Another experimental story for you. I only have one chapter right now, but if people like it, I'll write more. And, yes, I know this kind of story has been done before, many times. But this is my outlook on it. Hope you guys like it. Oh yeah, since I only have one chapter, it may be awhile before it is updated again, but don't give up!

Obi-Wan Kenobi glanced at his master briefly before exiting the ship. The Jedi Master looked calm, not portraying the clashing of feelings that Obi-Wan could sense inside him. The two Jedi stepped up to the small man awaiting them and bowed their heads. The small man returned the greeting by nodding his head.

"I thank you for coming all this way, Jedi. The situation on the planet is the worst we have seen in more than fifteen years." The man wrung his hands together as he spoke.

"It was no problem," Qui-Gon Jinn answered. Like a true Jedi, he kept his inner feelings inside of him, invisible to those who did not know him.

The man studied Obi-Wan curiously for a moment. "And who are you, my young friend?"

Obi-Wan stiffened a little bit. He wasn't a kid anymore; he was twenty years old. But he also kept his feelings to himself. "I am Obi-Wan Kenobi, Jedi Padawan to Qui-Gon."

"They sent an apprentice?"

"He comes with me wherever I go. You don't get one without the other." Qui-Gon turned toward the man. "And at times a Master/Padawan team is stronger than just a Knight."

"I see." the man answered, though he still looked uncertain about something. "I assume he can protect himself?"

"Very well, actually."

Suddenly the man burst out into a smile. "Good! I had thought they were sending only one Jedi, which put me at a conflict. We have two senators to protect here, and I wasn't sure how it was going to work out."

"Before we go into details, why don't you tell us why we are here," Qui-Gon said.

"Oh! Of course. But I believe we should go inside so that we may sit." The man turned and began to walk toward the street. "Follow me!" he shouted back over his shoulder.

The Jedi followed him through the winding streets of the main city, Genabishu. They had been called to this planet, Domili, on a bodyguarding mission. But upon descent, a dreadful feeling had embraced Qui-Gon. He couldn't help but feel that this mission could be the death of him, or Obi-Wan. He hadn't told Obi-Wan, not wanting to put fear into the young man, but he knew that the astute Padawan could sense his agitation.

After what felt like an hour, they reached the shabby remains of what had once been a proud government building. The sign that was hanging from one corner read " Genabishu Town Hall". The door, once made of clear duraglass, was shattered with the shards scattered around the door. The man, whose name was Abido, opened the door and allowed the Jedi inside. Obi-Wan stood in the reception room and looked aound.

If the outside was shabby, it was nothing compared to the inside. Desks were broken in half, and still being used, most of the employees were either missing apendages or were bandaged, and the walls had chunks missing out of them. Obi-Wan wrinkled his nose at the site. He wasn't stuck up, he just couldn't see how people could live and work this way. Qui-Gon also looked a bit disturbed. They had come on this mission with very little information about what they were to do, so everything they saw and were told was new to them.

"My office is this way, sirs," Abido said, interupting their observations. They walked down an equally shabby hall and into one of the doors that was still intact. When they stepped inside, both Jedi were surprised. They had expected the room to be falling apart like the others. There were a few spots in the wall where they could see the holes that were covered, but overall, Abido had done a good job of hiding the shabbiness. He sat behind his desk, which Obi-Wan could tell had had the legs put back on, and motioned for the Jedi to sit in the two chairs in front of it.

They did, and Abido leaned forward and laced his fingers together. "How much did your Jedi Council tell you about what you are to do?"

"Very little, I'm afraid." Qui-Gon answered.

"Oh, well that isn't like them at all. I met one of your Master's once. A stout little green fella."

"That would be Master Yoda."

"Ah, yes. Funny little fellow. But I difer; about our problems. Our planet recently suffered a civil war, with casualties adding up to half the population. Our cities were destroyed, along with our hope. But two years ago, both sides agreed to a treaty, and we began rebuilding our lives. We set up a new government, with the leaders elected by the people. But one sanction, called the Terasidu, have decided that they don't like it. They have turned to terrorism to try and once again plummet us into war."

"Just because they don't like the government?" Obi-Wan asked.

"Just because they want to cause problems, actually, young Jedi. They have set many bombs, killing more than 200 people and destroying many buildings. This building was bombed only three weeks ago. With the damage from the bomb and from damage from the war, it was very unstable and one wing collapsed. Thirty people died, including my brother."

"So let me get our facts straight. Your planet was recovering from a civil war when this terrorist group just decided to start bombing you?"

"Yes. We have found out that the leader is Daji Hosuu. He was a special ops during the war, so he knows what he is doing. That is all we know; no motive, no hideout, and no statistics on the group."

"And what do the senators you spoke of have to do with this?" Obi-Wan asked. Qui-Gon smiled to himself. His Padawan was asking all the right questions.

"They came here to help with the rebuilding, but the Terasidu have threatened their lives. They are Magis Sutar, of the Nebuva system, and Gerri Jonz of the Haped Cluster. There were helping to rebuild a school when a suicide bomber tried to run at them. The bodyguards stopped him, but he killed them both by detonating the bomb. Fourteen other people were injured, and one poor boy had to have an arm amputated."

"They use suicide bombers?" Qui-Gon inquered.

"This was the first incident we had with a suicide bomber. But there have been a few more that have happened."

"How so you know he was with Teradisu?" Obi-Wan leaned forward.

"A holo. Daji knows that we know that he is the leader. So he put a datachip in a fire/blast proof container. Would you like to watch it?"

Both Jedi nodded. Abido reached in a drawer and pulled out what looked like a child's lunchbox. He popped it open and pulled out a small chip. He placed the chip in a holo player and activated it.

A small, six inch tall figure of a man appeared. He looked to be very compact, but not very tall. His head was shaved and he had a tatoo of a kryat dragon on his arm. He was sneering.

"Abido! If you are watching this, than it means that the senators are probably dead. Poor fellows, all they were trying to do was help." His smile only widened. "My bomber did a very good job, did he not? Good man has a place in the afterlife. But anyway. Just to let you know, we are not done with you yet. By the time we are done, only a few of your corrupt men will be able to crawl to my feet to beg for their lives. But fear not, Abido. You will not die, at least not yet. I will need you for a while." With that, the man gave a mocking salute and the holo cut off.

"Not a very good speaker is he?" Qui-Gon said after a moment of silence.

"No, but somehow he is able to round up support." Abido sighed and ran a hand through his hair.

"What did he mean that he will need you for a while?" Obi-Wan asked, turning to the mayor.

"I don't know. But it does scare me."