Sometime around 8 pm, when the sky had darkened until it was a deep shade of purple painted with small hints of glittering stars, Regina found herself standing in the kitchen cleaning leftover dirty dishes from dinner. Emma had offered her assistance but Regina instantly dispelled the idea; something about expensive plates and Emma having butterfingers. So instead Emma busied herself with rounding up the children for bed leaving Regina in a position she's accustomed to; being alone. That was until her ears picked up the sound of feet padding lightly against the tile floor, walking in the direction of the kitchen. For a moment she halted all actions, settling for craning her neck slightly to glance at the whoever is nearing the kitchen entrance. It was when Reagan trotted in, silk black hair pushed behind her ears and wearing plaid pajamas, that Regina's face softened from its usual hard mask.

"Hey, do you need help with anything?"

A smile curved the corners of her mouth as she returned her attention back to the task at hand. "That's quite alright, dear. I'm almost done."

Still, Reagan chose to draw closer until she stood at her mother's side where she leaned the upper half of her body on the black marble counter. For a moment she remained silent, twirling strands of her wavy hair whilst glancing at Regina as she thought of a way to bring up such a sensitive topic.


"Hmm?" Regina turned to look at her, eyebrow raised in question.

"Um, Henry..he told me about what happened to Cora." At the mention of her mother's name Regina unintentionally froze, her eyes leaving Reagan's face momentarily. "I just wanted to know if you were feeling okay."

Regina indistinctly took a deep breath before resuming her actions. "I like to think I am." She said with such a forced smile that Reagan pouted, sensing the hurt hidden beneath the surface of the sentence.

"You don't talk about her much. I've always wondered why but I didn't want to pry." Reagan admitted.

"Well, me and my mother didn't exactly have the perfect relationship; one that's worth telling to my children." She explained. "I suppose my future self only wanted to spare you the details of my troubled past with her."

"Did you two fight a lot?"

Although that's not how Regina would put it, she nodded anyway as she began to put away the dishes. "We butted heads from time to time. My mother wished for me to follow in her path but I wanted to make my own. It seems that she couldn't understand that."

"And you still loved her?"

Regina smiled dolefully, hands gripping the kitchen sink as she looked at her daughter."You know..." She visibly gulped, seemingly pushing down the bubble forming in her throat. "We don't always have to like our mothers and that's okay. But, despite our efforts to detach, there's always going to be something within our hearts that can't help but love them." Her eyes casted downward.

"Well..." Reagan started softly, capturing Regina's eyes once more. "I like and love you." She smiled right before wrapping her arms around her mother's torso, her head resting just below Regina's collarbone.

At first Regina was taken slightly aback by the sudden hug, but by natural instinct she automatically wrapped her arms around Reagan. Smoothing her hand down Reagan's soft hair, a gentle smile tugged the corners of her mouth as she allowed her cheek to rest atop of Reagan's head. She drew in a deep, shuddering breath before exhaling it at the overwhelming feeling of genuine love and comfort.

"Regina." At the sound Emma's voice calling her name they pulled away, Regina unconsciously kept her hand resting in Reagan's hair.

In came Emma, appearing slightly worn out, with Emily's hand in hers. The little girl still had juice stains on her face from dinner and at that Regina frowned. "Why is her face still a mess?"

"Because she refuses to take a bath. She wants both of us to be there with her." Emma explained and Reagan snorted out a laugh.

"I'm not surprised. You two spoil her." She pointed out. Emily playfully stuck out her tongue at her big sister whilst hugging Emma's leg and Reagan did the same in return. "While you two are dealing with that. I'm going to find Henry so we can build that fort." She made a move to exit the kitchen.

Regina's brows furrowed. "Fort? What-"

Emily's small hand grabbed at Regina's and began to pull. "Come on, Mom! We have to go make bubbles!"

Reagan grinned to herself as Emily practically dragged the pair out of the kitchen. She made sure the two were out of sight before quickly going to find Henry who happened to be in the living room already seated on the couch.

"Hey, Henry." As she walked over to where he sat, he looked up in question. Stopping in front of him, she leaned over with a playful grin on her face. "You wanna help me with the fort?"

Henry's face lit up. "Sure. How?"

"Grab all the sheets, blankets and pillows you can find. This is going to be big."

Emma sat on the edge of the tub, hands massaging soap into the mess of brown curls on Emily's head and occasionally sculpting it into a mohawk. Regina settled for positioning herself on the floor for better access to help Emily get cleaned up faster but the little girl seemed to be in no rush to get out as she occupied herself with squeezing water in and out of a yellow rubber duckie.

From the corner of her eye, Regina spotted Emma frowning at their daughter's hair."Why are you making that face?"

"How come not one of them came out blonde? Emily and Henry both have brown hair and Reagan has your hair color."

"Reggie says it's because you have weak gym-epics." Emily stated nonchalantly while still playing with her toy.

Regina couldn't stop the chuckle that escaped her throat meanwhile Emma pouted in evident offense. "You mean genetics, baby girl. And that's not entirely true. Emily has your chin," She tickled underneath her daughter's chin, eliciting a small giggle from her that made both mothers smile. "And your nose." She bopped Emily on the nose.

Emma discreetly watched Regina, secretly enjoying seeing her without the mayoral mask she puts on everyday. "Yeah, you're right." She agreed with a small smile that she thought was unnoticeable as washed the rest of the shampoo out of Emily's hair.

Regina eyes squinted in suspicion at Emma. "What's that face?"

"Hm? What face?" Emma pressed her lips into a thin line, avoiding Regina's piercing eyes.

"You were making a face."

"Everyone's face makes faces, Regina."

Regina's eyes narrowed into slits and she continued to study Emma for a few more seconds before pushing herself off the floor. "I'm going to get her pajamas."

Emma nodded. Once Regina exited the bathroom Emily had started to giggle, bringing Emma's eyes to her big brown ones gleaming in amusement.

"What are you giggling at?" She questioned playfully, lightly poking Emily's stomach.

"You were smiling at Mom." She teased.

This kid catches on to everything, Emma thought as her lips parted to make an excuse but only an unconvincing, airy laugh came out. "No, I was smiling at you."

Emily kept on giggling. Still smiling, she bit down on her bottom lip and shook her head, her wet curls bouncing around. "No no no. I saw you, Mommy. It's okay, I think she looks pretty when she smiles too."

Emma's could feel the blood rushing to her face and before she could calm down Regina walked into the bathroom. When she caught sight of Emma's flushed face her eyebrows drew downward. "Miss Swan, are you alright?"

Emma cleared her throat and stood up to collect herself. "Yeah-oh yeah. I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"You're as red as a cheery."

"I-um-I'm just-"

"I would like to get out now." Emily announced, taking Regina's attention off Emma who sighed in relief at the momentary distraction.

Regina set down the pajamas on top of the hamper so that she could lift Emily out of the tub and place her on the bath mat where she proceeded to wrap a white, fluffy towel around Emily's so that it covered both her wet hair and body.

Emma watched Regina continue to interact with Emily. The way she ruffled her hair dry through the towel whilst scrunching her nose to make the little girl laugh, how careful she is when helping Emily get dressed; it would've been hard to guess that this is the same woman who was raining terror only a few weeks ago. And as Emma continued to watch Regina smile adoringly at their daughter, something in the back of her mind told her that she wouldn't mind this being her future.

"You bought her that?" Emma examined the koala onesie Emily's sporting in amusement.

"I thought it was cute." Regina replied, securing the front of the onesie before scooping Emily up in her arms and standing up in front of the mirror. "Look," She flipped the koala face hoodie over Emily's head then pointed to the mirror. "Do you know what animal you're dressed as?"

"A koala!" Emily reached up with both hands to squeeze the ears sticking out of the hood.

"That's 're so smart." Regina praised, bouncing Emily in her arms.

"Did you know that koalas give really really tight hugs? Like this."Emily demonstrated by wrapping her tiny legs and arms around her, pressing her face to the side of Regina's temple as she hugged her tightly. "Future you and future mommy cuddle like this all the time." At that statement both women looked at one another only quickly look away.

"We should go downstairs and see what Reagan's up to." Emma suggested in order to avoid the oncoming awkwardness.


"This is good enough right?" Reagan stepped back, hands on her hips, examining the mass amount of blankets and pillows taking up half of the floor.

"Yeah. We just need a roof." Henry stood up from his place on the floor where not too long ago he was testing the level of comfort. He gave it two thumbs up.

"Leave that up to me." Reagan rubbed her hands together then shook them out. Focusing on the bundle of sheets in the leftover pile, she hovered her hands over them and Henry watched in amazement as they lifted into the air. The tip of the sheets twisted together then tied around one of the bars of the chandelier hanging in the living room, giving the fort the appearance of a large tent.

"That's so cool." Henry complimented, turning to face his sister. "It must be great having magic."

Reagan shrugged. "Eh, it has its perks but it can be a bit of a hassle sometimes."

"What do you mean?"

"I committed arson by accident like 20 times when I was 8. By the way that means I lit a lot of stuff on fire. And people expect so much of you when you have magic." Reagan explained. She glanced down at her brother, flashing him a small smile. "You don't need magic, Henry. You're just as awesome without it."

"Thanks." Henry bounced once on his toes then turned back to look at the fort. "What are those jars for again?" He pointed to the couple of jars spread at the sides of the fort, each holding a tap on light inside of it that's hidden around glittering, thick construction paper with small holes poked in it.

A sly smile curved the side of Reagan's mouth. "You'll see."

The sound of Emily babbling about something caught their attention. When they stepped inside the living room their reaction was priceless.

"Welcome to family fort night." Reagan greeted, expressing her excitement in the form of jazz hands.

"Is that my blanket? On the floor?" Regina asked in horror.

Emily wiggled herself out of her mother's arms so that she could walk up to Reagan with a large frown on her face. "You made the fort without me." She whined.

"Sorry, Emmy. You were upstairs getting all koala-fied." She laughed at the fact that Emily looks like a sad little care bear standing there pouting with folded arms and furry ears.

"What's family fort night?" Emma asked despite the name being self explanatory and Reagan had to bite back the witty comment of it being just that.

"We sleep in this fort as a family for the night whether it's just for fun or it's because some people can't stop fighting." She emphasized the second half of the sentence with an eye squinting smile.

Emma immediately assumed that Regina is internally cringing at the thought of sharing a space with her. "You know, kid, I would love too but I have a job to do and a town to protect."

"Nothing happens in Storybrooke at night." Reagan argued.

"That's only partly true. And besides, you forget that this isn't my house." Emma countered.

Eyes fixated on Regina. "You'll let Emma stay the night, right Mom? Please?" Reagan nudged Henry in his side signaling him to plead with her, having the knowledge that Regina couldn't possibly resist them both.

"Yeah. Please, Mom?" Henry joined in.

Emma glanced over at Regina. She didn't want to intrude and make Regina uncomfortable in her own home; somewhere she considers a safe place. "Guys, I reall-"

"You can stay." Regina voice came out slightly more pitched than usual causing her to clear it. "I long as you help clean all of this up in the morning."

Emma smiled then turned to look at their kids. "It's a deal then." She took off her jacket leaving her in a tank top and jeans.

"But I think I'm going to sit this one out tonight." Regina announced earning three unexpected 'whats' in apparent objection from Reagan, Henry, and Emma. She figured that they didn't necessarily need her to be apart of their family night being that she most likely gives off the less fun parent vibe.

"No! You have to stay!" Emily protested, running over to wrap both of her arms around Regina's legs to keep her from going anywhere. Both of Regina's hands moved to rest on her back.

"That defies all the rules of family fort night." Reagan said.

"And I'm pretty sure they took every available blanket and pillow you have." Emma observed.

"Y-you want me to stay?"

Reagan smiled sadly the confusion in Regina's tone. It wasn't hard to detect that she isn't used to being wanted. "Of course." She answered softly.

Emily's chin rested just above Regina's knees as she smiled up at her. "You're our momma and every kid needs their momma to stay with them."

Regina could feel the tears building in her eyes but she blinked them away. This isn't a time to cry, this is a time to feel something she hasn't felt for a long time; happiness. "I suppose I should go change into something more...fitting for this occasion." She turned to Emma. "Um, would you like something to change into? I can't have your outside clothes putting germs on my nice clean blankets."

Disregarding the comment after the offer with a small eye roll, Emma nodded. "Thanks."

When the two went upstairs, Henry turned to Reagan. "I've never seen them get along like that."

"If I fix the past, you'll see a lot more of that when you grow up." Reagan replied, sighing afterward. Oh how she hoped she can.

After some reluctance on Regina and Emma's part in regards to the position they're going to lay in, next to one another, Reagan finally managed to get them to quit complaining by telling them the consequence of not abiding by the rules; being locked in a closet together until they cooperated. Reagan lay at the end, Henry next to her followed by Regina then Emma then Emily who's laying sideway so that she could rest her head on Emma's stomach.

The jars that Reagan placed in the fort turned out to be a homemade projector that made stars appear on the sheets when the lights turned off.

A low agitated sigh could be heard from Regina.

"Sorry." Emma apologized.

"That's the third time you jumped and elbowed me in my side tonight. Do I need to bound your limbs with magic?"

"It's all the hair...I keep thinking something is crawling on me." Emma admitted sheepishly.

"Perhaps you should consider getting a haircut."

"No that would be bad." Emily spoke. "Future Mom loves future Mommy's long hair. I heard her say it gives her something to pull on."

Emma snorted back a shocked laugh, Regina's jaw went slack and Reagan made a sound of disgust. At the moment Reagan wished she could trade places with Henry, who's sleeping, so she didn't have to hear that.

"I don't know what that means." Emily shrugged.

"I wish I didn't know what that means." Reagan cringed.

"Looks like I won't be getting a haircut anytime soon."


"Mom! Please!"

Emma covered her grinning face as she shook with quiet laughter. "I'm sorry. I'm done. Change the subject."

Still cringing, Reagan took it upon herself to set a distraction before any unwanted images passed through her mind. Extending her arms, both hands balled in a fist, she curled her index and pinky finger on her right hand, connecting her left fist to her right with her thumb sticking out and casting the shadow of what appeared to be a cat.

"Hey, Emmy, wanna guess what animal I made?" She wiggled her thumb to make a wagging tail motion.

"A kitty!" She pointed in excitement at the shadow.

"I'm usually so bad at these." Reagan laughed. She looked over at Emma. "You're the pro of shadow puppets."

"Well I mean I made shadow puppets a lot during my time in foster care to entertain myself at night." Emma shrugged. Rolling her sleeves up, she began by raising one arm, bending it at the elbow, and bringing the tips of her fingers together so that they make a point. With her other hand, she spread her fingers wide and put the fleshy part of her palm on her bicep to create a swan.

Reagan scoffed playfully earning a grin from Emma. "Show off."

Another shadow in the form of a flapping bird was cast by Emily because honestly that's the only one she could make.

Regina's eyes continuously kept glancing back and forth between Emma's shadow and her hand formation. "How are you doing that?"

Emma couldn't help but be amused at the fact that Regina, a powerful sorceress, is stumped on the basic formation of a shadow puppet. "It's really easy actually. Here..." Scooting closer, their heads almost touching, Emma hesitantly reached for Regina's hand all the while looking at her to make sure she's okay with making contact. A small glance at her hand that switched to her face gave an answer. Reagan watched with a smile on her face. The way Emma's so shy and timid when touching Regina, being extra careful not to make her uncomfortable, reminded her of a school girl with a crush. And as her eyes slipped closed, surrounded by loved ones, she felt absolutely at home.