Ryosuke: Eve will be back to the emotionless Eve that doesn't have any memories of her time spending with her friends. If Chung spends enough time with her, she will have the possibility of becoming the old Eve again. About Ara and Eun, you will see in this fic. Don't cry now, it's the end.

shortfangirl: I hate the Nasod Inspector thing. It's painful to fight as it's just annoying. I'm glad I got people on tension. I'm not an expert at writing fight scenes, but I'm learning and trying.

Artemicon: "Fangays" is a good term XD. It's not bad at all. What are you talking about?

EmiyaKiritsugu1995: I guess it's pretty easy to guess. Thank you for taking part in the game! Dio had the nerf of the century. Glaive would just throw his dice into people's face and be like "Take that, bitch!" (maybe not...)

wulfralph: Glad to see your obsession of killing Chung (kind of) subside at the end of the fic. Eve didn't die. More or less, her memories and emotions died, but not Eve is still Eve.

Arcanine: Don't worry. As long as you enjoy this, I'm glad. Elesis x Ara isn't strange. It's quite common actually. Personally, SDxGM is cute as heck.

Yuuya Bridges: Oh right...I forgot to add that one. Yes, they're fighting in Elder's castle, the old battle ground is at the border of both countries. To be fair, Eun was the one that betrayed them, not Ara, she knew nothing. When she pointed her spear at her brother and was almost choked to death by him, it was hard not to trust her. The reason why the HA feels underpower is to amplify the durability of the Nasod Inspector as well as the implanted army. If the HA took them down in one hit then there's a problem. Also, the HA did weaken them significantly so yeah, it's underpower, but not useless. Add locked himself up in the lab to research, but he didn't know that Elder took the results of his researches. So yes, he is important to them, but they don't need him anymore as Wally had created the Nasod Inspector. Add don't like Wally, but he had been living under the same roof with him more than 10 years, he bound to know that guy's tendency at some point. The one inside the Nasod is Wally's wife. Add had stated that he had never seen the queen, but she wasn't reported dead. She was the victim for Wally's experiment. Also, my reply to you is always the longest. It's kind of funny XD

After the war had ended, Elrios went back to its peaceful time. Unfortunately, Hamel's king passed away because of his sickness. Chung was crowned the new king of Hamel. After Wally's death, the trading went back to normal. Despite that, Elder still wasn't trusted as it used to be anymore. The world went back to normal…

A week later…

"My Queen, Hamel's king requests a meeting with you."

"Invite him in."

The Nasod excused himself. After a little bit, Chung appeared in front of the proud Nasod queen. He felt something inside of him died as the look on her face was completely emotionless like she didn't know him. However, he had made a promise with her. He would always love her…as Eve.

"What is it that you need to meet me?" Eve looked at him.

"Nothing…" He smiled. "I wonder if you would like to go out with me."

"Go out?" Eve titled her head in confusion. "Where would you want me to company you to? I'm afraid that I must have guards following me."

"That's not what I mean. Do you want to become my girlfriend?" Chung was more direct this time, but his face gained a new shade of red thanked to that.

"You're a strange man. If it benefits Altera, I will accept."

Chung sighed. He would change her opinion soon. It wouldn't be for the good of Altera anymore. He just had to do this all over again, but he didn't mind. The first time that he met Eve, she wasn't difficult. She was indeed confusing and blunt, but she understood what he was saying. Since she said her system was reset, all of that were gone. He had to go an extra mile for her. Chung didn't mind as long as he could get Eve back to him.


"Rena? Do you want some apples?" Raven asked as he came in her room through the window.

"That sounds good." The elf chuckled.

Rena was slowly healing from the fatal wound in her stomach. She couldn't move around too much as she had to lie in her bed for too long. Thankfully, Raven still visited her regularly. He had asked the king and queen's permission to visit Rena, but they refused. They actually trusted Add more than him as he only joined the fight half-way. The Blade Master had to sneak in the castle every time he wanted to visit Rena. Most of the guards were appointed to protecting the king, queen, prince and princess so there weren't that many in his way to her room. The elf was surprised as when she woke up, he was the first one that she saw. Raven held her hand tightly as he fell asleep on her bed. When he realized that she had woken up, he actually cried. He was so glad that his tears wouldn't stop coming out. Since then, he had always come to visit her and brought her whatever she requested, not that she did that many times.

"Do you want me to peel these for you?"

"You don't have to." Rena's index fingers touched each other as she blushed. "I would rather you kiss me."

Raven looked at her in surprise, but it quickly changed into a smile as he dropped the apples on the table and gave her a kiss.

With Ara…

Since her brother passed away, Ara had to take over his position as the Grand Duchess. It wasn't easy as there were so many demands on her that she had to keep up. It was tiring…yet, it was fun too. She had never been needed this much in her entire life. Back then, they only wanted her brother, so much so that not many people knew that he had a sister. She was living in his shadow. Finally, she could live as Ara Haan instead of Ran's younger sister.

"Eun…I need your advice." Ara mumbled as she went over some of the books.

"Funny? You don't seem to understand that I want to take over your body." The voice inside of her head was sarcastic. "You do know that once your spirit was weaken, I will take over."

Ara sighed. She had tried to compromise with Eun for a week now. At first, the fox was hostile as she threatened the Sakra Devanam so much that she wanted to cry. However, Ara had grown out of her shell now. She didn't back down just because of that. She continued to treat the fox like back then. Slowly, she mellowed down. She was still harsh, but she stopped yelling at Ara for every mistake she made.

"I don't want to treat you as if you're an obstacle." Ara pouted. "I always see you as a friend and even though you betray me, that only shaken my resolve a tiny bit."

The fox went silent.

"You're indeed a strange one. You never know when I might take over."

"I made up my mind." Ara said as she pulled her fists closer to her. "I'll learn more about you so I can understand you."

"I'd like to see you try."

With Aisha and Elsword…

Aisha was kneeling in her room as her mother told her to. She was so mad at her for sneaking away to fight. When Melanie saw her daughter came home covered in wounds, the first thing she did was slapping the girl, but then, she quickly hugged her and kept saying how relieved she was that Aisha was still alive. That actually brought tears to the magician's eyes. After that moment was over, she was severely punished by her mother. Melanie forced her to kneel in her room for 3 hours a day for a whole month and she couldn't practice magic in that mean time. It was an extremely heavy punishment for her as magic was her life. Aisha sighed. Her legs were falling asleep as she started to feel way too uncomfortable.

"Oh, did you become shorter?" A familiar voice startled her.

As Aisha turned around, she was stunned to see Elsword sitting on the edge of her window. He gave her a wide grin. Aisha abruptly stood up to ask why he was there, but she forgot that her legs fell asleep as she stumbled and fell onto his chest. Luckily, the Rune Slayer was gripping onto the window's frame so they didn't fall off.

"How did you get here?"

"I request a meeting with you, but the guards told me that I had to wait for two hours." He sat up and pulled the magician onto his lap. "I ended up sneaking away and asked the maids for your room. Then, I climb up here."

"You're insane." Aisha sighed. "But…that's the Elsword I know. So, why do you want to meet me?"

"I can't have a reason for visiting my girlfriend?"

Aisha was about to say that he didn't need one, but she went quiet as Elsword put on his mock thinking face. She looked at him with deadpan expression. He was mocking her again. To her surprise, he pulled out a small box as he opened with his other hand. There was a ring inside. It was a silver ring with a diamond on top. Aisha blushed. No…she shouldn't get ahead of herself. A ring didn't mean anyth-

"Do you want to live with me for a long time?" Okay, it was what it looked like.

He didn't get down on one knee. He didn't ask that whether or not she would like to become his wife in a polite way. His way of asking was way too roundabout. However, it was really Elsword to propose that way. Aisha giggled.

"What?" Elsword arched an eyebrow.

"Nothing…Nothing." She cleared her throat. "Are you sure about this?"

Elsword laughed at her question as he held her hand and kissed her forehead.

"Do I look unsure?"

"Then yes…I'd love to."

Elsword grinned as he slid the ring onto her finger. He kissed her hand as he smiled. Their little moment was cut off as the queen's voice could be heard along with the sound of the door was opened.

"Aisha…I hope that you're not getting away w-" The queen went quiet as she came into the room.

"M-Mother…I could explain."

Elsword let Aisha on her feet again and stood in front of the queen of Feita. He finally got down on one knee.

"I am Elsword Siehart, the prince of Velder. I'd like to have your daughter, Aisha, hand in marriage."

Her mother was lost for words as she wasn't expecting this. Since she was the queen, she regained her composure quite quick.

"This matter should be discussed with your family. However, as you took part in saving her life as well as this country. On my part, I accept."


Aisha shouted in joy as she jumped and hugged her mother. Melanie sighed. She had realized how much Aisha had grown up without her watch. She had always thought that she was a little girl, who couldn't fend for themselves, but she was corrected as Aisha took a huge part in the war. Now, she had to watch her daughter get married. It was a sad, yet happy day for her. Temporary, she forgot to ask my Elsword was there. That was his plan all along, just to make her ignored the fact that he was there.

And finally, Elesis…

She hadn't seen Add for quite a long time now. Her father and mother did recognize his hard working protecting the countries along their side, but they still couldn't trust Elder after what they had done. Add told her to wait for him, but he hadn't contacted her in more than a week. Elesis sighed as she felt like she didn't want to do anything. She wanted to annoy him and then get a little more intimate with him. She had lacked that for a week or so.

"Elesis…honey…" Her mother's voice was gentle as she sat down next to her.

"No…I get it. But really, I want to see him again." She pouted as she leaned against the desk. "He sure is unlikable and harsh…but…"

Victoria knew where she was going with this. The queen stroked her daughter's hair as she sighed. She wanted her to have happiness, but she couldn't feel safe if she married someone in Elder. Both the queen and king knew full well that he took part in that fight. There was a chance that their children was alive thanked to him. However, Elder had done so many unforgivable things, causing the death of thousands.

"M-My queen! The king of Elder requesting a meeting with you and the king!" A guard hurriedly ran into the room.

"I will be there in a moment."

"He also wants to meet princess Elesis."

"Huh?" The Blazing Heart looked over in surprise.

After she and her mother got ready, they went to the throne room. Joshua was already there as he had that strained look on his face. Victoria quickened her pace. She was afraid that it might be a threat. To her surprise, it was him, Add. He looked like how he did before the war. He didn't change at all. As Elesis saw him, her expression brightened up immediately.


"Mhhm…" He smiled as he saw her. "Handsome Princess."

"Oh shut up."

That was what she missed, exchanging various insults with him. Her mother cleared her throat, wordlessly reminded her of manner. Elesis stood next to her parents. She was still fidgety as she finally got to see Add again. It was almost unfair how composed he looked.

"As you know that after Wally's fall, I'm now the king of Elder. I'm here to request your daughter's hand in marriage."

The parents didn't look surprise as they knew this would come sooner or later. Elesis, on the other hand, didn't expect this. Her entire face went red as she heard that. She felt fainted. Add chuckled as he saw her reaction. How she wanted to punch him right now. She would do that if she wasn't in front of her parents. Add could still see the distrust on the king and queen's face as he raised both of his hands.

"I came here without weapons or guards. If I try anything funny here, your guards will immediately be at my neck."

"How can I make sure that you will not betray Velder?" Joshua narrowed his eyes.

"Only someone as cowardice as Wally would pull that off, but…Elder will swear alliance with Velder if you agree with this marriage. The trade between the two countries will be strengthened greatly."

They still felt extremely suspicious of him. Well, not of him, but of Elder as a whole. Elesis looked at them with expecting eyes. She was only waiting for them to say yes. As a mother, Victoria could tell that was what Elesis would want to do. She looked over to Joshua, who was still narrowing his eyes. She placed her hand over his. Victoria wanted her children to be happy and she knew that this would make Elesis happier than ever. Met with both his daughter and his wife's expecting eyes, Joshua sighed.

"We agree on your proposal."

"Thank you father!"

Elesis forgot her manner as she hugged his neck and kissed his cheek. Joshua felt like he was pressure to this, but as long as she was happy.

"You have my gratitude…no, Elder's gratitude." Add bowed.

Elesis let go of her father and ran towards Add as she hugged the MasterMind and smiled brightly. Add sighed. That was the Elesis he knew. So energetic and full of life. The exact opposite of him. He had never thought he would be attracted to this type of girl. Both the king and queen cleared their throat to remind them that they weren't in the right place for this.

"I'll leave you to your own then."

Despite saying that, they sent two guards to follow them. Better be safe than sorry. Elesis leaded him back to her room with a smile. They had no idea they were followed. As she closed the door, the guards stood outside of her room to ensure her safety. Add collapsed on her bed after that was done. He was definitely not used to that. The things he would do for her.

"Geez, speaking in front of royalties are annoying." Add sighed as he sat up.

"Oh come on, it was a small obstacle for us to overcome!" Elesis hugged his neck again.

Add pushed her arms away from him again. He cleared his throat and reached into his pocket. It was a small red and white ring box. He looked away, clearly blushing as he opened it. He extended his arm to present her the ring box. Add still refused to look at her as he was afraid that she would see the color on his face.

"As you know from what I said earlier…I want to marry you. Is that ok-"

"Yes! You know I would say yes!"

Elesis hugged him. Add chuckled and hugged her back. When she finally let go, he took the gold ring with silver wrapped around it and slid in onto her finger. She lowered her head until their forehead touched. Her chest was filled with small flowers that bloomed from happiness. Add smiled. It was the first time in life that he truly felt happy. He kissed her forehead as Elesis giggled.

"I love you." He whispered.

"Not chocolate?" Elesis teased him.

"That too."

The next day…

"You're getting what?!" Elsword slammed the table as he heard the news.

He was sitting next to Aisha and opposite to Elesis and Add. Add sighed. He might love her, but he definitely couldn't tolerate her brother. Elesis proudly showed the ring on her finger, which made Add covered his face to hide the blush. As Elsword's eyes went wide form the surprise, Elesis placed her hands on her hips proudly.

"And you said I can't find a husband."

"Why don't you get embarrassed?" Add pushed her lightly.

Elsword puffed his cheeks in dismay as he heard that. He picked up that habit from Aisha. He grabbed the magician's hand and showed them the ring. It was Aisha's turn to blush as she quickly slapped Elsword out of reflex. The Rune Slayer was stubborn as he didn't let her hand go. It was Add's turn to stare at them in disbelief.

"I'm getting married too!"

"Stop that! It's embarrassing." Aisha turned to Elesis. "Never mind him…Do you want our marriage to be on the same day?"

"Yeah! That would be great!" Elesis turned to Add. "How about you?"

"Actually, I'd much rather that than sitting there and watch him getting married to Aisha."

"Likewise." Elsword rolled his eyes.

On the wedding day…

Aisha and Elesis were both sitting in the waiting room. They were ready. Their choice of dresses was certainly different from each other. Elesis chose a tea-length wedding dress since it was much less constricted and easier to move while Aisha chose a ball gown style one because she liked things a bit more traditional. They talked about things in their time of waiting, but it mostly about how nervous they were. Both Elesis and Aisha didn't go to parties often or the most sociable people. Now, they had to walk down the aisle with everyone's eyes on them. When the time came, their hearts were pounding against their chest, especially Aisha.

Elesis was escorted down the aisle by Joshua while Aisha had her mother, Melanie. Aisha couldn't look anywhere beside Elsword. He had that charming smile that put her mind at ease. Elesis, on the other hand, couldn't look at Add. She suddenly got cold feet and afraid that if she looked at him, she would faint. After what seemed like an hour, while in reality, was only 20 seconds, they both arrived to their respective groom. Elsword smiled and whisper quietly enough for her to hear.

"You look great." It didn't come with witty remarks.

"Thank you…"

Elesis looked at Add with expecting eyes as he chuckled then smiled. She hadn't seen his smile in so long.

"Yes, you look beautiful."

"It's your turn to not know how to get embarrassed."

The priest began his speech. They didn't hear much of it as they were absorbed with their respective partner. Elesis wondered if they had made the priest mad as he had to ask about three times for any of them to response. Aisha was usually much more responsible, but she was getting nervous that she couldn't see or hear anyone that wasn't Elsword. The Rune Slayer, on the other hand, was too focusing on her expression. She kept changing it constantly that he just found it amusing. Add didn't like crowded place, but he didn't mind it that much as to him, there was only Elesis here in his mind.

"I pronounce you husband and wife." The priest sighed, he must have had enough of them. "You may kiss the bride."

Add lifted the veil. He was a bit awkward as they had to do this in front of so many people. Elesis didn't mind though as she looked so happy. Actually, she was so happy that she grabbed his neck and pulled him down for a kiss. Add's eyes went wide, but he quickly composed himself and wrapped his arms around her waist.

Elsword was so hasty that Aisha wondered if he had any patience in his body. He wasn't hasty, he was just nervous. When he could finally see her face clearly, he quickly kissed her. Aisha was partly taken by surprise as he was a bit sudden. She mentally sighed and closed her eyes.

Victoria actually cried. She had to see both of her children grown up on the same day. It made her a bit emotional, yet happy. Joshua chuckled as he held her hand. He understood how she felt. As a father, he was both happy and sad to see them got married.

"Would you like some tissue?"

"Ah, yes. Thank you very much."

Victoria turned around to take the tissue. She wasn't surprised to see that Melanie was also crying. Her husband passed away due to a group of bandit ambushed him when he was on his way to Sander. That was when Aisha wasn't even born. She single-handedly raised her up while also being a queen. It wasn't easy. That was why Aisha meant the world to her. Now that she had to see her getting married. She felt like her effort was leading up to this. For her to be happy with the person she loved.

Out of all of the guests, Ara probably clapped the loudest. She wasn't the type of person to be hyper, but Aisha had always been with her throughout her life. The magician was always there for her as she also was with her. When she finally got to see her getting married, the Sakra Devanam was so glad for her friend. Eun just rolled her eyes inside her head. She could understand why Ara was happy. Reluctantly, the fox also clapped. As nobody could see it, it was more or less ceremonial only.

"Aw, you're also happy for them, Eun." Ara smiled.

"Not really, I do have been with Aisha for some time. This is just my parting."

Rena didn't completely recovered, but it was her best friend's big day, how could she not come. When she said that, Raven freaked out. He was afraid that if she moved, something bad would happen. It took her a lot of effort to persuade him. Finally, he gave in, but with a condition that he would company her the whole day. She would like that. A lot.

"I guess they don't need our help after all." Rena sighed as she leaned against him.

"They're still quite childish…" Raven chuckled. "I'm glad that I got to see this."

Rena playfully elbowed him. When she got better, she would definitely get married to him. He didn't propose yet and that made things a bit awkward. He tried to pop the question sometimes, but in the end, he changed the subject. She had never thought that Raven was this shy.

Chung clapped as they kissed. Eve, however, just stared at them with blank face. In concern, Chung asked to see whether or not she was well.

"What's wrong?"

"I do not understand." Eve mumbled.


"It's just a ceremony for two people to live with each other for the rest of their life. Why do people look so happy?"

"Well…" Chung didn't know how to explain this. "It's human…I guess."

"I see."

Eve nodded. Chung was sure that if she was the old Eve, she would be happy for them. As the Nasod she was now, she didn't understand human interaction that much. However, to him, Eve was Eve and he would keep his promise to love her no matter what.

After they had kissed, Elesis and Aisha threw the bouquet. Everyone was trying to catch it and it fell into Rena's and Ara's hands. Rena looked at it in surprise as Elesis grinned.

"Raven! Propose to her already!"

The Blade Master's entire face went red as he stutter, tried to find his words from the jumble in his head. Rena looked at him and smiled. Raven lowered his head to avoid any eyes looking at him. He would propose to her when they were alone, not here.

Ara, on the other hand, had no idea who she would marry. Aisha looked at her and winked, but the Sakra Devanam just flustered. Maybe in the future, she would find someone that was willing to accept her.

Elesis then became queen of Elder and ruled the country next to Add. They had many things to learn, but they do things for the good of the country. As with his eye, Elesis had asked Eve to help them. With Chung's persuasion, she agreed, but she said it would take some time. The Blazing Heart was devastated with Eve's current condition, but as long as she was alive, Elesis was happy. Aisha became Velder's princess. While Joshua was still alive and well, he taught Elsword how to become a good king for the country. So that when he passed away, he could be proud of his son in the heaven. Chung was still trying to teach Eve's human interactions. She was taking baby steps as she questioned the most obvious things for humans. Ara took on the duty that her brother left behind, she wasn't as good as him, but she was definitely trying to. She loved the feeling of being needed.

And so, do they live happily ever after or not? That was something for future to decide.

Fortunate or Unfortunate


I'm not married yet and I've never been to a wedding in my entire life, but that scene is a must have. It might not be correct so I'm sorry.

Sincerely thank you to those who have read, enjoy and support me throughout this whole month (seriously , 30 chapters, I'e written this for a whole month).

I may or may not write a small bonus round for some of the things in the future.