Two Worlds Collide
Chapter One
James Rhodes, in full War Machine armour, glanced around at his surroundings, frowning under his face-plate. "So an alien ship comes to Earth, on the heels of a freakish light show in the sky, and chooses to land in Missouri, of all places?" He shook his head. "And in a field in the middle of nowhere, at that. Why is this a threat again? It's not as if this farmland is a strategic target for an alien invasion."
Sam Wilson, who was flying overhead, getting the lay of the land, nodded, before realising Rhodey wouldn't be aware of that as they were speaking through comms. "It is a bit weird, but it could mean that whoever's stopped by knows Earth well enough to land somewhere they wouldn't be found straight away."
"Which means they have something to hide." Black Widow stepped out of the Quinjet, followed by Captain America, Scarlet Witch and Vision. "Spotted anything unusual yet?"
Sam shook his head. "If there's anything here, it's hidden. Rhodey, anything on your scanners?"
War Machine glanced around slowly. "Nothing that my systems can pick up. Wanda, Vision, you two sensing anything?"
Scarlet Witch concentrated, her hands glowing red, 'listening' for any unusual energy patterns. Vision did the same, the gem on his forehead brightening as he focused. Steve muttered something about 'never using code-names', but this was ignored. It wasn't as if the whole world didn't know who they were!
The witch and the android both jumped simultaneously, gesturing in the same direction. "There."
"What is it?" Captain America followed their gazes.
"Not sure... it's cloaked, whatever it is. And huge." Vision kept his eyes trained on what appeared to be an empty space in the field.
"A ship?" Natasha moved forward, reaching for a weapon just in case- her last experience with aliens in New York hadn't been pleasant.
Wanda raised her still glowing hands. "Hold on..." A scarlet light illuminated the 'empty space' and as the energy faded, the alien vessel came into view. The Avengers stared in shock at the orange and blue craft- and the arguing voices that now echoed from inside it.
"Friend Quill, just how long do you intend to make us wait inside the ship before we track down our quarry?" Drax tried to keep the impatience from his voice- they had been here for far too long, in his opinion!
Peter sighed. "I told you, Drax- we can't make a move until we have an idea of where we're going!" He turned back to the Milano's scanners. /Nothing yet.../
"And you're sure that Terra's forces will not detect our presence?" Gamora frowned- she didn't like not knowing what sort of defence a world had. Not knowing what she was up against made her uneasy.
Peter waved this off. "Last time I was here, humans thought it was a big deal that we'd reached our own moon. There's no way they'll catch us."
Rocket sniggered. "Terra's existed for 6 billion years and humies have only figured out how to get to their own moon? That's just... pathetic. Dunno how anyone could stand to live somewhere this backward."
"I am Groot!"
"Yeah, I know they repelled a Chitauri invasion a few years back! Doesn't make 'em any smarter. Most places would fight a force that was already here!"
Peter started at Rocket's words. "Chitauri invasion?! When did this happen?"
"Several years ago." Gamora glanced at him. "Have you not taken any notice of what's happened on your homeworld?"
"No..." Peter fidgeted. The truth was, he had tried not to think of Earth, as it led to thoughts of his mother and his surviving family, and the guilt hurt too much for him to acknowledge. But the last thing he wanted was to tell the others that- Drax probably wouldn't understand and Rocket would undoubtedly make fun of him for it.
Gamora must have seen something in his eyes, because she touched his hand, gaze softening. "Sometimes going back to a place that you were taken from hurts more than not doing so. I have no desire to see what's become of my world now."
Peter squeezed her hand subtly, grateful for her understanding. For a second, he marveled at how close he and she were now- Gamora was the closest friend he'd ever had, and he suspected she felt the same. (The voice saying they were more than that was largely ignored.)
"I am Groot!" The now knee-high Groot had moved over to the scanners, and was waving his arms frantically.
Rocket ran to his side. "What-" He cursed fluently. "We got company!"
Gamora was there in an instant. "Is it Korvac?" He was the reason they'd come here, a former experiment of Thanos with wildly unstable powers and questionable sanity, who had until recently been in Asgardian custody. It was unclear when he had escaped, but loose in the galaxy, he posed an extreme threat. His abilities were vast, as he was, in effect, a cyborg who had been imbued with cosmic energy who believed his destiny was to rule the cosmos.
"Nah, it ain't him, unless he's figured out how to make six of himself." Rocket was looking out of the Milano's windows now, being just small enough not to be noticed. "These guys are humies, but uh- we're surrounded."
Drax grinned, his eyes gleaming. "Excellent! A battle!"
"Hold it!" Peter jumped to his feet. "Let's just try and talk this out first. We don't even know if these people are hostile!"
"They have surrounded our vessel and at least two of them bear weapons." Drax stated, as if that explained everything.
"Because we've just turned up on their world with no explanation! This doesn't have to get violent."
"Uh, tell them that." Rocket interjected. "Cos it looks like they're tryin' to get in by force."
On the external camera feed, the human in silver armour looked as if he was going to blast his way into the Milano. Peter saw red. "No way in hell are they damaging my ship!" He grabbed his blasters and moved to open the cargo ramp. Drax and Rocket went after him, each readying their own weapons.
Muttering something about 'reckless idiots', Gamora followed, Groot trailing behind.
Several minutes later, when there had been no response from the voices inside the ship, despite Steve's calling out, Rhodey had had enough. "That's it. I'm done playing nice." He raised his hand, ready to fire a repulsor blast at the door, hoping to weaken it enough to fall open.
Steve glared at him. "Don't even think about it. We don't need to be the ones to start a fight if it turns out these guys are peaceful."
Rhodey rolled his eyes, but lowered his hand- just as the ship's door hissed open and he found himself on the business end of two blasters, a rocket launcher, and two vicious looking knives. He nearly lashed out instinctively, before the strangeness of the aliens dawned on him.
The one holding the blasters appeared almost completely human- jeans, blue shirt, red leather jacket, reddish untamed hair and blue eyes. With the exception of the hi-tech guns and the strange black earpiece, he could've been from Earth. The same couldn't be said of the others.
The man wielding the knives was huge- Thor on steroids, shirtless, with grey-green skin, covered in intricate red tattoos. The sci-fi rocket launcher was being brandished by- a raccoon? Hanging back from this mixed group were a leather clad, green skinned girl with silver markings on her face, carrying several blades, all sheathed, thankfully, and- Rhodey blinked. Was that a walking tree?! He stepped back, glancing quickly at his team-mates. "Uh, you guys are all seeing what I'm seeing, right?"
"No, Rhodey, we're all hallucinating." Natasha said sarcastically. She took a cautious step closer, addressing the humanoid. "Do you speak English?"
Peter smirked. "I'll speak any language you ask me to, beautiful." He holstered his guns, winked at the redhead- then winced as Gamora smacked him on the back of the head. "Oww. That was only a joke." He gestured to Rocket and Drax, who lowered their weapons reluctantly. Groot toddled forward to join them.
A man in a blue star-spangled outfit stepped up beside the redhead, and Peter did a double take. It can't be. "C-Captain America?" The other Guardians gave him strange looks, but he kept staring, sure he must have this wrong.
A man wearing armoured wings landed next to the redhead, looking both irritated and amused. "Wow, Cap. Didn't know your legend extended into outer space as well now!"
"Uh, it shouldn't. Who are you?" Steve watched the man who seemed to recognise him carefully.
"Oh, I'm Star-Lord, sometimes known as Peter Quill."
"Right..." Steve dragged the word out. "And you've heard stories of me, somehow?"
"Yeah. You were one of my favourite heroes growing up!" Peter grinned widely. "I don't get how you're here, if you're really Captain America, but it's awesome to meet you!"
Drax was eyeing the human Quill seemed to know warily. "Is this man an old acquaintance of yours, Quill?"
"Huh? Oh, no. But almost everyone on Earth's heard of him. He's a hero."
Natasha folded her arms. "Everyone on earth, yes. Still doesn't explain how you know about him."
"Oh, I'm from here. Originally."
All the Avengers' jaws dropped.
"It's a long story." Peter flushed as all the strangers stared at him. He felt relieved when his team moved to his side.
"Moving on, why are you here?" The redhead was all business. Peter couldn't help but compare her to Gamora.
"Short version: there's an escaped fugitive that we believe could be on Earth who poses a threat. We're trying to track him down."
The figure at the very back of the group of humans stepped forward. Only then did Peter realise that the red-skinned 'man' was some sort of android. "The story does fit in with the unusual energy emissions that Mr Stark detected yesterday evening."
Gamora stared at him. "You have already detected his presence?" Her tone was accusatory.
"Perhaps," the android stated. "But your vessel's entrance was picked up soon after, so we assumed you were the cause of the power surge."
"Back up. I think we need to start at the beginning here." Steve looked at the motley group of visitors and shook his head. Just when I thought my life couldn't get weirder. "Introductions first. I'm Captain America, as you now know, or Steve Rogers. This is Black Widow, or Natasha Romanoff-"
"Oh, I can't speak for myself now?" Natasha interrupted dryly.
Steve winced. "Sorry." He nodded to the others to introduce themselves.
"I'm James Rhodes, or War Machine."
"Sam Wilson, or Falcon. I guess you can see why."
"I am Wanda Maximoff, Scarlet Witch."
"I am Vision. Collectively, we are the Avengers, protectors of Earth." They all looked at the newcomers somewhat warily, unsure if they would turn out to be friends or foes.
Gamora nodded, clearly absorbing the names and information. Peter couldn't help but grin. "Well, we're sorta heroes too, but our gig is a bit bigger. This is Groot-" The tree waved, "Drax," the tattooed man nodded, unsmiling, "Rocket," the raccoon glared, hefting the huge gun again, "And Gamora." The green skinned girl gazed at them stoically. Peter smiled as if all his friends had given warm greetings. "We're the Guardians of the Galaxy."
"Full of yourselves much?" Rhodey muttered. Natasha elbowed him in the side.
The raccoon looked thoughtful, and suddenly, like he was trying not to laugh. He addressed Quill, startling all the Avengers when he spoke. "Wow, Quill, and here I thought it was just you that felt the need to give yourself a lame code-name. Looks like its a trend now!" He doubled over laughing even as Peter shoved him.
"Shut up!"
Most of the other so-called 'Guardians' were smirking now too. Drax looked thoughtful though. "It is fitting for great warriors to have names that celebrate their exploits. I do not see why this is odd, even if the names chosen do baffle me. What is so amusing?"
Pushing aside his shock at the talking raccoon, and the big guy's comments, Steve tried to get back to the original point. "I think we should head back to base to discuss this fugitive of yours. Is there any way your ship can fly unseen? Not really smart to leave it here."
"Yeah, sure, no problem. Where's this base of yours then?"
Steve was pleased that this seemed so easy. Maybe this would end without a huge fight like the one he'd dealt with when the Avengers first teamed up.
"Steve, this is a bad idea."
"Peter, this could be a mistake."
Natasha and Gamora spoke at the same time. Steve groaned silently. Should've touched wood just then.
Each woman pulled their respective team leader aside.
Natasha held Steve's gaze. "Steve, you're still too trusting. What if they're not telling the truth?"
"Then they'll be in a place where we can contain them. And if their story is true, we may need their help."
She huffed, but nodded, knowing he was right.
Gamora was addressing Peter in a low tone, speaking a language that had to be alien. The other Guardians joined in, speaking the same tongue, or so it seemed. Quill seemed to have no problem understanding, and Steve made a note to find out why that was. If Quill was from here, how come he spoke an alien language? Just how long had he been in outer space? That was assuming he was telling the truth... Have to check that name out, back at base. 'Quill' can't be a common last name.
Peter held his hands up to Gamora, trying to placate her. He knew she would hate the idea of putting them in a situation they knew nearly nothing about, but in his eyes, Captain America was one of the good guys. His team couldn't be bad, by that logic. Of course, Gamora and the other Guardians couldn't know that. He looked at each of his friends in turn. "Do you guys trust me?"
"Yes." Gamora didn't hesitate.
"Of course, Quill." Drax looked puzzled by the very question.
"I am Groot!" The flora colossus nodded enthusiastically.
"...Yeah, I guess. But if this goes wrong, I'm gonna kill ya. Just so you know." Rocket folded his arms. "Cos you're gonna tell us to trust them, aren't you?"
Peter nodded. "Yeah. I know this is weird, but these people have resources. They might be able to help us track Korvac. It's not as if we were having much luck, is it? And we don't even know why he came here, or how powerful he is now. We might need backup to take him down."
Gamora knew that to be true- Korvac was an exceedingly dangerous foe, but- "What if they turn on us?"
Peter's usual cockiness shone through, and he grinned. "S'far as I can see, these guys are just humans. I'm Star-Lord-" he swaggered a bit, and the others rolled their eyes,- "and we also have the deadliest woman in the galaxy, Drax the Destroyer, our ever gun-toting Rocket and an nearly indestructible (miniature) flora colossus. If it comes to a fight, we'll cream them."
Drax frowned. "Why would we wish to turn them into a dairy substance?"
Peter groaned. Drax's eyes lit up. "Ah, that was a metaphor, wasn't it?"
"Yeah. It just means we'd win in a fight. So are we going to co-operate?"
There was a general nodding of heads. "For now." Gamora added. She couldn't- wouldn't- trust as blindly as Quill.
Peter led his team back to join the Avengers. "So, we'll let you help us, if you're still willing to show us where you work from." He was the leader of the Guardians, after all, and this was their mission. Working with Captain America or not, he didn't want his friends to start thinking he wasn't in charge.
Steve raised a brow at Peter's words, but nodded. "We'll head back in our quinjet. If you can stay hidden, you'll be able to follow us, right? I'd imagine alien tech can do that..."
Peter snorted. "Give me the co-ordinates and we'll beat you there!"
Rhodey, of course, heard that. "Uh, excuse me, was that a challenge?"
Peter's eyes gleamed, as did Rocket's. "Feel up to a race?"
"Hell yea-" Rhodey caught Steve and Natasha's glares. "Actually, no. Probably not a good idea."
Peter shrugged, smirking. "Ok. You don't wanna lose, I get it."
"Uh, excuse me, fancy alien craft or not, doesn't mean you have a clue about piloting-" Rhodey's retort was cut off by Natasha dragging him back to the quinjet. The other Avengers filed after them. Steve faced Peter, suddenly feeling as if he dealt with a teenager. "Just get your team aboard and follow us. We'll talk more out of the open." He watched the Guardians walk away before boarding the quinjet himself. Soon both ships were in the air, though only the quinjet remained visible. Rhodey flew back to base amid much discussion about the Guardians. Steve and Natasha stayed out of it, both watching the 'empty' space behind them, both wondering the same thing. Will we end up regretting this?
Aboard the Milano, the Guardians were having similar thoughts. Rocket and Drax were bickering as usual, though now it was about which 'Avenger' would be the best fighter. (Drax thought it would be the Captain that Quill had recognised, Rocket insisted the War Machine thing/person would be tougher to beat.) Peter was piloting slowly, keeping the Avengers' jet in range, wondering where exactly they were headed. If this is a trap- He stopped himself. If it was a trap, he had no doubt Gamora had already thought up twenty ways to get them out of trouble. But there was no use looking for trouble. Locating Korvac before he did any damage was the priority. And if they needed the Avengers' help for that, so be it. Maybe, later, if these guys owed him a favour, he might be able to track down what was left of his family, if any.
He crushed the thought. Focus on Korvac. He told himself firmly. The Avengers' quinjet began to descend. Peter quickly followed suit. As he looked up again, Gamora's knowing eyes met his. She spoke in a low voice to keep the others from hearing. "Perhaps when Korvac has been dealt with, we could stay a while. You could rediscover your homeworld, your family..."
Peter swallowed, wondering again how she could always read his mind. He blinked hard- Earth's atmosphere was making his eyes burn! "Maybe. Let's deal with the 'escaped cosmically-powered cyborg' thing first though, yeah?"
Gamora nodded, placing her hand atop his briefly as the Milano landed in a large hangar, and the doors sealed behind them. Peter cut the engine and stood to lead his team out. Here goes nothing.
To be continued...