"Freddy, what'cha doin' there?"

Freddy stopped dead in his tracks, finding himself suddenly unable to move a finger upon hearing that all-so-familiar voice of Mike Schmidt behind him. The brown bear's ears flopped down as he shakily turned his head to face the night guard. "A-ah, hey Mike! I-I was just... gonna change Bonnie's bucket, y-y'know... She probably gonna need an empty one, soon... heh~" Freddy chuckled nervously, fiddling with his bow tie.

Mike arched a brow, unsure of what Freddy had told him, "Mhrmmm... I thought BB already changed it about... half an hour ago?" The black haired guard said, looking down at his watch, "And why were you being nervous an' all? I thought you'd be doing something else at the moment!"

"I-I... uh," Freddy stuttered, his face drenched with nonexistent sweat, looking away slightly with his face red. "I kind'a forgot about that! Uh, actually, I-I was just gonna..." The bear gritted his teeth, scrambling his processor to look any excuse he could make, "...blegh, just... Taking some parts for, uh... my microphone! Yeah, my microphone..."

Mike frowned, pursing his lips to the side. Well, he knew that Freddy wasn't the best liar, in fact, he probably made the worst lies that everyone could ever thought of. And now with him being nervous and... Well, acting strange lately, not just the animatronics, he and Jeremy are starting to get more concerned about Freddy too. "Are you sure? Maybe your microphone just... ran out of batteries?" He guessed, "Or... is there something you're hiding from us?"

Freddy shook his paws in defense, taking a step back from the young night guard, "M-me? Hi-hiding something?! Pfft, don't be ridiculous, Mike! Like I said, I was gonna-"

"Look, you can be honest with me if you want," Mike abruptly interjected, putting his hands behind his back, "I know that wasn't your reason for entering this room, and I know you're lying the whole time." He said, putting a reassuring hand to the bear shoulder, "Is there something bothering ya?"

Freddy hesitated for a moment, before slowly nodding, his cheeks reddening once again. "Y-yeah... it's just one thing that has been bugging me lately... i-it's not much, but..." He trailed off, rubbing the back of his head, "...I-I don't know if t-the others will approve this, so... that's why I've been acting weird recently, and-"

Mike chuckled, "You're rambling too much Fred, come on, let's just get to the point!" He told the nervous bear. Mike could've sworn that Freddy's cheeks are turning much redder as he continue to ramble on. Bah, he didn't even know if robots could blush that red..."Look, I won't judge you for anything, just tell me, I uh... may be able to give ya a solution for it..."

"Okay, okay..." Freddy quietly said, tapping his foot on the dusty floor in concern. He was afraid to tell Mike, what if the guard start insulting him for trying to help a murderer animatronic to feel better of herself? But he did say that he won't judge Freddy for anything, and he was okay with Freddy telling the truth, smaller issues concerning himself would be alright, but how about Bonnie? How will he be alright with that? "I... wanttotalktoBonnietomakeherfeelbetter, that's all!" He finally admitted, closing his eyes tightly and blushing even more! Though his fast talking might have been difficult to decipher...

Mike frowned in disbelief, narrowing his eyes, "You... what?"

"I-I just felt... uncomfortable seeing her expenses and everything she suffered these years, so... I just want to talk to her and make her feel better, for now I guess..." Freddy said in slower pace, regaining his confidence, "You're... not mad, r-right?"

"Mad?!" Mike put his hands around his hips, pretending to gasp dramatically, "Why would I be mad at you?! That's the most generous thing I could've expect from any... 'bot like you, Freddy!" He lightly chuckled.

"R-really? I-I mean... you know she caused the Bite, right?" Freddy inquired, "A-any person would've thought that there's no use of... talking to a guilty animatronic, let alone making her feel better of what she had done. B-but I didn't believe she's guilty, I-I saw it myself, someone controlled her action at that time..."

"So you're thinking of the same thing as me, huh?" Mike asked, sighing a little, "I was there when the Bite happened, accompanying my cousin to have fun here, and… y'know the rest… I suppose."

Freddy nodded, "Mmm… yes, still fresh in my processor, frankly." The bear patted the side of his head with his finger for emphasis, smiling slightly, "Though, for the first time in my life… I don't know how to start a conversation, and… I'm nervous as heck!" If Freddy was being honest, things were going to be prettyawkward, like… He just came here to talk to Bonnie, gathering all confidence he had and be as enthusiastic as he can, but at the same time, he just couldn't find the right word to start on without getting himself into – what he assumed to be – a panicked and awkward scene with Bonnie. As if… He came here unprepared!

Everyone knew it wasn't a good way to build trust…

And to think, did it make sense for Freddy to felt nervous like this? He usually finds a way through everything, being a father-like figure for the other animatronics, but not this one. It was totally different from any other problem he been facing before, and it seemed kind of… complicated.

"Say, why don't you just go in there, try to take it slow and steady with her, and if things gone south – which is probably not going to happen – just…" Mike paused, "…Eh, just try to calm her down as best as you can, or call me, alright?"

"Ah, yes… of course, I'll do my best." Freddy replied calmly, slowly walking deeper into the pitch-dark and dusty room, night vision on, he's ready… He supposed. The bear himself didn't know why he couldn't get this strange, fuzzy feeling out of his chest. He actually wanted to tell Mike, but he was either too shy to tell him, or… He just simply figured out that he'll tell the guard later.

"Well, good luck Fred…" Mike said, tipping his cap to salute the sophisticated bear, "I'll be in the office if you need me, and... hope this'll go well."

"Yeah, me too..." Freddy quietly responded, watching the night guard leave and headed to the security office, he then turned and walked toward the withered purple bunny on her usual spot, on the far side of the room, slight odd smell emanated from the deactivated rabbit, mostly because she was never given a bath or proper cleanup for years…

…and perhaps from that dried dark, brown-reddish splotch on her lower jaw and maw as well…

"H-hey Bonnie, how are you doing?"

"H-hey Bonnie, how are you doing?"




Trigger detected, initiating booting sequence…

Nightvision engaged.

Good Evening: FazOS – Bonnie v.1.1 is ready, welcome back.

Soon, the sound of groaning metal and low hum filled the dark and derelict room, two red lights flickered on – where Bonnie's face used to be as her systems booting up, she straighten her askew head at a terribly slow pace, she would stop at irregular intervals, as if her joints locked up nearly every second, she then tried to move her other limbs, only to have the same result, they were all jerky and unsteady thanks to her battered servos.

The purple rabbit continued her task, a few snapping sounds was heard after an intense effort to move her stiff and rusty joints, followed with a barely audible disgruntled sigh from her voice box.

Running system check. 89%




WARNING. Severe suit and endoskeleton damage detected, seek attention immediately-

WARNING. Excessive dust detected-

WARNING. Arm (left) is missing-

Bonnie jolted as warnings began to flash on her vision, she shook her head slowly, as if it worked on getting rid of them. It was bothering her immensely, not just annoying, she didn't want to see all of these warnings pop up unannounced, considering that they somehow reminds her of that day, the day she frankly memorize well. It was fresh on her ages-old processor. It didn't take long as she began a fit of coughing, clutching a hole on her chest that looked like it had been jabbed by sharp, metal thing with her suitless paw, some small sparks formed and flew off from it, her fit of cough began to expel the dust that gotten up into her internals and to the floor underneath her.

It didn't took long for her to finish the task, and using this moment, Bonnie took a deep, relieved breath…

Loading Personality Cortex...




Bonnie neglected the warnings that – once again – popped up on her vision. She let out a sigh, thinking of how much she'd have to go through, just to turn herself on… she only wished someone would come here and fix her, at least replacing some parts of her endoskeleton and internals, a few holes and tears on her suit is fine – but nope, this is her dwelling place after all, and no one was allowed to go in or out, not even herself. And… Even if she did managed to escape, she expected more beatings and losing one or two limbs, I mean, having a singular arm – rather than the required two – was bad enough, let alone not having arms at all or walk with one leg...

Sheesh, her robotic life was pathetic, isn't it?

But with those aside, she did heard a voice that triggered her activation, the voice was soft, gentle, and calm… Albeit a little shaky like Jeremy's, but whose voice? Never did Bonnie hear another 'bot or any person's voice this clear for like… years? Bah, she didn't know! And it felt like the animatronic/person who said it seemed to… standing before her right now. Whoever this is, she hoped it was Fritz's, because she could really use lots of repairs right now.

But what if he just came here to change her bucket? After all, she wasn't allowed to go to the bathroom outside to empty her septic tank, and probably he just simply wanted to annoy her… Blegh, that's impossible, if anyone did interact with her, they should have a reason for it!

Part of her felt relieved to realize someone finally wanted to interact with her, but another part of her was… terrified. She feared if her family didn't had enough of tearing her apart, what if they sent an animatronic to take more of her parts? As if… They didn't had enough seeing her like this? Bonnie didn't want that to happen, obviously...

"H-hey, are you… fine there, Bon?"

There's the voice again, if she listen closely enough, she'd realize that it wasn't Fritz's voice… Rather, more like… Freddy's?

Regardless, she lifted her head up to see whoever this guy is, "M-Mrhm? W…w-who are y-you?" She softly inquired with her glitching voice box, grunting as she tried to get up, her joints groaned in protest, refusing to move, but a pair of soft paw gently held her shoulder and arm, pulling her into her feet. "A-ah... t-thanks- agh..."

Bonnie groaned as her nightvision went out, just as she looked up to see who has come to help her, leaving her in total darkness... a black, empty, devoid of any light...

Something she was afraid of, even through being used in the dark after all these years, she still afraid of the... darkness, it... Traumatized her, reminding her when her family thrown her here after she was severely beaten and ripped apart, then locked away, forcing her to dwell in this cold, dusty, and dark room for god-knows-for-how-long... plus, the smell, though her smelling sense wasn't as good as human's, but it still made her uncomfortable nonetheless.

"Eh... s-sorry, m... m-my nightvision went o-out..." She apologized, ears flopped down a little, "I-I'm just an... o-ol' rustbucket le-left to d-dwell... in th-this place... no-now, gimme a-a sec t-to... re-reboot my... sys-system, will y-you?"

"Sure," The voice replied calmly, sighing sadly, "take your time, it's not like I'm gonna leave you because you took a few sec to reboot, besides, I'm pretty sure you looked like you'll be needing some new parts too..."

"Y-you... do-don't say~" The withered bunny chuckled, then start focusing herself at the task at hand.

Nightvision – ERROR.

FaceReg system – ERROR.

Rebooting sequence initiated.

"T-there... much be-better..." Bonnie said as her nightvision turned back on, sweeping away the darkness that once engulfed her vision. "W-what do you n-need... err-" She paued as she looked up to a certain animatronic bear that stood before her, worried expression plastered to the bear's face, but still... That couldn't easily erase the fear from the anxious bunny.

"F-Freddy! Wh-what're y-you doing here? I-I mean... I- I d-didn't do anything wr-wrong today!" Bonnie fearfully said, taking a step back away from Freddy as she felt a sense of dread hit her almost immediately, "I-if you're h... he-here to take m-my parts, p-please spare me... a-a leg o-or an ear! I-I don't want-"

"Hush... L-look, I didn't come here to take your parts away, Bonnie!" Freddy assured, cutting off the rabbit's rambling gently, "In fact, I-I came here with good intention!" He held the bunny's good paw, feeling the cold, exposed and slightly rusted metal brushed against his fur, trying to ignore to unpleasant feeling.

"G-good in-intention?" Bonnie asked, pressing herself against the wall fearfully. "H-how am I-I supposed… t-to trust yo-you? After… a-after what m-my ow-own family d-did to… m-me?!" The withered bunny said in a rather… upset tone, struggling to break Freddy's grip on her paw. "L-let me… g-go!"

Freddy paused for a moment, but still keeping his firm grip on Bonnie's paw. Well, for once, he'd never thought the rabbit would feel… well, this way! He expected Bonnie would just… run away or terrified because of him, and not insult him. Perhaps years of being locked up here really changed her a lot, or maybe because she was still traumatized? Then again, Freddy need to figure out how to defuse the situation, like a good 'bot should, and a little convincing is all he needed~

"L-look Bonnie, could'ja please calm down? I-I know you were upset because your own family tore you apart for something you didn't do, a-and I knew you didn't intend to bite that child…" The bear trailed off, calming the bunny almost instantly, "I-I saw something was wrong with you, and I immediately knew someone was controlling you, I-I wanted to help but… it felt like there's nothing I could do to stop everything from happening." He continued, looking away slightly. "If I was there- to stand for you and tell the other 'bots what I saw, at least you wouldn't been torn apart and dwelled in this… awful place. But no, I can't do anything, besides watching everything unfold before me a-and… seeing you suffer like this. I'm just a cowardly old bear who can't-"

"H-hush…" Bonnie shushed, putting a finger on Freddy's mouth to stop his rambling. Or at least pausing him from rambling more… "St-stop, i-it's not... yo-your fault, Freddy. Y-you can't... ch-change the p-past, things are... p-probably me-meant this w-way..." She formed a smile on her nonexistent face, looking up at the slightly taller bear and tilted her head, "F-for a... a-a reason o-of co-course..."

"But... how can you went through all of these… expenses like you've been doing a normal life?" He questioned, shifting his gaze at the blue-ish purple bunny, "I-I mean… you seem like you're-"

"…h-handling stuff… we-well?" Bonnie guessed, sort of cutting Freddy off gently…

"Y-yeah, something like that…" The bear quietly respond, then glanced at the worn and battered bunny before him. Her suit was exposed at some spots, most of them looked like they had been ripped off and torn, same thing can be said for her right paw and left foot, not to mention some parts of her endoskeleton have dents and a few wires poking out from it, visible from the holes of her suit. Her tattered appearance is enough to send a chill down to anyone's spine from a glance- but that doesn't apply to Freddy, to him, she was still the same purple bunny he always knew… Cheery, playful and sometimes humorously sarcastic. Just like the way everyone loves her as the part of the family.

All these times he'd wondered how she could handle… her rough times, she does showed the signs of losing faith on the others – considering what they've done and put her through – and… maybe he could make her feel better somehow? I mean, it was his intention coming here in the first place. And a nice, comforting chat would do it~

"Say… why don't we uh, chat? Y'know… just catching up with recent events and talk about stuff…" Freddy said, averting his gaze slightly from the bunny, "Because… I know you must've missed a lot of events since you were… Well, locked up in here."

Bonnie's ears perked up slightly, "W-why… su-sure! That'd be… g-great!" She replied, sounding rather excited, for the first time in years! "U-uh… w-why don't'cha ju-just… sit d-down on- agh, I-I don't ha-have any c… c-chairs – o-or something e-else here…"

Just sitting down here with you is already more than enough for me~… Freddy suddenly thought, but quickly shook it off. He really need to do some routine check up on his processor, because he's starting to think a bunch of wild and ridiculous stuff, especially concerning Bonnie…

"Well, there's the floor~" Freddy said, patting the dusty floor beneath his foot with his paw, "It's not like everyone needs a chair to sit, right?"

Bonnie merely shrugged, "P-probably..." She would never thought someone – or somebot would've wanted to talk with her, and it felt somewhat good, being able to socialize or having a simple chat, it's been years since she last talked to someone!

W-well, someone from the family, that is... All she had to talk was Wendy, and the Freddy plushie she gave her earlier today... The least she can do is waiting for Wendy to come back tomorrow or using the brown bear plush as a company when the girl wasn't around, and having someone else to talk suffices to lift her up from her sour mood!

Some audible clicks and slight metal grinding emanated from the bunny as she bent down and sat on the floor, signing that she needed some new parts... badly. Plus, it looks like her joints jammed on some places, as she took a lot more efforts to support her weight using her one good arm, and her endoskeleton is on the verge of breaking, due to how rusty and many dents it had, her arm trembled a little, before it finally gave up and she hit the dusty floor bottom first with a "thud"...

Freddy winced as he heard those noises... those terrible noises that made him felt more empathy towards the withered rabbit, other than the beatings she received, it must have been a pain to go through all these years inside the Parts/Service room, being left in this cold and musty room all alone without anyone – or anything to give her some company, not to mention her damaged parts! Like he said before, he wondered how Bonnie is handling these expenses well, if he was her, Freddy didn't think he would be able to make it this far... he'd probably give up already and... Wouldn't able to keep his sanity intact! Jeez...

The rabbit folded her legs – albeit a little slow and her joints creaked throughout the process, and finally sitting cross-legged on the floor, "S-so... what'cha... wanna t-talk about?"

As laughter and chuckles filled the room, Freddy couldn't help but noticed something...

The chat actually went smooth with Bonnie, he decided to start off by asking how she was doing... In which she replied with "I'm fine, just a little rusty", and he just kept asking how's her condition and how she felt being alone here. The bear tried his best to not trigger a memory or feelings that could ruin the mood...

He mostly tried to not let out a stutter when he spoke, and truth to be told, he was nervous... like, a nervous wreck... His voice trembled slightly and his voice box froze for a moment before returning normal, but he could only hope that Bonnie would think that he was just searching for a topic to talk about.

The fun part of it is when he tell some stories concerning recent events and stuff. Like... that Paint War accident a few days ago! That was literally the most interesting out of 'em all! Freddy enjoyed telling how the pizzeria was booming once again and people forgetting that... that accident! He didn't put much emphasis on the event, as it might disturb the rabbit or trigger a certain flashback... But regardless, he continued telling Bonnie how everyone was doing; Chica and Chi finally getting some new recipes to make foods other than pizza, how Blue and Springtrap constantly bickered to each other, Foxy and Mangle seemed to have slight crush on each other~... what with them performing together every day and helping one another with taking care of the younger kids and toddler, and so much more...

Bonnie smiled at Freddy, leaning towards the bear and snuggled him a little, wondering how warm and soft his fur felt... Almost like a plushie, and she didn't want this to be over, she was really enjoying this moment - well, the moment when she had someone with her and provide her with heartwarming stories and... she didn't know, comfort perhaps? She did felt pretty warm inside and relaxed with Freddy being here, and cheered up a little with the stories he told her... Man, she'd wish that she was there, enjoying all the time and fun with her family, something that would've been considered... precious for her, as it has been years since she last talked and enjoyed a time being with the others, her family...

"…a-and uh, B-Bon… I'm really sorry, but I have to go now…" Freddy abruptly said, snapping Bonnie out of her muse and… broke her synthetic heart a little, she guess.

"W-what? I… I-I still w-want you to… b-be here!" She suddenly responded without a second thought, fearing that Freddy would leave her in this dark room all alone once more, and not returning again… "A-agh… s-sorry, it just… s-slipped from m-my vo-voice box, he-heh~"

Freddy chuckled slightly, wrapping his arms around the bunny, "It is fine… But hey, I'll be back tomorrow morning for you, I promise…" The bear smiled assuringly, "I will make sure you're not going to feel lonely anymore, you had me – at least for now, and I swear to get you out of this room and prove your innocence to the world outside."

"A-alright… b-but is get-getting me o-out from he-here is… w-well, risky?" Bonnie worriedly said, she wasn't sure of what Freddy is gonna do, getting caught visiting her already could cause a turmoil in the pizzeria, let alone getting her out from this room and prove her innocence! S-she didn't want Freddy to suffer the same thing as her, as she already suffer much seeing herself like this… A-and what would she do if another member of the family was thrown here because of her own fault?

"Well," Freddy rubbed the back of his head, looking away, "I… already seen you torn apart and suffer for the things you didn't do, and the least thing I could do to make you feel better is – well, giving you some company and comfort here secretly, I was hoping I could do more but…" He trailed off, "Oh well, I guess I shouldn't be thinking of that! – For now at least…"

Freddy gave one last hug to the bunny, and if Bonnie still had her face, you could see her face flushed deep red from the hug. Not just because it's comforting, it's because it somewhat gave her a sense of comfort that someone deeply cared for her all the time, and who didn't expect the lead singer as well as the mascot of the pizzeria himself was that person? "I'll see you tomorrow, alright? I can't really promise when I'll be back, but I will come back as soon as I can!"

Bonnie giggled a little at his words, and smiled, resting her head on the bear's soft and warm chest. "O-okay, I-I'll see y-ya later… Fr-Freddy…"

Freddy slowly let go of his embrace, waving his paw at the rabbit as he walked to the door, smiling for the last time to her as he closed the door, finally leaving Bonnie all alone in the room… She sighed a little, the rabbit missed his company, all the stories he told her… all the comfort and assurance she felt when he was around. But eh, he'll come back tomorrow, he already promised… And she knew Freddy would never broke a promise he made.

Bonnie pulled out the brown bear plushie she hid in one of her suit holes, large enough to keep it hidden, before hugging it oh-so tightly with her one good arm! "Do y-you see… th-that, Mr. F-Freddybear? …F-finally, someone who c… c-cares about me!" She squealed a little, walking back to her usual spot and sat there while hugging the Freddy plush to provide her a little comfort, smiling a little at her thought…

He'll come back, he promised me… Freddy would never let anyone down…

A/N: H-heya guys, sorry for the super duper late update... School's been a major problem for me, especially at where I live, it's torturous... Plus, RL issues is stressing me out and caused me to lose lots of my motivation to write. Forgive me if I'm being such a slob and irrsponsible author in updating this story, b-but the fastest I can update is around... 3-4 weeks, perhaps more than a month...

Again, sorry for the late update, I'm also trying to improve my writings and busy with other things, but I will try to update as fast as I can xC