Hi guys! I am so sorry for auch a ridiculously late update but you all know how real life can be.

I need to say this because the world is a bit shaken up right now, if you are offended by prayer I apologize in advance but I am praying for everyone. Mexico, Puerto Rico, all the islands, Texas, Florida andyone affected by the hurricans and earthquakes, and also the shooting in Vegas. All of you and your families are in my prayers. I live in Tampa Fl so I was affected by Irma but it could have been worse and alot of places did get it much worse. Thank you all for kind words during this time. Nothing negative was said only positivity throughout facebook messages, private messages and reviews. I thank you for this because I have needed positivity in my life.

Now to the story... You can still hate Jenna. I give you permission by all means hate her. She will never be the good guy! Thank you for reading. :)

Edward Pov

I arrive at Northwest hospital half an hour early the next day, wondering what the hell I was even doing here.

This guy, Mr. Chadwick, rubs me the wrong way. I know that he has baited me into coming here by showing his hand, showing that he has info about my life. I'm scared to even think that there is possibly a tremendous secret that my family has been keeping from me.

I should have immediately called Carlisle after speaking with Mr . Chadwick, but I felt Carlisle would hold back information that I need to know under the guise of protecting me. I wanted to know exactly what Mr. Chadwick knew about my life, and also why the hell he wanted me to meet him so badly that this couldn't wait until the following Monday as Carlisle had rescheduled.

I walk into Mr. Chadwicks office after a light knock on the door just beneath where his name read big and proud.

"Come in." He says in a tight voice as if frustrated by my interruption. His eyes leave the pile of work on his desk only long enough to see who has come in, but quickly his eyes are pinned to paper again and he is writing furiously.

I walk over and hold my hand out toward him, he shakes it firmly and releases it before sitting back in his chair, smoothing his salt and pepper hair back.

"Have a seat, Mr. Cullen."

I do as I am told and then my eyes trail around to the many degrees, licenses and certificates lining his walls and shelves. I feel him watching me as I take everything in, and I feel his arrogance. I smirk to myself, but say nothing.

"Do you know why I called you here today?"

I shake my head no to his question and then speak my answer. "No, sir. I don't."

He nods his head towards a wall beside me where most of his accomplishments stand proudly.

"Greatness-" He pushes his chair back and stands. "-is in all of us. But not all of us are willing to take that leap." He gives me a pointed look and somehow i know I won't like the direction of our conversation. I see greatness in you." He stares pointedly at me. "But you are heavily armed with distractions. I want to help you reach your ultimate potential. Your father and I want you to surpass us, achieve more than we ever could. In order to do that you cannot continue the way that you have. The partying, drinking, women-"

I have never been quite so analyzed in my entire life. I get good grades. It was expected and eventually came easy to me without much effort. I know I could work harder, I can do better. I have untapped potential, I know that, but I also have done a damn good job even while doing all of the things that he listed.

"You have a brilliant mind and I want to culture that."

"By doing what exactly?"

I chose not to mention that fact that for the most part the partying and drinking have stopped as well as the women. I'm a one woman man now and forever. I could have brought it all up, made myself look better in his eyes but honestly I can't find it in me to kiss his ass. Yes he wants to help me, but most of the things he's offering I can do on my own and not with the help of a pompous ass who looks as if he'd rub it in my face every chance he got.

"By having you move into one of my homes, completely secluded so that you can flourish. You are too young for a family. It will only distract you and I must make sure you have everything that you need to succeed."

I open my mouth to reject the offer, not even considering it for one second, but he continues.

"You pass all of the required tests and I already have a position waiting on you-"

I stand from my seat and he watches my ascend with impatience and disappointment in his eyes.

"Thank you for the offer, but if you helping me is contingent upon me moving out of my home with my family, then I will have to pass."

"This is a great oppurtunity for you. Your girlfriend will understand. You don't need a family right now, Edward. You need to stay focused so that you can make your contribution to the world."

"I'm happy with how my life is now."

"You're making a tremendous mistake turning down my offer. Carlisle will be truly disappointed." He walks around his desk and perches on the edge, his hands folded together looking at me expectantly, waiting for me to ask the question that will lead us back in conversation.

I had to decided quickly whether or not knowing the answers to my questions was worth selling my soul to the devil. That's what Russell Chadwick was quickly becoming in my mind.

"Carlisle will support any decision I make."

"Except this one."

"Well, I'll be sorry to disappoint him, but I trust my gut and it's telling me not to trust you."

He stands and holds out a hand for me to shake and I do out of respect, this one firmer than the first. He leans in still holding my hand and says, "Don't make the same mistake your father made."

His statement could have an abundance of meanings, and I can tell he's growing desperate to draw a reaction out of me with each implication.

I won't give him the satisfaction.

When he pulls back I hold eye contact with him. "You have a good day, Russell."

He turns his nose up at me and purses his lips, nodding before I walk away with my questions still unanswered.

I pull up to my childhood home and stare in through the window to Carlisles office. He's in there probably working and definitely not prepared for my bombardment of questions.

I sit there for a second, processing things when my cell rings. It's Bella.

"Baby." I answer the phone, inhaling the comfort her phone call brings me. I'm lost and I need her to ground me, fill me with hope that my whole world isn't about to be turned upside down.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks. I hear talking in the background but I ignore it and focus on her.

"Yea." I say without much thought. "I am." I take a breath.

"Good, because I'm going to hurt you."

I laugh at that and so does she. "Why are you going to hurt me, baby?"

She sighs. "You know why. That text was just mean, Edward. I spit my water all over my desk in class laughing so hard at you." I can't help but smile having imagined the look on her adorable face at the moment.

"I thought you were more of a swallower, baby."

"You're so bad." We share a laugh and I realize just how essential Bella is to my life. Russell will just have to fuck off because I'm never leaving this girl. "How has your day been?"

"Shitty. But getting better with every second I talk to you."

"I haven't had the best day either. Steven is in a mood. Kat is going crazy. I don't know what's going on with her. Jenna is..." She pauses. "... actually Jenna's pretty good right now. But now that Jenna's actually doing work, Kat's fucking up and-"She stops abruptly. "I'm talking a mile a minute. I want to hear about your day."

"Finish telling me about your day first."

"It's just that ever since I told her I knew she loved Steven she's been distance from me and screwing up at work. At my job it's the tiniest of mistakes that have the biggest impact and she's usually very detail-oriented, but lately..."She trails off.

"Is it affecting you?"

"I'm upset that she's distant sure, but I just want her to be happy. I honestly think she's messing up because her hearts not in it anymore. She wants to move to New York and I don't blame her."

Bella mentioned something about New York once before and she'd told me then that if she were Katie and she were given an oppurtunity like that she would drop everything and go. I think Bella's thrusting her personal opinion on Katie. The woman could just be having a bad week.

"You think that's why she's being distant?"

"I think it's apart of it. She can't deny loving him and say her hearts not in the job anymore at the same time without implying she loved him in the first place."

"Some people just really love their job, Bella"

"You're right! But nobody puts up with as much shit as she does with my boss. It's tough."

I think over what she's said and after countless conversations about her work I somewhat understand the dynamic, but I can only talk her through it and listen, give her feedback... I don't have a single answer to her problem.

I blow out a breathe, gripping my hair as I often do when I'm frustrated.

"I hate this guy more and more with each day. You don't need that job. I've told you over and over again you don't have to tolerate his bullshit."

"Edward, I'm not quitting."

"But you should."

"Seeing as your card declined today mister, I'd say I need to keep my paycheck. We may just need it." She says in a kidding fashion but instantly my mind kicks into overdrive.

"That's not possible."

"It's apparently very possible. But it's not a big deal, Edward. "

"It is. Trust me." I stare at the window of Carlisle's office knowing he has all the answers to my questions and wishing I didn't have to drag Bella into any bullshit with a past I thought had died along with my family. That life died... why wouldn't the problems die with it?

"I have to figure this out, baby. I'll be home later."


"I love you."

"Love you too."

I try not to think about Bella's work problem because it pisses me off to know she is working for this asshole that mistreats her and she doesn't even have to work. The frustration builds even after our conversation and I want nothing more than to go there and kick his ass. The more I dwell on the thought the more I see no other option. I set plans in motion, call Garrett and after speaking to him his anger only adds gasoline to mine. We can't allow her to be treated badly. It ends today.

I use my key to unlock the front door and make my way to Carlisle's office. I knock lightly on his door before entering and catch sight of him flipping madly through the paperwork on his desk.

"Whatever you hid from yourself will turn up later, it always does." I tell him, flopping down in the seat across from him.

"I took my glasses off for one second and they've disappeared." He continues his search, but gives me a curious look. "What are you doing here?" He raises a brow.

"Visiting my parents of course."

He goes back to flipping things over on his desk and makes an "unhn" sound. "Miss us, do you? Found them."He holds the glasses up like a reward of some sort for all of his hard work. "Now. What were you saying?"

"I was telling you why I'm actually here." I watch him lower himself in his seat before continuing. "Russell Chadwick." I start, watching his face for an expression but it never comes. "You know him."

"So do you."

"Yes, but not the way you do. Apparently you two are close friends."

"Is that what he told you?"Carlisle rolls his eyes heavenward, shaking his head. "He was a friend of Edward Sr before..." He trails off, his eyes jumping between me and the pile of papers. I wait for him to continue, but he begins to twiddle his thumbs.

"Before what?"

"Before he died." He says slowly as if it were supposed to be obvious.

"You mean before he kill-"

"I said what I meant." He cuts me off, slouching back in his chair. "I know this isn't about your obvious distain for Edward Sr. Tell me what is this really about, son? You shouldn't worry about Russell Chadwick. I will be with you during your meeting with him next week." Carlisle grabs his coffee mug and takes a drink.

"We had a meeting today, Carlisle."

His eyes grow as large as saucers and for a moment I think he stops breathing. "What?" He puts the mug down and raises a brow in question.

"He called me yesterday, and we had a meeting today."

He stands, turns away from me, and in a voice so unlike Carlisle, dark and cold he asks, "What did he tell you?"

Taken aback by the sudden shift, it takes me a moment to speak. "Things that I do not understand."

Carlisle looks at me in contemplation. "He is no friend of mine, Edward."

I nod, sensing that before he'd said the words, but what I want to know is why. Why the hostility? What does he want with me?

"I realize that. Dad?" I give him a meaningfully look. "You've got to give me some answers."

The room quiets and I imagine him cooking up an excuse as to why he can't possibly tell me anything because he needs to protect me from the truth.

As Carlisle once again takes the seat in front of me I grasp the gravity of the situation, but nothing could've prepared me for what he said next. "He thinks he's your father."

His words are like a punch to the gut. All of the air leaves me in a second and my mind shuts down unable to deal with the mountain of thoughts.

"Edward..." Carlisle comes around his desk and places a hand on my shoulder. "He's not. He can't be."

I look up at him and note that he doesn't look a bit worried that Russell could potentially be my biological father. The level of certainty is comforting but I want to know why Russell would think that he is.

"Then why-" I begin to bombard him with questions but he quickly interrupts.

"I promised I would never tell you."Carlisle turns away from me rubbing his temples, looking close to a breakdown himself.

I try hard to see his side of things but I'm growing angrier by the second.

"How could you think its okay to keep anything from me? Who are you to decide what I should and shouldn't know?" I stand to face him, showing him that I am a man, not the little boy he took in all those years ago.

"Your father made me promise!"

I give him my back, and contemplate leaving right then because he doesn't get it. Yet, here I stand trying again to get him to understand where I am coming from.

"Carlisle, he's dead. You made a promise to a dead man!"

"It still stands."

"So you're more loyal to a dead man then to me, Carlisle. I've been lied to my whole life and the one person that can tell me the truth wont because he wants to protect me." I can't believe he and Esme would keep something like this from me.

"Edward I know you. You'll pick at this problem until the problem is so out of control it will take the hand of God to fix. I have kept things quiet and simple. Everything I do is with your best interest in mind. Trust me when I say you don't need to know."

"You know what I think? I think you're either selfishly holding this information or you're just a control freak."

"I guess you will never know." He turns his attention to the mountain of paperwork on his desk, and begins to triffle through things looking for something.

"Or maybe you're a coward." He lifts his head to glare at me. "Too afraid to have Edward Sr painted in a better light than you."

"Of course I don't want to taint the memory of your parents. I'm not trying to influence you one way or another. How you feel about them is up to you, but trust me Edward Sr did not want you to know- he-"

"Where is he Carlisle? Why does what he wanted matter more than what I want? He wanted me dead also, you realize? Are you going to carry that out for him?"

"STOP!" His hand pounds against his desk and his voice thunders in the room bouncing off the four walls.

"What he wants doesn't matter more." He breathes, falling into his seat rubbing his temples. "You don't understand the guilt I feel, Edward. I have done every possible thing wrong when it comes to my brother, and I just wanted to keep one stone unturned."

"Either you tell me or Russell tells me. I rather hear your version."

He stares at me unblinking, almost as if staring through me. "Your mother and Russell had an affair for the majority of your parents marriage. Russell was your dads bestfriend from med-school, and then they became business partners. Russell is the reason your father had to start over. Edward Sr was forced from his own company and that's when he turned to drinking and he became... he was like a different person."

I take my seat and listen intently, trying not to pass judgement until I hear everything but knowing that it's true what he said about my thoughts toward my mother. I made her out to be a saint when really she was in the wrong.

"Your father didn't know about the affair until the week before he died." Carlisle takes a breath. "I was a terrible brother to him. All that he wanted was my help. I thought he would use the money for alcohol, or maybe he had turned to drugs without me knowing. He was depressed and angry and hurt and I-"

"You turned your back on him." His unspoken words are followed by a few tears that he quickly wipes away.

"He was cheated out of his company, his wife was sleeping with his bestfriend, and when he tried to fix it and wanted her to stop the affair, she said she had to or he would stop funding her outrageous shopping habit and paying for the preparatory school you and your sister attended. He came to me for the money. A fresh start he said. And I told him he needed help."

I see where Carlisles guilt lies as well. I can see why he would believe I would think less of him, or judge him, but I don't. I can forgive this.

"He wanted start up money. He started from the ground once before, he could do it again. I didn't believe in him. I should have." He shakes his head, judging himself too harshly as always. I see so much of myself in him and wonder if my dad took everything hard the way that we do. I wonder if he thought my moms affair was his fault. Then I rememeber that he killed her for it and abandon the idea. He felt nothing but anger towards her I'm sure. Yes, he may have wanted to fix it, but in the end fixing turned to ending it.


"He's not your father. I know that for sure. You'll just have to trust me."