Kaze no Shizuku (I couldn't think of a name so I used the title of Izumi's song on the character soundtrack)

Authors note: no s*** I don't own digimon, you think I'd be writing fanfics if I did? Strictly Takouji/ Koukuya whatever you call it (I call it takouji) !WARNING!CONTAINS YAOI, THOSE WHO ARE AGAINST BI SHONEN,YAOI OR PLAIN GAYS, DO NOT READ, DO NOT FLAME EITHER BECAUSE YOU'VE BEEN WARNED! All the names and digimon are from the Japanese digimon not the American dubbed version.

Minamoto Kouji sat leaning against a tree with his hands cushioning his head, in the while thinking, he had been doing too much of that lately. The three moons were settled in the midnight sky, but his mind wasn't focused on them at that particular moment. He was wondering if he would ever get to sleep with a sickening feeling in his stomach. It wasn't unusual for him to be awake in the middle of the night, for some reason he couldn't sleep as well as before he had met the other chosen children. "Stupid kids," Kouji muttered to himself. Lately he had grown especially cold toward the other chosen children. Izumi was controlling, Junpei was macho and lovestruck, Tomoki could not go a day without grieving, and Takuya.Takuya was...He was. Kouji furrowed his brow and thought hard. What did he have against Takuya, what made Kouji despise him?

"I'll think of a reason later."

His eyes strayed to a sleeping Takuya not even three metres away from him. Kouji stared, admiring the innocence in the sleeping boy, calm , with no worries, away in his own world. Kouji broke his small trance when Takuya frowned and tensed up, suddenly the boy shot up into a sitting position, his arms holding him up by resting his palms on the ground, breathing heavily. His eyes were tightly shut and he was frowning, with sweat covering his brow. Takuya slowly opened his eyes, his breathing now slow and rugged. He looked slowly around himself, he was partially making sure he hadn't woken anyone and partially he was checking if the dream, nightmare, was over. Takuya slowly brought himself to his feet, not noticing Kouji was awake and walked away from the clearing in which the children had chosen as a sleeping area, hands in pockets. Kouji quickly got to his feet and followed Takuya, careful not to make any noise in the process. The brunette walked through trees and small clearings for what seemed like five minutes, still not noticing Kouji. His breathing was still slow and rugged, the expression on his face gave the feeling that he was frightened. He also looked as if he would break down and cry if given the chance. Takuya finally stopped in a field occupied by tall grass that could rival the height of a single floored house. (picture the episode "Save Everyone! Evolve, Tsunomon!", the grass that Junpei and Izumi walked through at the beginning of the episode)

Kouji crouched into the near edge of the field, metres away from Takuya. The chosen child of fire collapsed onto the ground in a sitting position, his arms outstretched vertically, the palms of his hands resting on the ground. Takuya let out a small moan and clutched his head with his right hand, eyes closed tight. Kouji started towards the boy he was feeling worried and sympathetic. Takuya slowly opened his eyes and exhaled slowly, taking his hand from the top of his head.

'only a dream,' he muttered, Kouji only caught a few words since Takuya speech was barely a whisper, 'but the pain feels real, this is the sixth time.'

Kouji stopped, this had happened before? Why had he not noticed? Takuya was a good actor if he could hide his true emotions so well during the day. He probably let the pain be hidden away during the day, only to be dealt with at night.

Kouji advanced but obviously was not quiet enough with each step he took, for Takuya's eyes shot open, straining a look in each direction to catch the intruder.

"Who is it? Show yourself!"

"You shouldn't really be wandering by yourself you know. You could get into trouble, then I would have to save you." Kouji managed to stay cool even though he was still surprised.

Takuya forced a laugh, " I'd rather die than be saved by you."

"I've saved you before."

"Ya, and I almost died of humiliation."


"Daijoubu?" Kouji finally said.

"How long have you been there?" Takuya's voice Quavered slightly.

"Long enough," Kouji replied.

He took a seat next to Takuya, sitting cross-legged, his elbows resting on is lap.

"You didn't answer my question Takuya, are you alright?"

Takuya did not answer, instead he made a movement as to get up, but Kouji stopped him, grabbing a tight hold by the scruff of the brunette's yellow shirt.

"Answer me," Kouji asked in a demanding tone, he was growing impatient, his grip becoming tighter. He hadn't followed Takuya for so long just so he could get some fresh air. He wanted to know what was going on.

"No, now let go."

Takuya pushed at Kouji's chest, trying to free himself but the blue haired boy still kept his grip on the brunette's shirt.

"I'll tell you again, answer me," Kouji's voice became more stern, but calm.

"And I'll tell you again, NO." Takuya accented each word slowly as to intimidate Kouji, but it wasn't working.

"I wont let go until you answer."

"Leave me alone Kouji."

"Just answer me."

"I'm fine, happy now!"

"Answer me truthfully."

"Since when did you care?"

"Since now."

Takuya's looked away, and his facial expression became anxious, instead of irritated and angry.

"I just had a nightmare, alright."

" A little more detail please."

Takuya's gaze started to wander and he bit his lip. He finally spoke after a moment of silence.

"I can't tell you Kouji, I just can't," Takuya's voice quavered as he spoke this, he closed his eyes, sighed then shifted his weight onto his hands as he got up.

"I gotta go."


"I just do."

Kouji finally said, "Takuya, you may not know it but we all care about you more than you think.


Takuya turned and suddenly bolted through the grass, away from Kouji.

Kouji jumped up and sprinted after the brunette, Takuya was a fast runner but not as fast as Kouji. They reached a slope at the end of the field, Takuya jumped to a stop and slowly made his way down but Kouji tackled him. The tackle caused both boys to go tumbling down the small slope. They reached the bottom with a small 'thud'. Takuya let out a small groan as Kouji pulled himself off the boy, arms resting on either side of Takuya's head. Takuya slowly opened his eyes and gingerly touched the top of his head.

"What the hell was that for!"

"What the hell was with you running away! It makes it look like your going to do something drastic!"

"Why do you care, it's none of your business!"

"Well now it is!"

"Piss off Kouji!"

"Make me!"

Takuya got up and brushed himself off, while cursing under his breath.

"What happened in that dream you had?"


"Well it's obviously nothing if you're so pissed off when the subject comes up!"

"You're the last person I need bitching from Kouji! Just leave me alone."

Takuya's voice went quiet again. He turned away from Kouji and started to walk away, but Kouji caught Takuya's shoulder.

" You might feel better if you tell someone."

" (sigh) Fine." Takuya had finally given in.

Kouji's grip loosened as Takuya started to speak.

" I was walking on a deserted plain, alone. But my body was burning, it felt as if flames were in my body, then a sort of devil digimon came and put his claws around my neck and started to choke me. He said that he would soon take over me and render me helpless. His touch was like ice against my skin. But the thing is that I think that it's all because of Vritramon. He is becoming restless and every time I feel he is getting hard to control, I have these dreams."

Takuya's body started to shake. He turned sharply and faced Kouji.

"Happy now?! Now will you leave me alone?"


"Why not?"

Kouji didn't say anything but put his hands on Takuya's cheeks, his thumbs rubbing back and forth against the brunette's skin.

"Because you can't handle this alone." Kouji's voice was calm but stern, his eyes were boring into Takuya, and it made the brunette feel uneasy at the sudden intimacy.

Takuya grabbed Kouji's wrists and pushed away. "I can handle this fine on my own Kouji, this is just like a regular nightmare. I don't see why you're so worried." His voice now stern.

"Your too stubborn! Why can't you ever accept help when it's offered?" Kouji yelled.

"It was just a dream! Lay off!"

"Have you ever noticed that usually your bad dreams just happen to become real! What if someone other than you gets hurt? Did you ever think of that?"

"Yes, of course I have!"

"Could have fooled me!"

"Shut up!" Takuya swung at Kouji, hitting him squarely in the face, the blow had thrown Kouji to the ground.

Takuya's eyes were wide with fear and anger. Kouji sat on the ground, surprised at the present situation.

"Kouji, you have no idea what goes through my mind when I'm awake or asleep."

Kouji stood up, his face parallel with Takuya's.

"You know what Takuya, go on and get yourself killed! Maybe I'm wrong about the whole thing but don't get the rest of us involved."

(eek! My story is making no sense but I just want to write a plot so I can have mushy Takouji stuff!)

And with that Kouji walked back to where the other children were.

He took his spot at the base of the tree, next to the small clearing where the other children are, where he had been before and, for once, fell asleep.


"Takuya oni-chan, where are you!?" Tomoki's voice could be heard echoing through the area.

Everyone seemed to be awake and bothered. Kouji stirred and opened his eyes.

"This better be good," he muttered.

"Kouji, thank goodness your awake," Izumi said, her voice shaking.

"What's wrong?" Kouji said while wiping the sleep from his eyes.

"Takuya's gone!"

To be continued

Sorry peeps gotta' leave you there because I gotta' go to bed! It's two am! Please read and review, thanks! I'm only gonna write a second chapter if I get more reviews and suggestions! I am sooo sorry about the spacing, bad grammar and horrible composition, I am an artist not a writer but it was about time some more people wrote yaoi Takouji fics! I had to write this fast and didn't get to read it over so I'm really sorry if there are too many mistakes. PS: I have changed the ending of this chapter!!!!!