Here's chapter one excluding the whole announcement of the Truth or Dare. I'm not taking it down at all. This story's staying. Read chapter 3 for my latest announcement.

The Emotions were gathered around in their bedroom after a long, tiring day. Riley was dead tired, so therefore she went to bed early, thus giving the Emotions more leisure time.

Joy happily skipped to her gang, holding a set of papers. "Hey, guys, look what I got?" she rhetorically asked.

"Papers?" jeered Disgust.

"Marshmallows?" growled Anger. There was NO way he's going to be used as a bonfire again.

"PAPER CUTS!?" cried Fear.

"A puppy?" Sadness asked, slowly starting to smile.

"No, no, not yet, and no! I ordered these from the mind workers of Game Island. We're playing Truth or Dare!"

"Truth or Dare?" Sadness asked.

"TRUTH OR DARE!" screamed Joy.

"Great idea, Joy! Wait to ruin our leisure," mocked Disgust.

"D-dares as in conquering phobias? I'm horrible with dares!" whined Fear.

"Now this is my kind of game. I dare Fear to jump off a cliff!" ordered Anger. Fear looked at the brick with trauma.

Joy giggled. "Silly, Anger, we're not making the truths or the dares!"

"Huh?" They all said, shocked.

"Every truth and dare was written on these papers!" she explained.

"WHAT?!" They all shouted.

"That's right! The mind workers suggested them for us. It turns out we have our own fan club. I simply asked them to make a few truths and dares as a token of our love for them." said Joy.

"You mean your love for them, right?" scoffed Disgust.

"Is this mandatory?" Sadness whispered.

"Don't be silly. Of course it is! Okay, let's get started! To start things off, our mind workers were anonymous, so they decided to make up a bunch of account names just to secure themselves," Joy said excitedly. She placed all the papers on the floor and took one. "Okay… here goes!"