
I watched Colby stab a carrot. He turned to me and smiled.

"What?", he asked.

I shook my head.

"Nothing", I said.

"No, come on now, tell me", he said.

Ava looked between us. I placed my hand on my bump.

"I think, I think it's time Colby", I said.

His smile fell and he stood quickly.

"Okay, Ava grab your coat, I'll get Lucas in his car seat. You'll also need your overnight bag", he said, running around.

I looked at Ava.

"I thought uncle Jon was crazy", she whispered.

Colby lifted a finger.

"I heard that", he said.

Ava and I giggled. I picked up Lucas and walked out of the house, I was surprisingly calm. Colby was the one running around like a chicken with it's head cut off.

"Seat belt Ava", I said.

She nodded. I placed Lucas in his car seat and made sure he was safely in. I took my phone out and called Colby's mom.

"Hello", she answered.

"Hi Nina, it's baby time", I said.

"Oh how exciting, you'll be dropping off Ava and Lucas right?", she asked.

"Yes, as soon as Colby realizes we are waiting in the car, we will head to yours", I said.

She laughed.

"Hope he doesn't take too long", she said.

I hung up with her and went to the front door.

"Colby?", I asked out loud.

He came out of the kitchen.

"I can't find my keys", he said.

I was about to tell him I had them.

"Ava, come on kiddo", he yelled upstairs.

I laughed. He looked at me and placed his hands on his hips.

"Babe, the kids are in the car and um, I have your keys", I said, dangling them between my fingers.

He sighed.

"We should get going now, quickly", I said.

He moved fast and locked up the house. He helped me into the car, dropping the kids off at his parents place.


We got to the hospital just in time. A bouncing baby boy, Henry. Savi was fast asleep when they brought him in, I leaned over and kissed his soft cheek. He moved a little and I smiled.

"Hi Henry, it's nice to finally be able to see you buddy. You're even better than I imagined and you're so soft", I whispered.

He yawned.

"Just in time for WrestleMania kid, didn't want to miss it did you. I love you so much bud", I whispered.

A nurse came in and smiled.

"It's almost feeding time. Do you know if your wife is going to breast feed or pump?", she asked.

"Oh um, I think breast feed, at least that's what she did with my other son", I said.

She nodded and picked Henry up. Savannah was waking up right on time, Henry started crying. She smiled and the nurse handed Savi the baby.

"I'll leave you to it then", the nurse said.

She walked out and I moved towards Savi, I gently brushed Henry's soft hair. He opened his eyes.

"Sorry little man, didn't mean to disturb your meal", I whispered and kissed his head.

Savi giggled.

"I love you, Savannah", I said, kissing her softly.

"Love you", she replied.


Two months later, Colby was doing interviews all over town. Ava was running around the hotel room, Lucas was crawling and reaching for a blue ball. He would try to grab it and it would slip out of his hand.

"I'm back", Colby walked in and Dean was right behind him.

"Uncle Dean", Ava said, running up to him.

He lifted her and started tickling her.

"Hey monster", he said.

She giggled like crazy. He came over to me and kissed my cheek.

"How's the new Lopez doing?", he asked.

"Asleep, finally", I said.

He chuckled.

"Lucas", he called, putting Ava down and going over to Lucas on the floor.

Colby walked into the room. I followed and placed Henry on our bed surrounded by pillows. Colby was changing.

"Hey, so I was thinking, maybe we could take the kids out to lunch and then to a park or sight seeing", I suggested.

"Oh babe, I can't. I gotta go do more interviews and then a meeting", he said, putting his shirt on.

"Oh. Would you mind if I did?", I asked.

"Have fun, I'll only be gone an hour. I'll call you so we could do something", he said, kissing my cheek and walking out.

Dean stood.

"Where are you going? I was thinking we could hang with our ladies and kids", Dean said.

"Oh dude, Savi said the same thing, but I got more interviews", he said.

"You're kidding right? Dude, you've been gone all day, I think spending a moment with your family", Colby cut him off.

"I know, when I get back, I gotta go", he said, walking out.

I sighed and Dean shook his head, he couldn't believe it. He looked at me.

"Carly is getting Tia ready, you're more than welcome to come to lunch with us", he said.

"It's okay, he said he would be back soon", I said.

"You sure or we could come here and", I lifted my hand, stopping him.

"Dean it's okay, go have fun", I said.

He nodded.

"Call if you need anything", he said.

He was about to walk out, he stopped and turned.

"Would it be okay if I took Ava?", he asked.

Ava was jumping up and down.

"Please mommy, please", she begged.

"Okay, stay with Dean and Carly, listen and behave", I said.

She nodded. She took Dean's hand and they left. Lucas was trying to put the ball in his mouth. I couldn't keep her locked up in this room with me. I sighed.

"How about a nap Lucas", I said.


Carly and I went to lunch with Roman and Lizzy, their newborn Bentley. The topic of Seth working overtime came up.

"I don't know, he's just acting strange. I mean you're main eventing WrestleMania, you would think you would be the one doing all these interviews", I said.

Roman nodded.

"You think he agreed to do these interviews so he wouldn't have to stay with Savi?", Lizzy asked.

"He wouldn't do that, he loves her", Roman said.

I nodded, agreeing.

"I need to change Tia", Carly said standing.

"I'll go with, I think Bentley might need a change as well", Lizzy said standing.

"Ava, do you have to go?", Carly asked.

Ava nodded and went with them. I looked at Roman.

"I heard him in the locker room, he was talking to someone", I said.

"So", he said shrugging.

"I thought it was Savi on the phone", I said.

Roman sat up straight.

"Are you saying", he stopped.

"He said he had a wife and kids to think about, that he can't keep doing this and then apologized before hanging up", I said.

"Did you tell Carly anything?", he asked.

I shook my head no.

"Maybe it was nothing, I mean he could have been talking to anyone right", I said.

"Yeah, sure", Roman said shrugging.

We both got quiet and a worried look came on his face, I'm sure I had that same look.

"I'll call him", he said.

He pulled his phone out and dialed Seth. It rang three times before he answered, we could hear people talking in the background. Roman set it on speaker.

"Hey Ro, what's up?", he asked.

"Just wondering what you were doing. Maybe we could grab lunch?", he said.

"Oh man, I just ate", Seth said.

"Tell Savi I said hey", he said.

You could hear a woman laugh in the background. Seth got quiet. Roman looked at me.

"I'll tell her", he finally said.

"Maybe we could get together for dinner, the whole gang together", Roman said.

"Um, you know what, let me talk to Savi and then I'll get back to you", he said.

"Why not ask her now? Isn't that her talking?", Roman asked.

"Rome, I gotta go, talk to you later", he said, hanging up.

"I don't like this", I said.


I hung up on Roman. I looked down at my phone, a picture of Savi and me.

"Hey, you ready?", Zahra asked.

"Oh, yeah", I said.

It was Zahra, Finn Balor, Marek Brave, and Dana Brooke.

"So where are we going to next?", I asked.

They were all discussing where to go, my thoughts went to Savi. She wouldn't understand my need to hang with my friends. I didn't always have to be by her side or invite her. She had her friends and I had mine. I felt a hand on my arm.

"You okay, Colby?", Zahra asked.

"Oh yeah, just thinking of where we should go", I said.

She nodded and took a hold of my hand, I pulled it away.

"I'm married", I said.

"Then where is she? You know, sometimes I feel like there is no wife", she said.

"Well she exists", I said.

"By the sound of your voice it seems like you wish she didn't", she said smiling.

I was about to walk away.

"What she doesn't know, won't hurt her. This can work, we can work", she said.

She stepped closer to me, her hand on my chest. I stepped back.

"I will not cheat on my wife, I love her", I said.

She rolled her eyes.

"Well just know, if you ever need a break from married life and your wife, call me", she said, before walking away.

She stopped and crossed her arms over her chest.

"It's funny, you say you love her, yet, when we hang out, you keep her away. Why?", she asked.

I looked away from her.

"I know, because I'm your dirty little secret. Eventually you'll come wanting more and I'll give it, but that's why you hide me from her, so you can cheat. Hell she will never find out because she doesn't know I exist. Its just a matter of when for you", she said.

"I should go, she's waiting for me", I said.

She laughed.

"See, you lied to her about where you were. I'm an interview", she said.

"I'll see you", I said.

"Colby, where are you going man?", Marek asked.

"I gotta spend some time with my wife and kids man. They've been stuck in a hotel room all week and I just need to spend time with them", I said.

"Whipped", Dana called out.

"I'm not whipped", I said.

"Then stay, spend all day with them tomorrow", Dana said.

"Yeah, stay", Zahra said.