Chapter XXXIX

Thoma was still sleeping when Nowi entered his room.

"Still asleep? I told you earlier tomorrow... Severa, care to give me a hand?" Nowi asked.

"You can count on me mommy." Severa said.

Severa is a little girl, slightly taller then Mugino, with sliver hair and brown eyes. Severa was wearing a light green spring dress that goes to her knees.

Severs went up to Thoma's bed and said,

"Time to wake up sleepy head."

Severa held her hand towards Thoma and water shot out from her hand. The water hit Thoma with some force and it woke him up immediately and his seasickness kicked in. Once Severa say Thoma in his seasickness state, she begun to laugh as she found it funny.

"Good to see you awake, now you ready for today's training?" Nowi asked.

"Wh...hy...?" Thoma weakly asked.

"Well you were still asleep. I said that we'll begin early morning." Nowi said.

Nowi walked over to Thoma and begun to drag him saying,

"Alright Severa, I'm going to take Ainz to my training spot. I want you to help Daddy with things while I'm gone."

"Got it Mommy." Severa cheered.

Nowi, dragging Thoma, and Severa left Thoma's room and to her training spot. When Thoma came to he saw Nowi looming over him.

"What is going on? Where am I?" Thoma asked sitting up.

"Your at my favorite training spot. What is going is that I'm going to train you to control your rage and Etherious form." Nowi said.

"What about the tavern?" Thoma asked.

"They can take care of the tavern while I train you." Nowi answered.

"Alright then, I'm ready to begin." Thoma said.

Nowi nodded then put some distance between her and Thoma and said,

"You can have the first move."

Thoma rushed towards Nowi and his arms were engulfed in flames.

"Searing Strike!" Thoma yelled.

Nowi smiled and easily sidestepped to dodge Thoma's attack. As Thoma flew pass Nowi, Nowi gave Thoma a downward punch with some electricity covering her fist.

"Teaser Punch!" Nowi yelled.

Nowi punched Thoma into the ground.

"That was easy to read. Try again." Nowi said helping Thoma to his feet.

Thoma nodded and as he got to his feet, he gave Nowi a quick jab to her face. Nowi moved her head out of the way of Thoma's attack then picked him and slammed him back onto the ground.

"Not good enough." Nowi said then kicking Thoma away.

As Thoma flew through the air Nowi pointed a finger at him yelling,

"Zap Shot!"

Nowi shot a small bolt of electricity at Thoma. Once Thoma hit the ground, Nowi was already up to him.

"Come on get angry." Nowi demanded.

"I can't get mad enough to go into a rage on command." Thoma said holding his stomach in pain.

Nowi sighed in disappointment then asked,

"Well when the last time you got that level of anger?"

Thoma thought about as he got to his feet then said,

"The last time I remember is when Laxus turn my Sis... I mean Erza... to stone and made the rest of the guild fight each other." 'How should I call her? She isn't my real sister right? I'm a clone of the real one, but I always thought of her as my sister.' Thoma thought to himself.

"Ok then build on that memory. Remember that feeling." Nowi said.

"How do I do that?" Thoma questioned.

Nowi sighed again then said,

"I'll help, but it may hurt."

"What are you going to do?" Thoma asked.

"As part of my Electro Curse, I can you focus on a memory." Nowi said.

"You can?" Thoma asked.

"Yes, by sending a electric plus to the brain I can you focus on a memory. In a sense, you'll be reliving that memory. I need to make sure that your ready for this?" Nowi asked.

Thoma thought about for a few moments then said,

"If you sure you can help me control my rage. Then do it."

"Alright. Here I go." Nowi said.

Nowi placed her hands on the sides of Thoma's head. Both Nowi and Thoma took a deep breath then Nowi said,

"Pulsing Memory!"

The a surge of Nowi's electricity went to into Thoma's brain and a memory was brought up. Thoma saw the memory of Wystan killing Misao in front of him then the memory of The Tower of Heaven and Jellal killed Simon and made Erza cry. The memory felt like the real thing, it was as if Thoma was reliving that moment. Thoma could feel his anger build up inside. Nowi saw Thoma holding his head and screaming. Nowi stepped back from Thoma as she felt something build inside. Thoma let out a loud roar and his body begun to change. Nowi was looking at Thoma in his Etherious Form and Thoma begun to go on a rampage.

"So this is your Etherious Form? Alright, let's bring you back in control." Nowi said cracking his fists.

Thoma charged towards Nowi and threw a flaming punch at her. Nowi sidestepped to dodge the attack, but Thoma was faster then Nowi thought and quickly followed up with a tail whip. Nowi couldn't block or dodge Thoma's tail. Nowi took the attack was pushed back into a tree. Nowi got her feet and saw Thoma already coming at her. Nowi held both hands towards Thoma then yelled,

"Zap Cannon!"

A ball of electricity formed between he hands then Nowi shot it at Thoma when he was too close to block or dodge. Thoma took Nowi's attack square to his chest and was sent backwards and landed on his back. Nowi held one hand to the sky and said,

"Strike Down."

Then a bolt of lightning shot out from Nowi's hand into the air and came down onto Thoma. Thoma let out a roar when Nowi's attack hit him. Thoma stood up and Nowi saw some sparks coming off of him. Then the bits of lightning formed into Thoma's hand and he threw a ball of electricity at Nowi.

"What!?" Nowi exclaimed.

Nowi tried to dodge the attack, but she still managed to get hit. Nowi slide across the ground then managed to recover and saw Thoma holding out his hands, one had flames and the other had lightning.

"How can he use lightning already? Did he absorb it when I hit him?" Nowi asked herself.

Thoma clapped his hands together and shot a beam of fire and lightning at Nowi. As Thoma shot the beam, Nowi dashed towards Thoma. Nowi dodged the beam and climbed onto Thoma. Nowi climbed onto his back and begun to punch Thoma in the head with electric punches.

"Fight this Ainz. This isn't you. This is a beast you must tame." Nowi said as she punched Thoma.

Thoma recoiled from Nowi's punches then managed to grab Nowi. Thoma pulled Nowi off him then brought her to his face and roared. Then Thoma took to the sky.

"Ainz! You need to pull yourself together!" Nowi yelled.

Thoma didn't answer and Nowi tried to break herself free from Thoma's grab. When Nowi failed to break free she noticed that Thoma has flown high into the sky then begun to race back down to the ground.

"Self Shock!" Nowi yelled.

Nowi then covered her body the electricity. Thoma let go of Nowi from the pain and Nowi climbed back onto Thoma and begun to punch him in the face. Thoma begun to fall towards when Nowi begun punching him, as he was more concerned with dealing with Nowi then controlling his flight. Once Thoma reach a point Nowi jumped off of Thoma then yelled,

"Zap Cannon!"

Nowi fired a ball of electricity at Thoma. Thoma was sent crashing down into the ground. Nowi landed on Thoma and once again begun to punch him in the face.

Inside Thoma's mind

Thoma was watching the memory of Wystan killing Misao.

"Why am I watching this!? I don't want to relive this!" Thoma exclaimed.

Thoma then found himself at The Tower of Haven and watched Jellal killing Simon and making Erza cry.

"When I find you, I'll make you pay Jellal!" Thoma shouted.

Thoma then heard a voice.

"Fight this Ainz. This isn't you. This is a beast you must tame."

"A beast I must tame. What does she mean?" Thoma asked himself.

Thoma went back to the memory of Wystan killing Misao, but there was a light behind Wystan.

"What's that light?" Thoma asked himself.

Thoma walked towards the light and touched the light. Thoma saw that his little self and Wystan get absorbed into the light then Thoma was back at The Tower Heaven. Thoma saw a light behind Jellal.

"Another light." Thoma said.

Thoma walked up to the light and touched it. Thoma saw himself and Jellal got absorbed into the light. Then the light turned into Thoma's Etherious Form.

"Is that what I look like!?" Thoma exclaimed.

Thoma's Etherious Form threw a punch at Thoma, but Thoma managed to dodge. Thoma's Etherious Form then turned and shot a bolt of lightning at Thoma.

"Lightning! How does he...I know how to use lightning!" Thoma exclaimed.

Thoma got hit by the lightning and was sent backwards and when Thoma recovered he saw his Etherious Form charging at him and it was covered in flames and lightning. Thoma manged to dodge his Etherious Form then yelled,

"Gravitational Impact!"

Thoma then came down on his Etherious Form with a punch, but Thoma's Etherious Form countered it by grabbing Thoma's arm and slammed him onto the ground.

"Ok. That didn't work." Thoma said a little strained.

Thoma's Etherious Form then kicked Thoma in the gut and sent him flying. Thoma recovered then yelled,

"Flame Bolt!"

Thoma shot a bolt of fire at his Etherious Form, but when it hit, it did nothing to Etherious Form.

"What!?" Thoma said completely shocked.

Thoma heard a voice again,

"Ainz! You need to pull yourself together!"

"Is that Nowi? Is she fighting my Etherious Form as well?" Thoma asked himself

Thoma's Etherious Form then charged at him.

"How do I deal with this?" Thoma asked himself.

When Thoma's Etherious Form got close he unleashed a roar of fire and lightning. Thoma just managed to dodge the attack, but he still got hit. Thoma's Etherious Form followed through with an uppercut and launched Thoma into the air.

"I need to think of a way to beat my Etherious Form." Thoma said to himself.

Just then Thoma noticed that his hands were glowing a bright light.

"What is this?" Thoma asked himself.

Thoma then heard a voice coming from the light on his fist,

"You are your own person and not a raged filled monster."

"Misao?" Thoma questioned.

Thoma then heard another voice,

"Listen Thoma, I know you can get angry quickly. But you need to beat down and suppress it when tries to surface."

"Makarov?" Thoma questioned.

Thoma also noticed that his Etherious Form looked different.

"I wonder..." Thoma said.

Thoma then charged at his Etherious Form while his Etherious Form charged at him as while. Thoma and his Etherious Form threw a punch at each other. Only this time Thoma's Etherious Form took damage.

"Alright I can do this." Thoma said

Thoma begun to unleash a flurry of punches on his Etherious Form.

Back in the real world

Nowi was still fighting Thoma in his Etherious Form

"What does it take to bring this guy down?" Nowi asked breathing heavily.

Both Nowi and Thoma charged towards each other and threw a punch. Nowi dodged Thoma's punch, but Nowi managed to punch Thoma's face. Thoma fell onto his back.

Nowi got ready for more, but she heard,

"Owwwwwwwwww. Why do I feel like I got ran over by multiple trains."

"Ainz! Your in control now. That's great." Nowi said walking over to Thoma and offered a hand up.

"Yeah. I don't understand how really, but I managed to beat my Etherious Form and I'm now in control." Thoma said taking Nowi's hand and getting up.

"Well whatever you did, it worked. Now change back to human then back to this." Nowi said.

Thoma nodded then changed back to his human form and back to his Etherious Form. He was in full control of his Etherious Form now.

"Now that's enough for today. Let's go back to the tavern." Nowi said.

"Sounds good to me." Thoma said then turned back to his human form.

Thoma and Nowi went back to The Drunken Demon. Once they got back Severa ran up to them and said,

"Mr. Ainz. There are two people here waiting for you."

"Who?" Thoma asked with a completely confused look on his face.

"Their at that table." Severa said pointing to a table in the back corner.

Thoma looked and saw Mugino and Lucina eating some food.

"You can't be serious." Thoma said.

"What's wrong?" Nowi asked.

"Oh its nothing. Just give me a moment to talk to them." Thoma answered.

Nowi and Severa nodded then Thoma went to Mugino and Lucina's table.

"Daddy." Mugino said happily.

"Why are you here! More importantly, how did you find me!? I didn't tell anyone where I was going!" Thoma whispered.

"We were worried about you so we came to find you." Mugino said.

"That doesn't answer my question!" Thoma said.

"We came here to help you Ainz." Lucina said.

"How do you know that name already?" Thoma asked.

"A guard and the people who run this place told us that name." Lucina said.

"Ok, but back to finding me? I didn't tell anyone where I was going." Thoma said.

"I... I had a vision about you leaving Fiore and coming here. I wanted to help you with whatever made you leave Fiore. Mugino just came along. I couldn't just leave her in Fiore by herself." Lucina explained.

Thoma sighed in disappointment and said,

"Since your here, you can stay with me. I wished that you stayed in Magnolia."

Mugino hugged Thoma and said,

"I want to stay with you Daddy, don't ever leave me alone."

"I promise to never leave you alone." Thoma said petting Mugino's head.

Nowi walked over and asked,

"Ainz, mind introducing me to your friends?"

"Yes. Nowi this is my friend Lucina and my daughter Mugino."

"Nice to meet you." Lucina greeted.

"Hi!" Mugino cheered.

"Nice to meet you two. My name is Nowi and I own this tavern." Nowi greeted.

"Nowi. Do you know I place where these two can stay?" Thoma asked.

"Well There is a room in my house they can use." Nowi said.

"You told me that you didn't have a room in your house for me." Thoma pointed out.

"I lied." Nowi said with a smirk.

"Why?" Thoma asked a bit annoyed.

"Would you allow some random person you just met a room in your house?" Nowi asked.

"Good point, but you could have told me that in the first place." Thoma said.

"You have a place now, so stop complaining. Or should I have you do all the chores around here." Nowi threaten.

"...Fine." Thoma said.

"Good. Now I need you to take out the trash." Nowi said then put a two bags of trash in Thoma's arms.

Thoma gave a annoyed moan then took the trash out. Nowi turned to Mugino and Lucina and said,

"Your welcome to stay at my house."

"Thank you for that and also helping him." Lucina said.

"Well both my parents asked me to. Mom said that he can do great things, but he just needs a helping hand." Lucina said.

Lucina and Mugino were reunited with Thoma and their life on Alakitasia had begun.