Fyr3Flyt3: I would like to preface this with a massive apology to those of you who supported Gamer Blues and my lack of response to it. It's been nearly two years since I last updated it with a cliffhanger and everything, a writing war crime of the 10th degree. I wish I could say that it'll be continued soon and I'm finally writing it again, but I'm a lot of things and a liar ain't one of them.

As I said on my profile page, I lost all drive for it over a year ago. For months, I struggled to write the next chapter, writing it over and over again, but it never felt right. None of the chapters ever felt right to be completely honest, but I kept writing them because people were enjoying it. Reading the reviews and seeing how many people were following it for more, I didn't want to disappoint. But I did and I'm sorry. I'm also sorry that I never said anything until now, leaving a sort of false hope that there may someday be more. I know many people probably got the clue a while ago, but still, leaving that up in the air is wrong, so I'm writing this update to official say it. Gamer Blues is dead. There will be no continuation or rewrite. I'm sorry.

P.S. I'm also sorry if this update makes any excited that it might be back. It's not likely but I like to cover my bases of disappointment.