Okay, this is my first story/one-shot. Sorry for all the spelling/grammer mistakes, my English sucks. I hope you like it!
It's been a long time ago, but I still think of them, every day. I tried to forget them but they keep popping up in my mind. Those 3 wonderful little kids. I remember that 20 years ago I met someone, a small guy, as old as me, with the most beautiful, hazel eyes and that cute spikey hair. He was special to me, we dated just 3 months, and were already going to marry. I was so young, and I couldn't know what would happen. My father told me my husband became dangerous, he said I couldn't trust him anymore, but I still trusted him. I just couldn't believe he was evil.
After a while he told me he would like to have 3 kids, 3 boys. I liked the idea of having kids, so as soon as possible we had our first kid. It was a boy, with dark brown hair and brown eyes. I gave him the name Adam, after my father. Our second kid was a girl, and we decided to call her Bree, after me, because my husband told me that she looked like me. My name is Breana, so we made it a little shorter so we wouldn't have exactly the same name. 2 years later we got our thirth child, a small baby, who we gave the name Chase, because Douglas wanted him to get that name, and I liked it.
Douglas was so happy with his kids, but I didn't see him so much anymore. When I saw him and asked where he had been, he mumbels something about inventing or something. He seemed to change, and not to care about his kids anymore.
Adam was 3 year old, and quite tall for his age. I always had to keep an eye on him, because if I don't pay attention, he breaks something or does something dangerous. But he's very sweet, many times he picks flowers for me, or makes a drawing for me. When he does that for his father, it always ends up in the trash can. I still have his drawings. I just couldn't throw them away, they mean so much for me. Sometimes I keep staring at them, reminding me of my kids.
Bree was 2 years old. She was always came with me, where ever I went. I really loved her, we did everything together. When she was 2 years old, she already wanted to wear my make-up. I allowed her to use my nail polish, but when my husband came home, he said that he didn't want her to be a girly girl with make up and stuff like that, so he took the nail polish away from her. Since then she started to really hate her father.
Chase, the youngest of the 3. He was just a few months old. He was a very small and light baby, I tried to let him eat more but he just refused. He only accepted food that was very healty, which is okay, but he didn't grow or became heavier of it. I never had the chance to give him much attention. I was so busy other stuff, because my husband was never here to help me.
One day, when I woke up, couldn't I find my kids anywhere. I asked in the whole town if anyone had see them. Finally, someone knew something about them. But it wasn't what I'd like to hear. The man told me that my husband fell into a vulcano when he took the kids for a walk, and that the kids probably fell too. I bursted out in tears. I'd never see them again. After a while I stopped crying, realizing there might be a chance they're still alive and that I shouldn't lose all my hope yet. I asked the man for his name. He told me that it was Krane. Victor Krane.
"Hello, welcome by Tech Town. Can I help you?" Someone asked me. I totally forgot I was in the mall. I must have walked into a random store while I was deep in thoughts. I looked up to say an employee from the store. It was a small teenage boy, with brown, spikey hair and hazel eyes.
"No...no thanks" I said to him, and I walked away, still thinking about my kids, which I'd never see again.
Shall I make more one-shots?