A/N So I'm just going to trigger this story as all things illegal okay, if that bothers you then you shouldn't read any further. Daryl's a biker and Beth is a runaway, and they'll be doing things that aren't always approved by everyone. So just a little psa. If you're into that though, then enjoy! (;

It was later at night now, maybe ten o'clock and Beth had spent most of the time with Lizzy. They ended up getting along really well, she actually reminded Beth of her best friend Madeline in middle school. She had a joyous perspective and was kind and funny, but seemed determined. Madeline had moved away before high school and Beth had been crushed. She thinks maybe that's why she warmed up to Lizzy so fast, she felt familiar. Something familiar felt nice too. Lizzy and she were sitting at a table drinking beers and giggling about mundane things. Beth had told her she had just drank too much the night before and that she wasn't even old enough and she shouldn't but Lizzy claimed what better way to get over a hangover than to get shitfaced again and Beth looked at her incredulously, but here she was again. Her life didn't really feel like hers anymore, but she liked that.

Beth and Lizzy had gone through their beers and Beth offered to go get them another and made her way to the bar. She couldn't believe she was here. In some no name town in Alabama at a biker bar, having a beer. She could laugh at how crazy it sounded; she wasn't even legal to drink yet. She didn't even like beer, did she? The small amount of alcohol she already had must be making her feel bold because she walked right up to the bar and asked for two more. While she waited she took in her surrounding and at this time the place was in full swing with people dancing and singing and people doing body shots. This was crazy. Beth felt like she really had been transported to somebody else's life. She turned to see that Merle was talking to Lizzy, and Lizzy was smiling back at him like he was actually charming. Somehow Beth doubted that. Then he was leading her off towards the rooms and Lizzy cast an apologetic look at Beth and shrugged before following Merle off to do god knows what, but that's what Lizzy said she did.

"Looks like my brother stole yer friend."

Beth initially jumps at the gruff voice but soon recognizes it. Turning herself to face him and looks up into his icy stare.

"You scared me." Beth took a small breath.

"How tha hell did I scare ya, we're in a room full of people?" He looks at her oddly before finishing off the beer he has in his hand, tipping his head all the back showcasing his adams apple that bobs with each finishing gulp.

"I was in deep thought is all…" She shrugs.

"Deep though bout' what?" The question is serious like he actually wants to know which somewhat surprises her, but she suddenly feels shy and shrugs again while avoiding his gaze. Because if she was honest with herself his eyes made you feel weak in the knees no matter how he looked at you and she hates it. Yeah. Totally hates it.

She's not looking at him but can still feel his gaze on her. Searching and she could imagine the way his brows are furrowed at her trying to get a read, almost a scowl.

"C'mon." He tells her and grabs her wrist to which she feels like she has no choice but to follow. She does have a choice, but that's not what her feet say.

They end up outside and the air is still warm but there's a nice breeze. It's not stagnant or sticky which she likes. There are a couple of chairs under what's sort of like an awning and they're nice chairs, they're large and wooden. Patio chairs that could fit two people almost and sit low to the ground and he takes a seat on one. So she stands there for a moment and then mimics his actions and sits in the chair catty corner from him. The chair feels incredibly too large for her so she tucks her knees into her chest and looks out into the night sky. There's so many stars it's almost mesmerizing, how big the world, the universe actually is. How when you're looking at the night sky like this it's like life seems so small, and not all that terrifying. And life isn't terrifying anymore. Not since she left home, and yeah it's only been a few days but she already feels better. Not fixed, very far from it, but better. Beth doesn't think she can ever be fixed. Nobody really can, you can only hope you get better. She may not be doing it in the most orthodox way, but it feels possible now. To be better.

"Still in deep thought?"

And there's that deep voice drawing her back again. She looks to him and nods, very subtly but nods. No words. She watches him as he pulls out what looks like a cigarette but she knows is not, because she can already smell it. She only knows what it is, from being at very few high school parties but definitely knows what it is. Something about the way his cheeks hollow as he takes that first drag entrances her and she doesn't know why almost everything that Daryl does fascinates her. It's frustrating in a way that Beth can't explain. He looks at her and see's she's been watching him and Beth is glad it's dark because she knows she's blushing. Suddenly Daryl's extending the joint out to her and Beth looks at him like he's grown a third head.

"Ya aint gotta." Daryl says pulling it back to his mouth and taking another drag and blowing small 'o's into the night air.

Beth sits for a moment contemplating and she knows she shouldn't, because she's Beth Greene the good girl. Who was taught to never do things like this, to never talk to strangers, to never drink or smoke, and certainly never run away from home? That was before though, before her mom died, and her brother killed himself, before her daddy became a whiskey soaked ghost of a man. Before her life fell apart and she lost herself somewhere in between it all. It's not what good girls do. But she's not good anymore. She's not sure what she is.

"Sure." Her answer is simple and short, and Daryl brings his attention back to her and does the little thing where he looks like he's scowling but he might actually just be thinking. Then he extends it to her again and this time she takes in and slightly rolls it in-between her fingers, just observing it for a moment. She brings it to her mouth and sucks, the smoke hits her tongue and its tastes awful and she's slightly regretting her choice now.

"Gotta inhale." Daryl says and leans towards her and plucks the joint back and shows her. He does what she does but his mouth remains open as he inhales. Beth watches as the smoke disappears down his throat and he holds it there for a moment before it streams back through his lips all while his eyes never leave her face. Beth thinks she might be under a spell because she can't pull her eyes away from him as she takes the joint back and repeats his actions. This time feeling the smoke fills her lungs and it somewhat burns so she exhales and watches as a heavy stream of smoke expels from her mouth and coughs. She can't really help it and she really doesn't feel different, not yet at least. The taste is still present in her mouth though and she can't really describe it, it's not unpleasant but odd.

"Gets easier." Daryl tells her and she nods letting out another small cough and hands it back to him. He looks very sated now and leans further back into his chair.

"I've never done that before, it's strange." Beth feels implicated to say.

"I could tell." Daryl smirks a little.

"Here." He hands it back to her again.

"Few more drags and you'll start to feel it."

So she does. And she starts to feel it. Her eyes feel heavy but in a pleasant way and she feels like smiling, she is smiling. Daryl's watching her with a small grin too and Beth likes this. The way she feels right now, and the way he's looking at her. She thinks back to just last night and the way he made her feel when he had her pressed up against the door and she giggles. Just quietly and then looks to Daryl and he doesn't look away.

"We kissed last night." She tells him simply, and she's not really afraid of mentioning it. Everything feels like it's been slowed down and feels easy right now.

"We did." His reply is just as simple as hers sounded.

"A lot." She adds and he just nods.

"I don't know you." Beth says. Because she doesn't, she knows his name and that's it.

"Nah ya don't."

"But I kissed you anyway."

"You were drunk." He tells her like that's the answer she's looking for, but then again she's really not looking for an answer, she's just stating things.

"I'm not now." She replies. Daryl eyes her oddly but still is leaning back in his chair; he's still very much relaxed. He's observing her closely though.

"And…" Its gruff sounding from his lips.

"I still want to kiss you."

His eyes changed then and Beth feels herself shiver. Though it's not even near to being cold outside. He doesn't move and neither does she until she just does. An impulse. This is the Beth she didn't know existed not until she had left home, bold Beth. The Beth that stands slowly and steps in front of Daryl who's looking up at her with a looks she's not sure she could ever describe, because she's never seen it before. That thrills her to no end, but also scares her. She is beginning to realize that's what she likes about him. He makes her feel something she can't even put a name to. His hands slowly move up her thighs from where he's sitting, but he is only still looking at her face. Her body shivers again even at the lightest contact. He's barely touching her yet and she's almost shaking.

So she's moving on her own accord now and his hands are rested lightly on her hips as she lowers herself and straddles his lap. Slowly and carefully, because they're still watching each other and Beth doesn't thinks she's ever felt anything more intense.

And now she's seated on his lap and she can feel his heat, it's radiating off of him and he smells something like old spice and motor oil. It's manly and foreign to her but none the less she likes it. His hands have traveled up to her waist now and her hands are placed on the hard plains of his chest and her fingers run over the small patch that says Oakland on his cut. Her eyes briefly leaving his face for the first time to look over it, and when she looks back he feels closer. So she dares herself and ghosts her lips over his, not yet closing her eyes and watching his reaction. His flutter shut and he lets out a short breathe before he captures her lips more forcefully. It's not as hard as it was the night before, but just as intense and lets herself fall into it, letting her doubts and fears fall with it. It's just him and her and she feels so alive like this.

His lips are chapped but somehow still soft and she moves her hands to his hair. She likes his hair it's also soft, she thinks it's softer than her own. Beth rakes her nails lightly against his scalp and then he makes a growling noise that's she's definitely heard before. It's like this for she doesn't even know how long, it could have been a few minutes, or it could have been hours. It felt like an eternity of hot touches and tongues mixing and sounds she didn't know she could make. It's her who pulls back this time and she feels even higher than she did when they started, but she doesn't think it's all from the weed.

Beth can't help but smile and Daryl even gives a small smile back and she feels like she's won, because it's not a shit eating grin or a mocking smirk, it's an honest to god smile. Small and only lasted as soon as it came but a smile.

"We should go inside." Beth whispers because they're still very close and there no need to talk any louder, not like this. She likes it like this. He nods and she carefully pushes herself off him. She waits until he stands and then they turn to head inside.

"So are you going to pretend like this didn't happen either?" Beth asks amusingly.

"Pretend like what didn't happen."

And Beth looks to him and the shit eating grin is back and she lightly punches him in the arm.

"Ha. Ha." She kicks a rock along the walk way back to the doors inside. Daryl surprises her when he grasps her hand and leads her into the clubhouse. The party had died down a bit but not by much, and she expects him to head back over to the bar but he continues to lead them back to the room they're supposed to be staying in and Beth slightly panics because she had forgotten all about having to stay together. Her feet still carry her into the room and she stands there awkwardly as he shrugs off his cut and tosses it on the nearby dresser and she feels her chest become tight. Does he expect her to sleep with him now? Lizzy explained that this is what the club girls do, but Beth isn't a club girl. She might like kissing Daryl but she definitely isn't ready to sleep with him.

"I- I ca-" Is all that Beth manages to get out and Daryl looks to her and her face must show it all because he furrows his brow at her but relaxes again and shakes his head.

"I don't know what yer thinkin darlin, but I'm showerin and headin ta bed…" Daryl replies as he toes off his boots and heads to the bathroom and Beth lets out a deep breathe once he shut the door. She feels relieved and a bit warmer inside. He wasn't expecting her to sleep with him. Okay. Good. She hears the shower start up and toes out of her owns shoes and slips into some sleep shorts.

Beth climbs into bed and under the cover pulling them up around herself. She doesn't know when Daryl comes to bed because she falls asleep before he's even finished showering, but she falls asleep to images of his hands tracing down her back and the taste of the smoke on his tongue and she falls asleep faster than she has in a long time.