Disclaimer: I own nothing

Secrets are hard. No one doubts that you can spend ages crafting a lie and one mistake and it all falls down. The bigger the secret the harder it is to hide. In the beginning Danny had fought hard to keep phantom a secret. It was hard it seemed like his own body was doing everything it could to oust him but he managed. He was proud that he'd managed. It got easier as he gained control. It whent from being a nightmare to something he'd grown to love (most of the time) especially the flying. He loved the flying.

He let he's guard down didn't pay enough attention. The Jazz found out and was ok with it. She didn't freak out she didn't hate him. It was nice. The idea of telling his parents didn't seem so impossible any more but he couldn't bring himself to say it. To tell them so he let more slip he didn't hide as much he waited till they came to him to ask what was wrong.

They never did they didn't notice. It hurt more than he could say. How could they not notice.

The pride he'd felt earlier disappeared. Clearly it hadn't mattered how well he hid after all.

He tried to ignore the pain focus on those who did care enough to notice. God it sucker Lancer noticed something was wrong before his parents did. Jazz's mothering became more of a comfort than an annoyance. Though he still ducked every time he saw a thermos in her hand. It hurt but he dealt with it.

He'd be lying if he said it didn't affect how he interacted with them. Vlad's taunts take on a whole different meaning now. He grew distant they only seemed to notice when he missed curfew. In a town with constant ghost attacks you'd think arriving home late coved in bruises would be self explanatory. But he wasn't bitter he wasn't.

It continued this way till that fatefully day in the Arctic it was out the truth. No more lies. They understood now. He forgave them he had he really had. Right?

Thank you for reading this is an early attempt any advice welcome and I have no beta so sorry for any mistakes I missed.