"Maka, will you," he took a deep breath, "will you marry me?"

"Of course I will you baka!" I yelled as I threw myself on top of him.

I like to think that mine and Soul's relationship has always been fun and carefree. But it hasn't been. So, let me tell you the story of me and my red eyed, lovable baka, starting from the very first day we met.

It was the first day of our freshman year at The DWMA and we had to choose someone to be our partner. Sid Sensei spoke to us about the responsibility of both meister and weapon and explained why we do what we do. I was sitting in the third row of seats, taking notes and doing my best to ignore the 2 or 3 boys who were being loud and saying things about how they already knew who they're choosing as their partner.

"Hey! Will you guys shut up! I'm trying to learn something here, unlike you!," I snapped when I finally couldn't handle it anymore, "and, if you're only here because you just want to have the pleasure of hanging out with girls you find hot all the time, GO HOME!"

"Ms. Albarn, is everything alright?" Asked Sid Sensei.

"H-hai," I replied, throwing a glare at the boys that caused them all to cringe, my eyes landing on the ring leader.

I gathered my things when class was dismissed and looked for Black Star. Naturally, I found him leaning against a wall talking to a girl. Typical Black Star, I thought as I walked up and punched him in the arm.

"HEY MAKA!" He exclaimed, "what's up?"

I sighed, "nothing much, just yelled at a few boys because they were being too loud in class."


"So, I'll, uhh, see you later then?" I asked as I flicked my eyes at the girl and then back at Black Star.


As I walked back to my dorm, I was stopped by a very gentle hand on my shoulder. I froze in my tracks, fearing that it might be some guy who only wanted to be my partner because they found me attractive.

"Hey, what you did back there was pretty cool. I don't know many girls who can stand up like that to a bunch of loud mouth guys the way you did," said a sexy, slightly husky voice behind me.

"Uhh, thanks," I said, half forgetting how to speak when I spun around and met eyes with blood red ones.

"Haha, you're kinda cute, y'know?"

Major turn off. "Umm, thanks, but I don't want a partner that only chose me because they find me attractive," I said as I straightened up to my full height. Damn it! He looked shorter than me in class.

"Haha, actually, I was gonna ask you to be my partner because of your ability to scare the shit out of people with a glare. But if that's why you think I was wanting to partner up with you, I'll go find another person."

He spun on his heels and began walking the other way, slouching with his head down. I was frozen to the spot, my mind still processing what had just happened. Against my will, my legs began walking towards him and before I knew it, I had caught up to him and grabbed a small bit of the fabric of his jacket.

"Wait," I said, my voice sounding oddly small, "I'll-I'll partner up with you, on one condition."

"And what might that be?" He asked as he turned to face me, lifting my head so I was forced to look at him.

"We never ever, under any circumstances, start dating. Because there's nothing worse than a meister and weapon who start dating and break up, and cause their wavelengths to become out of sync. Fur-"

I was cut off as he lightly kissed me, resting his forehead on mine. I could feel a heated blush rush to my cheeks as I tried to avoid eye contact with him.

"Haha, sorry. I just couldn't resist the urge to kiss you," he half whispered, "and by the way, your face is red."

"Shut up," I mumbled, too embarrassed to even look at him.

"Oh, I'm Soul, by the way. Soul Eater Evans."

"Maka Albarn. Scythe meister."


"Huh?" I asked, as I snapped back up to my full height. Geez, he must be at least 6 foot, I thought as I realized I was literally looking up at him.

"Yeah, I'm a scythe."

"Oh, cool. Ummm, I-I should be heading home or my crazy ass father will come screaming down here wanting to know where his Maka went," I said, "so, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

"Yeah! See you then!"


"Later gater."

And with that we went our separate ways.