'The doctor said this is normal, calm down.' Teru thought to herself while heaving over the toilet bowl in front of her. She had been throwing up on and off for the last week, sometimes it would happen in the morning of the evening. Luckily, at times when Kurosaki wasn't home, she felt lucky it had been playing out that way so far. She didn't want him to worry, not with his new job and all keeping him on his feet all day.

A smile flashed across her face when she pictured Kurosaki in his old school janitor uniform, and how he hated to dress formally. Now a suit and tie was his everyday outfit for his job, of course Teru had to tie his tie. He was always pretty bad at that. Her smile grew when she thought about how he had officially started calling her his girlfriend in public, it always made her cheeks rosy.

She coughed a bit and stayed by the toilet for a few minutes after she thought she was done, just to be safe. Then she flushed the toilet and stood up slowly, leaning against the sink and sighing. Brushing her brown locks out of her face in thought, ' For a day maybe...but that happened over a week ago. Is my body really this sensitive?' Teru wondered, turning to face the mirror and seeing her ghostly pale skin.

She was pale to begin with, but this she looked very sick now. She turned the faucet with her hand and took a washcloth, wetting it a bit before pressing it to her cheeks, turning them a bit red.

It had been a whole week...a whole week since what? Since she and Kurosaki had made love for the first time. She remembered being so terribly nervous that her stomach ached badly, but his soft touch soothed her quickly and they had proceeded.

She knew that the morning after their first time, some women had tender stomach's and tended to throw up a bit. But she hadn't read anything about it lasting a whole week. This was all an utter mystery to her.

Once she had finished soothing her face, her temples still throbbing and throat still burning, she looked at her less pale face in the mirror. She rinsed her mouth out with mouthwash and slumped back to the bedroom.

She sat on the edge and ran her fingers across their soft, cotton bed sheet. She almost chuckled as she remembered when she and Kurosaki had picked it out together. He argued that it was much too feminine for his tastes and he'd be embarrassed to sleep on it, but Teru had begged and insisted that they would be the only ones to know about it, so their would be nothing to be embarrassed about. He had given in, and then gone home to lay down together on it for the first time.

To sleep in each others arms for the first time.

She felt like that night, it truly became THEIR bed. Not just his anymore.

She reminisced about it for a bit until she felt her stomach lurch and she covered her mouth quickly, fearing she would throw up again. In the back of her mind, she worried, knowing that this most definitely was not normal. But she didn't want to explore what it could possibly be, find out she was horribly ill or had 2 months to live. She was scared.

Once the nauseous feeling died down, she got up and moved herself over to Kurosaki's computer. He had began to let her use it now, but only for important searches, not just for browsing different soy sauce brands when generic was just fine as always.

When she clicked on the browser window, her fingers poised over the keyboard, she took an elongated breath and nodded to herself. As if assuring herself that she needed to know what was wrong, so she could take necessary actions to take care of it. With that, she began to type.

' I had my first time a week ago, i'm still throwing up, why?'

And she clicked search, watching the little circle spine while it loaded her category results. She clicked on the first website and looked at what it said, nothing useful, just women complaining about cramps and being sore.

So Teru moved on, reading article after article on every sight she could find. Until she stumbled upon a doctors sight and mentally leapt with joy, this was bound to be accurate. Without hesitation she clicked on it, waiting for it to load impatiently. Dying to get to the bottom of why her stomach was turning every two seconds and she felt bloated all the time. That is until she saw what it said...

" Two simple words ladies... You're pregnant!"

She whispered aloud to herself in shock, reading over the line about 25 times before letting it set in. She swallowed hard, suddenly feeling the queasiness returning. At the same time she heard the front door open and close, and rapidly she 'X'ed out of the browser window and shut off the computer monitor.

" Teru?" She heard Kurosaki's voice call for her as it always did when he got home, not seeing his always-eccentric girlfriend in the living room watching TV or reading as she usually was at this hour.

Teru stood up and walked into the living room, smiling when she saw the love of her life standing before her. " Right here, welcome home." She nodded to him and took his leather briefcase, setting it on the counter and trying to ignore her stomach's cries.

" Sorry I'm home so late, today was a little crazy." Kurosaki nodded and wrapped his arms around Teru, pulling her closer and giving her lips a soft kiss. She felt her stomach pain fade for a moment and she closed her eyes and returned the kiss.

' You have no idea...it was pretty crazy here too.' Teru thought, pulling away to press her cheek against his chest. His eyes slipped down and inspected her curiously, wondering if maybe something had happened while he was gone. She was acting a bit more shy than usual, she wouldn't even look him in the eyes.

" Teru...is something wrong? You seem a bit off today." He inquired, placing his hands on her upped waist and keeping his eyes glued to the top of her forehead. His words caused her heart to palpitate as she considered telling him what she had found.

" T-tasuku..." She finally let her eyes glance up at his chin, leaning up and giving it a small kiss.

" I have something I need to tell you. Lets talk on the couch."

Kurosaki blinked a few times, concern growing in his heart, but he nodded and released her small body. The both of them heading over to the couch and taking a seat, silent for a moment. Tension growing.

"So for the last week I haven't been feeling to well. I keep getting nauseous at random times, mostly during the morning hours, but sometimes later. I usually end up vomiting for a good 5 to ten minutes. I don't know why...but I did some research and I have a theory.." Teru mumbled, her voice nervous and small. She had no idea how Kurosaki would take something like this, and even worse she didn't even know if it was true. This was all simply online research and intuition, but it had her stomach barred up in knots anyway.

Tasuku was listening intently to her every word while she spoke though, and nodded, feeling that he needed to hear everything she had to say.

" Theory? What is it, Teru?" He inquired, moving his hand to settle on her shoulder gently.

Teru struggled with her words now, could she really say it? That she was...was... she knew she couldn't leave him hanging so she swallowed her fear. She turned her head slowly to look him straight in the eyes and took a deep breath.

" I-I think I'm pregnant, Tasuku..." The words barely managed to leave her mouth and she felt acid rise in her throat, probably just from the overwhelming feelings rising in her body. Once the words had left her lips she immediately looked away, she couldn't bare to see his reaction. She already felt overpowered, but disapproval from Kurosaki, she didn't know if she could take it.

She felt heat rising in her eyes and thought she might begin to cry when she didn't hear him say anything, until she felt his large hand cup the shoulder farthest from him and pull her close, her head against his collarbone, his chin against her hairline. He didn't speak for a moment, but he stroked soothingly down her arm and kissed the crown of her head softly.

" If you're pregnant Teru..." Kurosaki began with a fake sigh, causing her heart to jump with worry, that is...until he grabbed her small wrist with his free hand.

" I suppose we'll just have to get married sooner.." He whispered against her ear, causing her brown eyes to become glossy in shock as she felt a cool band slip onto her ring finger.

She turned her head slowly up to look him in the eyes, but before she could make a sound his lips covered hers, a chaste seeming kiss, until he deepened it and gripped her shoulder. She was even more surprised but closed her eyes and kissed back hard.

" It wasn't a question Teru..." He teased, his tongue rubbing up against her lips, causing her to moan softly and whine.

"Mmm...Go bald stupid...Kurosaki.." She muttered, arousing a slight chuckle from the man she loved as his hand transitioned from hers to her stomach, lightly settling above her belly button.

" Boy or girl?" He asked as he pulled away, smiling down at his now soon-to-be wife, causing her to turn a new shade of red and shrug.

" Either one...I'll love them just the same." She felt his breath against her temple and grinned.

" Me too..."