So this is my first SOA fic, it wont be perfect but I hope you enjoy it never the less. I do not own Sons of Anarchy and do not claim to. Isla however is my own. Please read and review

Chapter 1

'Please just let me die, I don't want to live anymore' she drifted in and out of consciousness; it was hot as Hades out on the roadside where she lay, wrapped in a dirty old dust sheet, unsure of how long she had been there. The only way she knew she what was reality was from the sharp pain that pierced her ribs every time she breathed, the dull ache that radiated the rest of her body and the fact her throat was about as dry as the dirt she was lying on; that was consciousness. Finally after hours maybe even days, she wasn't sure anymore, a light appeared in the distance gradually coming closer and she closed her eyes, a smile on her face believing all her prayers had been answered.

"Shit man, this is real bad" The blonde biker looked down at the battered and bruised body on the floor in front of him.

"What do we do man? Oswald's girl and now this?" The Scotsman frowned, his eyes never leaving the figure, his buddy bent down and looked at the body in front and then almost fell over in surprise when he noticed the rise and fall of the girl's chest.

"Holy shit! She's breathing we gotta get her to St Thomas!"

Beep Beep Beep Beep Beep

She had never been religious, never really believed that once you die, you go to heaven. What she was pretty sure on was if Heaven did really exist, they probably wouldn't have much use for heart rate monitors. Slowly but surely the girl started to regain consciousness; she became more and more aware of her surroundings. The machines monitoring her, the nurses and doctors bustling in and out. The low hum of activity from the corridor beyond her secluded little room and the pain. The pain was the only real way she knew she was alive. It seemed never ending but she still couldn't open her eyes; they just felt too heavy so once again she gave in to the darkness and let the unconsciousness take over again

"No one knows who you are or where you came from, why do you look so familiar to me?" There was someone sat in the chair beside her bed and based on the smell of leather and stale cigarettes that was invading her nostrils, it wasn't one of the nurses "Who did this to you?" whoever he was, he sighed and touched her hand, the briefest of touches and yet it felt as though she had just been electrocuted, then he left and again she was alone

As more and more time passed, the girl became more aware of who were coming and going, the doctors and nurses; they all had that no nonsense thing about them, they came, they checked her charts and they left, yet she could never shake the feeling that someone was watching her.

Stuck in the hospital bed, unable to move her heavy limbs, the girl started to lose track of time. Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. A constant cycle of being trapped in a hospital bed, unable to move and being trapped in her nightmares, forced to relive the past few years of her miserable existence over and over again.

After waking up from her latest terror, she suddenly became very very aware of someone else in the room with her. The fear took over then, it closed in around her making her heart beat faster, the monitors making that all too obvious. She felt as though her hands might be clammy, her throat felt like it was closing up. The fear threatening to break loose; and then it did, those icy blue eyes snapped open and she started to scream.

Gemma Teller-Morrow jumped back in shock, holding her hand to her heart as the stranger in front of her started to scream.

"Jesus Christ!" she gasped and was relieved at how short lived the screaming was as the nurses came in and sedated the girl again.

"Are you trying to give me a heart attack?" she leaned against the wall of the tiny little room. "How did you end up here?" she murmured more to herself than anyone. As her dark eyes searched the girls face they caught on to her ice blue coloured ones which sent a shiver down Gemma's spine, she'd seen those eyes before.

"Oh God Isla" Gemma sat down in one of the rickety old hospital chairs and started to weep for the blonde in the hospital bed before her.