PA: Well this happened, really wasn't paying much attention to the word count until I stopped, deffs my biggest chapter yet, and it happens to be an intro one. On that note there is a poll up on my profile in regards to the third, and maybe final woman in Naruto's mini harem, currently it is Gabriel and Grayfia.

Disclaimer: I own none of this.

Years ago, deep inside of a lush forest there lay a cabin, one built from hand and made of logs. It was not something fancy nor was it something hastily made. It was solid, sturdy even in the toughest of storms. Outside of it birds sung their sweet song while the sun slowly dipped down behind the horizon. Inside though was something else, it looked almost like the workshop of a madman. Pieces of metal and wires strewn across the place and hanging from the ceiling, it was much larger than it appeared, though the reason for that was unclear. A blonde child was sharpening a blade of sorts at a workbench.

On the other side of the room was a bed, inside of it lay a silver-haired woman, her arms and parts of her face covered in bandages, a gentle groan left her lips as her silver eyes flickered open and adjusted to the candle light that lit the cabin. It didn't take her long to become alert, tossing back the blankets that covered her and fighting through the urge to wince at the pain as she tried to take a step only for long chains to sprout from the floor around her, circling her form and gently dragging her back down to bed.

"So you finally woke up..." The blonde trailed as he spun around, his face was young, maybe only 8 if she was able to guess human age properly. His bone structure was impressive for his age, she could already tell that he would be strong if he trained a little. His blue eyes, were surprisingly hard for someone his age, it was almost like looking into the eyes of an old warrior, "I would stay in bed if I were you. You do have a nasty wound after all."

The silverette looked down past her shapely figure and saw that she had been treated, from the way she was wrapped she figured that the child knew what he was doing, though once out of his sight she would make sure they were properly cleaned at the very least, "Don't worry, I know a fair amount more than you would think. I treated you right and cleaned your wounds."

"Then you have my thanks," She paused, not knowing the child's name, nor how he was able to read her thoughts, "May I ask your-"

"While it is quite rude to do so without giving your own name first, I guess you can call me... Naruto, also about you thanking me, don't," He replied quickly after cutting her off.

The woman gave a small nod, "Even still you have it. My name is Grayfia, though I do wonder if you are living by yourself?" She watched the boy with eyes like a hawk, he was strangely aware, not to mention that he didn't seem fazed by helping some stranger, nor slow to reject her thanks. Maybe she was losing her touch? Then it hit her, the blonde hair, the deep blue eyes, "Y-you're-"

"Yes, I am the man that you came here to attack. I had hoped that it would take you longer to figure it out. In that sense, I am also the one that gave you those wounds, though I attempted to only injure you enough to render you unconscious, I was not successful," Naruto offered with a small sigh, dropping off the chair and rapidly changing his form to that of someone in their late teens. He had a tight white T-shirt over his body, doing little to hide his well developed muscles while a pair of puffy pants, like one might expect one of those ninja from Japan to wear, they were black in color while he had leather boots on his feet, around his wrist was a silver cross, "Why were you targeting me Grayfia?" He wasn't scared, no it almost sounded like he was bored.

Taking a breath she blinked a few times and watched him turn back into his child form, walking up to her and placing the back of his hand against her forehead, she stiffened slightly under the contact before he made an irritable *tch* and walked over to a shelf, on it were herbs of a kind she hadn't seen before, along with many, many books, much more than one would expect inside what seemed to be a log cabin from her eyes, "A large number of devils had been killed, though they were mostly called 'murder' done by a blonde male in his late teens with blue eyes. When I saw you, I figured it to be you... Was I mistaken?"

"No," There wasn't any hesitation in his voice, nor fear. Though the latter could be because he had already taken care of her once, doing so in her weakened state would be much to easy, at least that is what she figured, "I have been killing your kin. Though I do not hate devils, if that were the case we would not be having this conversation. I merely did not like them violating the townspeople, thus I killed them. You can call it murder if you will, though I like to believe that my actions, while they may earn me the hatred of those around me, will help to protect them, if only a little."

Grayfia watched as he pulled a few herbs from the self, ripping up some leaves and placing them into a stone bowl before grabbing a pestle and grinding it into a fine powder, "That is not what I expected to hear. I had figured you were just a man of the church, doing as he pleased for some twisted sense of his own justice."

"One would think so..." Naruto mused as he made up this disgusting looking liquid, if it had to be described, 'Swamp water' would be the closest thing to it. He poured it into a wooden cup that seemed to be hand carved and placed it on the bedside table next to her, "My newest blade was a little more effective than I thought. You have minor light poisoning, it isn't anything serious and will go away in a day or two, but it will make you more uncomfortable than you already are. This drink will be disgusting, though it will purge the leftover light from your body. Take it or don't, though if you do not drink, do not complain about the pain."

Grayfia eyed it for a moment, there was no real reason for him to go through all of the trouble of healing her, only to poison her with a drink and even she could tell that she had light poisoning. Slowly taking the cup she brought it up to her lips taking a small sip which caused her face to go green as she swallowed, sparing a glance at the blonde child before finishing the rest of the cup off in one large gulp. Surprisingly enough she could feel the light rapidly leaving her body it more than made up for the foul tasting drink, her body didn't feel so sluggish anymore, "That is quite the concoction."

"No I won't tell you the recipe. It is something that I remember from my mother, so you could call it a family heirloom," He narrowed his eyes for a few moments before going outside for a few moments, and if her heating was correct he lit a fire, he entered again a few moments later, taking a seat not too far away from her, but not close enough for him to touch her, nor the other way without moving from their position, "I will have some dinner for you shortly, though I do wonder Grayfia... to you, what is the difference between 'Justice' and 'Injustice'?"

A confused expression crossed her face, "Is it not merely right and wrong?"

"If that is the case, what is right and what is wrong?" The blonde child mused, tilting his head lightly to the side as he saw the women thinking about his question carefully.

"Is it not the law of land?"

"I don't think so," Naruto spoke calmly, "I don't think that those devils that I killed believed that I served them justice, I believe that they were thinking about how wrong it was for them to die, yet at the same time, those that they had killed were probably thankful, thinking about how it was time that the ones who killed them were brought to justice. What I am trying to say is, I think that the world can never come to an understanding. Though that is a very simple view of it, it is also the same with everything else, it is called 'choice'. It allows us to progress so much, yet our nature remains the same, humans, devils, angels, all of us believe ourselves to be 'right' and the others 'wrong'... Are you following me?"

Grayfia was confused, not because of what he was saying, no she was able to follow him, the ability to chose was the reason for conflict, at least she figured that was what he was saying. No she was confused by the fact that it was a young child speaking such thought out words, though she knew it was actually an older male, his appearance during this conversation was quite...distracting, "Speaking about this with one that looks like a child is distracting me, but I do understand what you are saying. I find it strange that a human would think about this though."

"That's because I'm not," Naruto spoke as he tilted his head to the side in confusion, "My father was a God and my mother was a Demi-Human, or 'Beast-Woman' if you will. In other words, while I protect humans, it would be quite the stretch to say that I am one."

"I had thought that the Demi-Humans were mostly extinct, though seeing one that looks so human is strange. What kind are you?" She figured that he seemed honest enough, plus he hadn't exactly made any signs of aggression since he stopped her from attacking him, in fact he was even healing the wounds he inflicted onto her.

Naruto crossed his arms over his child body, letting out a small hum in thought, "From memory my mother was called one of the Fox-Folk, I think she was a Chaos Fox and I change depending on my emotions, currently I am a Ghost Fox, though as I start to get angry I turn into a Blood Fox. I don't like being a Blood Fox."

Grayfia inwardly frowned, she knew of Ghost Foxes, they were said to be incredibly good at hiding and casting illusions, from what she understood most of them became assassins and exceeded in the field. The second one though, a Blood Fox, it was something she hadn't heard of. When he didn't elaborate she dropped the issue, it was clear that he didn't plan on speaking about it further, or he would have said something. He rose an eyebrow at her, "Were you expecting company?"

"No, I doubt that someone would come for me anyhow, are you sure that they are not here for you?" She questioned, having not been able to notice that people had appeared outside until he spoke about it.

There was a knock at the door and Naruto slowly turned his head before giving it a small shake, still in his child form he walked to the door and slowly opened it, not at all bothered by the giant golden light that shot down from the heavens behind the two people standing at his door. They jumped apart as large magic circle appeared in front of each.

From the golden light stepped two blondes, their clothing beyond immaculate as a black-haired man with blonde bangs dropped down from the sky, large black wings folding into his back. Naruto crossed his arms over his chest and gave them each a bored look, "I didn't put on enough dinner for all of you, thus I won't offer you any. Though if you have to fight, I will ask you to leave, I made this house myself and I don't want to have to do it again."

The one he knew to be Gabriel walked forward and crouched down to get on his level before patting him gently on the head, "Are your parents around little one?"

"My mother has been dead for nearly 2000 years, I left the side of my father and decided to live on my own, so no, no they are not around. What are you all doing on my lawn?" He questioned with a small twitch of his brow.

Gabriel widened her eyes, "Naruto-kun?"

"Correct, in what world would I have a child? This world is screwed up because of the constant fighting between Angels, Devils and the Fallen Angels... Why would I want to bring a child into it? The answer is that I am not cruel enough to do so, I am just enjoying myself like this for the moment," He answered her quickly, and even stopped her from asking why he was being a child.

"Can I h-"

"You may not Gabriel, again I will ask why you are all on my lawn, or is that question too difficult for you all to answer?" Naruto spoke cutting off the Seraph, she was the mothering type, often going out of her way to hug cute things, he did not want to become one such thing, it was a little degrading.

Gabriel gave a small smile, "I noticed that Devils had approached your house Naruto-kun, so I quickly grabbed my brother and made we made out way over here."

Naruto nodded, "Ahh you doubt my ability to protect myself, I understand, how cruel of you Gabriel."

"Wah! No! I didn't mean it like that!"

Naruto though turned his head to the redheaded male narrowing his eyes before they quickly shifted to the black haired woman by his side, "And you Devil-san?"

"Sorry for the intrusion, Naruto-san... Do you mind if I call you that?" The redhead questioned, ignoring the Angels around him for the time.

"Yes I do, this is because I do not have your name."

The devil gave a light bow of his head, "I am Sirzechs, one of the current leaders of the Devils, we are recovering from a civil war and you are harboring a criminal. I would ask that you kindly turn her over to us."


The blunt answer shocked many of those present, "May I ask why?"

Naruto scowled at the man, "Why should I? Your war has nothing to do with me anymore, nor do I want any part of it. The Devil that is inside my house was able to have a decent conversation with me, something that is still desired to come from being out here," His eyes turned to the black-haired female and rose a brow, "Your reason?"

"My name is Sarah, and I will follow my husband to the front lines, regardless of what he thinks on the matter, I will not become some stay at home wife," The raven-haired woman spoke with a small bow of her head.

A thin blonde brow rose slightly, nearly to be covered by the messy hair of the young looking Naruto, "So the leader of Hell is being scolded by his wife, it seems that not even those in power can escape the wrath of those that they care about," He gave a bored look as Sarah blushed a little before turning to face the black haired male who gave a friendly wave.

"The name is Azazel, I noticed all the big names coming together in one place and didn't want to be left out... Yeah that's about it really," He gave a small grin that faltered with the next words spoken.

"So you are as mentally old as I appear to be... That is fine I guess, I will not judge you on that fact," The small blonde than walked past the group, moving to the pot and stirring it a few times before bringing the ladle up and taking a small mouthful and giving a small nod, he picked up the pot by the handles and carried it to the door, "Is there a reason for you all to be standing on my lawn still?"

Sirzechs narrowed his eyes at the blonde and took a step forward, watching how Gabriel and Micheal instantly had spears of light in their hands, it seemed like this person was important to heaven, "I must insist that you relinquish Grayfia into our care."

"So that she can be executed without trail?" The blonde mused, watching as Sirzechs widened his eyes for a split second, "How narrow minded of you, your hands are covered with the blood of the former Lucifer, I actually didn't mind him, a bit old fashioned, but nevertheless he was nice to talk to... You simply bore me. I will ask you once, please remove yourself from my lawn Sirzechs."

"And if I don't?" He paid careful attention to the two Seraphs that raised their spears a little higher while Azazel seemed to have a frown on his face, Sarah was looking around, taking them all in. Though something struck her as odd, she could feel the powers of the three around them, even faintly on the devil inside, but from the boy... There was nothing. Like he simply wasn't there, even humans had a small inkling of strength, normally in tiny mana stores that they couldn't even draw forward, but this boy... It was like someone was just holding a photo of him in front of her.

Naruto slowly put the pot down on the ground and let his eyes flicker a few times, turning a much lighter blue and showing a strange pattern before returning to normal, "Then I will remove you."

Large golems formed from the ground, uprooting trees and turning them into clubs as a bright light flickered through their bodies, they hovered over Sirzechs menacingly, waiting for him to try something, "If you will not allow me to take her with me, can I speak to her at least?"

"One month from now she will be fully healed, you may return at that time and I will oversee the discussion that you hold. At such time, you will come alone, there will be no angels here, fallen or otherwise, it will just be myself, Grayfia and you. That is the limit to which I will allow a trespasser," Naruto spoke coldly.

Sirzechs thought it over before giving a stern nod, "I will return a month from today then. Until then Naruto-san. Come Sarah, we still have lots to do," The red-haired male spun on his feet and summoned a large magical circle under him as Sarah nodded joining him inside before they vanished.

Naruto turned his eyes to Azazel, "I get the picture, I'll see you around Naruto, it was good to see you again."

"Yes, though I hope you have grown up a little the next time... Until we meet again Leader of the Fallen Angels," Naruto gave the man a nod which was returned as Azazel flew off into the air.

Micheal gave a strained smile, "I do not take pleasure in hearing that you will be staying with a devil for a month. Even more so that you plan to observe a meeting between two in a months time."

"I agree," Gabriel stated gaining the attention and shock of Micheal, "No woman should be allowed to stay with Naruto-kun!" And just like that he inwardly let out a sigh of course that was all she was worried about.

"Don't worry Gabriel, I have protection," Naruto stated blankly.

"You're planning to have s-s-s-s-s-sex?!" The blonde woman nearly fainted on the spot from his words.

Naruto in turn tilted his head to the side in confusion, "Why would I be having sex?"

Gabriel blushed wildly, "B-but you said protection, don't humans use that to stop from having babies?"

The blonde child slowly swiped his hand out to the side, drawing a knife from the air and holding it in his hand. This caused Gabriel to make a large 'o' shape with her mouth, "Sometimes you say really strange things Gabriel, you look flushed, do you have a fever?" Naruto hovered up into the air and placed the back of his hand against her forehead, watching as her cheeks heated up further, "Strange, you feel fine, is there some strange sickness that Angels can get that I don't know about Micheal?"

Micheal inwardly smiled before it turned into a frown, "Not that I know of Naruto, perhaps she should stay with you the night, so that you could check on her and help her if anything comes up?" He saw the shocked expression that Gabriel gave him, honestly some times that girl was too pure. He understood that she had fallen in love with the blonde, it happened during his stay in heaven some time ago.

He found it nice, Gabriel was always putting others before herself, so to see her actually want something was a change. Though, she was too shy to speak to him about it. A part of him wondered how long this would continue on for before Gabriel started to regret what she was doing. Maybe she just needed a little push.

Naruto gave a small nod, floating back down to the ground, "Though I only have two beds, she can stay in mine, I will sleep at my workbench as the guest bed is already in use. Gabriel... Can I trust you to go inside and serve up some dinner for Grayfia, she should remain in bed... So I am asking you to put aside your conflicts for the moment and help me."

"H-hai! I can do that Naruto-kun. Is everything still in the same place?" She replied quickly.

"That would be correct, changing it once I got into the habit of retrieving them from there would not be fun," Naruto responded, watching her for a moment as she walked away and took the large pot inside, his eyes darting across to Micheal, "Now why are you here?"

"I am worried about you staying alongside the humans, after what happened last time, I was thinking it would be best if you came and lived in heaven," Micheal spoke softly already knowing that if things started to go sour the blonde would just up and vanish again, taking them decades to find him once more.

Naruto crossed his arms over his chest and gave Micheal a flat stare, "I am not my brother, his idea, while noble was foolish. I am greedy, if something doesn't interest me, I won't partake in it."

"I understand, you can not hate me for trying though can you?"

"I can not. Maybe once Grayfia has finished healing and has set herself on track, I may return for a while, though until such a time, I can not."

Micheal gave a small nod, "You are very precious to my sister Naruto."

"I know," Naruto stated causing Micheal to raise a brow, "The Seraphim don't really know who I am, but they have figured out that I am important, they don't want to make a mistake like they did with Christ."

The leader of the Angels frowned, did they really treat him like that? Or was that just how he saw their actions? Inwardly shaking the thoughts away he gave a small bow, "I do hope that I get a favorable answer from you in a months time then. Until then Naruto," With that a golden light dropped down and wrapped him up before sending him high up into the sky.

Naruto gave a small nod at the blank space before he calmly walked inside, taking a seat at the small table he had built to eat at. Gabriel had already sat down and had finished serving out their meals while Grayfia was still blinking rapidly, "In a months time Grayfia... There will be a man named Sirzechs coming here to speak to you. I said you would be here, and while your injuries will be completely healed in just over three weeks, you will remain until the discussion is over and an agreement has been made."

The bowl in her hands was nearly dropped in shock, "Y-you are going to send me off to the wolves?"

"Hardly, I do not believe I am that cruel. I will be there when the talk happens, if I do not agree to the terms, you will simply stay in my care until I do. Or does that trouble you?" Naruto questioned calmly as he took a spoonful of the stew in front of him into his mouth, savoring the taste of the meat that had been roasted earlier and the tenderness it gave along with the enhanced flavor offered by the herbs and vegetables, he had done well once again.

"I am in no position to complain about the arrangements," Grayfia spoke taking a small amount of soup into her mouth before her eyes widened at the simple meal and she dug into it with gusto, after a few moments she stiffened, slowly pulling the bowl away from her mouth and bowing her head lightly, "I apologize for that unsightly behavior, punish me as you see fit."

Gabriel frowned, her voice almost seemed dead at that time truly some devils were beyond saving, her eyes shot out wide as Naruto placed his bowl down and calmly walked over to her. Raising his hand up to her face as she closed her eyes tightly, only for him to lightly flick her forehead, "There, I expected you to be hungry, I did the best I could in making sure you body had the nutrition it needed to continue functioning while you were in a coma. It is the reason that I made so much food," He noticed Gabriel's risen brow at him and continued, "Did you think I was going to share with trespassers? This is my place, and they entered it without asking, for people to be so rude, they didn't even say sorry."

"Naruto-kun, I'm sorry for coming over unanounc-"

"Hush Gabriel, I said that you and Micheal were welcome at any time, I was simply hostile because I was caring for a devil and had thought that you both had come to eliminate her," Naruto answered as he calmly made his way back to the table he picked up his wooden spoon and scooped up some more stew before pausing, turning to face Grayfia who was looking at the bowl in her hands, "Is there something wrong with what I have cooked? I honestly believed that this is better than normal."

"No... It is just that the help is not meant to eat alongside their betters..."

Gabriel frowned and watched as Naruto stood up once again and walked over to Grayfia, taking the bowl from her and lifting the spoon up, taking the stew inside of it and holding it up to her mouth, "W-what are you doing?"

"If you are going to continue acting like a child I shall treat you like one, or do you want a bib?" Naruto questioned in a stoic manner, pressing the spoon up against her lips that refused to open, "If you continue like this it will cause a mess, which will mean that I will have to change your bandages earlier than normal. Or are you okay with making your 'betters' work harder than they should for you?" The seemed to be the nail in the coffin as she gave a small glare to the blonde before closing her eyes and parting her lips slightly, allowing him to feed her, "Do not become used to this, although this more than likely would seem odd to others, the child feeding the adult, I do not plan to make this a regular occurrence."

As Naruto went down to scoop up more a pained look came over Grayfia's face, "Excuse me, but I must relieve myself..." She tried to stand only for Naruto to place a hand on her shoulder, "If I do not I will end up making a mess."

"I have set up a system that will allow you to remain in bed while it takes care of your bodily functions. Once your legs are healed enough, which should be a few days from now, I will allow you to walk again, until then, you must stay in your bed," Naruto spoke watching as the woman's cheeks went red and she avoided eye contact before she became shocked and carefully turned to look at him, "As I said, I did set something up so that you will be able to be in the bed for a time longer. Now, do I need to continue to feed you?"

Grayfia looked at him for a few moments longer, she seemed to have taken up all of his attention for the moment, "If it is possible, could you feed me in your adult form?"

"Impossible," Naruto answered without thought causing a look of surprise to come over her face, "I used too much energy fighting off the effects of my new weapons on your body and repairing it back to normal, as you can tell, it is still taking time for your body to adjust to being alive again. Sadly I could not put everything back how it was exactly before, your reserves of demonic energy are smaller though they are slowly being expanded by my light magic, which is putting quite a lot of strain on both of our bodies because I have to control it so that it doesn't harm you too much. The small display of strength I used earlier to make Sirzechs leave was the majority of my remaining energy. Right now I am as weak as a low level angel. I have taken the form of a child because not only is it more interesting like this, but my energy will come back faster. Do you have an issue with this?"

"I... I am sorry for causing you so much trouble, I have no issues with my current treatment, do with me as you will," Grayfia responded to which she felt the mattress next to her sink a little, the blonde child now sitting on it as he spoon fed her once again.

It was an incredibly awkward time for Gabriel, who was doing her best to block out the image in front of her, thankfully no more than five minutes later had they finished. Only to get worse, much, much words. Grayfia stayed still as the blonde carefully took off her bandages, letting her see the extent of her wounds for the first time, the amount of stitches covering her form was quite repulsive, how had he moved so fast as to cause this much damage before she could even hit him? He gently washed her down, making sure not to miss any areas despite the woman's embarrassment and dried her off before wrapping her up again.

Blushing slightly at the contact Grayfia found herself unable to meet the child's eyes, "I think we should have tea, maybe we can get to know one another over a beverage of some kind, what would you suppose Gabriel?"

Gabriel's head shot up as she heard her name called, "Sorry, I wasn't listening in case you were talking about something secret..." She lied, in reality she had been picturing herself in Grayfia's position, having Naruto look after her so tenderly was almost like a dream.

"I said what do you think about talking with one another over tea, it has been quite the number of years since my house was this full so I feel like being a proper host for once."

Gabriel gave a warm smile at the suggestion, "I do not see the harm."

It was later in the night. Gabriel was laying in the bed, having pieced together the dots from what she found out from Grayfia, it seemed that the silverette was basicly a slave who had been sent to find out how a human was killing devils, if it was a new type of weapon than she was to try to get it for their own use in the civil war happening between the two Devil factions.

Some of her actions allowed you to see that this was true, after all she felt like she was insulting them just by eating in the same room. Though on that she had seemed familiar, it turned out that they clashed against one another in the great war. Back than Grayfia had longer hair and a very, very tight outfit.

Grayfia had been more than surprised to hear that the person nursing her was there as well, apparently he was guarding God until the Dragons showed up, he left for a few minutes to form a team to deal with them, during that time God was wounded beyond his abilities to heal. It lead to his death.

That had caused her to raise a brow, normally God was protected by the Seraphim, 10 angels that were well above the others in strength, yet they were sent away for one Demi-Human, did he have some kind of special defense? She never got an answer to that, though her mind did briefly wander back to the golden chains that had held her in bed earlier.

Turning her head slightly to the side she could see Naruto sitting at the bed of Grayfia as he went over some things with her, mostly it was about her recovery. She noticed that Grayfia, while paying attention, seemed to have difficultly taking the child seriously.

Honestly Gabriel herself felt somewhat similar. How ere they meant to take Naruto seriously when he looked like a child. He pulled out what seemed to be a notepad and some pencils, handing them to Grayfia, "For if you get bored during the night, I sometimes find writing what is on my mind is entertaining to look back on."

That was something that the two learnt, while Gabriel already had an idea, Grayfia knew next to nothing about the blonde. Apparently he hardly interacted with anyone, which was the main reason he didn't really show much emotion, the small ticks that he did use were those that he had observed a few times and thought he was using them correctly.

Most of what he knew was from books, or from teaching himself. Thus quite a few of the things he did were strange by normal standards, not to mention that even as a child he had insisted on working on his weapons in an almost gleeful manner.

She looked at the paper and slowly took it, "Would you be against it if I was to draw instead?" Her question caused the blonde male to stare at her for a few moments.

"As long as you show me I do not mind," Naruto responded after a few moments taking a few steps away before pausing and turning to face her, "I believe this is where I say good night Grayfia," He noticed her eyes widened a few fractions before he walked away, moving to his work bench.

The sound of led striking against paper carried through the room in a soft manner, almost an hour had passed when Grayfia fell asleep, seeing this Gabriel calmly and quietly got out of bed, her goddess like figure hidden behind a long white nightgown. Her feet softly made their way along the sanded and polished wooden floor before she came to stand next to the object of her affection.

Her brows focused on the paper in front of him, she could not make any sense of it, "What's this Naruto-kun?"

He didn't even react to her voice, his pencil still moving along the paper almost in a trance like state, "At the moment the three factions, Angels, Fallen Angels and Devils have a large imbalance in number. Devils and Fallen Angels can create half-breeds, while they are not as strong they still have methods of increasing their population, Angels have no such luck. For if an Angel were to fall in love with a human, they would fall from grace, their wings becoming stained by the sins of humanity. So I am looking into a method to produce new angels."

"I... I didn't think that you were interested in the war?" Gabriel nearly whispered out.

Naruto though continued what he was doing, drawing out seals and old runic magic onto the paper, "You are one of the few people that I have grown somewhat attached to Gabriel... I would be sad if you and Micheal died. I do not think that war will come again, at least not between the three factions. God and Lucifer had always been at odds, now we see what came from this. With both of them dead, there will be a few that try to continue their beliefs, but I believe that they will be squashed by the overwhelming fear of returning to war. This is mostly so that the angels themselves do not die out."

Gabriel leaned down and gently rested her hand atop his smaller one, causing his eyes to dart towards her, "You should rest for now, come to bed."

"Impossible, that is a single bed, thus only a single person can sleep on it," He answered calmly.

"Naruto-kun, if you are in your child form we will both fit, now come, you wouldn't want to make a mistake because you were tired would you?" Playing on his need to do everything correct may have been a bit of a dirty tactic, though thankfully she and the four great Seraphs were unable to fall. If she had to do things like this to get his attention than she would.

Naruto slowly placed his pencil down and gave a small sigh, "If you say so, I will trust you Gabriel," Standing up he let himself be led over to the bed, the covers were already drawn back so he was not surprised when Gabriel climbed inside before turning to look at him, as if telling him that she was waiting. Pushing his thoughts away he climbed into the bed, having already been in his sleepwear which consisted of a pair of pants, different in only their function from the ones he wore during the day. He felt an arm slowly wrap around his chest and draw him closer to the body behind him, "Gabriel?"

"I am just making sure that you do not try to return to your project again before you have rested. If Grayfia does call for you I will relent, until then, I will hold you against me so that you are forced to rest," Gabriel answered as she shifted him around a little, though he moved and positioned himself at her face level, his blue eyes gazing into her own emerald green.

"Understandable, though I don't want to be stuck looking at your stomach as I try to sleep, I find your face much more pleasing, still from here I will be able to tell if you start to feel sick like before, so I must thank you for remembering that I was meant to be taking care of you," He saw that she became flushed and lifted his hand up with a blank expression placing the back of it against her forehead again before frowning, "Strange, again you have no fever, regardless, I am here for you Gabriel, should you ever need me for anything, please do ask."

Gabriel though was blushing up a storm, he found her face pleasing? Did that mean he thought she was attractive? Shaking away the thought she tightened her grip a little on the blonde child-like man feeling his arm gently move around her, seemingly returning her embrace before he gave a small smile, his deep blue eyes vanishing as he stopped thinking about the illusion over them, showing her the eyes she loved so much, the icy blue ones that seemed to be able to read what you were thinking. In the middle of them was a black cross, they were slowly covered by his eyelids as they drew closed, "Good night Naruto-kun."

"Good night Gabriel."

A month passed quickly, it turned out that Grayfia was a very impressive artist. It also turned out that Naruto was stuck in his current project, he needed to gain his strength back before he could try to move further forward.

He looked to Grayfia, who was now able to walk again and had the majority of her strength back, enough to be able to fight off a high level angel without an issue, a Seraph though was out of the question. She was in a tight leather suit, one that showed off her devilish curves, she tried to keep a blank face as she looked towards her guide, though a faint blush came across her cheeks. He had recovered enough strength to be in his adult form constantly now, and since Gabriel left to return to heaven to await his answer, he slept topless tossing and turning in his sleep and often removing the blankets completely, thus giving her the few of the well toned male in front of her.

His hair was messy and managed to cover his eyes, it was clear he would need to have it trimmed in the near future, then there was his muscles, he looked like he had been carved from stone by a master craftsmen, was this part of his Beast Blood? If so she could certainly say that it wasn't unpleasant, and while she was dreading what came from today, having him by her side was something that she could not be more thankful for.

Over the past month she had started to feel more and more like a person, not just some tool to be pushed around, quietly she walked up to the bed, standing firm beside him, "Naruto-sama, today is the day of my judgement," She spoke softly, watching as his eyes snapped open, he had more than likely woken up as soon as she moved from her bed. Those eyes of his, the icy-blue ones that she had seen every now and again, were looking at her.

It was strange, she felt as though she had seen them before, yet she could not remember, despite how important it seemed. Inwardly shaking the thought away she saw his deep blue eyes return, she found them almost as drawing as his other ones, he gave a small yawn before he sat upright, taking in her appearance, "I'll get started on breakfast."

"I have already put it on, tea is waiting for you at the dinning table and I am about to go and bring in our breakfast... I do not need your help before you ask, just let me serve you properly for this morning as it may be our last time together Naruto-sama," Grayfia spoke sternly, not giving him room to argue, this caused the blonde to pout.

That was something else she was happy with, he had become much more expressive after living with her and Gabriel for a time. His range of emotion was no longer just irritated or curious. Which was a large leap from the child she had first met, that had force fed her.

Thinking back to that she gave a light blush, it had happened a few more nights after that before she got the message. He was not going to let her think that she was below him.

"I don't like it when you do things like this," Naruto replied as he rubbed at the back of his head, "But I can't find it in me to deny you, but remember Grayfia, I'm not going to let you get hurt from this."

"T-thank you Naruto-sama," She gave a light bow of her head and moved outside to where a fire had already been running for quite some time now. She missed Naruto getting out of bed and moving to the table, savoring the tea that she had prepared. Gabriel had taught her in her stay and despite their different races the two had become civil with one another, to call the friends was too much of a stretch still.

When she returned she noticed that her blonde keeper was reading at the table, his lips pressed into a thin line as he skimmed through a very old looking book, no bigger than a small plate. She brought the pot and the pan up, serving fish that had been caught the day before with a side of rice, she didn't understand why but the blonde really seemed to enjoy Japanese culture, even to the point where he styled his meals and most of his weapons off of their culture.

She sat down and gave a small breath as Naruto closed his book, "How is your project coming Naruto-sama?" This was something that had been up in the air for quite some time now. The blonde had spent a vast amount of time working on a way to make new angels.

"I had a change of pace once I started to make progress, I figured that I may need to make some adjustments in order to secure a good life for you, it set me back a little a month, maybe two at most," He took some of the fish in a pair of chopsticks, watching as Grayfia gave a shocked look, her chopsticks nearly falling from her hand despite her perfect placement of them after the instruction of the blonde.

"I... I have caused you much more trouble than I am worth Naruto-sama," She bowed her head low, nearly dipping her hair, which she had started to let grow long once again, into her food.

Naruto calmly placed his chopsticks down as he folded his hands in front of him, his chest still bare as he took on a thoughtful expression to the woman in front of him, using one of the clothes on the table he wiped his face down and gave a small nod before standing and moving over to Grayfia, lightly grabbing her chin and tilting her head up to face him, her silver eyes looked to be full of shame, leaning forward he pressed his lips against hers causing her eyes to widen as her body froze. It was nothing more than that, he simply pressed his lips against her own, but it was purely for that small yet gentle contact that she was frozen.

This man, despite how he should hate her had shown nothing but kindness, though he made situations rather awkward at times, instead of being treated like a tool to be used and tossed away, she was treated like a person, and that confused her but also made her feel warm. He took a step away and observed her as her hand came up to gently touch her lips, "Naruto-sama..." she trailed, not sure if that really happened, it felt foreign, almost like it was a dream, yet at the same time she could feel the action herself.

"You are precious to me Grayfia, despite what you think of yourself. You are a good person, one that deserves to be shown the kindness that she wants to bathe others in. Like Gabriel, I will always be there for you as long as you remain true to yourself," He smiled.

That was all her body could handle, her heart started to beat faster as she felt pressure build behind her eyes, she took a step forward into Naruto and rested her head against his chest, letting her eyes break open and let her tears out onto him, "I don't want to go Naruto-sama..." Her smaller arms circled around his chest as she clung onto him.

Naruto wrapped his arms around her shoulders holding her close, Gabriel had said that she felt incredibly comforted when he did this, "We won't be apart for long... for someone that can live for thousands of years, you seem rather attached after a month."

"You treat me like a person... I want to keep living here, I want to laugh more, to have you feed me more and to just sit around the fire and talk late at nights. I want to make you breakfast, and I want to hold you when it is cold. You're warm and friendly to those whom you find interesting," She sniffled a bit as she tried to bury her face into his chest, "You are friends with angels, yet still kind to devils. But most importantly... You make me feel like I have purpose, when I served Lucifer... I felt unimportant like if I were to vanish they wouldn't even know. But here, here I feel-"

She was cut off as her chin was grabbed again, only this time he didn't just press his lips against hers, he claimed them with his own, his hand gently sliding down her cheek before he stroked it gently with his thumb. A flash of magic went off behind them and although Grayfia wanted to react, she couldn't force her body away from the blonde, then again, despite the suddenness of it, Grayfia did find it pleasant.

"Well, I think it will be difficult to make an argument to have you hand Grayfia over to me," Sirzechs spoke with a sigh, he had been thinking it over and he still could not place why those eyes unnerved him so much. He knew that they were important, the fact that the normally peaceful Micheal seemed ready to start a war such a short time ago when Sirzechs himself had advanced on the boy had made that very clear. He hadn't exactly expected to see that young child now an adult though.

The duo pulled apart and Naruto gently took her hand, giving it a small squeeze, "It is simple really, I can not be with Grayfia every moment, so you will protect her for me," Naruto stated firmly.

His response was within reason as Sirzechs and Grayfia widened their eyes in shock, "I am sorry, but she was a servant of the Lucifer family, I simply can not do this on a whi-"

"Oh there is no whim about it. I know what Grayfia has done, and such I am prepared to offer compensation for her work, she is precious to me and interesting. I spent time this month deviating from my goal, now I have the keys to allowing devils to turn humans into artificial devils, allowing your side to bolster their numbers after the losses you sustained during the war," Naruto's words caused Sirzechs to stiffen.

"Are you saying that, if we protect Grayfia, a former slave of Lucifer, you will give us a way to make new devils?" He had to repeat it just to make sure he had heard right.

Naruto gave a light shake of his head, "No, you need to treat Grayfia as a person and protect her. In exchange I will give you my completed research on the resurrecting humans into devils."

Sirzechs crossed his arms over his chest, this was something that was brought up the other day, though it was predicted to take years for it to come to fruition. His answer was apparently right in front of him, "What is the catch?"

"It is impossible for copies to be made, and when the files are locked the information they contain can not be remembered, plus, I linked them to Grayfia, she is the only one able to open them apart from me. If she feels threatened or passes away, they will lock automatically and can then only be opened by myself. In other words, there is no catch so long as you look after Grayfia," Naruto replied calmly, ignoring the shocked expression from the woman at his side right now. He had no doubt that she would be unhappy with how far he was going for her sake.

The redheaded male gave a small sigh, "I have actually given this quite a lot of thought the past month, and I no longer have any intention of trying to remove Grayfia if she doesn't want to leave, though I do believe it would be best for her to return to the underworld."

Grayfia looked at Naruto with pleading eyes, which he saw as he turned to face her, "T-then can we change the price for the information?" She questioned with a small voice.

This gathered the attention of both Naruto and Sirzechs, the latter raising a brow at her, finding it strange to hear her speak for the first time, "And what is it that you would ask for?"

Naruto looked at her with a bit of surprise before squeezing her hand a little, letting her know that he supported her action, at least that is what he was told the action meant, Grayfia took a small breath and looked Sirzechs in the eye, "I want for Naruto-sama to be able to travel to the underworld so he can see where I live."

Sirzechs inwardly shook himself, hearing a devil refer to someone like Naruto with the sama honorific was strange, "So you want for Naruto to be able to travel to the underworld freely?"

Grayfia looked at the slightly shocked blonde before giving a nod and looking back to Sirzechs, "That is correct, I understand that he may need someone to watch him while he is there, and that some sections of the underworld are restricted, but if he comes to visit I don't want him to have to walk around with a full group of people guarding him while he is in restraints."

Shaking his head lightly Sirzechs let out a small chuckle, "I believe we can come to an agreement with that, as long as you live with my family until we can be sure of your intentions Grayfia."

The silverette gave a light bow of her head, "I do not see an issue with that," She glanced at Naruto to see him give a small smile.

"I haven't been to the underworld before. I would admit to being interested, if this is what you wish for Grayfia I will allow it," Naruto spoke in a somewhat detached manner.

Grayfia looked between the two and gave a stern nod, "I do believe that this is in the best interest of everyone, though I may not be able to stay by your side constantly, I already knew that this was bound to happen as you wish to return to heaven for a time, a place where I can not step without starting a war. While you, because of what you are, and how you have not claimed a side to rest with yet, would almost be welcomed with open arms as the sides tried to sway you to nest with them."

Sirzechs had to admit that it was much like that, after his report on his last meeting with the blonde and what he had discovered, some of the higher-ups had come to a vote about what to do regarding him, "I agree to the terms, though I think it would be best if you had time to settle in before Naruto-san makes his first visit."

"I was planning a trip to heaven as it was anyway Sirzechs-san, Micheal and Gabriel have been asking me to visit for quite a number of years and now that the world is starting to move again, I believe I will play with their whim," He took a small breath before turning to Grayfia and giving her a warm smile, leaning down and giving her a small hug, "Would half a year be acceptable? Or is that too soon?"

Sirzechs pressed his lips together in thought, "That should be fine, I see no reason for why it shouldn't be."

Grayfia on the other hand widened her eyes a little, six months away... But she had only known him for a single one, what if he found someone else in that time? Though it seemed like he had read her mind with his next words, "I know most of those in Heaven already, so you don't have to worry about someone making me forget about you Grayfia, like I said... You're precious to me."

"Naruto-sama... I will await for your return then," A large red circle started to form under Sirzechs as Grayfia stepped away from Naruto, taking a place next to the redheaded male.

"One of us will return half a year from today to this spot to pick you up Naruto-san. Until then we will do our best to treat Grayfia with the proper care that she deserves," Sirzechs gave a small bow of his head before the circle completed and the two vanished.

Letting out a small breath Naruto walked over to his cabinet, opening up the door and pulling out a white t-shirt, pulling it over his head he let a bright blue light envelop him before he broke apart into small particles, his cabin locking itself and keeping others from entering until the listed people returned.

Gabriel was walking down the white halls, they were bright like always, heaven seemed to be fully of bright blues, pure whites and the richest of gold and silver, their colors may seem bland, and to some they were, but after a time you became used to them. It was no different from any other morning, she had just finished bathing and was going to go read a book in the shade to pass the time seeing as she had nothing else to do for the moment.

That was until she passed his room, she froze, hearing the sound of running water from behind the door, had she not been in public, or down on earth she may have squealed like a young child, but here she had to stay composed. Thus she stuck with a small blush alongside a smile as she took to waiting for him outside of his room.

She had come up with that plan half an hour ago, fifteen minutes ago the water stopped, thus he should have been out ten minutes ago, maybe five if he was running late, her foot started to tap in irritation as she waited for another few minutes before a spear of light formed in her hand she cut through the door, it wasn't like him to be running late, so something had to have happened. Rushing inside she found the room empty, there were signs that someone had definitely been showering earlier, but when she looked around all she saw was a ball of fur laying on the bed that looked as well made as it had one hundred years ago.

The small white ball of fur stuck its head up, tilting its small fox head to the side in what seemed to be a curious nature. Shaking her head lightly she walked forward and picked up the fox resting it on her arm as she lightly patted it, a part of her wondering just who brought foxes up to heaven anyway, as she was positive she had seen this one before, "You shouldn't be in here little one."

The fox turned to her with almost human looking eyes, "And why not Gabriel, is this not my room?"

It spoke, the fox spoke. Her body and mind seemed to shut down for a few moments before she tossed it up into the air with a shrill cry of "KYYYYAH!" Watching as the fox seemed to float in the air and give her a bored stare.

"Not exactly the reaction I was expecting," He slowly lowered himself down to the ground, watching as Gabriel took a step back before tripping over her robes and falling onto her behind, pouting as she rubbed her injury only to stiffen when she felt the fox curl up in her lap.

"I must just be imagining things, foxes don't speak after all," She muttered to herself only to feel a weight on her as she was pushed to the ground, the small fox standing on her chest and somehow pinning her there as one of its tiny paws was placed on her chin forcing her to look at it.

"You're right, foxes don't speak, but people tend to forget that my mother was Fox-Folk. As such I can turn myself into a fox," The white fox spoke again, and this time she was sure of it.

Blinking a few times just to get it right, she made out the icy-blue eyes with crosses in them staring back at her, "You're Naruto-kun right?"

The fox nodded its head, "Hai. I finished talking with Grayfia and Sirzechs not long ago and sent myself up her-"

He was sadly cut off though as he found himself being crushed between slender arms and bountiful mountains that were soft and warm, "This is the cutest you yet!" Though she relinquished her hold as she felt a nasty nip on her breast, looking down she saw a small amount of blood coming from it and pouted at the white fox, "Muuu What was that for?"

"You were crushing my tail, I will relent on my normal 'no hugging' rule while I am like this, as long as you be weary of my tail, it is incredibly sensitive," He didn't get to say much more as Gabriel picked him up again, holding him tight, but letting his tail drop down under him.

"Oh lets keep you being back a secret from Brother, it will be fun won't it?" Gabriel gives a small giggle, picturing the confused Micheal as Naruto had yet to appear or send a message to say that he was going to be late.

Naruto looked at her for a few moments before accepting his position, it would seem that he was to be demoted to a soft toy while he was here for now, "I don't really think it is going to work out how you planned."

There was a flash of light in the corridor outside of the room before Micheal walked to stand in front of where Naruto's door used to be, a somewhat confused look on his face, "What happened here?"

Gabriel gave a nervous smile, "I heard something moving around in here so I called out when nobody responded I knocked broke down the door and found this little guy playing in here."

"Ah, is that true Naruto?" Micheal questioned, looking at the fox resting between his sisters breasts at the current time. The shock on his sisters face was clear.

"Basically, though I think she forgot to mention the part where she stood outside of my room for over half an hour waiting for me to come out," Naruto offered with a foxy smirk.

Gabriel looked between the two, "You knew Brother?"

"Naruto is able to turn into a fox, I have known this for centuries, because he discovered early on that we can't track him in his fox form. Thus he often used it to get out of his lessons when he was younger. He was a lot more lively back than," Micheal explained causing Gabriel to raise a brow in confusion, how didn't she know about that then? Actually, when did any of them get lessons? Seeing those thoughts Micheal gave a strained smile, "It was before your time Gabriel."

"I always thought that Naruto was younger than me... Wait is he older than you Brother?"

Micheal pressed his lips together in thought, he was the only living being that knew of what Naruto truly was, sans for the man himself. Lucifer, though he knew perished in a civil war after the three factions retreated. He was weakened to the point where death seemed to be his only outcome after the great war. The reason for this was simple, they were created to protect the blonde... He inwardly frowned, having done a terrible job at that so far, "He is, though not by much. Myself, Lucifer and Naruto all grew up together and I am about one hundred years older than you Gabriel if my memory is correct. As you know you were created using the dimensions of another woman during her teenage years and joined the rest of us, the woman whose body your is created after is Naruto's mother, your facial structure is made from the design of God himself along with your hair and eyes, at times I wonder if you were created to not only protect God, but also to stay by Naruto's side."

Gabriel looks down at Naruto who gives her a questioning gaze before jumping out of her hold without any effort, instantly changing into his adult form which was clad in just a pair of white pants, he took a seat on the nearby bed and gave a small shrug, "I have no idea, I was mostly kept out of the loop apart from my lessons."

"So I might have been made to be Naruto-kun w-w-w-wife?" She questioned hesitantly.

Micheal gave a small grimace, "I am not sure, though you are the only female Seraph, not to mention you had a strong attachment to Naruto the first time you met him. As you can tell, though I am younger in appearance than Naruto, our structure is similar, while you were made based on his mother, I was made based on him. If God were still alive we could speak to him about this, but for now all we can do is speculate, I think I was to become like a brother to him."

"Either way, what you were made to do, and what you chose to become are two completely different things. Just be who you want to be Micheal, Gabriel, you were given the ability to think for yourselves for a reason, why do you think it is impossible for you two to fall?" Naruto questioned.

Gabriel widened her eyes while Micheal narrowed his own, "How did you know?"

"Ghosts can feel sins Micheal. I also watched you give into your anger during the great war, yet not a single flicker of yours wings," Naruto became quite after that, the three of them knowing all too well when that occurred.

It was when God was slain, a large majority of Angels fell from despair until a figure that Gabriel could barely make out appeared, his voice instantly calming the Angels as he ordered them to retreat to heaven. Every Pure Angel, bar Micheal listened and fell back, she remembered the light dimmed a little and she could make out his pure white hair as he appeared next to Micheal and calmed him down before her brother came and returned her to Heaven with him by her side.

For the briefest of moments, the figure gave off the feeling that God did when he was alive, his strength and aura were of a completely different class to even the Seraphim. She had asked Micheal about it many times, about this person that felt like God, only to get no answer. He said that he knew them, but they were going to keep quiet until it was time to move again.

"Ummm I have a lot to think about, is it okay if I be excused, Naruto-kun, Brother?" Gabriel shifted slightly as the two looked towards her, she was feeling a little light headed with all these thoughts, plus finding out so many different things about Naruto... Plus there was her situation with him.

Micheal and Naruto shared a glance before nodded to her as she excused herself from the room, once she was gone Naruto lifted his hand and clicked his fingers, the door, which had been all but vaporized, appeared once more and settled itself into position, it gave a bright glow signalling that magic had been cast on it before a pulse erupted from Micheal to cleanse the room of anything that may have been hidden inside, "This is serious business Naruto, if the others were to know you were housing a devil they would call for your head."

"I made a deal with the devils you know, in order for me to visit Grayfia any time I wish really. All I had to do was change a couple of things around in my recent project, which in turn made a drastic change that I will need to work out for my original plans, but now devils can resurrect humans into devils," He saw the look of outrage on Micheal's face, lifting a hand to stop the conversation that would come forth, "I just need to make a few finishing touches for it to be workable for us to do the same, only to turn them into Angels. It should only take about a month, after that I was looking at some plans for a new combat suit for the Seraphim."

Micheal now rose a brow, "What is wrong with the current one?"

Naruto gives a small pout, something that surprised the Seraph, he had heard that the blonde had started to become more expressive, he was thankful, since the war Naruto turned his back on nearly everything, "It is too bulky, it gets in the way of finer movements, so I was thinking of scrapping the current ones once I can make my new ones. On those lines I have been thinking about what the people from the church have been wearing when we have them do jobs for us... Right now they are practically naked, wearing human clothing, something that feeds off their devotion to their task, offer them a bit more protection when hunting the abnormal."

"It looks like something has really stirred you Naruto," Micheal reasoned, seeing a look of determination in the blonde's eyes, "Normally you would not have gotten involved at all, you simply would have just killed that devil and been done with you. Why the change?"

Naruto pressed his lips together in thought, "Here me out before you say anything please?" He got a small nod from Micheal which prompted him to start, "God said that because of my nature I connected with the world, meaning I was able to tell when it was happy. At the moment it isn't, but I can't tell why. Every day it is getting a little worse, I feel, that in the end, all we will be able to do act with force until we can right what is wrong."

"That is... troubling... Are you sure?" Micheal was hesitant, the last time that the blonde had predicted something like this, the great war broke out not long afterwards, now they were weak, they would more than likely be crushed.

"Sadly I am..."

Micheal slowly put the pieces together, "You want us to fight alongside the devils?" Seeing that Naruto gave no reaction to the suggestion caused Micheal to shake his head, "If it were anyone else I would cast it away without a thought and branded you a traitor. Though coming from you... I don't think this will go over as smoothly as you plan."

Standing up Naruto walked forward and tapped his index finger to his fellow blonde's forehead, watching as his eyes went wide before glazing over, a few seconds later he seemed to return as his breathing became labored and a few beads of sweat formed on his brow, "W-what was that? All that fire, those creatures and the... and the darkness?"

"That I fear Micheal... Is what is coming, what the world is so scared of, I feel it in my blood, war will be upon us once again. One that will make the Great War look like a scrap between children," The room that they were in no longer seemed like the one from their childhood memories, it now seemed like a tomb. Something that should never have been opened.

Trying to ease the tension Micheal gave a light chuckle, which in turn caused Naruto to raise a brow at him, "It would be best if you and Gabriel were together at such a point then, don't you think?"

"I do care for her, but I do not know if she returns those feelings, it hurts if I am away from her for too long, in fact she is the main reason that I continue to return here. Though I still enjoy the change from time to time... Now show me to God's system, lets see if I can't fix it a little."

It was now later in the night. Naruto and Micheal had left and returned a few times since then, they had been busy sorting through paperwork and new projects for the researchers, along with moving some people out of Naruto's forge and laboratory, or was it better to call him her Husband? Really Gabriel didn't know.

To hear that her own brother thought at times she was created to be there and to stand by Naruto made her wonder if her feelings were real at all. Or was she just acting how she had been programmed too? Was she even able to be classed as a person now, were people not those that were able to think for themselves, to make their own choice?

The door in front of her opened and she barely noticed that Naruto was giving her a pointed stare, "How long are you going to stand out here for this time?"

Both were clad in their nightwear, for Naruto is was hard to tell as it just seemed to be the same pants that he wore during the day. For Gabriel though, her nightgown was a few fractions thinner, but that didn't make it any less elegant. It clung tightly to her body and swayed gently with the faintest breeze of the nights air. It was the designated time for sleep after all, so the normal white ceiling that floated over head had dulled down changing the tempo of the day.

She spotted some soot and his cheek and leaned forward while pulling some cloth from her gown before wiping it off, "I wasn't sure if you wanted me to come in or not... Your first day back and you spent the majority of it in the forge. You seem really devoted at the moment Naruto-kun..."

Inwardly sighing Naruto stepped to the side, "Do you want to come in Gabriel?"

The blonde-haired woman seemed to be confused at that point and bit down on her lip, "I do, but I don't know if I want to come in because that is what I want, or because it is what I should do..."

Naruto walked forward and placed a light kiss on her forehead, "Micheal said that it was a feeling, everyone has a purpose in this world of ours Gabriel, most of us don't live long enough to find out what it was, or we complete it without even noticing. What should it matter what yours is, as long as you live your life how you think is best?" He questioned taking a step away from her and moving back into his room.

He didn't need to look to know she was still standing in the doorway, her feelings were conflicted enough that she would fall if not for God's protection on her. He moved into bed and climbed under the sheets, hearing his door slowly close as the sound of soft footsteps littered his ears. The edge of his bed compressed a little and he knew that Gabriel was sitting only feet away from him, "What if I don't know what to do anymore?" She sounded so fragile right now.

Sitting up Naruto placed a hand on her shoulder, "Then listen to your heart, if that fails you then listen to the world."

She turned back to face him tears welling up in the corners of her eyes, "Naruto-kun... How, how do you think of me?"

"Well, when I first met you I thought you were just some little girl who didn't understand what was happening around her, though over the years we grew closer and closer, but really it wasn't until the war where I made my final choice... Gabriel, you were always a thing of beauty, though when I saw how you moved, how you protected the others on the front line, while still able to come home and maintain your gentle, cheerful and sometimes aloof behavior, I started to admire you, you were able to stay strong, despite the death of god, you became a rock of the Seraphim to lean on while I vanished," Naruto spoke frowning, "I should have been there for everyone, but I was having trouble just getting my own head straight."

"Naruto-kun?" Gabriel questioned, not exactly understanding what he was saying.

The man in question lightly rubbed at the back of his head, "I guess what I am saying is, you're precious to me, more so than Micheal and the others, it is stronger like the feelings I felt for my mother, but at the same time different, what I do know is that I don't feel right when you aren't near me, during my exile I noticed that I felt stiffer, almost like something was holding me back... It feels wrong if you aren't by my side."

Gabriel frowned, "But as Fox-Folk you need to take multiple 'mates' which are like wives, isn't that right?"

"That is the curse we have for the actions of our ancestor Aphrodite, our lust is quite large and when it isn't filled we can't control our changes properly, though if our energy is depleted we will always return to a childlike state. Thankfully mine is somewhat balanced because I have two subspecies instead of the normal one, otherwise there is a chance that I would be trying to have this conversation with you right now as a fox. I honestly believe that would be both interesting and awkward though," He gave a small smile as he saw Gabriel giggle.

Though it changed when her eyes hardened, "We are taking this slow though, and I get the final say in your 'mates'."

"I haven't seen you this serious since you heard that I had the 'Oera Linda'. But yes, yes you do Gabriel," Naruto spoke softly as he felt her leaned in and wrap her arms around him as she crawled into bed.

Her arms tightened around his neck and she drew their faces very close as her green eyes seemed to sparkle with hidden intent, "Yes, when I get serious I always get my way... Now about that book Na-ru-to-kun?"

His expression changed in an instant as the air in the room stilled, she could be seductive all she wanted and right now it wouldn't matter, she could try to force it out of him with small threats or by acting serious on the matter, but it would all be for naught now, "No... You are not ready to read it. It will break you, this is for your own good Gabriel, when you are ready I will let you know, though for now you simply aren't."

And like that she dropped any hope she had thought to be in her hands of reading it, "Muuuu, but how come Brother knew that you had it?"

"He walked in when God handed it to me. So now you also know, what do you think it contains anyhow Gabriel?" Naruto questioned, seeing a thoughtful look come over her face.

"I'm not sure, but if God gave it to you it must be important, he always gave you really important missions when he was alive, things that he couldn't trust to Angels, even the Seraphim were not allowed to assist, I guess that is why I want to read that book so much, because it is this huge secret about what is inside of it. I like to think that it is magic, Micheal thinks that it might be ways of forging, or super advanced technology," She answers honestly before noticing her position and blushes madly.

She had been laying in his arms for a couple of minutes now and had just pushed it to the back of her mind, now though, it was right in front of her, "How do you see me Gabriel?"

Frozen now as those words dug into her, how did she feel about the man in front of her, yesterday she could have answered without a second thought, no, even now she can still give him her answer, she has known that they were drawn together by something, though whether it was by her creation, or purely because of who they were she didn't know, "Everyone looks up to you, when you are here everything is deferred to you, I can not understand how that must feel, to have a whole community depend on you, even Brother asks for your judgement on things when you're here."

She takes a breath to steady herself, "I often feel like I am out of place around you, despite knowing that I want to be near you, I just... I find it hard to explain, that I am drawn to you, like you are a flame and I a moth. I am so happy that you have started to open up again, everyone was worried when you returned and were colder than ice. Then something change, you started to return back to how you were before the war... I want to stay by your side, help clean the world and make it a better place for everyone. I will hold you hand and face what comes at us, I will become your Guardian Angel," She wriggles her fingers into his hand, "No one was ever able to catch my interest like you do. Nor do I believe that anyone would be able to, you seem to do what you want, but it always works out well for everyone around you, even when you left us all behind we had to become independent without any guidance from you and Micheal, as Micheal was busy trying to stabilize God's equipment. It was good for us to learn, I only wish that the cost hadn't been so high."

He can see the sad look in her face, pressing his lips together in thought he moves forward and lightly kisses her cheek, "Tomorrow, come to Seventh Heaven, I will let Micheal know that you are coming to my forge."

"Naruto-kun?" She was surprised, which was understandable. Micheal and Naruto were the only ones allowed into the Seventh Heaven, or the Seventh Level of Heaven if you will, both during God's reign and after it. More so than that it will be the first time anyone but God or Micheal has seen where their armor came from. The Seraph armor anyway, the others mostly had the mass produced version which was nearly equal in stats after a few centuries of experimentation.

"If you want us to spend the rest of ours lives together, you should see the work that I do, not just the finished product. Plus I need to get your sizes for the new suit of armor I am making, it is going to be my finest work yet!" Naruto's statement caused a warm smile to come over Gabriel's face, whenever he started talking about a new project, or something that he wanted to start marking he seemed to go off into his own little happy world.

Gabriel was following behind Micheal as they moved through the Seventh Heaven. Her eyes shooting all over the place, huge golden pillars reached up into the sky with this strange liquid running down them, when she asked about it Micheal had told her that Naruto used it for his forging.

There was a large house, and Micheal explained that was where God lived before he passed, now it is empty, and by large house we mean a large golden palace, easily the biggest thing in Heaven, at least that is what she thought. It had only been a slight increase up until this point, but now Gabriel was able to feel the sheer heat that was coming from their destination. All that liquid was running to this place and spiraling down a large tube into what looked to be a mountain, though with the amount of smoke raising from the top it looked more like a volcano ready to erupt, "I-Is that?" She questioned.

Micheal gave a kind smile, "Yes Sister, now for the first time in so many years, someone other than myself and Naruto is going to enter. The forge is turning in excitement."

"It is alive?"

Micheal thought about how to answer for some time, "I am honestly not sure, Naruto would know, also unless he asks you to, don't touch anything. The forge is a very dangerous place Gabriel, I am not sure what you two talked about, but he asked me to bring you here."

Gabriel didn't answer as they came to large doors that were made of heavy metal, reaching into one of his pockets he pulled out a leather glove and drew the door back, heat rushing out and thinning the air around them. Gabriel felt sweat instantly start to form on her smooth skin, "It is a little hot..." She trailed following behind Micheal as they entered the mountain.

It was only a few more minutes before they could hear the sounds of chains rattling and the pounding of a hammer, entering a large room, easily the size of halls in some castles from the evil ages, they saw Naruto standing there pounding away on an anvil with a strange golden hammer, chains are extending from his back and pulling on the ones dangling from the ceiling as he adjusts the temperature of the room and the fire. One chain from his back hovers over towards them, seemingly studying them like a snake before moving back to its owner the hammering stopped for a moment as Naruto looked over his shoulder, seeing the two Seraphs standing there he gave a small smile, "I will be with you in a moment," the hammer sounds out a handful more times before stopping completely as Naruto puts the blade he was working on out to cool. He walked up to them with a wide smile on his face and Gabriel could see the muscles in his arms were quite tight right now. No doubt he had been working on that blade since he left this morning, "So, Gabriel, what do you think of my forge?"

She looked around in thought, shinning golden liquid was flowing into the room and down the walls, cascading almost like lava, it was the main reason for the intense heat. She knew for a fact that it wasn't gold, Naruto refused to work with such a weak material regardless of its worth. That made her think that it was something special, that only Naruto and Micheal knew about. Though steering away from the liquid metal she saw hanging chains and stiff rock everywhere, honestly it looked much more like a place one would expect to see in the underworld than in heaven.

Large golems, more than likely made of the same liquid that was running through the room were standing in the four corners, watching, she knew that if they were like Naruto's other ones than they were fully capable of protecting him if he needed them too. Hanging on the far wall she could see a lot of formulas, meaning that he was more than likely using magic of some kind in his forging, though when she thought back to what he was able to create, it was quite clear he had been doing that from the start.

Then she saw it, his plans for the new armor and a blush crept across her face before she turned to him, causing her to take him in fully since they entered the room, he was topless, though that was kind of expected giving the heat of the room, a very fine line of sweat on his brow, Micheal handed him a bottle of water and Naruto took a couple of mouthfuls before pouring it over his head and chest to cool himself down, Gabriel's eyes watching the water run down his body and into his pant line.

"Uh Gabriel... You're drooling..." Naruto deadpanned causing the woman to blink before lifting a hand to her mouth and finding that there was a small bit of drool there, a small 'eeep' and cleaning of her face later she was nodding as she looked around the room once again in a serious manner.

"It, it is different from what I expected, I didn't think to see something like this in heaven..." She trailed a little making sure to not stare for too long at the blonde's gorgeous body right now.

Naruto gave a small nod, "I understand what you mean, God thought the same thing at first, but I quickly told him that if we didn't contain the forge like this, the heat would radiate all the way to the Third Heaven. That would make for somewhat uncomfortable experiences when I am doing heavy forging, right now the temperature output is only at like ten to fifteen percent of its safe maximum, at that point I can only forge for two hours a day before I need to cool my body down otherwise I can do permanent damage. At that level Seventh Heaven is off-limits to everyone, not even God used to stick around when I was working with those heats, it spreads to around sixth where you can feel a large heat increase, though it is only about as bad as a hot summer day on earth."

"So that was you?" Gabriel questioned remembering back to when they were younger and spent days with God, only they happened on really hot days every time and always went swimming. Now that she thought about it, Naruto was never there with them.

"Yeah that was when I was making the first prototype that would in the end become the standard Seraph armor, once I finish Uriel's sword I will get to work on the new Seraph armor, I plan on making it much lighter and easier to move in," The blonde rolls his hand a little before clicking his fingers as his chains fly from his back and quickly cool the forge down further, "Come and take a seat Gabriel, I need to take your measurements, thank you for bringing her Micheal, her armor is going to take the longest to get through."

Micheal nods in understanding as he left, Naruto after all did spend quite a lot of time on Gabriel's equipment, it had been he way of protecting her since he started using the forge. Naruto lead her over to a table with chairs around it, a few pages of paper littering it though from a quick glance she couldn't make out much more other than equations regarding the infusion of light into leather.

Lightly taking a seat she was surprised that it was rather cool, "Colored obsidian, it is rather heat resistant," Naruto replied as he pulls out a tape measure and starts sizing her up, checking fingers, thumbs, arm lengths, foot size, leg length, surprising Gabriel when he asked her to stand and checked the size of her behind, her waist and her chest and her best before telling her she could sit again as he did the shoulders as well, "Though it might seem a little strange to you, I do want this to be one of my finest pieces of work. Thus I can not leave out any detail."

His response was for her pout to continue, it had happened around the time he started measuring her, "You didn't have to poke me so much..." Mostly because of that, also because she felt embarrassed that he was paying such attention to her body, a part of her wondering if it was the kind that he liked.

"It was to see how much room would be needed between the armor and the insulated skin between it and your body, having an armor that is too tight can cause quite a lot of bruising, one that is too loose hardly protects you at all, if anything it is more of a hindrance than anything else. Always flopping around everywhere and restricting your movements by dropping into the wrong place," He flipped his hand off to the side as he made some notes on a piece of paper, "Do you want to be able to deploy your wings while inside of your armor, or would you rather it just allow you the ability to fly through a light converter?"

"What is the difference if you don't mind Naruto-kun?"

Tapping the paper a few times Naruto turns with his lips pressed into a thin line, "A light converter will take the action of your wings when you use them, only they won't come out, allowing them to be protected as well, though it will take away from the intimidation of seeing those stainless white wings of yours."

"This converter... What would it make my light look like?" Gabriel questioned, normally Naruto didn't ever lock something in one place after all.

"It can either just expel a small trail of light behind you, or I can change it to give you wings like mine instead," Naruto spoke only to hear her gasp, "Oh yeah, you haven't seen my wings before have you Gabriel?" Turning around slowly he saw her quickly shake her head.

"Most of us had figured that you didn't have wings Naruto-kun."

Lightly shaking his head from side to side Naruto put some distance between them, standing out in a large open area of the forge, "Not really the case, I just make myself float around because my wings draw a lot of attention to me," Rolling his shoulders forward the air in the room changed as two incredibly large wings made of an icy-blue energy formed, "I only have two, but they are huge so I think that counts for something right?"

Gabriel just stared blankly at the wings, they were beyond reason in their length, four times the size of Naruto each wing, and his height in width, "T-they're beautiful," That was all she could say, they were captivating, almost forcing you to stare at them without pause.

"But they aren't all that easy to use, I need large open spaces otherwise I can't use my full power... Using them in a hallway doesn't work out well, so most of the time I just hover around by forming tiny pockets of light at the bottom of my feet to keep me in the air," Taking a small breath Naruto drew his wings back in, watching as Gabriel's attention slowly turned back to him, "I can give you wings like that, though they will be smaller, only a little larger than four of your white wings at the moment."

Her eyes widened before she eagerly nodded, "I would like that very much."

"Then I have just about all I need then, you can stay if you want to, though I will be busy, also before you ask, yes I can keep an area cool for you if you want," Naruto focuses on the paper that rests on the table, tapping it a few times before picking the ink from it and chucking it over at the far wall, it splattered and turned into a large design that he could work from. Loots of little gold looking machines came out, standing at the height of children as they started of the forge.

Gabriel made herself comfortable as she crossed her legs in a refined manner, watching the blonde male go back to work. A group of the small machines came up to her and held out some paper for her, she rose a brow before reading what was already written, apparently they would follow orders written on the paper. Taking a utensil from the desk next to her she quickly scribbled down for a glass of water, a small snack and something to read. Less than five minutes later those items were in front of her with a nice even pace of hammer strikes that almost seemed to ring and bounce off of the walls around them.

Peering up from her book she could see metal floating in the air around Naruto, his chains carving and inscribing runes and seals into the pieces before they found their way to his hammer and were molded to a shape before the process repeated itself, time and time again. It was really something else to see the blonde working so hard with a wide smile on his face.

Seeing Naruto enjoying his work allowed her to think about the future, she would later find out that he was only staying for half a year.

Their time together passed much to quickly for her liking, now standing in his room she held an irritated glare. It looked incredibly out of place on the normally soft woman, "I do not approve of you going to the underworld," Her arms crossed under her chest as she watched him fasten his new armor. Really compared to his other set, this was nothing fancy.

He was clad in form fitting black armor over his legs that stopped at his waist, showing a white bodysuit coming up from under it, the only other places it was covered was his arms, coming up to mid forearm and his upper chest and back, covering his shoulders yet made of a more flexible material so that he had full rotation of his arms, "I know, you've told me this quite often."

"Naruto I forb-"

"Gabby," He cut her off before she could finish, adjusting his right glove before he walked up to her and slowly lifted her hand, showing a bright golden ring, "This means I will come back, you're stuck with me now, though if you're really worried about me, I am taking No.1 and No.2 with me. Plus Grayfia will be there, and you know she is no slouch."

Gabriel dropped her glare and leaned into him, "But what if she hates you now? You didn't know her very long after all..."

"Gabby I am a pretty good judge of character, Grayfia isn't like that. No one was kind to her before us... Lucifer wasn't exactly the most friendly person, though Lilith was able to keep him in line most of the time. Really though, I think he just found himself above everyone else, so she more than likely would have just been ignored by him... And that can be worse than any kind of abuse... I'm not going to let her think that she is alone anymore Gabby, devil or not, I'm going to help her, you can't stop that Gabby," Naruto wrapped his fingers around hers and held her hand tightly.

She shook her head lightly before leaning into his body, able to feel his warmth through the strange material covering his skin, it was the same kind of material that was going to be worn by all the Seraphim when he was done with his new armor, most of the sets were already complete and having been there and watched how he made them, and the amount of time put into each turn and plate of the armor made her appreciate his work more. Leaning up on her toes she captured his lips briefly before giving him another flat stare, "If you don't return I will never forgive you."

Breaking away from her he gives a warm smile, "If I don't return I won't forgive myself... I'll see you soon Gabby, make sure you keep your brother busy for me okay?" His body started to break up into particles before they flew through the ground towards earth, he never heard her reply as he appeared back outside of his cabin.

His fingers spreading out across the ground as he was forced into a crouched landing. Looking down he saw a large red magic circle, about to jump out of it before he finished readying the inscription of what it was doing before staying put and finding himself flung form his place once again. When he opened his eyes he had to blink a few times, "Not as much fire as I would have thought..." Was the first thought that flashed through his mind.

"People say that a lot, though I suppose heaven isn't made of clouds and golden pillars?" A voice that he could remember from earlier in the year spoke from the side causing Naruto to turn his head, a few gasps were drawn as people took notice of his figure, hanging from his ear was an upside-down cross, while his hair was held up with a black headband giving his hair a more spiky than usual look.

A grin spread over his face as Naruto calmly stood, brushing off his hands and knees, "Actually it is Sirzechs, t-"

"You dare address the Maou in such a casual manner?!" Came the roaring voice of somewhere nearby, Naruto slowly turned his head towards them and gave a shrug. He wasn't as stiff as he used to be, Gabby had brought him out of that, though he would often revert to that when he was in an important situation, mostly because it was more comfortable for him.

Sirzechs rose his hand and quelled the roaring before it reached higher than what it was by others joining in, "This man gave us the idea and theory behind the Evil Piece system that is being worked on, he has done more for devildom than most that live here have with that one action."

Naruto craned his neck to the side and poked his tongue out at the upstart devil before turning to Sirzechs and giving an inquisitive look to the Maou, "How are you going with that by the way?"

"We should speak about that in private, though your new uh... Uniform is interesting," Sirzechs looked over the outfit and could feel an sense of unease from it.

"Thank you, I made it myself, I would offer you one, but it might be a bit hard to make one for your uh... 'alignment'?" Naruto offered lamely.

Sirzechs though gave a small wave of his hand, "Not that important, though if you do find a way around that I would be interested. Grayfia..."

The gentle tapping of shoes against the ground drew Naruto's attention. Standing there with her hair braided and sitting lightly on her shoulder was Grayfia, she was dressed in what looked like maids clothing from England, though he wasn't quite sure, she gave a small curtsy to the blonde, "It is good to see you again Naruto-sama, to be honest a part of me thought that would have been our last meeting."

Naruto lightly shook his head, "Let's get to a more private area, forgive me if I don't want to spill my guts in front of people who would try to kill me if you weren't standing there Sirzechs."

Grayfia narrowed her eyes and spared a glance at those around her before moving to stand next to Naruto, "I shall lead you to your quarters Naruto-sama."

Nodding to her request, Naruto followed after Grayfia passing down the long halls that seemed to take on a castle-like feel about them, he was sure that the Devils here had some strange fetish for England. He stopped counting how many noble-like people walked past him and looked down on him or sneered at him, which of course caused the temperature to drop drasticly, as icy crystals formed in the air around him and Grayfia. Thankfully it only take a quarter of an hour to get to their destination by foot, though it was a very cold and quiet fifteen minutes.

He rose a brow as he stopped by a large set of double doors, large golden crosses on the doors and he could feel the magic coming from them, it was a barrier against Devils... That he found interesting, seeing his questioning of the door in front of him Grayfia spoke, "When Maou Beelzebub heard you were coming he decided it was best if you were protected from Devils entering your room, only those that you or he allow will be able to enter. I overheard him saying he got the idea from your theory on light and its effects on materials."

"I had figured so, must have been pretty dangerous for Devils to work on something like this..." Naruto trailed as he moved forward and touched the cross, it gave a slight glow before opening the door.

"I did sustain some minor burns while I was putting it together, before you get cross I chose to do so, I was not ordered, nor even asked. Just like my position as maid for the House of Gremory, now... Is there anything I can do for you Naruto-sama?" She gave him eyes filled with question.

Naruto though took up a thinking position before lightly shrugging his shoulders, "The best tea if you could, a pot and two glasses, I want to speak with you as I taste what the underworld has to offer if that is okay?"

A ghost of a smile graced her lips before she bowed to the blonde, "Then I shall return shortly Naruto-sama," With that she left the doorway, Naruto though looked to the bookshelf, running his fingers along the spines.

After a short time he paused, letting out a golden pulse from his body, "You can enter now Sirzechs, don't worry, I won't bite."

There was a small amount of laughter from the redhead as he glanced around the room, everything was still in place and he had to admit, he had no idea what the blonde would want his place to look like, though he would like to think that he did a good job, "You know Grayfia was really nervous about whether or not you were going to come back for her, though I believe I did see her skipping down the hall just before... What did you say to her?"

"Skipping?" Naruto questioned by repatriation.

"Yes skipping, I was quite shocked at first as well."

"I asked to have tea with her," Naruto stated calmly before pulling out a book and flicking it open and skimming some of the pages, a frown slowly working over his face, he glanced at the front to see that the name had been scratched off, "Whoever wrote this is an idiot."

Sirzechs gave a small frown, "Well yes that would be the former Beelzebub, his views were quite w-"

"There will always by Tyrants, those that have power will try to rule with force, do not feel bad about that. Just do what you can to stop it, but I wasn't talking about that, no I was talking about his calculations and his minimal understanding of the universe around him. No this 'former Beelzebub' is mentally retarded, devils are not Darkness incarnate, no they are tainted light, how often people get that wrong grinds me in ways that you can't understand Stranger... No I guess you would be the 'Current Beelzebub' seeing as you have been readily accepted by the room," Naruto murmured causing Sirzechs to gasp as a slow round of applause rung from the wall where a green-haired man walked out.

His hair slicked back with light blue eyes taking in the form of the blonde, he was in a longish jacket that was a few tones duller than his hair and brown dress pants, "And I take it you are the infamous Naruto."

"That would be correct."

"Ajuka, when did you get here?"

Having his first name revealed Ajuka gave a small sigh, running a hand through his hair before giving a bored look at the room he was standing in, "I came in moments after you Sirzechs, through the transportation circle that leads to my lab. I want to work with Naruto-san further in the future. Though I do agree that Devils are not darkness incarnate, after looking at your work I was surprised to find that. Had it not been pointed out and shown how to look for it, I may have continued with my ways of thinking for another few decades."

"Wait so we aren't beings of darkness Ajuka?" Sirzechs questioned causing the green-haired man to shake his head negative.

"No, as Naruto-san pointed out to me, and after I checked for myself, I came to the conclusion that we are in fact tainted light, our 'darkness' is purely from the corrupted light of Lucifer, the father of all devils... In other words, we are perfected Fallen Angels," Ajuka reasoned causing Sirzechs to widen his eyes in shock.

"Are you sure?"

Ajuka gives a wide grin, "Yes, I tested the theory on my own body, I could see the light starting to clean itself when I injected a tiny amount into my own body, or as it was formerly know as 'Light Poisoning'."

"No I still call it that, it is just easier to keep to that name that you Devils have been using for so long," Naruto spoke before placing his book back into the shelf, "You are the one that is handling my notes with the supervision of Grayfia I assume?"

"That's right, though I have noticed how advanced some of your formulas are, I wonder... What is your job in Heaven?"

Naruto tapped at his arm a few times, "I am the Smithy of Heaven, I make the equipment for the Seraphim, and of course a few toys for myself."

Ajuka rose a brow, "Are you that Naruto, the 'Holy Smith'?"

"I wonder how you know that title?"

"Oh we captured some Fallen, they made it very clear that Heaven would always make it out alive, as long as you continued to live. Those that once stood beside you now fear you, whispers that you can make life with a forge not even God could touch," Ajuka spoke with a small smile on his face, knowing that as long as he thought of it as the man himself and not the title than he would be fine.

Naruto gently lets out a breath as he crosses his arms over his chest, "Not even I can 'make' life. Then again, I haven't really tried, the closest thing to what they are speaking would be my golems, or maybe the Sacred Gear, but that isn't life, merely an existence that is reliant on the orders of others. It would be the same as saying that a wheel is alive because it can move without someone touching it."

Ajuka gave a small snort of laughter, "I figured, if you could truly create life, then there would no longer be a need for humans would there?"

"Oh so you found that out did you? My my, finding a Devil that studies the laws of the universe," A wide smile came across the blonde's face, "How thrilling to meet someone that may be able to understand my line of thought."

"I come to much the same conclusion, though I truly do wonder if the gap between dimensions is as large as it appears, or if it is simply an illusion cast by the nothingness between each exit?"

"Hardly, I do believe that it is as large as it appears, after all the universe needs room to grow does it not?"

"If that is the case then won't we one day run into the other exit?"

Sirzechs was just standing there dumbly when Grayfia returned with tea, she had brought a large number of cups, apparently believing that something like this would happen. She noted that Naruto and Ajuka seemed to be conversing about laws of the universe while the current Lucifer looked like a confused child, "Lucifer-sama, would you care for some tea?"

Sirzechs widens his eyes at her appearance, having not noticed her enter before nodding, "That would be lovely Grayfia, I am feeling quite ummm stupid right now for not understanding what they are talking about."

"I would not, apparently Naruto-sama has no one in Heaven he can speak to on equal terms since God died. Gabriel often said that he would spend hours talking to himself as he worked to help ease his sense of self," Gently pouring a glass for the Maou she placed it on the table in front of him and gave a light bow of her head.

"So basicly, he has to dumb himself down so that others around him can understand?"

Grayfia nodded, "That is what Gabriel said, and after looking at the designs that he was playing around with, and the theory behind the devil reincarnation, I can see that his mind works on a different level than ours... In a sense he and Beelzebub seem almost like kindred spirits."

"Why in the name of all that is holy would you think that a series matrix is a good idea for casting?!" Naruto roared drawing more attention to the duo.

"It is stronger and faster than using parallel, able to increase cast speed by thirty-four point five percent," Ajuka responded.

"Yes and while that is happening, allow me to shift a single section of your magic circle a degree and watch it blow up in your face. Yes a series casting is best when you are stationary, but for proper combat, parallel is best, it is safer and more reliable. *tch* No wonder none of your spells could break through my barriers in the Great War..."

"That was you?! I tried rewriting, even code change and nothing, not a single one of my spells could even come close to scratching that barrier around God," He shook his head lightly, "Those dragons really saved our ass, if not than you and God may have slowly just taken us all out before we ever broke through to you."

Naruto gave a small shrug of his shoulders, "Probably not, the Fallen were pushing back the Seraphim... I would have left to help them if it came to them being in real danger."

Sirzechs found that he was able to keep up with this, "So you were that blonde during the Great War that stopped the Devils in their tracks?" Seeing the small nod from Naruto he continued, "But I thought you said that the war had nothing to do with you?"

"I said anymore, once God fell I learned some interesting things, it is partly the reason why I am here... Along with visiting Grayfia of course, I came here to offer a ceasefire between Heaven and Devils," Naruto moved to the table and took one of the offered glasses to his lips, savoring the taste before offering a small compliment to Grayfia he stiffened slightly before returning to a normal rate of breath.

Sirzechs looked somewhat stuck on the thought, while Ajuka narrowed his eyes slightly, "There are a few things I would like your eyes to look over for me, if you help me make progress than you will have my vote."

The redheaded Maou gave a tired sigh before looking at Ajuka, "I will bring it up with the others, but I can't just put my vote behind you yet, I need to see a little more from you before I make up my mind."

Though it was the next words that caught everyone by surprise, "That is fine, I have no intention of leaving before we have come to an agreement, after all, a couple hundred years is really nothing to creatures like us."

PA: Again don't forget to check out the poll on my profile for any input into the story. I hope you enjoyed this first chapter and I look forward to posting another soon.