Chapter 11 : Ultimate Value !

Disclaimer : Final one for this story; I Do Not Own Naruto !


Epilogue (Time skip 12 years!)

"Okaa-san, Otou-san is home. Welcome home Otou-san." A small girl jumped to reach her Otou-san who has just come to her sight.

"Hey Hima-chan, so how was the day? Hope you didn't trouble your Kaa-san and Nii-san too much. And how are you today Boruto?" Naruto asked his two children Himawari (8) and Boruto (12).

"Yeah I too am fine Otou-san and imouto don't trouble us." Boruto speak coming over to his Otou-san.

"Sorry for being late. I know today is birthday of both of my lovely children but I got a little busy with an important meeting. And otou-san will make up to you for it." Naruto was happy to see his children happy who were now clinging to him as he enter the house. There inside he saw all his friends were already present. He reaches for kitchen first to place the items he brought.

"Konbanwa Naruto-kun. You are a little late. We are all ready to celebrate." Hinata reach just beside him. Naruto saw all preparations were complete with help of Hanabi, Tamaki and Tenten.

"So I guess I got just in time. If I was a minute late, I might have missed my own children birthday haha! Now let's go and celebrate." Naruto try talking out of the little embarrassed moment.

"Come on Otou-san, we have got to cut the cake together. Isn't it nii, Okaa-san" Hearing the happy sound of Himawari distract all from what they were doing.

"Sure Hima-chan. Let's go, right Naruto-kun." Hinata was first to answer her happy daughter.


The party was great. All enjoy it very much. Even Hiashi and Neji were present and enjoying themselves. All children were enjoying themselves. Children of Kiba-Tamaki, Neji-Tenten and Konohamaru-Hanabi were present. After the goodbyes and cleaning the couple found themselves on the balcony in each other's arms looking at the garden below. They have just tucked in the children who were sleeping in content after the long tiring happy night.

"So was there important meeting for you to be late today?" Hinata begin here enquiry.

"You never are wrong my love. We have a long discussion on our latest grand project. I took off as soon as the decision was made. How could have I miss the birthday party of my sweet children?"

"I know you would never miss them. I am happy you are fulfilling all wishes of your parents. They must be very proud of you. Also no one can be a good father like you for the children." Hinata was content with his answer and snuggling in his chest deeper to keep her away from the little cold rising due to the stay outside the room.

"You know me too well but it's you who keep our family together. I could have never asked for anyone better than you. Arigato, for coming in my lonely life. You make my life and no one can ask for a better wife and lovely mother for their children. You are the perfect. You know the ultimate value of a true family."


AUTHOR'S NOTE : Phew! This was hardest and I have no idea where to end this one. As I always suck at the ending. So I favor fast update to best my poor writing. I find it too hard to end anywhere anyway. Well this is the final warp. I have completed my story with this. Sorry if it wasn't as good as you hoped it to be!

FINALLY, has anyone ever notice how my title for each chapter begin. Well I hope at least one of my readers sees the pattern. I hope to write other story soon but not yet for I need some time to actually try and develop my writing Skills!