Butchy didn't like it when people touched what was his. His gang, his bike, his sister, his girl. So when school starts back in the fall, he'd forgotten that he'd have to reinstate his rules to all of the kids that weren't there over the summer. CheeChee, Seacat, Lugnut, and Struts were all seniors this year, as was he. But, Tanner, Lela, Rascal, and Giggles were only going to be juniors, which only pissed him off even more knowing that Lela and Giggles were with two surfers all day with very limited protection.

He and Lugnut had rode in that morning on their bikes, and Lela and Struts rode up on a bike together not long after that. CheeChee got a ride with SeaCat and Giggles, and Tanner and Rascal rode together as well. The day started out pretty good, he got to walk into school with his sister close enough to throw her behind him if they ran across any trouble, and Giggles had brushed his hand with her own at least twice.

But then the bell rang, and of course he and his boys took their time getting to class, but Lela grabbed Giggles and Tanner and dragged them off to History class. She had new ideas of going to college and standing on her own two feet ever since Mack had inspired something in her. It was nice to see his baby sister's eyes light up about something other than Tanner, but he had to admit that he worried for her.

SeaCat dropped Chee off at her Math class, and then joined Butchy again to inform him of something urgent.

"Hey Butch!" He called from down the hallway. He turned to face him, smoothing out his leather vest and crossing his arms. "You're not gonna like this too much, but there was some Varsity kid at the water fountain talkin' to Giggles. He even tried to touch her by trippin' her and catchin' her after, but Giggles just stepped over his foot!" He said, obviously out of breath from running from the other end of school.

Butchy's attention spiked when he heard he was trying to touch what he thought was already known to be his. "This guy must be cruisin' for a bruisin'." He stated thickly, popping his collar as he walked towards the direction SeaCat had come from. "He still there when you left?" He asked, smoothing his hair back behind his ears.

SeaCat nodded. "Yeah, I don't think he planned on moving anytime soon." He said as he began to follow after him. Butchy snapped his fingers and Lugnut fell into place as well.

When they got to the fountain, the Varsity kid stood next to some of his friends, all wearing the same outfit. "Which ones him?" he muttered to SeaCat. He jerked his head in the direction of the Varsity kid standing against the wall. Butchy could have laughed, the kid was so small he couldn't hurt a fly.

He snapped his fingers, pointing at the kid. "Aye, you!" he said. "I've gots some business with you's." He then pulled the kid towards him by the collar of his shirt. Varsity kid gulped loudly, his teeny neck seeming too small to swallow that much saliva. "I hear you's been flirtin' with my girl." He said, pulling him up a bit to look him in the eye.

The poor kid looked scared half to death, "I'm sorry, who's your chick? I won't do it agin." He promised.

Butchy glared harder into his forehead, as he still didn't quite meet his eyes. "Giggles is my girl. You's best be backin' off real quick or else you'sll be sorry." He said, his fingers wrapping around tightly on the collar of the kid's jacket.

The boy in his clutch nodded nervously, and Butchy almost let him go before someone interrupted their exchange.

"Butchy?" The voice was clearly feminine, sounding almost like a bell to his ears. He didn't have to turn to know it was Giggles, but he faced her anyways.

He let his eyes flit between the kid he was holding off the ground and the girl who kept him grounded. "Giggles, I'm kinda in the middles of something right nows." He said.

Her eyes widened and her mouth opened, slightly ajar. "Butchy Jones, are you threatening this kid?" she asked, her eyes narrowing dangerously.

He shook his head furiously, "No, of course not, I was just remindin' him what belonged to hims and what did nots. That's all." He said, gently setting Varsity kid on the ground once more.

He knew he said something wrong when her face lit up in fury. "Belongs to him?" She demanded.

Butchy caught his mistake moments too late. "No, no, no, Giggles I didn't mean for it to come out like that-" he said as she approached him quickly.

She grabbed his ear in her hand and pinched hard, "Oh yes, I would love to hear your explanation. Let's just go to a more private location." She said, twisting his ear between her fingers as she dragged him towards the courtyard. She turned towards the group of young boys and smiled sweetly, "Sorry boys, I've got to go take out some trash, I'll be right back." She said kindly. They all looked a bit frightened of her, and she couldn't blame them. She was dragging the big, scary biker out of the school by his ear.

When they got to the courtyard, she released him only to throw him down to sit on a cement picnic table behind him. "What was thats fors Giggles?" He asked, touching his ear lightly.

Her eyes narrowed down at him. "What was that for? Probably because you just threatened a bunch of underclassmen because you're convinced everything in this school belongs to you! Newsflash, Butch, the world does not circle around us. We don't get to control how things play out, and it's not going to look good on your college application if it says you got in a fight with a sophomore because he asked me if I was with anyone." She took in a deep breath as she ended her speech.

Butchy could only seem to hear the last part, and he glared daggers into the wall behind her. "He asked yous that?" He said, his voice lowering an octave. "But I thought everyone knew yous was my-" He was interrupted once again.

"What, Butchy? I'm your what? Because last time I checked you haven't even asked me on a date or anything of those sorts, and I refuse to be treated as a piece of property." She said, exasperated.

His eyes widened. "Your right," he said quietly. "I haven't even asked yous out on a proper date." He said, standing so he was once again taller than the blonde. "Well, what'd ya say Giggles? Will you be my girl?" He asked.

A bluch creeped up her neck and onto her cheeks as she processed what he was asking. "What?" She asked quietly.

Butchy leaned down so that his nose was almost touching her's. "Will you be my girl?" He said slowly. His nose gently brushed hers, so little of contact that it would've been unoticable if it had been anyone other that Giggles. But, because it was her, he felt his heart speed up and a fire crawl over his skin, starting at the point of contact he had with her.

His stomach tightened as she took her time answering. He felt his pulse begin racing again as she nodded against him, her nose brushing his as she moved her head. "Yes," she whispered, and the next thing he knew his lips were against hers, her arms locking around his neck, and his arms pulling her flush against him from the waist.

His last thought he had before he kissed her again was; Damn, this is going to be a great schoolyear.