I was bored and so this happened. Enjoy. I do not own PJO or HoO.




Tick. Tick. Tick.

"Mr. DiAngelo could you please turn down the volume?!" I sighed and made a big show of lowering the volume on my watch, not wanting to get into more trouble. The problem was, it was already as quiet as it would ever get.

As soon as the bell rang, I hurriedly made my way out of class, in desperate need of a coffee. I looked down at my watch. Luckily, it hadn't made another sound during the rest of the class. I stared as the time written on it kept changing.


1 hour, 45 minutes


2 years, 3 days


5 years, 2 months, 24 days

I groaned in frustration. What are they doing that keeps changing the time? Is it really that hard to just stick to one path? I stormed down the hall with my head down and ran into someone.

"Hey Nico. What's got you all tied up?" a voice asked.

I looked up. It was one of my close friends, Percy. I couldn't help but stare at his bare wrist. Lucky guy, finding his soul mate so quickly. It was like he got it on and then two days later, it fell off. I used to think he was mine, but once his and Annabeth's fell off at the same time, I had to admit it wasn't true.

"My 'soul mate' keeps changing things up and my watch keeps changing and it's so annoying!" I huffed out in a single breath.

Percy messed up my hair and I glared at him as I put my already messy dark curls back where they belong.

"Don't worry kid, you'll find them one day," he said and then jogged off to find Annabeth.

I stuffed my books back into my locker and made my way out of the school building. The university campus was huge, and luckily had an amazing coffee shop just a short walk from my dorm.

I quickly grabbed my usual, black coffee with 2 sugars, from the cafe and went to walk around the campus, enjoying the cloudy but still somewhat warm day. The best weather.



"Argh!" I groaned, quite loudly. I wish I could tear the watch off my arm, but it was impossible. The watches would fall on their own when the time came. If only that time would come soon.

I heard laughing from behind me and spun around to face my mocker.

"Need a little help?" the voice asked. I looked up. The guy was quite a bit taller than me, but who wasn't? He smiled down at me with a huge, shiny grin and his teeth were so white I had to look away, but didn't want to at the same time. He had a golden mop of hair matched perfectly the bluest eyes ever. Maybe more sky blue than the sky if it was possible.

I saw him studying me the same way and somehow I knew this was him. I could tell he had figured it out too and his smile got bigger if it even could.

"So you're the guy I've been waiting for?" he asked.

I glared up at him, but it only seemed to amuse him. "What have you been doing all these years? Everyday my watch changes at least twice! Why do you keep changing your mind and doing things that aren't, well, what you're supposed to do? Do you know how hard it is for me? Waking up and seeing that I'm supposed to meet you in five minutes and then having it change to ten years? Ugh…" I trailed off, unable to come up with anymore words, all my anger dissipating as he grinned at me.

"I'm Will," he said offering me his hand. I just stared at him.

I sighed. "And I'm the guy you're supposedly going to annoy for the rest of our lives."

"Yep!" he replied cheerfully.

"I'm Nico," I said and went to shake his hand. Before my hand could touch his, Will pulled me into a hug.

"Am I supposed to expect a lot of unexpected hugs in the future?"

"Yep." I sighed again, but this time with a smile on my face. I could get used to him. I tilted my head up with a smirk and he leaned down at the same time.

Our lips connected and our watches both fell off with a tiny click. Not that either of us noticed.