This is a sequel; if you have not read the first one "Around My Head" you may be slightly confused, but probably not too much, to be honest.

The bells rang loudly, somewhere in the depth of the darkness that surrounded Maka. Her eyes were closed as if she did not want to see it all, but she heard the chatter of people in the midst of it all. People gasped at the sight of her, but she refused to open her eyes until Spirit nudged her.

"Maka, darling, open your eyes. I don't want to have to drag you the entire way there." Her eyes slowly opened looking towards the ground the travelling up to the bright lights that were in front of her. Soul stood there at the end of the aisle. His grin met ear to ear as he looked at her and that made her have an unsettling feeling deep in my stomach. What was she doing here?

She pulled away from Spirit slightly. A terrified look went across her face and she noticed how Soul's expression how changed so drastically. She did not want to hurt him, but she just could not be here anymore. Spirit looked at her in pure shock as she ran away. She did not know if anyone else followed her, but she just kept running and back into the darkness of the night she went until the moment ran out of time.

But along the way, cries of Soul's voice came out, "don't leave me, Maka. Please, not after everything we have been through."

"No, I can't handle this! I need to breathe, I need space. Leave me alone," she kept crying out in agony.

Maka's eyes fluttered open with the sound of the buzzing alarm shaking her night stand. With a groan and a pound it silenced and she squinted her eyes at the bright lights that were shining in. Soul was still lying right next to her and that somehow made her feel peace. She moved closer to him wrapping her slim arms around him.

"Another restless dream?" He made her jump slightly and she retreated in burying her face in his back.

"I suppose so, it is just dumb."

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about them? Ever since I asked you to marry me, you have been having those. I'm beginning to get worried." His teeth gritted together and he shut his eyes waiting for her response.

"It is honestly just nightmares. You know the ones with the clowns or my father with Blair… pointless things." She seemed to crack out a laugh in between her words. "But, let's get up and do things today… okay? I don't want to be stuck in the apartment all day."

Soul watched her as she got up, his shirt that covered her body swung loosely to her mid thigh and he smiled at her. His bare chest was in view and Maka followed her eyes along the scars that were apparent. Why was she having second thoughts when all he has ever done was protect her?

"I'm going to go brush my teeth, get up and get dressed. We are going to walk around in town tonight."

The flowing blue dress caught Maka's leg as Soul and she stood at the market. She ran her figures through her hair and closed her eyes slightly. She got stir crazy even being in the same apartment for too long, especially at moments like these. She wanted to get out.

"Maka." She turned around at the blissful tone of the voice standing behind them. Tsubaki towered over them and it made Maka quiver with the fact that she has yet to ask her to be her maid of honor. "I haven't seen you both in awhile, have you been enjoying your newly engagement?"

"Oh, most definitely," Soul took over and Maka gave a shy laugh. She did not know how to feel that people knew about their engagement. It was all too new for her and too soon for her.

"Hold on, I really have my eye on something over there." Maka excused herself backing away from the group and wandering in a pointless direction leaving an awkward silence between the both of Tsubaki and Soul.

"Is everything okay between you two?" Tsubaki questioned.

"Yeah, I honestly don't know what has gotten into her. Maybe she is freaked out that we are getting married soon, I'm not sure. But, she doesn't want to talk about it and I don't push her."

"I am sure it is nothing to be worried about, perhaps she just needs to get out with her friends. I will give you both a ring once I find an opportunity away from Black Star."

"Well, I better go see if Maka is alright." Soul turned around in slight discomfort. If Tsubaki noticed it, then perhaps it was worse than he thought it was.


"Maka?" Maka turned around to the deep musky voice that was behind her. She looked at him in shock, yet in a slight bliss, she was glad to see him.

"Hi, Kidd, how are you doing?" It had been awhile since she had spoken to him. More than awhile, nearly forever a decade and she was stuck in the moment of seeing him. It was strange how calm he was and how happy he was to just see her despite how things ended between them. She did not feel that anger towards him anymore, but she felt like she missed him.

"I am well, Maka. I heard about the engagement, congratulations." He smiled at her, showing her how strong his poker face was. She noticed how much he matured in physical traits as well as controlling his feelings, she admired that.

"Yeah, it happened a few weeks ago. I thought hardly anyone knew, but news travels fast around here, I suppose."

"You don't seem thrilled about it?" She felt herself become uncomfortable that he questioned her feelings towards Soul. "I'm sorry for saying that."

"It's fine. How have you been doing? Like, what's new?"

"Not too much. Just trying to reach my father's expectations, I suppose. Crona and I have been dating her every once in a little while, but nothing too serious." He caught Soul in the corner of his eyes, not in the slightest bit happy. "I think I should go," he nudged his head in Soul's direction. "But, if you ever need anyone, my door is always open. You know that, Maka."

"What was that?" Soul entered as Kidd left, his temper was gaining control of him. Maka could sense his blood boiling right there and then.

"He just came over to talk. I don't see what the issue is."

"Maka, you have been just acting strange and even Tsubaki noticed it. Kidd doesn't have the best intentions, you know that. You are really getting me worried." His anger seemed turned into just plain sadness and fear. She especially hated that, it made all the guilt her stomach too hard for her to handle.

"You have nothing to worry about," she said in pure impulse, not even knowing if that was the truth.

Oh yeah and for previous readers, welcome back!