I watched and finished Kill la Kill and instantly fell in love with it. Despite the fact that the series has plenty of hot guys EX:Mikisugi,Sanageyama,and Tsumugu. I still developed a big anime crush on Senketsu. I guess I just fell for his character.
Disclaimer: Kill la Kill doed not belong to me. Sadly.
As Ryuko and Senketsu re-entered the atmosphere Senketsu tore himself off of Ryuko to shield her from the flames.
"You can wear whatever you want from now on," he said in farewell,"outfits far cuter than me."
"I'll wear them so you'll be dyed green with envy!" She cried as the last of Senketsu disintegrated into ash.
"RYUKO!" Cried out a figure bolting to sit up,"Wait how'd I get here?" He asked out loud running a hand through his spiky dark navy blue hair with red streaks across the side a bit of it falling onto his forehead.
"Hurn-uh guhhh," someone nearby groaned out loud. Standing up and rushing in the direction the sound came from he came across a guy around the age of 18 with straight white hair styled short n the back but with long straight strands brushing his eyes in front and wearing a white outfit reminiscent to an army uniform with gold applets with blue trimmings on the coat and knee high boots.
"Hey, uh, are you ok there?" Senketsu asked a bit new to communicating with someone other than Ryuko. The other boy looked at him with a critical eye taking in Senketsu's outfit from the black high collar jacket with red finishing around the folded edge, mid arm sleeve ends, and bottom over a red shirt with a black spot designed to look like an open jaw, black cargo pants, white high top shoes, and finally the red glove on his left hand and a broken eyepatch above his right eye.
"Who are you?" He asked already having an idea.
"My name is Senketsu," he answered, "and you are?"
"I'm Junketsu." He stated sitting up like it was obvious.
"Yes I can speak I'm not mu.."
"YOUR A BOY!" Senketsu shouted interrupting Junketsu.
"OF COURSE I'M A BOY YOU NINCOMPOOP!" He yelled right back standing up.
"Well, sorry, it's just that you never spoke and, well, you were a wedding dress not to mention your name means purity." He stated apologetically.
"Yeah, well, you were a sailor suit, doesn't mean you were a girl," he replied,"anyway do you have any idea how we're still alive or why we look like...this?" He asked motioning to his body, his 'human' body.
No idea," he replied dejectedly," Wait! What if we look for Ryuko and the other I'm sure they can help." He stated excitedly as he turn to do just that.
Only to be pulled back by the collar and fall flat on his butt.
"Hey! What was that for!" He yelled angrily at Junketsu as he got to his feet.
"Senketsu, when I was absorbed into you for the final battle I stayed awake, meaning that I was aware of everything that happened,"Junketsu explained," and if I recall correctly you told Ryuko to live a normal life without you so I think we should stay away from the girls."
"Well yeah, but.." Senketsu tried to find a reason to argue with but came out a blank. Junketsu, seeing the frustration on his face sighed and turned to sit on a large, flat piece of rubble indicating to Senketsu to sit and once he did he faced the former sailor suit.
"Senketsu, I know that you care for Ryuko in a way that I didn't think possible but you must remember 'if you love something let it go if it returns it loves you back and if it doesn't it was never yours in the first place' or some such thing... So don't even think about ditching me and running off."
"Wait how did you..."
"No idea I just can, sort of like the bond you and Ryuko had."
"Yeah, had." The past tense getting him down.
"Well we better find a place to hide out in at least until people start wearing clothes again. 'Cause I think two guys walking around, fully clothed would most likely garner some attention and I don't know about you but I rather not walk around naked; that is one trend I don't plan on following."
"Yeah I suppose you're right." A small smile appearing on his face.