Yo yo yo! New chapter! Its honestly pretty long and not going to lie there's a lot of dialogue but it's really necessary plot wise. I promise there will be more Elsanna fluff next chapter.! Well without further ado continue on my dear readers.

A Foreign Exchange

Chapter 5: Caged Bird

The tour of the palace was quite uneventful to Anna's dismay. She knew she'd have to do her own snooping to find all of the juicy spots, but she was thankful for the tour so she would at least have a general idea of where everything was. Although the tour itself seemed almost normal...as if she was sight seeing some of the old fortresses back home. She was enjoying observing the Queen and Hans though, they both seemed like decent people. The Queen was certainly a surprise, she acted considerably different around the side-burned man than around herself. Not that she could blame her, they appeared to know each other very well, reminding Anna of a pair of siblings at a similar age. Each playing off the other, teasing and exchanging witty banter. Anna felt a twinge of pain as she watched them, it made her miss Kristoff, sure he was big and smelly and thrived on teasing Anna, but either way he was home and her best friend.

"So what did you think about the new ballroom Lady Anna? Do you think it was large enough to contain a mass quantity of people? Her Majesty has her doubts, but I believe she has been worrying over nothing." Hans says.

Anna doesn't respond for a minute thinking back to the ballroom they had viewed a few minutes ago, it was certainly spacious and the grandest thing she'd ever seen.

I mean it was all completely marble with gold fixtures, does it get any more fancier than that? The most expensive thing I own is this silver locket my mother passed down to me from great grandmother, so I mean what's grand to me is probably different for them.

Anna looks up to see the Queen and Hans both stopped in front of her, looking back at her questioningly. Feeling the pressure, Anna gives a simple and quick answer, anxiously fumbling with the silver locket hanging on her chest.

"Uhm it's unlike anything I've ever seen before! I guess it would depend on how many people would be attending." Anna says absentmindedly, hoping to sound like she had been listening the entire time.

They both nod their heads in agreement and turn back around to continue walking down the hallway. Anna lets out a sigh of relief clutching the locket gently before letting hates the feeling of when people have all their attention on her, always expecting something. It always had a way of making her feel as if she had disappointed someone; not being able to meet people's expectations was her life story.

"It's time for me to attend the meeting with my council. Make sure to give Anna a thorough tour. Also don't give her to much work, I don't want her to be overwhelmed." The Queen orders.

"Oh of course not, I would never consider it! Besides, being summoned here to become your kavaljer is overwhelming enough Your Majesty." He teases.

"I suppose you have a point." The Queen replies indifferently.

The Queen waits for Hans to begin walking again, as soon as he makes it a few steps down the hall, Anna watches on when the Queen suddenly turns to her and winks. Followed by a twitch of her fingers a huge cloud of snow appears over Hans and explodes in a windy flurry over the top of his head.

Anna tries to stifle her laughter but is unsuccessful. Hans glares at the queen through snow filled lashes,

"Why thank you Your Majesty, it was simply stifling in here." He says flinging snow out of his eyes.

A satisfied smile stretches across the Queen's face at Hans' small glare. She gives another twitch of her fingers causing the snow to evaporate, leaving Hans slightly damp with a wounded pride.

Only seconds after the Queen used a twinge of magic Anna feels the all too familiar ache in her chest. Subconsciously she clutches her chest in sudden pain. She coughs trying to cover up the reason for clutching her chest. The Queen seems to see right through it, as she appears next to Anna's side in the blink of an eye.

"Is everything alright Anna?" She asks.

"Oh...yeah totally fine. My throats just a little dry. I guess it's from being asleep for awhile." She replies with a small smile.

A doubtful expression flashes across the Queen's face but Anna continues to smile, hoping to throw off the Queen's worries. She stares at Anna for another moment, causing Anna to question if she's going to press the issue. Suddenly a loud chime echoes throughout the hallway, capturing the Queen's attention. Anna sighs in relief.

Thankgod lady luck is on my side, I don't know what it is but I always get this overwhelming feeling when she starts to focus all her attention on me. It's as if she can see right through me.

"You should make haste your Majesty, the elders won't take lightly to you arriving late." Hans states.

The Queen turns to him with a slightly aggravated look, but it dissipates when she turns back around to face Anna. Her bow like lips purse for a moment, as if there's something on the tip of her tongue that she's refusing to say.

"I hope to see you later after my meeting, I've had your own room prepared. It's the room located next to mine. I'll show it to you later, I do hope you'll be pleased with it." She says.

Before Anna can reply the Queen takes her hand and places another kiss to the back in farwell, their eyes meet for a moment and Anna realizes there's so many things she had wanted to ask earlier that morning.

Oh well, I guess we can always talk about it later. I'm sure Hans could answer most of my questions. I don't want to seem bothersome and become a burden to her… I am grateful for my own room though, I don't think I'd get much sleep in her bed.

"Uhm, Thanks...I'm sure I'll love it! I hope your meeting goes well!" Anna replies.

"As do I." Is the Queen's simple reply.

She turns to Hans stepping close enough to whisper something in his ear as Anna stands by awkwardly waiting for the exchange to pass. Hans gives her a nod in confirmation, then the Queen flashes a smile at Anna before quickly turning on her heels and briskly walking down the hallway.

Both of them watch on as she disappears down the hallway, soon as she's out of sight Hans is practically glowing while he looks at Anna.

Why do I feel like he's up to something? That's the exact look I give Kristoff when I'm going to drag him off into some devilish adventure...

"So what do you have planned for me today teacher?" Anna asks.

Hans walks over with a jump in his step and suavely locks in his arm with Anna's and practically pulls her along until she starts walking again.

"Hans is fine, Elsa's the only one you need to refer to so formally. Oh! And Olaf! But I'm almost positive our royalty doesn't really care what you call them. You are Elsa's most treasured guest." He replies.

Did he say treasured? What the hell does that mean..! Oh my god what if I'm like trapped in this palace like a prisoner fulfilling every need of the queen, waiting on her every desire! I mean I don't think it would be so horrid but...still. He mentioned Olaf, I wonder where he is, maybe I could get away with asking.

"Uhm well thanks...I guess? I'd like to be called Anna instead of Lady Anna...if that's doable. Speaking of which where is Olaf...I haven't seen him since the day I woke up here." Anna asks.

"He's probably running around the forest, about where he found you I believe. Like Elsa's ice magic, Olaf has his own gift. A deep connection to the earth. That's how he found you so quickly, he just sensed it."

"Wow that's impressive, does everyone here have magic or gifts? Or is it just the royalty? What about kavaljer's does everyone have one? Is it common for people like me to literally fall from the sky in a bright light and end up here?!" Anna says exasperated.

Suddenly Hans stops, causing Anna to stumble slightly. She turns heatedly towards the man, he suddenly disentangles himself from Anna and stares at her for a moment.

"Listen, I have some questions about your realm to. Why don't we go somewhere comfortable and you can ask a question then I, and henceforth. How does that sound hmm?"

Anna contemplates the suggestion, looking out a nearby arched window. Reveling in the soothing breeze as it sweeps through Anna's long auburn locks. An idea immediately comes to her mind, a good way to test if she trapped in here or not.

"That all sounds good, but could I suggest we go outside instead? I'm so curious about this...land." Anna asks hoping to evoke some kind of answer.

Hans raises his eyebrows at the suggestion, turning his attention to a nearby window. Nonchalantly he nods his head, providing some relief to Anna.

"That sounds quite enjoyable, I know all of this must seem odd and overwhelming, but don't worry I'm going to help you anyway I can." He says holding his arm out to Anna.

Anna blushed slightly at the declaration, grateful at how understanding the man was being. She was practically jumping in joy at being able to go outside, hating to be indoors for too long.

Well looks like sideburn man isn't all bad...hopefully I can get my questions answered here soon.


After a good ten to fifteen minutes of walking in the palace, Anna and Hans finally made it outside. Anna can't help but gasp at the land around her. It's unlike anything she had ever seen, it was magnificent, beautiful magical even in a way. The area Hans had chosen for the discussion appeared to be the palace garden, to Anna though it looked like an elaborate maze of flowers bushes a bridge, even a waterfall. Large marble paths and interlocking pools that carried away the rush water of the flowers were vibrant shades of blues, violets, and reds it all was so unbelievable…

"Beautiful isn't it? There should be a spot near the water to sit, better to be comfortable for our long discussion.." He says.

Anna practically beams at him "Yeah! Lead the way!" She replies.

Anna follows Hans along the given path until eventually it lead to an open area next to the stream, where a simple white bench sat.

Sometimes simplicity is the most beautiful. I wonder if it would be weird if I stuck my feet in the water? Like what if they never show their feet in public?! I think I'll stick with just sitting on the bench. Come on Anna, I can at least try to appear proper.

Once the two were seated they both sat and enjoyed the scenery, neither speaking for a few long moments. Anna too anxious with all her questions broke the silence first, of course she would be polite though.

"So, why don't you go first. Ask me whatever question you like first!" Anna said.

"Alright, whatever question I want?" He asks.

"As long as it applies both ways!"

Hans smirks for a moment, his fingers in the shape of an L on his chin appearing like he's deep in thought. Anna revels in the chilly breeze shivering slightly, but to relaxed to actually care about the chill.

What could he possibly be thinking about so deeply, you've already passed first impression the first question isn't that important! Although what should I ask him first? Should I start with Elsa...or how I got here and became a kavaljer? Ah there's so many questions to have answered! I feel like some of these things are something I should talk to Elsa about...but I don't know she makes me feel all anxious and tongue tied.

"In your realm what do you do? How do you live?" He asks.

Anna is taken back by the question, she could understand asking about the human world, but she honestly didn't do anything that exciting in her everyday life.

"Well I live in a normal town, not a big city but not somewhere in the country either. I work at a place called Oaken's Sauna, he's a family friend. During the day though I go to college, like advanced schooling to become a psychiatrist . To help people...you know sort out their lives and make sure they can have the most normal life they can." Anna pauses unsure if any of this is making sense.

Hans is staring back at her with a content look on his face, almost in realization of Anna looking at him he say's,

"Don't worry I understand all of what you said, I am very knowledgeable about the human realm. We always do inquiries about your world, just to see how you're all coming along, you've all had quite a technology boost in these last few decades... Believe it or not but once a upon a time our worlds weren't so separate." He answers.

"Are you saying that there connected? Or that they used to be at least?"

"Well in a way our magical density lets us stay connected, sometimes portals appear and they give us glimpses of your world. Some of our elder mages can summon them. It's how we do the inquiries, one of my jobs is to document everything I see. In accordance a spirit portal is actually how you appeared here, there only formed through an artifact in your world." He continues.

Anna sits there in deep thought, trying to take in and understand all the words coming out of Hans' mouth.

Artifacts summoning portals? That's how I got here!? That doesn't make any kind of sense how in the hell did I summon a portal here!?

"I think I would know if I had an Elven artifact!" Anna states.

Hans look over at her for a moment, Anna can't describe the look on his face it seems calculating but also curious. His eyes fall down to the locket around Anna's neck.

"Your locket is clearly Elven, the symbols on it are in old elvish. Tell me where did you get it?"

Anna stares down at the silver locket hanging down on her chest, gently she wraps her fingers around it and looks at it again as if it were the first time. For years she had been trying to open it, but her mother had told her the key was lost years ago. Anna had thought about taking it to a jewleler and having them open it but she didn't want to risk damaging it. Although she thought the locket looked unlike anything she had seen before, but that factor alone is what drew it to her attention.

How could it be an artifact from here? If it is how did it come into my grandmothers hands?

The two continued going back and forth, each providing answers to the others intrusive appetite. Until finally it seemed like all the questions had been answered, they sat in comfortable silence listening to the repetitive sloshing of water.

"So final question. What do you think of her Majesty..Of Elsa?" He asks after a pause.

Anna stares at the man blankly unsure of how to answer the question, How did she feel about the Queen?

"Well she's been nothing but accommodating to me, even let me stay in her room. So I guess she's nice and composed in like a queenly way I guess...but I can't see to shake this feeling I get when I'm around her." Anna replies timidly.

"That's what I figured, she appears very serious most of the time but she's actually very kind hearted. I'm sure you and her have a lot to discuss now hmm?" He says offhandedly.

Anna nods in agreement, not missing how he avoided what she said about the familiarity between the two. She choose to drop in for now, it would come up eventually why rush it. A sudden thought came to Anna mind,

"Is that what she whispered to you? Asked you to see what I thought about her?" Anna asks curiously.

Hans laughs, deep and hearty. His laughter sneaks up on Anna and eventually she's chuckling as well.

"Do you want me to answer honestly?" He asks his moss green eyes gleam with mirth.

"Preferably, unless you don't want to embarrass her Majesty."

Hans lets out another sound, a mixture of a laugh and a chuckle. With the most serious and straight faced expression he turns to Anna.

"She actually told me not take you outside, because I have an uncanny way of attracting unwanted attention." He puts his hands up and air quotes, causing Anna to chuckle before he continues. "The words been spreading that a human came through a portal, like I said before that hasn't happened in centuries so it has everyone overflowing with curiosity. We turned down about a dozen people at the palace doors the day you arrived." Hans says with a laugh.

"I see, does she not want people seeing me…?" Anna clears her throat.

Hans places a hand on top of Annas on the bench in an attempt to comfort her,

"No it's nothing like that you see your bond has not been completed yet and she's worried someone else would try and...well"

"Try and claim me?" Anna say's deadpanning.

"No, No no! You got it wrong you're meant to be Elsa's kavaljer, you already bear the mark on your skin. She's worried someone would try and force a bond with you, not only would it sever your bond but it would be very damaging to yourself." He explains.

"To force me like with magic..? That's horrible, think I get it now. I'm not sure why but I feel like I'm important to her and vice versa. But it doesn't stop me from wondering why you brought me outside anyways?" Anna says smugly.

"Yeah well you kind of gave me an ultimatum, and I also didn't want you to think that you're trapped here like some prisoner." He responds happily.

"Well thank you I really appreciate it." Anna smiles.

Hans smiles back before leaning forward and turning towards Anna completely, Anna leans back unsure of what he's going to do. But then lets out a sigh,

"Just don't tell her you went outside promise?" He asks.

Anna laughs, "Of course I promise." She says while shoving his shoulder playfully.


From somewhere in an arched castle window bright azure eyes, stared deeply into the garden. Watching her little firelily rather animatedly discussing something with Hans, her eyes slightly narrowed at the gardens occupants. Knowing it should be her there and not him, feeling helpless and unsure of what to do a forlorn sigh escapes her throat.

"You should just go snatch her away Els," A voice says from behind her.

The blonde Queen peers behind her, meeting the cool gray eyes of Prince Olaf. She eyes him for a moment before continuing to peer outside the window at Anna.

"You have no idea how much I want to, how I would like to lock her up and keep her away from the dangers of this world." She replies quietly.

Olaf makes his way to the window, placing his elbows on the ledge facing away from the window he look towards Elsa instead.

"I think she'd fight you on that one, she's quite...different this time around. I know how much you care for her but you can't shelter her from everything. Hans knows that, it's probably why he agreed to take her outside." He says.

Elsa turns and faces away from the window as well mocking Olaf's position, with their elbows slightly touching.

"I know that I'm not upset with him, I'm just frustrated at this situation."

"Of wanting something you can't have?" He asks.

"What an eloquent way of putting it, but yes. I'm unsure of how to act around her, I don't want to push her away she...no longer remember here-this place." Elsa finishes looking down at the ground.

"Well then think of it like a clean slate, you get to start all over and experience these things all over again! Now you should go and experience this new Anna, and make her remember you." Olaf replies.

Elsa turns slightly towards Olaf and laughs a smile stretching across her face, because she knows how true his words are. She shouldn't be wallowing in all her thoughts of the past instead she should be moving forward.

"You're right, it's not queenly of me to succumb to such tendencies. I'll steal her away after dinner this evening." Elsa leans off the ledge ready to head back to her study before further questioning Olaf, "Will you be joining us tonight for dinner?" She asks.

Olaf shakes his head, "Probably not tonight, I'll probably be out scouting and eventually stay the night out on the land." He replies.

"Your such an odd one." Elsa says.

"It makes me feel at peace, everything makes sense. I'm sure it's the same for you in your ice castle deer sister." He smiled brightly at her.

Elsa turns and continues walking to the large double door of her study,

"Touche." She say's back before disappearing through the doors.

Olaf stares after her where she disappeared behind the white oak doors, a goofy smile on his face being pleased with himself for helping his sister. He thinks no, he knows that eventually everything will turn out how it's supposed to.


Anna was sitting lazily in a love seat, waiting patiently for the Queen to appear through the aimless rows and stacks of books. She couldn't help but feel anxious, being alone with the Queen seemed to make every normal emotion go haywire. At first Anna gladly accepted the Queen's invitation to accompany her to the library, of coarse to help her pick out some of the books Hans had suggested. Although Anna also wanted to grow closer to the Queen. It was obvious that they would be spending a lot of time together, so the right thing to do would be get to know one another.

"Tell me Anna, Hans didn't give you too much work did he?" A voice suddenly asked.

Anna leaned her head back over the loveseat, catching an upside down glimpse of the Queen.

"Not really, he requested I look into some of these books we've gathered. Thank You for helping me, this place is so big it would of took eons to find all of them."

Anna smiled happily at the Queen. Which was an odd face considering she still was looking towards the Queen with her head over the love seat, but it brought a smile to the Queen's face so Anna didn't mind the fact she looked a little goofy. Anna watched on as the Queen walked silently around her and maneuvered her way through odd stacks of books to sit parallel from Anna in a large navy blue chair.

"You're very welcome, it would of taken you quite a long time to find the books. I can't believe he didn't offer to collect them for you, if you ever have any trouble finding one come to me I've read almost every book in here." She said.

"No way there's thousands of books in here it would take you centuries to read them!" Anna exclaimed.

The Queens eyes practically glowed with mirth at the statement, "I've had quite a lot of time on my hands, tell me Anna how old do you think I am?"

Anna face grew red at the question, Damn why did I say that? Of course Anna you had to question the Queen instead of just saying. Oh really? That's quite a lot of books! Looking at her she doesn't appear to be over 25 but she has to be older than that…

"Well you don't look over 25, but I'm just guessing here you're probably older than that."She says quietly.

"You're quite right I'm actually around 2315 in human years, but that's still quite young here."

"Well considering you look very good for your uh uhm age. But if that's young how old are some of the the uh elders?" Anna questions.

"I believe Pabbie is the oldest he's around 9200. I'm estimating though it's been awhile since I've discussed the topic of age with him. And thank you I believe you look very...good as well." The Queen states in a teasing tone.

Anna mentally facepalms herself, real smooth Anna couldn't of gotten any smoother.

"Uh thanks," Anna pauses biting her lip contemplating her next question. "Your Majesty could I ask you a question?"

The queen looks at her seriously arching a blonde brow, with a hopeful look on her face.

"This-the snowflake on my chest will it continue to make my chest ache?" Anna questions.

Elsa seems surprised by the question, she closes her eyes for a moment as considering her answer. While Anna waits silently, then the Queen meets Anna sea green eyes.

"May I sit next to you Anna?" She asks suddenly.

Anna looks at the Queen then at the empty spot on the love seat next to her, while simultaneously nodding her head. By the time Anna went to look back towards the Queen she was already gracefully placing herself next to Anna.

"Tell me has it ached at all today?" She asks.

"Just once when you used your magic in the hallway to drop the snow on Hans." Anna replies honestly.

"Well to give you the simplest answer, as our relationship becomes more...complex you may have chest pains. As our bond changes so does the mark, slowly it'll grow and become more intricate. Eventually when we seal our bond, the pain will disappear." The Queen continues.

"I see, I'm unsure how our bond works but…" Anna starts but stops when the Queen places her hand upon her own.

"Don't worry I'm not going to rush you into completing our bond, I do not mind waiting I want you to be comfortable."

Anna blushes at the comforting gesture and words, her chest suddenly hurts for a moment when Azure eyes meet her own. Anna's unsure if it was her chest hurting or the throbbing of her heart.

"Thank You, I'd like to understand as much as possible before rushing into something." Anna replies.

The Queen nods her head in understanding, she subtly turns Anna's hand over in her own and begins drawing light circular patterns on Anna's palm. Anna twitches at the Queens feather light touches, suddenly the Queen pulls away and stands up. Fixing the non existent wrinkles in her snowy white dress.

"It's quite late, may I walk you to your room?" She asks turning her Azure eyes on Anna.

"Yeah, I'm actually pretty tired." She replies stretching as she stands.

The two walk quietly throughout the castle towards there given rooms, they make simple small talk. Questioning the other over there day. The Queen spoke of her meeting with the elders, how they all were anxiously waiting to meet Anna. Anna spoke of her and Hans long discussion, careful not to mention that it took place outside. Before either of them knew it they had arrived at their destination, Anna couldn't help thinking how normal this all seemed to her like she has been doing this forever.

It was true what the Queen had said about their rooms being next to each other, Anna room was further down the hallway,to the left of the Queens.

"I do hope you find the room accommodating, it's very much like mine. No one's used it in a very long time, so I'm afraid it's not too homey." The Queen states.

"I'm sure anything you've prepared for me will be great my Queen." Anna says absent mindedly.

Anna watches as the Queen's cheeks turn slightly pink at Anna comment, Anna opens her mouth to do some collateral damage but stops when a pleased smile spreads across the Queen's face.

Gawd that was really cute, why did I say my Queen? Maybe it didn't sound as flirtatious as I thought it did. I mean she obviously liked it so maybe I'll say it more…

"I hope this doesn't sound presumptuous of me but I was hoping we could continue to spend our afternoons together after your lessons and my work. So that we may get to know one another better?" She asks.

Anna stares open mouthed at the Queen for a moment unsure of what to say considering that was exactly what Anna was thinking, she wanted to almost desperately know more about the Queen.

"Of coarse! I was thinking the same exact thing. I mean we're going to be together for awhile so we should get to know one another...like we've been talking mostly about myself and I don't really know much about you. For example what's your favorite color?" Anna rambles off.

Anna holds her breath when she doesn't respond but smiles when the Queen lets out a loud burst of laughter. Anna looks down at the ground totally ashamed at her rambling mouth. Slender finger lift her chin up, to where Anna's eyes met with the Queens.

"Don't fret over it, I think your rambling is quite endearing. As for the answer to your question my favorite color is green," She pauses tucking a lock of Anna's hair behind her ear. "Sea green like your eyes." She finishes not breaking eye contact.

"What about you? What's your favorite color." She says in a whisper.

Anna's face turns so red she can feel it's heat flushing her face, she places a hand on the inside of the Queen's arm unsure of where to put her hands.

"It's-it's blue." Anna whispers back "A deep sapphire blue." She finishes.

"Mmmmm I see," Anna holds her breath as she takes a step closer to her while pushing Anna's bangs of her face. Anna watches as she leans down and presses a chilly kiss on her brow. " Sweet dreams Anna, dream of me." She finishes with an impish smile.

Anna watches completely dumb founded as the Queen begins to walk Away, suddenly she stops as if remembering something.

"Our rooms are connected through the expansive walk in closet, so if you may need anything you're always welcome." She finishes with a wink before disappearing behind her arched door.

Leaving behind a shell shocked, frazzled flushing Anna. Hesitantly Anna opens her own rooms door, slamming it shut and leaning against it for support. She looks towards the back of her room where the closet door is located.

She...she totally did that on purpose. God and I just stood there gaping like an idiot. Who know the Queen was such a tease...it's going to be another odd night.

EN: So I really hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I just wanted to say how much I appreciated everyone that reads, follows, favorites and comments!
I couldn't be happier that the story got 60 followers! Honestly I'm as happy as a clam! I never thought I could ever attain so many peoples attention and so thanks for reading. Don't forget to review, comment, favorite and follow!

Until next time ^_^