Ron Weasley stretched his arms out behind his head and sighed contentedly. At long last, he was a free man once more. No longer did he have to put up with high-pitched squeals or the constant feeling of being smothered. He was free from Lavender Brown, being called "Won-won," and most importantly, that blasted gold necklace. Sure he now no longer had someone to hold and kiss, but it had become so bad that it wasn't even worth the trade off. Besides, there was only one person that he really wanted to kiss, and it certainly wasn't Lavender.

Hermione. He had liked her even before he could admit it to himself. Yes, she sometimes made him want to snap his wand, but he really loved her. He would take being called Won-won and he'd wear that bloody chain if it meant he could be with her. Well, maybe not the chain...

Harry thought that she would say yes to him in a heartbeat, and Ron agreed, but there was something holding him back. While her displeasure when he had been with Lavender confirmed to him that she did harbour feelings for him, it had also underlined once again how terrible life was when he and Hermione weren't speaking. Was being in a relationship with her worth the risk? If they had had a huge row over him dating another woman, what would it be like if they broke up? Ron wanted to be her boyfriend more than anything, but he'd rather have her in his life as a friend than not at all...but what if they started a relationship and it did work out? His mind went round and round in circles. Throwing himself onto his bed, he emitted a huge groan.

"Girls. They're going to kill me."

I tried to work in a few book/movie references. :)