AUTHOR'S NOTE: Umm…I'm back? Yeah, sorry about sort of abandoning this fic for…how long was it? Almost a year now? Jeez. It's been a long time. To any of you who read this a year ago, I sincerely apologize, even if you don't really remember this thing.

On a side note, I actually have some experience with playing a piano now, and I just want to say that playing a piano is so much fun, and a heck of a lot easier that playing the flute. Although, I still think that playing the drums is the easiest part, no offense to any percussionists out there…

DISCLAIMER: No, I don't own PJO, though I do own a delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Well, I hope you guys like this!

Up in Olympus, Zeus's eyes bugged out. Since when could he play the piano?

He needed to ask Poseidon about this. But the question was, how could he do that without it looking like he was asking his brother about something that he didn't know the answer to..? He certainly didn't need to have Poseidon laughing at him.

Meanwhile, somewhere on an island…

Poseidon's eyes sparkled as he let out a chuckle. He just knew Zeus was going to ask him about Percy today. Ah, he would enjoy this…it wasn't often that Mister Thunderpants asked him something, considering how many people Zeus had gathering information for him. Hmm, now what was the best way to make him angry…? Maybe he should take a few notes from his son for that. He did, after all, have a history of riling up every immortal that he met with just a few short sentences.

Eh, he'd do that later. For now, he would just kick back and relax in the Bahamas. After all, Zeus would end up calling for him, so there was no need to rush over to Olympus.

Back at Camp Half-Blood, Percy was understandingly irritated. The campers just wouldn't leave him alone! Seriously, it was like they completely forgot that some of the Apollo campers were gifted with music too!

(Actually, he had a sneaking suspicion that even the kids of Apollo themselves didn't remember. It's not like he ever really saw them playing instruments or singing…)

Well, there wasn't anything he could do. At least Grover was still acting normally…or as normal as a satyr could get. Currently, he was chewing on a can that had appeared out of nowhere.

Percy was really curious about where he got it from.

He highly doubted that he wanted to know the answer to that though, so he decided not to ask.

Seriously, he did not want to know that.

Going back to the point of the gawking campers though (See? He could stay on track!), Percy was getting annoyed.

Him getting annoyed never ended well for anyone. It usually ended up with someone getting soaked (Hi Thalia, Clarisse).

In this case, it would be the vast majority of the camp getting a nice bath.

Oh well, they brought it upon themselves.

Grover glanced over, and saw that Percy had a certain shine in his eye that he just knew meant trouble, a look that had strangely disappeared for the most part after Percy had entered the world of gods, titans, and monsters. In other words, the world of the good, the bad, and the ugly. This would be…interesting. The poor campers wouldn't know what hit them.

They had awakened the Prankster in Percy through irritation.

OTHER AUTHOR'S NOTE: So, what do you guys think? Is the quality of this chapter a heck of a lot better than the others? Is it worse? (Please don't tell me it's worse.) Go ahead and review if you want another chapter. If you don't review, that's fine too. Just know that another chapter is really unlikely if I don't get any… The only reason I put out this chapter was because of the reviews I got. Strangely, this is one of my three most-liked fics for reasons that I don't understand.

When I was talking about Grover and him chewing a can Spell Check tried to change "can" to "car". The only cars in Camp Half-Blood are the vans, and I don't think Chiron would be very happy if the satyrs tried eating them…