Dipper's mind was blown. His legs felt like they would crumble beneath him any moment now.
Bill fluttered off his back and landed at Stanford's feet. "WELL WELL WELL, IF IT ISN'T MY FAVOURITE PINES, FORDSY!"
Stanford picked Bill up and cradled him in his arms. "Aww, aren't you a little duck? What made you take this form, hm?"
Bill quacked loudly at Ford. "PINE TREE, THAT ABOMINATION OVER THERE," he pointed at Dipper, "THREW ME IN A MAGIC LAKE."
Dipper held onto the railing. "I didn't throw you, Bill, I pushed you!"
Mabel was smiling widely in her hamster ball. She was clearly enjoying watching her unstable brother argue with a duck.
Gideon was glaring at Grunkle Stan, who was glaring back. What were they doing, having a mental battle?
Bill quacked at Dipper, who snapped out of his trance. "MAYBE YOU DIDN'T THROW ME, BUT THIS IS CURRENTLY ALL YOUR FAULT!"
Dipper rolled his eyes. "Bill, if you can't agree with me, I'll bring out the soap-" "NO NO NO NO PLEASE NO! FINE, IT'S MY FAULT FOR CURSING THE LAKE!"
All eyes were on Bill, and all jaws were dropped to the ground.