trembling body that filled his throat. He licked the soles of the feet, enjoying the strange flavor of them a second time. Luigi felt crazed laughter bubble into his chest, but held it back. His sanity was starting to snap, but he wanted to be able to be brave even as his face pushed up against a tightly coiled muscle. Another swallow came from above, and what he knew was a sphincter opened abruptly and released his head into empty air. He coughed and choked on the acidic, musty air, his throat and lungs stinging.

Luigi could feel his feet pass into Dimentio's throat as he was lowered down into a pool of hot liquid. He had no choice but to hold his breath as he was dunked. Bit by bit, his chest and waist followed him, and his head scraped along the bottom of the stomach and up the side, surfacing and letting him breathe again. His legs soon joined him and, finally, his feet were pushed through with a wet squelch.

As his body entered the stomach, he was forced into a fetal position, the stomach acid going up to his hips. He could just barely move his arms and only did so to hug his legs to his chest. He could still hear that loud pounding and realized it was the sound of Dimentio's heart beating above him. It was completely and utterly dark, so he squeezed his eyes shut and rested his chin on his knees, listening with despair to the soft gurgles and groans emanating from his prison.

In here, Luigi could only feel. It was suffocatingly hot, the stomach radiating a heat far more intense than that of a sauna. The walls tightened around him, constricting and locking him into a terrible embrace. They massaged into him, already producing more acid. He could feel it being worked into his skin. It dripped onto his head and back. His sobbing from earlier returned as his skin began to tingle intensely, as if his whole body had fallen asleep. He could barely breathe by now, and was beginning to see spots when there was another gulp. The air became fresher as his air supply was replenished. He cried harder as he realized that Dimentio wasn't just going to let him die from suffocation.

The tingling gradually shifted into sharp little bites of pain. His fingernails dug into his legs as sheer inevitability pressed down upon him. It soon turned into burning stabs, and something in him broke. Luigi started to scream incoherently as the acid ate away at him. It intensified ever further and turned consuming. There was nothing now but the burning. He writhed, but there was no escape. His voice broke, yet still he shrieked. It continued to get worse and worse, and the pain passed a threshold within him. As wave after wave of agony poured over him, his consciousness dimmed, unable to take any more, until finally, mercifully, blackness closed over him.

Hello! Congrats, you made it to the end of chapter one! What a way to start off, eh? Anyhoo, this'll be updating weekly, so be sure to tune in next Sunday!

Now. *takes out therapist chair* Tell me how you feel.