I've been thinking long and hard for a good few months now, and I know I've done this way in the past, but I really feel the need to do it now as well:
I've worked so hard on this story, and I will admit that a lot of chapters were sucky - mostly because it was written in bad times within the last year. It's the first piece that I've ever written that has ended up being so many chapters long. I love it, but, I don't love how it's turning out.
I'm beginning to feel uncomfortable with it; I know that this story is not the best, but I desperately want it to be. Itachi Uchiha is my favorite character, and I believe that he deserves better than what he received in the anime.
This story is not going in any direction that I want it to, it's actually part of the reason why updates were so slow. I'm not satisfied with where it's been straying within the last few chapters, and I want to fix it to the best of my ability.
I'm going to take the chapters down (not the story as a whole), and keep this note up. The story won't be gone forever; a few months maybe. I want to change my OC, and I feel that if I want Itachi's character to have the best that he could possibly have, I need to do this. I also want to change my OC's clan and kekkei genkai, it's very unrealistic (even within the shinobi world) in my eyes. I might change Sumiko's name, as well as the title. I've caught up pretty far in the anime (I used to watch dub but I switched to sub), so that has also influenced me wanting to do this.
I guess by the time I really get down and dirty with this fanfic, it'll be a semi new story, but still yet with some of the same things.
I really hope that you guys stick with me, I don't want to lose whatever support I have just because I feel the need to do this. And I hope you understand why I'm doing this. Yeah it ended up being better than Paper Lanterns, but I'm just not satisfied with it. Also, I plan on finishing it completely before I post it back up again, that way I can have a strict schedule of posting it weekly so the whole "when is author-san going to update?" thing won't be a problem because I have a bad habit of procrastinating, especially when it came to this story since I can't seem to get it in the direction that's right for it.
I've matured since I first started this (which, the original was probably posted like 2 years ago or close to it), and I've been practicing writing; I really think that this would be the best idea for me so the story can truly shine like how I want it to, as well as show Itachi in a way that is more realistic with the emotional trauma that he had to endure while he was still alive.
I want this story to be seen as humanly human as possible (as possible as it can get within a world like Naruto's). I will also be adding more characters in it, not necessarily OC's, but more interactions with canon characters.
I'm really excited to do this, and I can't wait to start; this story's plot has been swimming around in my mind for a very long time.
I really hope some of you review and tell me what you think. If you want to yell at me, that's totally fine. I've been yelling at myself for awhile now as well haha. I promise I won't disappoint you guys, I'll pour my heart and soul into this and make it ten times better. BELIEVE IT!
(The chapters will be start to be stripped within the next few days)
~I suck as a person and author, I know.~