As Kurt stands behind Puck, he tries to piece together what the hell just happened. He'd been cornered by Karofsky, screamed at him, had his first kiss stolen, and then Puck had popped out of no freaking where to back him up.
He's not even sure where Puck had come from. He wasn't one of the guys that was supposed to be escorting him. His thoughts are broken by Puck saying,
"So! This is what's going to happen. We're going to leave in a few minutes, and you're going to pretend you never saw us today. You're going to hop in your truck and drive home, stay in your nice cozy closet, and leave Kurt alone. You're going to stop harassing him." Puck shifts a little, trying to think of every angle and cover all the bases.
"I don't expect miracles, you don't have to be nice, you just have to not be a dick. Pretend Kurt doesn't exist. And what the hell, I'll throw myself, Sam, and the rest of the gleeks in there too. If the rest of the team is throwing slushies or running their mouths -and that's all it is- well sadly, that's normal and I have no intention of outing you by making you sit out. But if one of them decides it's time to play 'smear the queer' -and not necessarily with Kurt- I expect a warning text and for you to be conspicuously absent from the festivities."
Karofsky looks confused, and honestly, Kurt isn't much better off. Puck is being surprisingly decent about this. Eventually the jock pulls himself together and says,
"Fine. Deal. You keep this quiet, and I'll back off Fancy." When all Puck does is nod and pocket his phone, Karofsky continues, "I don't get it, Puckerman. You used to do a lot of the same shit, why do you care all the sudden?"
Kurt can tell that Puck is debating on how to answer before he shrugs, "Because I'm not as straight as I should be, either."
Kurt jolts, turning to look at Puck. But... that sounded like... did he mean...?
Karofsky looks just as confused. "Wait. Are you saying that you're taking up for gays everywhere because they're 'your people', or that you actually like Fancy?" Kurt never thought he'd be thankful for Karofsky. But, since he can't form sentences yet and Karofsky asked Puck what he desperately needs to know, Kurt is actually glad -for the first time in his life- that the neanderthal exists. Should have known it wouldn't be that easy though.
Puck scoffs, "Like there's even the smallest chance in hell I'm answering that? Time to go, Karofsky. Just keep your mouth shut, and we'll do the same. Enjoy your 'Day of What The Actual Fuck 2010' memorabilia. This has clearly been a day we all should have stayed in bed. Now fuck off so that we can go home."
They don't speak to each other until after Karofsky's truck has pulled out of the lot. Puck shifts his feet and Kurt turns slowly to him. "So... same question?"
Puck looks from side to side before muttering to himself. Eventually he sighs, "Can we at least go somewhere else to have this conversation? I don't think the school parking lot is the best idea."
Kurt concedes with a nod. "Okay. Actually, it's my dad's date night so my house will be empty. We can just go there." If Kurt is having trouble fighting off a blush because of the last time they were in his house, well, they'll just have to ignore it and power through. They will finally have this talk even if it kills them.
By the time they make it to Kurt's house it's already almost 5pm. Kurt had been worried that his dad would still be at home but when he gets there, there's a note from him that says he was running late today so he just grabbed a change of clothes and that he'd shower at work, and be home around midnight.
Here's hoping that luck holds throughout this talk.
He grabs two cans of pop and walks back into the living room trying to pretend this is at all normal. Trying to pretend that he hadn't sucked Puck off on the other end of the couch he's sitting on. He passes Puck a can and sits on the edge of the chair across from him. He rolls the can between his hands for a few seconds before setting it down and finally saying,
"Okay. Well, since you saved me from whatever it was that Karofsky was doing, I guess I'll talk first." When Puck just nods, still not really looking him in the eye, Kurt clears his throat and says, "Alright... so... um..."
Puck laughs suddenly, "You're so eloquent today, Princess." Kurt wants to glare at him for the nickname but instead he's just glad to be able to break the tension a little.
"Shut up, Puck." Heaving a sigh, Kurt sinks backward into the chair a little. Staring at his fingers instead of Puck, he forces out, "So, I'm not really sure what you thought we were doing. We didn't talk about it, so I think we both assumed whatever made sense to us. That was probably very stupid. Frankly, we don't know each other well enough to guess at each others' motives. I don't know what you got out of it besides, obviously, head."
Puck snorts. When Kurt looks up at him he waves his hands. "Sorry! It's weird enough talking about this, after all this time, but it's even weirder to hear you talk about sucking dick."
Kurt huffs, crossing his arms and leaning back. "Hmph. You never seemed to mind my enthusiasm for sucking dick before. I didn't know you found it funny."
Puck coughs, rubbing the back of his head, "It was a lot of things, Hummel, but funny wasn't on the list."
Kurt smirks before finally getting back on topic, "Anyway, what I was trying to say is, I don't know why you were agreeing to it. And it's not like I sat around before that thinking 'how can I trick straight guys into letting me touch them'. Hell, even with Finn it wasn't that I wanted to molest him, I just had all these stupid ideas about romance and wanting to be kissed the way the stupid couples in the halls were."
Realizing that he's now officially off on a tangent, Kurt stops and takes a deep breath. When he looks up at Puck, the mohawk'd boy is just watching him, waiting on him to finish, all but sitting on his hands.
"Um... so when I walked in on you, I hadn't planned it. Obviously, I had no idea you'd be in there, and I really had no clue what I was doing. All I knew was that you were hot and hard and you weren't kicking my ass even though it was pretty obvious that I wanted you. So when you offered... I just went with it. And kept going with it. It wasn't until after we stopped and you weren't talking to me that I realized how much I actually liked you. Especially while you were in juvie, I just got so... blah." Kurt stops, blushing. He really can't put into words how he'd felt without Puck around. He'd avoided thinking about it, so it was hard to recap now. He'd just been very, very sad. Does that mean that I like... love him?
He's pulled from his thoughts by Puck clearing his throat again. When he looks up, Puck is leaning forward like he wants to leap across the gap between them. Instead he says, "I've, uh... liked you since last year." When Kurt gapes at him, he winces. "I don't have like an exact timeline or anything... actually that's a lie, yeah I do. But it's not important. The point is, I accepted it the week we did Gaga. You were just such a bitch that week. Between bitching me out for being stupid and standing up to the idiots, not to mention the fucking silver tights... yeah. It was kind of hard to deny it at that point."
Awkward silence reigns for a few minutes. Eventually Kurt asks quietly, "So... that first night, when I found you... you weren't like... picturing someone else or pretending it was a girl?"
Puck laughs, "Hell no! Part of what got me off so quickly was the fact that it was you. The idea that you, who is so prissy about absolutely everything, would get on your knees on a bathroom floor and do that, was one of the hottest things I've ever seen. Although it was probably the look in your eyes that did it, that time... Most times."
This time it's Kurt's turn to lean forward like he wants to leap across the space. Breathing heavily, Kurt asks, "So, you like me, and have for awhile... and I like you, although probably not for as long because I had that unfortunate case of bad taste in guys last year... but the fact of the matter is, right now, we like each other, and we're alone..." Without giving Puck time to process that, Kurt bounces up and grabs Puck's hand. "Hey! Finn said my design for 'our room' was too 'faggy', I need a second opinion!"
Not waiting for a response, Kurt drags Puck down the stairs to his room, still mostly decorated in draped silks and giving off a decidedly too 'Moulin Rouge' feel. Puck snorts. "What the hell were you thinking, Princess? Of course Finn flipped out. You might as well have hung a sign on the door that said 'if the room is rockin' don't come knockin'."
Laughing, Kurt smacks him, "Shut up, Puck! I know it's a little over the top. I didn't really think about it at the time. It wasn't until I saw Finn's face that I realized just how far off the mark I was. I get excited about things. I really didn't mean it as a come-on. At that point, I'd pretty much given up."
Puck nods, still holding Kurt's hand and looking down at it, "Makes sense. This whole thing finally erupted because you were talking about making us wear feather boas. Clearly, you have no idea how to be straight."
Kurt rubs his thumb over the back of Puck's hand. "Nope, tried that once. No more trucker hats for me."
Puck smirks, "Speaking of that, I have a question to ask you." At Kurt's cocked eyebrow, Puck turns to face him fully, putting his hands on Kurt's waist. His fingers don't quite touch, but they're closer than they probably should be. Gotta get this kid to eat more. Jeez. "After your foray into women, I was forced to listen to Britt talking about what an amazing kisser you are. Apparently she spent some time down here and she couldn't stop talkin' about it. Where did you learn how to kiss?"
Kurt blushes, putting his arms up around Puck's neck and trying not to look as tentative as he feels. "Um, from Britt? That was my first kiss. Before today, I wasn't going to count it because it wasn't with a boy, but since my first boy kiss was with Karofsky, I've decided that Britt totally counts."
Smirking again, Puck says, "And I'm assuming your blow job skills weren't getting any practice besides with me either, right?" At Kurt's blush spreading down his neck and his slow nod, Puck grins, "So, that's two things you're just naturally talented at. Wonder what other... hidden talents you have, Princess."
Kurt smacks him on the arm and huffs out, "Anyone ever tell you that you talk too much, Noah?"
Slowly backing Kurt toward the bed, Puck smirks, "Noah, huh? I didn't say you could call me that."
When the backs of his knees bump against his bed, Kurt is pushed down and leaned over. "I didn't ask. If you can call me 'Princess', I can call you 'Noah'. Get over it."
Puck smiles at him, "Make me, Princ-" He's cut off by Kurt leaning up to grab the back of his neck and haul him closer to kiss him. If Puck didn't know better, he'd never guess that this is Kurt's first kiss with someone he's actually into.
Puck is so focused on the tongue exploring every nook and cranny of his mouth that he doesn't even notice Kurt has shed his loose jacket and is working on taking off his tie until Kurt finally lays back down, breaking the kiss so he can work the strip of cloth over his head, not taking the time to undo it.
Taking a hint, Puck reaches down and whips off his own long sleeve shirt before helping Kurt tackle the buttons on his. When Puck starts muttering about the 'fucking layers' Kurt giggles, running his hands over Puck's chest.
"Sorry. I'll try to keep the layers to a minimum for awhile, or at least make sure they are easily removable."
"That would be awesome, Princess. This is the worst possible time for you to be wearing this many clothes." When Puck finally gets the shirt open and pushes it off Kurt's shoulders, he groans at the undershirt Kurt is still wearing. "Damn!"
Finally reaching his limit, Puck stands up and whips the shirt over Kurt's head, reaching down for the pants. It's not until after he has the button undone that he remembers exactly what's going on. Looking up to Kurt's face, Puck leans in to kiss him again, "Are you sure about this, babe? Once I take your pants off I won't be held accountable for my actions. This is pretty much your last chance to say no. I can wait, it's fine."
Kurt huffs, pushing Puck back to give himself enough room to shimmy out of his pants himself. After leaning back down he grabs Puck by the waistband of his jeans and pulls him closer again. "You might be able to wait, but I really can't. I've wanted you inside me for months."
All Puck can do is groan and watch as Kurt unbuttons his pants and pulls them down before laying back, dragging Puck back down on top of him. As Puck runs his hands over Kurt he groans out, "God, I've wanted to touch you so fucking bad. Can't believe you've been allowed to blow me four times and I've never even seen your dick. So not fair."
Kurt giggles and reaches down to pull off his short boxer-briefs, kicking them off when Puck makes no effort to move out of the way. Puck leans back just enough to look down between their bodies and groans again. "You're fucking killing me, babe."
Giggling again, Kurt quips, "Not yet. We'll save that for round two." All Puck manages is a gurgling sound so Kurt smiles, kissing him again before reaching under his pillow and grabbing his lube. At Puck's raise eyebrow Kurt flushes. "Shut up, I've needed it a bit more than usual lately."
Puck smirks before leaning down and kissing his way across Kurt's chest. When he settles on a nipple Kurt bucks under him before panting out, "Please tell me you at least know how this works?"
With a grin, Puck sits back on his knees and grabs the lube from Kurt's relaxed grip. "Yep. You're not the only one that's been getting off a bit too much lately. The amount of porn I've watched in the past six months would make Jenna Jameson blush. Mostly because I don't think she'd want to watch two dudes going at it."
Kurt wants to make a witty retort but it's cut off by Puck pressing a slick finger against his hole and spreading lube around it before pushing inside. If he'd been hoping for quick prep, he's vastly disappointed. Puck seems perfectly content to spend the rest of the night slowly stretching him out, adding fingers and only pressing against his prostate when Kurt tries to tell him to hurry up.
By the time he's moving three fingers easily Kurt is begging, rather loudly, to be fucked. And he can't even be bothered to be ashamed of it. Puck eventually decides that he's prepped enough and sits back. Since Kurt had made no mention of a condom, he starts to ask where they are before he realizes he doesn't really need to. He'd gotten himself tested over the summer and he hadn't been with anyone else. Kurt is a virgin and for once, he doesn't have to worry about knocking the other person up.
Grinning, he pulls Kurt's legs up, folding him almost in half before pressing the tip of his cock, freshly coated in lube, against Kurt's entrance. He pauses there and waits until Kurt relaxes a little and nods.
Pushing forward, the Jewish teen doesn't stop until he's buried all the way inside. Gasping at the tight heat clenched around him Puck drops his head down, resting on Kurt's shoulder while he waits on the overwhelming sensations to pass. Kurt is panting heavily above him but when Puck looks up he sees it's not in pain. He looks uncomfortable but not miserable.
Taking a deep breath, Puck pulls out a little before pushing back in. Kurt moans and tightens his arms around Puck's neck but doesn't make a move to stop him. Taking that as permission, Puck starts to thrust slowly. He shifts his angle and jolts when Kurt shrieks in his ear. "Fuck, babe. I think I'm deaf, now."
"Don't care. Do that again."
Chuckling, Puck tries to find that spot again. When he does, Kurt sinks his nails into the back of Puck's shoulder blades and whimpers. Setting a punishing rhythm, Puck sucks on Kurt's neck as he pounds into him. Kurt's nails are embedded so deep into his back that he'll probably have scars but all Puck can think about is coming inside Kurt and feeling him clench around him.
That thought almost pushes him over the edge. Reaching down to grab Kurt's dick he leans down to whisper in his ear, "Come for me, Kurt. Come all over me."
Kurt gasps, moans out "N-Noah!" and clamps down on Puck's cock as he comes. With only four more thrusts, Puck buries himself deep and bites Kurt's shoulder as his orgasm rips out of him.
Bracing himself on his forearms, Puck gasps into the side of Kurt's neck, not yet able to move. Several long minutes pass before he pulls out of Kurt as gently as he can and lays down beside him.
Not knowing what to say, Puck lays quietly beside him, running his clean hand through Kurt's hair. Eventually the smaller boy manages to catch his breath and looks over at him, smiling.
"So, you staying the night?" At Puck's raised eyebrow Kurt shrugs, "You rode here with me, so my dad won't see your truck outside. We left no evidence of you being here upstairs, and my dad never checks on me after date night because he gets home so late. We can sneak you out early tomorrow morning, if you want to stay."
Puck smiles, leaning in to kiss him again, "Deal." When he pulls back he laughs, "I'm just making the best deals today!"
Shaking his head, Kurt reaches down for the blanket, pulling it over them. "We should take a nap. I need to rest before it's my turn."
Before Puck can panic about what that means exactly, Kurt puts his head on Puck's shoulder and kisses it before mumbling, "Night, Noah."
"G'night, babe."
Kurt is woken up by knocking on his door. Before he can think clearly about why he should be alarmed by that sound, he's jolted by yelling.
"What the hell?!"
Kurt opens his eyes and tries to blink his vision clear to stare at his dad. It's still fairly early, but closer to noon than dawn, judging by the light streaming through the window.
Feeling Noah sit up behind him, Kurt winces when he remembers the sight his dad is being met with. He'd gotten a little rough during the second round last night. Noah's chest is probably littered with bite marks, scratches and hickeys. Oh god.
Kurt suddenly feels like he's been doused with ice water. Burt is glaring at Puck like he wants nothing more than to go grab his shotgun. Sitting up, Kurt grabs Puck's hand and says, as calmly as he can. "Morning, Dad. Did you need something?"
"Did I-! What the hell is going on Kurt?!"
Leaning back against Noah's chest, Kurt braces himself for the fight that's about to happen. He knew his dad would throw a fit, which really wasn't fair.
"Burt? What's going on? Is Kurt-" Finn stops in his tracks, staring incredulously at Kurt and Puck. Well, crap. When it rains, it pours.
Kurt groans, dropping his head in his hands.
"Puck! What the hell, man?!"
Burt seems to have recovered, he bites out, "Puckerman! Get dressed and get out! I don't know what the hell you think you're doing but this is totally inappropriate!"
Even Kurt turns to look at Noah at that. What the hell does he mean, 'why'? It's pretty easy to tell what Dad's problem is.
When all he gets is blinking and stuttering, Puck continues, "Why is it inappropriate for us to spend the night together?"
Burt sputters, "Because you're kids! This is my house, you don't just come in here to my son's room and-"
"Would it be better if this was your daughter's room? Or if I was a girl?"
Burt glares, "That has nothing to do with this!"
Puck glares back, "Really? Because I seem to recall Kurt telling me that when you caught him almost a full year ago in his room with Brittany, you basically told him to have fun and be careful. Oh, and to respect her afterward."
When Finn opens his mouth to say something, Puck glares at him, "You say one word and I'll take you apart, Hudson. We'd have been dating almost two months sooner if you had stayed the hell out of it."
When Finn just gapes at him, Puck turns his gaze back to Burt. "I'm sorry you found out this way, Sir. I'd planned to tell you after school let out. Kurt convinced me not to tell my mom until I turned 18, which will be over the summer. Just in case she throws me out. She's pretty religious and I honestly don't know how that's going to go."
"So it'd be great if no one talked about this." Kurt turns to glare at Finn, daring him to say a word.
Seeing that his dad is still stuttering, not really able to recover enough to ask a question or make a statement, Kurt clears his throat.
"Um... guys? Can you wait for us in the living room? It would be much easier to discuss this if we were wearing pants."
Finn's horrified face is the last thing they see before he bolts out of the room. Burt moves slower, like he's afraid that if he leaves them alone, they'll fuck again. Kurt sighs.
"Really, Dad. We'll get dressed and meet you downstairs. Have Finn make coffee or something."
With one last glare at Puck, Burt leaves, shutting the door behind him.
As soon as he's gone, Kurt turns to inspect his boyfriend's chest. He almost falls off the bed laughing at the amount of damage he'd caused.
"Oh my god! No wonder they freaked out! Look at yourself, Noah!"
Glancing down, Puck shrugs. "I don't care. It's pretty obvious that I wasn't taking advantage of you, they really have no right to bitch."
Shaking his head, Kurt gets up and grabs one of the shirts he'd stolen from Noah out of his dresser, sliding jeans on underneath. When he turns around, Puck hadn't gotten up, just scooted to the edge of the bed to watch him, smirking.
Giggling, Kurt moves back over and kisses him. When he pulls back, he scratches the back of Noah's mohawk before saying, "You really do need to get dressed. If he has to come back up here, it won't be pretty."
With a grunt, Puck stands up, grabbing his clothes off the floor. "Right. After this they won't leave us alone for ten minutes. Oh well, it was nice while it lasted. Thankfully my mom still doesn't know, and she works a lot."
Kurt laughs, straightening his hair in the mirror. When he turns around he wraps his arms around Puck's neck. "We got longer than we thought we would. I thought we'd get caught before Christmas."
Puck runs his hands down Kurt's back, settling them on his ass and grinning. "Yeah, I don't know whether to be smug or not. Four months of me sneaking in every weekend... either we're better at this than we really should be, or your family just isn't paying you enough attention."
Shrugging, Kurt bites Noah's jaw. "Probably both." Sighing, he goes to step away only to be stopped and pulled back in close. "Come on, Noah. We need to get down there."
Huffing, Puck mumbles, "Fine." Pecking one more kiss on Kurt's lips he says, "Let's go fight for our right to fuck. Three more months and I'll be 18. I can move out if I have to." Puck's smirk melts into an honest smile as Kurt reaches for his hand. "Love you, babe."
"Love you too, Noah."
As they walk out of the room, Puck snorts. "Hey! At least we managed to fuck on Finn's bed before we got caught. I can't wait to see his face when I tell him!"
Thanks for reading! ^_^