
Fifteen years old Sakura clutched the small package to her chest, praying to all Gods out there that no one will see her. She cursed under her breath, damming her weakness for her friends as she ducked behind an aisle, hiding from the old, gossiping granny that lived down her street. She growled remembering how exactly she ended in this situation.

"Please Sakura-chan! You have to help me with this! I can't go and buy that! One of Hinata's cousins works there." Naturo pleaded his pink haired friend, his hands clasped in front of him. He sniffed dramatically and gave her one of his most adorable pouts. The one that never failed to make Sakura give in.

"Then you don't need it." She tried to fight back but both of them knew how this argument will end. Naruto sniffed once again, his bottom lip trembling as fake tears gathered in the corners of his blue eyes.

"Please Sakura-chan. You're the only one I can askā€¦" He whispered, his pleading gaze shredding her last barrier and Sakura sighed in surrender.

Now, if only she could get past the last rounds of aisles and head straight to the cash register without being spotted, that would be awesome. She breathed in, mentally calculating her steps. Her eyes zeroed on the cash register.

"Here we go." She mumbled and springed from her hiding spot. The destination drew in closer and closer and Sakura almost grinned before she slammed into a muscular body, the force of the impact sending her to the ground.

The pink haired medic groaned in pain, begrudgingly lifting her upper body. She glared, ready to give a piece of her mind to whomever had the atrocity to come out from between the sweets aisles and post themselves in her way. Her words, however, died in her throat as Sakura's eyes looked at the slender fingers holding out the Extra Large Magnum pack she was about to buy.

Sakura froze.

"I believe that...this...belongs to you Haruno-san." The painfully familiar, smooth voice of Uchiha Itachi, her teammate's older brother and the man she was crushing on for the past year, sounded in her ears and Sakura's eyes widen in mortification and humiliation. She could feel her face burning up, her blush spreading down her throat.

Sakura didn't say a word nor did she dare raise her eyes from the ground. She merely lifted her hand and mumbled a 'Thank you.' when the pack of condoms was slowly, almost carefully, placed on her open palm, Itachi's fingers brushing gently against hers.

When his feet disappeared from her line of vision, Sakura stood up and made her way to the cash register. She robotically paid for her purchase, her green eyes glued to her bag as she trudged her feet to her best friend's place. She opened the door not bothering to knock and trusted the cursed item into the blonde's chest ignoring his delighted scream.

"Thank you Sakura-chan! Now I can finally cover Sasuke-teme's room in milk filled condoms!" Sakura didn't say a word as she drew her green glowing fist back and punched Naruto in the face.

A.N. This chapter has not been beta-read, will take care of that later. :) (Most likely...)

Thank you for all the reviews/favorites/alerts and what not!