"And I am humbled, I'm a broken mirror, and I can't help but wonder...Why do we sacrifice the beautiful ones? How do you break a heart of gold? Why do we sacrifice our beautiful souls? Heroes of tales unsung, untold."

"I love you Shin-Chan!"

Midorima had no idea how to react to Takao's sudden outburst. "We have a game to play Takao..." He almost flinched at the sound of disappointment that passed Takao's lips but kept walking toward the exit.

"Sorry Shin-Chan..." he jumped a little when one of his other teammates put a comforting hand on his shoulder. He blushed visibly, he had forgotten all of his other teammates were in here when he'd gathered the guts to confess. Sighing, Takao walked through the exit and onto the court.

To say that Takao was a little distracted on the court today would be an understatement. He knew he shouldn't have confessed right before a big game but he couldn't hold it in anymore. So, when a ball came right toward the side of his head, he wasn't paying attention, and so he didn't notice when he was down on the ground with his head bleeding because it slammed directly onto the hard wooden floor below. Everything became a little hazy, the last thing he saw before he blacked out was Midorima running over to him.


"Takao Kazunari, age nineteen, large hit to the head. Possible concussion."

"Sir we can't let you go back there until after he is examined." The doctor said, stopping Midorima in his tracks.

"He's my teammate! You will let me through!" he protested. He knew this was his fault and the guilt swirling around in his gut made him feel nauseous. He didn't know how to tell Takao that he loved him too. He is so inexperienced with being confessed to and relationships that he panicked and wanted to get away as soon as possible. He felt his heart melt into a puddle when Takao disappeared behind double doors.

"Midorima-Kun?" Kuroko quietly exited Himuro's room and found him standing in the middle of the hall. "What's going on."

"Takao has been hurt... and it's all my fault.

"It will be alright." Kuroko said with a gentle smile. "Just apologize to him. Takao is the kind of guy who would forgive you even if you punched him in the face. You obviously mean a lot to him and vice versa so a meaningful apology will be more than enough."

"Thank you Kuroko... you're right."

"Hai." He replied before ducking back into Himuro's room.

A meaningful apology... yes as soon as he wakes up.