A/N 'A magical mishap turns Regina, Emma, Zelena and Maleficent into eight year olds. With the help of Ruby can Snow survive the night with the four magical power brats?'- evilregal2019- thank you so much for the prompt, hope it turned out how you imagined :) Just so you know this is probably going to be a two/three part story depending on how the next chapter goes :)
I'm always willing to take any ideas that you guts have, so please feel free to pm me with prompts, or ideas for the stories I already have :)
Please review and let me know what you think and I hope you guys enjoy
Snow thanked Ruby for the take-out and made her way back to the apartment.
With Charming, Henry and Neal on a 'week long guy get-away', it had been left to Snow, Emma, Regina, and the now redeemed Maleficent and Zelena to deal with the latest crisis. Snow had decided that she was out of her depth with all the talk of magic, so had offered to get food.
Pushing her key into the lock, the door swung open, only for her to have to dodge a stray ball of green energy.
"What the hell?!" she shouted.
As soon as she turned towards the apartment, she made a sharp intake of breath, as stood before her was three eight-year olds, with another one on the couch reading a book.
"You lose," Emma laughed.
Zelena shook her head, "no I didn't."
"It went out of bounds," Emma pointed at the hallway.
"What is happening?" Snow asked in shock.
"Miss Swan has still not mastered magic, at all," Regina replied in a squeaky yet serious voice, that Snow had to try and not laugh at.
"So you have your memories?" Snow asked cautiously.
"Yes, but they're still acting like eight-year olds," Regina answered without looking up from her book.
Zelena jumped up on the couch and took her sister's book, "stop being so boring," she pouted while flipping through the magical tome.
Regina tried to grab it back, but Zelena was still taller than her, even at this age, "give it back," Regina whined, "I'm trying to find a way to return to normal."
Emma and Maleficent were now playing catch with a fireball, and Emma asked, "why? This is awesome!"
Snow turned to the blonde, and she would be lying if she didn't want at least one of them to stay this way, but shaking her head, she pulled out her phone.
"Yes, dearie?" Gold asked a moment later.
"We have a situation," Snow announced without pretence.
"I thought you were trying to find a solution for the latest crisis."
"This is a different situation," Snow sighed, "Emma, Regina, Zelena and Maleficent are all eight years old."
Gold burst out laughing a few moments, and Snow had to launch forward and pull Emma back when she didn't react fast enough for the latest fireball. Grabbing an oven cloth, she threw on the flaming countertop.
Pointing angrily at the sofa, Emma and Maleficent each hung their heads and sat next to the other two, who were still fighting over the book.
"I have a potion to turn them back, but it will take until tomorrow morning to create," Gold finally answered.
Snow let out an aggravated sigh, grabbing the book from Zelena, and gesturing for her to seat down, the little witch crossed her arms and fell against the back of the couch.
"Okay, can you bring it over when it's complete?" she asked.
"Yes," Gold replied instantly.
"What do you want in return?" she asked sceptically.
"Trust me, this situation is payment enough," he laughed, before hanging up.
"Okay, you'll be back to normal in the morning," Snow sighed.
They each nodded, and Emma hopped up, "can we have lunch now?"
Snow looked over at the door to see the dropped Granny's bag, and nodded.
Five minutes later, they sat for the most surreal meal ever.
"I don't like this," Zelena pouted.
"You asked for it!" Snow growled.
"It's gross!"
Maleficent agreed, as she threw her fork down.
Emma snickered into her grilled cheese, half of which she had given to Regina.
"They're eating," Snow said exasperatedly, though she was still rather dumbfounded that Emma had finally gotten her girlfriend to eat the grilled cheese, guess not even the most sensible of eight-year-olds like's salad.
"They have nice food," Maleficent whined.
Snow put her head in her hands and sighed, "what do you want then?"
"Ice-cream," Emma said quickly.
Snow looked at the hopeful blonde, and couldn't help but say yes.
Pulling out her phone again she dialled her best friend, "hey Ruby, could you make a delivery?"
Ten minutes later Ruby walked through the front door, and looked between each person in the room, "oh wow," she laughed.
Emma hopped off her chair, pulling Regina over to her (who rolled her eyes), "did you bring ice-cream?" she asked.
"Oh my God, Snow she's so cute," Ruby cooed.
I know, Snow thought with a small smile.
"Ice-cream?" Emma urged.
Ruby handed her the bag, and the blonde began rummaging through it, finally finding two pots of ice-cream with plastic spoons, throwing the bag on the floor, she handed one to Regina.
"Emma!" Snow scolded.
Emma pouted, "but mom."
"Pick it up and say thank you," Snow replied, trying desperately not to laugh.
Emma did as she was told with a sigh, handing the bag back to Ruby she grumbled, "thank you."
"Err...your welcome, what happened?"
Regina took the top off her ice-cream, and placed a huge scoop in her mouth, "Emma messed up a spell, isn't that what it usually is anyway?"
Emma hit Regina's arm and gave her a look of faux shock.
"Okay...well...I'll see you later," Ruby said quickly.
"No way," Snow jumped up, "you're staying."
"Why?" Ruby whined, causing the children to snicker.
"I can't run a day care on my own, besides you're supposed to be my friend," Snow pouted.
Ruby stamped her foot and sighed, "fine, but you can't use that again for another year, how long are they going to be like this?"
"Gold said he can bring the potions in the morning."
"Morning?" Ruby asked fearfully.
"Come on Rubes, we can do this," Snow assured.
"Errmm, Snow," Ruby pointed.
"Emma!" Snow shouted, the blonde now had chocolate in her blonde locks, and had a wobbly chin.
"You're mean," she cried.
Maleficent laughed, "You should have dodged."
Snow put her head in her hands again, "Emma, go and wash your hair."
"I can't reach the shower, mom," she pouted.
Snow sighed in frustration, "okay, but I'm not washing anyone else's hair," she cautioned, before pulling her daughter to the bathroom.
Ruby turned to the other three, and gave them a hopeful smile, "hungry?" she asked.
They each nodded, and she began to hand out the child meals Snow had asked for.
"She already ate," Zelena moaned, while pointing at Regina.
"I had half a sandwich," she defended.
"Just worry about your own meals," Ruby tried.
"We need juice," Maleficent pointed out.
Ruby nodded, reasonable enough, she thought.
"What flavour?" she asked, making her way to the kitchen.
Ruby looked at the selection, and sighed, "looks like you're all having mixed fruit."
They all sighed collectively and Ruby just ignored them and began searching for glasses.
This is going to be a long day.
A/N Also I changed it to a week get away just to make it more believable :)