Twilight Saga New Moon Fanfiction

Transitionals: New Moon

Disclaimer: I do not own Twilight or any of the other books in the Saga, they belong to Stephenie Meyer.

Here is the much-anticipated chapter. It's time for Bella's speed to come in. This chapter is so important so there was never a doubt in my mind that I was going to have it in Edward's POV

This Chapter is dedicated to all of my readers.

Chapter 5

Edward's POV

I pulled my sweater over my head as I hurried down the stairs. I wanted to get back to Bella and the girls. There were no plans for the day and I was going to enjoy getting to rest and relax without having to worry about Toby's business or the traitor or even the rebellion. Today was going to be our day to just be us.

Edward, bring Bella and the girls over for breakfast, Esme called out to me in her mind.

"I will," I answered before leaving for Bella's house.

Charlie was already gone by the time I slipped in through the back door. No point in letting the nosy neighbors of theirs find out I was over.

My face split into a smile at the sight in front of me. Anna was sitting on the floor with Cissy and Bella looked like she was getting ready to cook breakfast. I stopped her before she could even open the fridge.

She paused and glanced up at me.

The love the sparkled in her eyes, the pure joy I could see there, just because she saw it was me, it was all-consuming. I leaned down and kissed her, returning the adoration I got from her.

Anna giggled softly, her thoughts letting me know exactly what she thought about me kissing her auntie. I fought back a chuckle even as Cissy started laughing too.

I pulled away when Bella needed to breathe, and grinned what she called my crooked grin. "Esme is making breakfast for the three of you."

"Sounds good to me," Bella replied breathlessly.

I hurriedly grabbed Anna and Cissy and headed outside to Bella's car; only sparing a second to be sure no one was watching outside. It didn't take me long to get the two girls into their car seats.

With how good I was feeling I caught hold of Bella and helped her into the passenger seat, not that she could have gotten to the driver's side before I could have stopped her.

Bella loved driving nearly as much as I do, and I was thankful that for the most part, she let me drive her and the girls around. To thank her, I tended to drive a little slower than normal, especially when the girls are in the car with us.

"So what are the plans for today?" Bella asked

"Outside!" Anna yelled excitedly. Oops.

Cissy recoiled at Anna's yell and started crying.

"Anna." Bella turned in her seat, sparing Anna a glance as she tried to get to Cissy who was behind her.

I didn't mean to.

I glanced in the review mirror so I could meet Anna's gaze, letting her know I heard her thoughts. Out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Bella's hand go to the buckle of her seatbelt. I caught hold of her hand and ignored the roll of her eyes.

"Please," she sighed, "it's not like I'm going to get hurt. You're the one driving the car, and you won't get into an accident. Beside my shield will protect me should something happen."

Everything she said was true, but there was always the possibility that something could happen. I was still learning about the Other world, but I knew enough to know that there were things that could surprise me, that I wasn't prepared for. It was better for us just to be safe. "Anna can calm her down."

"I'll do it," Anna announced then. I can get sissy to calm down, no problem.

She leaned over enough to let Cissy take her hand, whispering comforting words until she calmed down. "You're okay sissy."

Bella turned back around sparing me an annoyed glance before it vanishes altogether.

As I pulled into the garage, my mind was immediately alerted to Emmett's poor attempts to hide his thoughts. Despite the annoying images he had playing in his mind, I could still hear the underlining mischievous thoughts.

Emmett pulled opened Bella's door, offering her hand. I hurried to get out before Bella would take his hand, but I couldn't.

I growled at Emmett's thoughts before he acted on them. He pulled Bella into his arms and took off running, taunting me in his mind to try and catch him.

Oh, I would catch him.

I spared only a second to be sure that Rose and Alice had entered the garage to get the girls, then I flashed out of the garage and after my crazy brother.

I could see him up ahead laughing. I was glad to see that Bella was laughing too.

"What in the…" Emmett gasped in shock as he was suddenly forced to a stop. He wasn't able to move despite how hard he struggled against the invisible force stopping him.

I slowed to a walk before coming to a stop beside Emmett. "Bella?" I asked carefully.

Bella started laughing loudly. She clearly lost control of her shield as she swayed slightly in Emmett's arms while he was still in his confused state.

I chuckled softly and took her from Emmett before he came to his senses.

We're going to play in the river today. Alice warned me.

Moving quickly, just in case Emmett decided to start up his game again, I dashed to the river and set Bella down beside it.

Alice and Rose met us at the river with the little girls, all four of them dressed in swimsuits.

Anna excitedly grabbed Bella's hand trying to pull her into the river. "We're going to play in the water Auntie Bella."

Bella shook her head, leaning down to meet Anna's eyes. "I'll soak my feet, but I'm not going in, I didn't bring my swimsuit."

"There's a swimming suit in your clothes that I put in Edward's closet." Alice's thoughts went to a skimpy two-piece suit. When she had put it in my closet, I had no idea, but I knew it was something that Bella definitely wouldn't be wearing.

Just the thought of Bella in that swimsuit… It was a good thing I couldn't blush. I had an easier time hiding my embarrassment.

"Come on Bella, you'll look fine." Alice grouched at Bella.

"Not happening Alice," Bella growled back.

I chuckled softly at Alice's annoyance.

"Alice leave Bella alone." Esme joined us by the river. She handed the plate and glass in her hands to Bella, giving her a loving smile.

Alice rolled her eyes at Bella and reached for Anna's hand, only to have Esme stop her.

"Anna needs to eat."

The look Esme gave Alice, stopped her from arguing.

We all laughed at Anna who was trying to stuff her entire breakfast in her mouth so she could finish quickly.

Esme shook her head at Anna's antics. She grabbed Cissy baby food that she had started making for her, giving it to Rose.

Cissy really enjoyed the pureed foods Esme and Carlisle had started making for her. It wasn't any less appetizing to us thankfully.

I sat beside Bella and watched as she slowly at her own food. I tried to let my gaze drift away from her, knowing that it embarrassed her whenever we watched her eat. She felt bad eating in front of us, but that was just ridiculous.

Anna placed her empty plate beside Bella and smiled up at Alice impatiently.

"Take my hand Anna, it's kind of slippery," Alice said as she offered Anna her hand.

Anna shook her head though.

Why wouldn't she want to take my hand?

We didn't have to wait for the answer to that question.

"You need to take my hand, Alice." She replied, holding her hand out to Alice.

Is there a difference? Alice.

Anna always seems to have her own ways to do things. Rose shrugged as we all glanced between each other.

Alice leaned down towards Anna. "Isn't that the same thing?"

Anna shook her head. It isn't. She huffed lightly in her thoughts. "No it's not," She told Alice. "If I take your hand I might accidentally let go. But if you take my hand I know you won't let go."

I smiled at Anna proudly. Amazed by the simplistic idea that had never even crossed my mind.

I never thought of that before. Alice

That makes a lot of sense, my niece is so smart. Emmett.

I wonder who taught her that. Rose.

Whoever taught Anna that, she holds them very highly. Carlisle.

What a smart little girl. Esme.

I don't know if I've ever met a child like her. I still comprehend how advanced Anna's mental understanding is. Jasper.

As Anna had instructed Alice took hold of her hand, and the two of them smiled as they went to the shallow part of the river. The two of them splashed around together, enjoying the comfortable heat and the water.

I glanced down at Bella, letting a small smile cross my smile. This was exactly what we all needed right now.

"Who taught Anna that?" Rose asked from where she sat. She held Cissy over the river letting the baby kick her feet in the water.

Cissy connected her powers to one of us vampires, most likely Rose, and kicked her legs faster. The water sprayed Rose and Bella lightly but couldn't reach past Bella to hit me. I kept Bella's food safe from getting soggy.

Cissy's squeals filled the air, her excitement was easy to enjoy and soon we were all laughing together.

Anna and Cissy's innocence was still so new to our family, we all loved basking in it. Their happiness was what we were all living for. Bella's happiness especially for me. She was my life, and Anna and Cissy were a delightful bonus for me.

Bella's response pulled me out of my own thoughts.

"Tessa's mom did. She taught her a lot of little lessons like that." Bella looked over to Alice and Anna, sharing a smile with Rose.

Once Bella had finished eating I helped her up and we took all the dishes inside.

I'll wash those, why don't you two go back out and enjoy the nice day. Alice said the sun should be out soon.

I thanked Esme quietly and left the dishes for her as she asked. I led Bella back outside just as the sun decided to peek out from behind the clouds.

Bella had seen me in the sunlight before, and I knew Anna and Cissy had seen our strange sparling sensation as Anna and Bella called it.

I couldn't help laughing anytime that Bella brought up her desire to be able to sparkle like me.

The sun fought with the clouds in the sky. They tried to hide it, but for the most part, the sun was out more than it was covered by the clouds.

We were all outside enjoying the nice day. I knew from my family's thoughts that they enjoyed not having to hide away while the sun was out. It was nice being able to be near someone else besides other vampires.

I sat beside Bella for a little while, happy just to sit by her side while she walks Anna and Cissy.

Emmett and Jasper though were silently calling for me to join them while they wrestled. Bella was content at the moment sitting with her feet in the water and being with Rose and Alice and her cousins.

She nodded with her head for me to go join them as soon as she noticed my desire to join them. She went back to watching Anna splashing around and I jumped up.

I leaped at Emmett, he caught my shoulders but I effortless spun out of his grasp.

We started off with a free for all, the three of us fighting all at once, before switching to two against one, and then one on one, the winner taking on the person waiting.

Emmett complained loudly about how he thought I was cheating. It was an argument we had all heard many times. I ignored his complaints.

Jasper and I were more evenly matched. Despite being able to hear his thoughts, he was by far a better fighter. His skills outmatched mine, something we would never hear Emmett admit.

Lunchtime passed, and slowly so did most of the day.

Emmett and Jasper were currently fighting each other, I most likely would be fighting Jasper next. While I waited I glanced around our different groups.

Esme and Carlisle were still working in Esme's garden. Their thoughts content with just being the two of them.

Rose and Anna were kicking around a soccer ball.

I chuckled as I watched Alice and Bella chasing after Cissy. She had enjoyed playing in the river and was trying to get back to it, so far unsuccessfully.

"Anna, sweetie, are you okay?"

Rose's worried thoughts pulled my attention back to her and Anna.

Anna's mind was a tangle of confused thoughts. She wasn't entirely sure exactly was she was sensing but from the jest of it, I could tell it wasn't good. She rubbed her chest trying to get the sensation to go away.

"I feel weird," she admitted.

I'll grab my bag. Carlisle

"What does it feel like Anna?" Bella headed for Anna.

Anna shook her head. I want it to go away.

Her silent cry and her pained expression had me taking a step towards her too. I paused though not wanting to crowd her and knowing that Carlisle or Jasper would be able to help her more than I could.

"Don't know, but there's disaster," She answered Bella but her voice shook.

Whatever is going on it's strong. Jasper.

I nodded to Jasper. My eyes widened as I watched Emmett charge him. Emmett clearly hadn't noticed that Jasper had stopped fighting. And he must not have realized what was going on.

Emmett's focus was solely on the fight. He didn't notice Anna and her distress, or Bella's and my concerns. He couldn't see that Esme and Carlisle had come from the house and Carlisle had his bag.

I didn't get a chance to warn him either.

Emmett slammed into Jasper sending him into the trees behind us.

Jasper crashed through the first tree completely separating it from its roots. The tree behind that one stopped him its only damage been a dent in its side.

The first tree started falling forward, all eyes immediately tracked its path.

My eyes locked on Anna's little body which was already trembling. Her mind said it all, she was frozen in fear.

Before any of us could react Bella shot forward at a speed that shouldn't be possible.

My mind whirled. Bella's voice was faint in my head. Three percent die because of accidents caused by the transition itself.

I ignored the panic thoughts of my family. Pushing myself to my fastest speed I grabbed Bella first then settle Anna in her arms, dashing out from under the tree before it could hit either of them.

Bella's panic was almost instantaneous. She pressed her face against my chest, dragging in deep breaths though I doubt they were helping to calm her. Anna was clinging to her with all her might, tears running down her cheeks.

I'm so sorry, I should have been paying better attention. Emmett.

That must have been what Anna's powers were trying to tell her. Alice.

Are they okay, they weren't hurt when you grabbed them? Rose asked me.

I had tried to be as gentle as I could, but I was more focused on making sure we were away from the falling tree.

I'm so thankful that you got to them in time. Esme.

We should take the girls inside, hopefully that will help Anna. Carlisle.

We're not going to get Anna to calm down very easily. She was certain that she was going to lose her Auntie. Jasper brushed himself off and started removing the tree. Emmett stayed out to help clear the land, doing what we could to erase what we could of this moment.

"I've got the both of you, you're both safe now," I whispered, more for Anna's benefit. From what Bella had told us, I doubted that she would be able to hear me at the moment.

Rose offered to take Anna, but Anna merely tightened her hold on Bella.

We went inside I tried to set Bella down so I could go get one of her information boxes. She clung to me though, she didn't want me to let go of her.

"I'll get her information box." Carlisle rested his hand on my shoulder briefly before heading upstairs.

I settled on the couch, Bella on my lap and Anna on hers. I really hoped that this wouldn't set Anna back.

I whispered comforting words to Anna, and a few for Bella.

Carlisle took a seat beside Esme, Bella's information box in his hands.

Jasper and Emmett follow him in.

"We cleared the area and fixed the crater the tree left," Emmett whispered low enough that we didn't have to worry about Anna hearing.

I glanced over at Cissy. She was watching Anna carefully, unsure of why her sister was crying.

Alice bounced her lightly in her arms to keep her content.

My gaze dropped back to Bella.

Jasper used his ability trying to relieve the tension in the room. I appreciate his attempts to counteract my fears.

I couldn't get the image out of my head. Seeing Bella blindly race towards Anna. I fought back a shiver.

"Is Bella alright?" Emmett wrung his hands together, his thoughts filled with regret.

Carlisle reached over and patted his arm. "She's fine Emmett, don't blame yourself for this. This was going to happen at some time."

Emmett shrugged out of his grasp. "I almost got my little sis and my niece crushed."

Rose wrapped her arms around her husband. "It worked out though, and no one was hurt. They're both fine." Her thoughts weren't as calm as she was trying to seem. She eyed me warily and I silently promised to keep her concerns to myself. She was really shaken up despite the fact that both Bella and Anna sitting safely with me.

I brushed at Anna's curls, trying to comfort her, nothing seemed to work though. She was terrified of losing Bella or Cissy, and she was reliving the moment in her mind, except with a different outcome. She wasn't going to let me help her, so I focused my attention on Bella.

She was still breathing heavily Jasper's power only helping her slightly.

After a little while Carlisle leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees angling his body towards Bella and me.

"Bella, can you hear me?" He asked, raising his voice slightly loud than he normally would if he was talking with her.

Bella nodded and I relaxed slightly.

Jasper pushed his power towards Bella, trying a high dose to help.

We all listened as her heart slowed to a steadier pace.

Anna to our surprise climbed off of Bella's lap. She went over to Emmett and Rose, climbing onto Rose's lap. She had calmed slightly but still had tears in her eyes. Rose would help her calm down more.

I focused my attention on Bella, combing my fingers through her hair, like she does when she tries to calm me. It seemed to help. She relaxed a little resting her head against my shoulder.

Esme wrapped her arms around one of Carlisle's resting her head against his shoulder. "What does the information box say?" She was trying to control her thoughts but the fear was too real for her. She had already lost one child, the possibility that she could have lost Bella and Anna was something she was really struggling with.

I tried to stay out of her mind, not needing to hear those thoughts.

Carlisle checked the information box carefully. "Bella's instincts have increased, I'm assuming that's why she ran instead of trying to force her shield out towards Anna. Her vampire side has taken control of mobility."

"Now she's vampire fast," Emmett tried to insert a joke but he wasn't really feeling it.

"No, she won't have her full speed until after the transition is complete." Carlisle reminded him before finishing telling us what he was finding. "Her speed affects her sight and hearing. Her hearing seems to adjust easier than her sight." It's interesting so just how her speed affects her senses.

Anna spoke up then while she brushed at the last of her tears. "What do you see Auntie Bella?"

Bella opened her eyes flinching at whatever she was able to see. She blinked repeatedly before answering. "Colors."

My poor Bella. I kissed the top of her head, letting her know that I was here for her. "How long before Bella's eyes return to normal?" I asked Carlisle, hoping that it wouldn't be too long.

He wasn't sure though. "I don't know, there isn't a set amount of time, Edward. We'll just have to wait, and let her eyes adjust."

The complexity of her transition is fascinating. "It's rather interesting, once your sight and hearing became unusable, your sense of touch and smell increased. Your senses were compensating for the loss."

"Someone should call my dad," Bella closed her eyes then.

I wished I could take this from her. I would gladly deal with this for her. I'd go without my sight so she could have it.

Carlisle called her dad as she had suggested.

Charlie answered almost immediately. "Carlisle?"

"Afternoon Charlie." Carlisle greeted.

"Is everything alright, no one's hurt are they?"

"Nothing to be too alarmed by. Bella's gotten faster."

We all smiled slightly at Carlisle attempt to blasé about the situation just in case someone overheard Charlie's phone call.

Charlie sighed deeply. "I was wondering if that would happen before the school year started. She's okay, any problems?"

"She's alright, there's the issue with her eyes, but she's handling it pretty well."

What Charlie said next surprised all of us.

"Bella needs to go on a run tonight."

"Is that really a good idea?" Carlisle spared Bella a glanced. We've already had too much to worry about today.

"Bella needs to work on her speed, the only way to really do that is to drain her energy so she doesn't have enough to be fast. It's a long and dreadful circle but it needs to be done."

"Alright. That won't be a problem."

No it wouldn't be. We wouldn't let Bella's speed harm her.

"Thanks for letting me know, Carlisle. I appreciate all of you helping Bella with this. This isn't going to be easy on her. I've got to get back to work, but if you need anything call me, and please keep a close eye on her. I'll see you tomorrow evening."

"We'll take care of her Charlie," Carlisle promised. "See you tomorrow evening." He hung up and we all figure out how well Bella's hearing had gotten.

"What's up?" She asked after the call had ended. We could all tell she was dreading whatever her dad had said.

Carlisle replied sympathetically. "Your father says that you need to go for a run tonight; and since you need to run, it would be better to go before your eyes have already adjusted. He says it will be easier for you to learn how to slow down when you don't have very much energy. So run until you're tired but not so tired that you'll fall asleep before you get home."

I smiled at his use of home. The thought of our home being Bella's too was a nice image. I really like it. In my mind, my room was already our room, even though Bella just calls it her room. It made sense that my house was her house too.

I got up from the couch carefully making sure that Bella was steady on her feet. "Let's go running." I tried to force enthusiasm in my voice, all the while I was thinking about asking Alice to check and make sure everything ended up all right.

Alice checked the future for me, easing my mind when we saw that we would make it back with no problems.

Bella grimaced at my words though.

I fished in my pocket to find a penny and gave it to her. "What's are thinking about Bella?"

Emmett as always couldn't control his laughter which filled the room. The others laughed too but they were drowned out by Emmett and Alice.

"Well, um, trees, motion sickness, dying." I didn't like Bella's answers. Did she really think I would let her hit a tree?

"Would I let a tree hurt you?" I laughed at her ridiculous thought.

"As for the motion sickness, you'll want to close your eyes," Carlisle told her. It would be natural for Bella to want to check her sight, see what it really looks like while running. Be careful to keep a tight hold on her, just in case. If she tries it very well might be disorienting

Bella and I nodded together. She grasped my hand tightly in hers.

I led Bella out of the house, trying to help her go slowly, but her movements were still much faster than an average human.

When we got to the river I paused. "Alright Bella," I warned her before swinging her into my arms. "I'm going to jump over the river, then we'll have a straight path to run."

She nodded. I could tell that she was still worried. It would take a little time, but we would work through this and soon it would be second nature. She wouldn't have to worry about it for long. I would help her get used to running, and I would be her eyes for however long I needed to be.

I jumped across the river and set Bella down on the other side.

I waited until I was sure she was steady on her own feet, but asked anyway. "Are you ready?"

She grimaced.

Alright, another form of comforting. I pressed a kiss to her forehead. "I won't let you run into anything."

The grimace didn't leave. "Let me have your hand." She reached for my hand.

Anna's words came to me easily and I laughed softly. "No Bella, let me have your hand. I learned a very important lesson today and I'm not going to forget it."

Bella's melodious laugh filled me with a surge of confidence.

I took her hand, wrapping my fingers around hers. "Don't forget to close your eyes."

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm ready."

Trying to find a steady pace for Bella wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. The two of us weren't running at the same speed but we were clearly in sync from the beginning. I wasn't evening running, only getting as fast as a slow jog.

I carefully guided us through the trees, keeping a close eye on Bella. Just like Carlisle had warned me, she did open her eyes. She wasn't as phased by the sensation as I thought she would be.

Running turned to jogging which eventually turned to walking.

I could see that Bella was wearing out the last of her other world energy. Which meant she no doubt already had her hearing back "Are you ready to head back?"

She nodded and opened her eyes.

I lifted her into my arms and headed for home. "Whatever you do, don't fall asleep."

"It didn't take long for me to run the rest of the way back to the house. I jumped the river and stopped just in front of the door. I opened the front door.

The others were still waiting in the living room. Carlisle, Jasper, and Emmett all had an information box out keeping an eye on Bella.

Carlisle got up from his seat. "How did it go?"

"It went well," I told them as I led Bella into the living room. "No problems," I added under my breath.

The others nodded thankfully.

Helped Bella sit on the love seat before taking the spot beside her.

Esme leaned over the armrest of the love seat, unsure of whether or not Bella's hearing was completely back. She didn't reach out to Bella, not wanting to startle her. "How do you think it went, Bella?"

Bella opened her eyes and glanced around the room before answering. She flinched and closed her eyes again. "It was fine. It's a little frightening though, to be without my sense of sight and hearing."

"That's understandable," Carlisle replied kindly. His thoughts called out to me then. We called Charlie again while you were out, to discuss how best to work on Bella's control. "We need to start working on your control, Bella." He spoke up for her.

Bella groaned loudly but agreed. She got up carefully. "So, what's the plan?"

"Your father suggested that for tonight we could either stand in a circle or we can use points. I think it would be easier at least for tonight for us to stand in a circle. You can run around the inside of the circle and try to slow down. Or if you want you can run back and forth between point A and point B." Carlisle carefully added the second idea, so that Bella would feel in control of something with this new development.

My love for Carlisle built with his consideration for Bella.

"Let's go with the circle." Bella agreed with him.

Emmett was about to crack a joke but I sent a glare at him and he stopped.

I glanced around the group and realized that Anna and Cissy had already been put in bed. I couldn't help but wonder how that had gone.

The eight of us headed outside where we formed a circle. We all had one arm ready to catch Bella, and the other to help her guide herself around the circle.

Despite already using up the energy from the other world, Bella was still quite fast. Her normal energy though couldn't hold up to the amount she needs to support her speed. It wasn't very long before her energy and speed gave out.

Alice caught her before she could fall. "Come on Bella, let's get you to bed." She took Bella upstairs.

I followed a step behind her but waited before going in until I was sure that Bella was decent.

Poor Bella was out before I had even crossed the room.

Author's Note

That took far longer than I thought it would.

So, what did you think about Edward's POV for this chapter?

Look out for the Undermining.
