By Dan Ectodude Shannon

Chapter 3: Ghost of a Chance - The World of Ghostbusters

Ed's burgundy Blazer pulls up into Dan's driveway. After stepping out of the truck, he proceeds to the gate that led into the backyard. Before he could open the door all the way, barking was heard from behind the gate door, and a sudden resistance came about.

Ed: Ok, Dasher, back up! Come on, let me in!

The chubby Elkhound backed away from the door, and sat in front of him. Ed walked in, and shut the gate quickly behind him. As he passed by to go to the back garage, he pet the dog on the head.

As he rounded the corner of the house, into the back workshop/garage, he heard the sound of an air drill revving. The garage door was open, revealing the front end of DeLorean with a pair of feet and legs sticking out from underneath. Ed walked up, and kicked one of the feet. Both legs jumped upward as a bang was heard under the car...

Voice: OW! God damnit!

Ed: Dan?

Dan pulled himself out from under the vehicle, face covered with oil and filth, and coveralls with dark spots. He looked up to Ed...

Dan: Oh, hey Ed. I didn't know you were there.

As Dan stood up, Ed spoke...

Ed: What the hell are you doing?

Dan: Fine tuning. Oh, check this out!

Dan went to the back of the DeLorean, and opened the engine bay that was under the Fusion Generators hopper, and waved Ed to take a look...

Ed: What is it?

Dan: I just got finished dropping a Volkswagen VR6 engine in there. It should be able to give us one hell of a boost! And look at this...

He went back to the front of the DeLorean, and opened the trunk space. There were two large green tanks hooked up to a regulator valve, and went to the back of the car...

Dan: Nitrous Oxide turbo boost! And with the hover conversion activated, we could go over 215 MPH!

Ed: What about the time machine activating at 85?

Dan: I rigged it so when we have the time circuits off, we can accelerate to top speed! I even made a time drive switch lock to make sure I don't flip the switch on by accident when I change gears!

Ed: Every little bit helps. Anything else?

Dan: As a matter of fact, I picked up something else.

Dan walked into the back room of the garage, and came out with a tee-shirt hanging on a hanger. It looked like a handmade shirt, for it looked crappy on size and type of sewing quality. He hung it on the door, and closed the door where the shirt is facing both Ed and Dan. Dan stands back next to Ed...

Dan: When we first went to the BTTF world, I picked up these gloves, and they were made out of a fabric called "Poly-Iron" weave. I picked up a bundle of it after I put the money into the account in 1985 BTTF world. I found out that this poly-iron stuff is only used for Police uniforms and certain types of construction articles. They said it was tougher then Kevlar.

Ed: So, what's your point?

Dan: This is.

Dan unzipped the top portion of his coveralls, and pulled a Glock .45 out of a holster. Ed ducked in panic...

Ed: DAN! What the hell are you doing?!

Dan: Relax. I'm going to demonstrate how kick ass this stuff is. Watch.

Dan cocked the gun, and turned on the laser sight that was connected to the finger guard. He pointed to the center of the shirt, and fired multiple shots. Bullets ricocheted off the shirt, and hit other objects in the garage. Dan quits firing, and re-holsters the Glock as Ed walks up to the shirt. The shirt is totally unaffected.

Ed: Holy shit!

Dan: Actually, you should just say "Shit" because there's no holes in it!

Ed inspected the shirt some more before coming to a conclusion...

Ed: Does this mean... We're totally bullet-proof?

Dan: People will shoot us, and they'll think we're supermen. Although, there is a bit of a problem.

Ed: What?

Dan: The bullet may not get through the material, but we can still feel the impact of the bullet's force. All I'm saying is, don't think you're not going to get hurt while wearing this, ok? It's just enough to make sure you don't end up dead.

Ed: So... what are we going to use this stuff for?

Dan: I've already put two to three layers of this stuff as a lining on the inside of the re-adjustable jackets we got. It should protect us from bullets and other fast-moving projectiles, such as swords and knives. Even Blade's acid-edged sword couldn't cut through the shit.

Dan walked back into the back room. When he walked out, he no longer had the coveralls on, but now he was wearing the green and black re-adjustable jacket with his Chicago Blackhawks hat. Stitched on the left breast of the jacket was a black tag that read "SHANNON" in red letters, much like the Ghostbusters name tags.

On the right arm was a round patch that had a silver ring around a black space. In the black space were multiple Earths, spiraling around, and on top of the spiraling Earths, written in gold lettering said "TimeWise." And in the silver ring, written in green and blue lettering said "Paratech Industries Dimensional Assistance Unit."

Under the jacket, Dan was wearing a plain black shirt, and a regular pair of baggy pants. He was also wearing the tool belt he had acquired while in the BTTF world. In the largest pouch was the oversized "FUTABA" DeLorean controller, and in the other was the "E-Z Sleep" Sleep Inducer.

As he was walking out, he was carrying the other jacket, along with a futuristic pair of Airwalks. They looked to be the power-lacing kind. He also had the other tool belt and pair of gloves. He tossed them at Ed, and instructed him to put them on. After all was said and done, it was time...

Ed: Where to?

Dan: Well, first, we'll need to stock up on equipment, and we need something that we know for a fact how to work. What's the one other world we know by the back of our hands in pertains to technology?

Ed: Ghostbusters?

Dan: "...And Bingo Was His Name-O."

Dan stepped into the driver seat of the DeLorean, as Ed did the same on the passenger side. As he started the car, Dan pulled out the garage door controller, and shut the garage door, locking the DeLorean inside. Ed looked at Dan...

Ed: Uh... Aren't we supposed to go out that door?

Dan took another controller out of his pocket, and clicked it. A smaller garage door opened, about the size of the DeLorean, revealing a large freshly cemented slab. He backed the car out of the portal, and into the open. When outside, he hit the hover controls. They take off into the afternoon sky with a large bang.


Ghostbusters World
New York , New York
August 26, 1987
5:32 PM

Night was falling in the Big Apple. The last hours of the summer afternoon day filled the sky. At GBHQ, in the second level lounge area, Ghostbusters Winston Zeddemore and Dr. Egon Spengler sat at the coffee table playing a game of chess. Dr. Raymond Stantz was down in the basement checking the Ecto-Containment Unit - the large, red comic looking storage device used to hold all ghosts caught. Janine Melnitz, the Ghostbusters secretary, sat at her desk reading "Cosmopolitan," quietly waiting for the phone to ring. And finally, Dr. Peter Venkman was in the bunk room getting ready for his "big date," for lack of better term.

As he was putting on his suit jacket, he started feeling something cold and wet starting to soak his shirt. Peter's eyes were about to shoot out of his head as he quickly took off the jacket, and screamed one simple word...

Peter: SLIMER!

Indeed, Slimer, the little green ghost that happens to reside in the firehouse, had left a nice slimy layer of ectoplasmic residue on the inside of Peter's suit jacket. Slimer stuck his head through the floor, and looked up at Peter...

Peter: Slimer, I just had this dry cleaned! My date's going to be here any minuet, I had one clean shirt, and my suit is trashed! What do you have to say for yourself?!

Slimer burst out laughing.


Peter ran to the closet, and pulled out a Proton Pack. He strapped it on, and pulled the gun off the hook as he started it up. At the sound of the pack's mechanical whirling, Slimer stopped laughing, and looked at the barrel of the gun that was now pointed at his face. Instead of laughing, he swallowed in fear...

Peter: Any last words, green one?!

Slimer held up one finger, indicating he had one thing to say...

And then screamed as he went back into the floor, narrowly missing Peter's beam. Peter ran out of the room, headed towards the nearest fire pole, and slid down. Winston and Egon looked at each other, and just resumed their game. Slimer flies by at high speed past the stairs that lead to the basement. As Ray comes up, he watches Slimer fly by, followed by Peter.



Three sonic blasts later, the DeLorean appears above 5th street at 500 feet. Dan and Ed looked around for a safe place to park the time machine. Ed taps Dan on his shoulder, and points to an alley. Dan set the DeLorean down in the somewhat narrow space. They step out, close the doors, and start walking towards GBHQ.


While running around the garage, Peter fired multiple shots, missing each time. Slimer flies back up stairs. Peter runs by Janine's desk, and brushes the desk lamp. The lamp just about topples over when Janine, while not looking up from the magazine, grabs the lamp, and puts it upright on the desk. Before Peter could run up the stairs, Ray stops him, and forces him to drop the pack...

Peter: But Ray, he gunked up my jacket and my dress shirt! The little spud must pay!

Ray: Peter, he doesn't know better!

Peter: Why are you defending him?! He's not the one that has to go out on a date in 5 minuets!

That was when the phone rang. Janine picked up the phone as she spoke in her heavy Brooklyn accent...

Janine: Hello, Ghostbusters... Uh-huh... Ok, what did this flying object look like?... ::surprised look:: Say that again?... A flying DeLorean?


As the two TimeWise Operatives walked down Varrick St., something occurred to Ed...

Ed: Um, Dan? I was wondering if I could ask you something?

Dan: Shoot.

Ed: If we're in the Ghostbusters world...

Dan: Yeah?

Ed: ...and someone saw us re-enter from that temporal field...

Dan: Uh huh?

Ed: ...do you think someone might call in about it?

Dan stopped in his tracks...

Dan: Oh, shit... I knew I forgot something!

The firehouse was visible from where they were. They heard the siren blare, and saw the large wooden double doors fly open as the Ecto-1 took off screeching. They flew past the two Paratech members as they headed back toward 5th St. Dan and Ed looked at each other, then hailed a cab. As Dan and Ed stepped into the cab, a young blonde haired woman in a blazer and skirt walked up to the cab...

Woman: Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where I can find a Peter Venkman?

Ed: Uh...

He looked to Dan, and Dan shook his head...

Ed: No.

They shut the doors, and the cabby spoke to them...

Cabby: Where to, boys?

Dan: 5th St. and floor it!


At the scene of the "crime" the Ghostbusters looked over the area. Peter complained as he looked at his watch...

Peter: Speges, are you sure this is where that person said that De Lozenge car was? ::mumbles:: Because I would really like to go on my date.

Egon turned to Peter, and pushed up his red-rimed glasses...

Egon: First, to state a correction, it's named "DeLorean,", and second, yes. The person that called in reported that there were three sonic booms, accompanied by three flashes of light.

Ray: It's quite strange, how can a vehicle just suddenly appear out of nowhere. Also so, how come it doesn't show up on the equipment?

Egon: Even I'm confused on how it could happen.

Winston: Do we have to look for it manually?

Egon: Maybe...

As Egon spoke, Peter wandered to an open alley...

Egon: We may have to first create a mapping of the area, then we might need to calculate wind resistance, time of first appearance...

Peter: Egon?

Egon: ...we may also have to get a witness list...

Peter: Eggy?

Egon: How high the vehicle was...


Egon jumped out of his train of thought, and looked to Peter...

Egon: What, Peter?!

Peter: What do these DeLoreans look like?

Ray: All stainless steel body, kinda looks like a Lotus with gull wing doors.

Peter pointed with his thumb to the alley...

Peter: I think we found the car.

On the corner of Varrick and 5th, the cab transporting the TW team stopped. Dan and Ed stepped out as the cabby stuck his head out of the window...

Cabby: That'll be $24.75, bud.

Dan quickly pulled out the Sleep Inducer, and flashed it in the cabby's eyes. He instantly passed into a deep sleep...

Dan: Not today, dude.

He pushed his head back into the window. Dan reached in the cab, put the car in park, and shut the engine off. As they walked away...

Ed: Sweet dreams.

They broke out into a jog towards the alley they parked the DeLorean.


All 4 Ghostbusters looked over the odd-formed car with extreme curiosity. As Egon ran his PKE meter over the vehicle, he was stumped when his wasn't getting any PKE readings, but instead, getting a large EM pulse. Winston tried to open the doors, but to no anvil. That was when Peter walked up, and took a couple of precision tools out of his jumpsuit pocket...

Winston: Whacha doin', Pete?

Peter: I'm going to pick the lock, what's it look like?

Ray: Now where did you learn to pick locks?

Peter: How do you think I was able to pull practical jokes on people while in college? I would pick the locks to their frat house doors, and make a raid.

Peter bent down to the driver sides door lock, Egon looked at him strangely...

Egon: Fraternities, Peter?

Peter: Ok, so, most of them were sororities!

As soon as Peter shoved the one metal pick into the lock, a large spark of electricity shot from the lock, and zapped Peter. The shock was so great, he was launched from his crouched position, and thrown into a wall. Everyone had covered their eyes as the spark's flash erupted. When they uncovered their eyes, Ray, Winston and Egon saw Peter plastered to the wall, hair sticking straight up and smoldering. After coughing out a puff of smoke, he spoke...

Peter: Can someone get a big spatula, and *PLEASE* get me off the wall?

Dan and Ed were about to round the corner, when they saw the Ghostbusters pealing Peter off the wall. They jump back, and peered around the corner...

Ed: May I ask why Peter is stuck to the wall close to the driver side door of the DeLorean?

Dan: I take it he was about to open the door to the car. I added a special security system that if you pick the lock, you get electrocuted.

Ed: You know, you could kill someone.

Dan: Naw, I had it especially rigged to make sure it just give them, you know, a "Kick in the Ass"?

After they got their fellow Ghostbuster off the wall, they looked to the car...

Winston: Hey, did anyone ever notice this car looks familiar?

Egon: How so?

Winston: It took me a while, but this car looks like a the Time Machine from Back to the Future.

This confused both Dan and Ed, because they didn't expect them to know such a world existed...

Ed: How the hell did they know?

Dan: I think the contradiction between the worlds are the same except for this one difference. They have the same movies, the same economic circumstances, just what the world is based on makes the whole thing different.

After a short time, the other Ghostbusters, except Peter for he was trying to make his hair stay down after the shock, looked over the DeLorean, it did finally hit them...

Ray: Egon, he's right! It looks exactly like the one from the movie! Oh, boy, isn't this exciting?!

Peter: I'll say it again, the man loves his work.

Egon: Maybe so, but how could it fly?

Winston: Remember at the end of the movie?

Ed: Why are they just referencing the first movie?

Dan: Because it's 1987. BTTF2 doesn't come out for another 2 years.

Egon: Still, it's not possible. The physics of time travel, flight and other such nonsense are not possible, only to the supernatural, and we've seen it. we are only to assume that this vehicle is a possessed vehicle. We're going to have to destroy it. Pull your throwers.

Dan's eyes were going to pop out of his head. They flashed around the corner, and looked to each other...

Dan: What do we do?! We can't let them destroy it!

Ed: I don't know! Wait, you still have the controller for the car, right?!

Dan: Yeah! Good thinking, Ed!

Dan pulled the large FUTABA controller from the tool belt pouch, and flicked on the switch. The guys pulled out their throwers, and turned them on. The car started, and immediately took off on hover conversion. As the Ghostbusters took aim to fire, Ed reached into Dan's jacket pocket, and pulled out Dan's Glock.

Ed fired two to three wild shots in the air, causing the paranormal eliminators to miss the now hovering stainless steel vehicle. Dan made the DeLorean take off into the sky, and out of sight. After the car was gone, the two Paratech employees ran far away from the corner they were once standing. By the time the Ghostbusters turned the corner to see where the shots rang from, Dan and Ed where gone.


7:22 PM

Dan and Ed looked for the DeLorean after the little encounter with the Ghostbusters trying to shoot it. Dan was holding a small handheld device - a converted Sega GameGear, to be exact - which showed an arrow pointing to a 5 story building. The arrow turned from green to red as a small beep emanated from the device...

Ed: I need to know, why a GameGear?

Dan: Well, they sell them for cheap, and its already got the basics that I need to make the thing.

They looked up the side of the building, and saw that there was no fire escape.

Ed: Great. Now what?

Dan: Click your heels together.

Ed: Dan, this isn't "The Wizard of Oz." And for the fact I'm not wearing red slippers!

Dan clicked his once, and several lights lit up in his shoes. He had a pair of futuristic New Balance's on...

Dan: They're hover skate shoes. You know how they made the skate shoes? They did the same thing with these! I re-modified them so we can either switch to hover skate, or reverse-magnetize so we can scale the walls. Watch.

Dan pressed the tip of one of his shoes to the wall, and put his fingers in a crease in the brick structure. He pulled up, and repeated the process. Ed watched in amazement as Dan had already reached halfway up the wall.

Dan: Come on, dude!


Back at GBHQ in Egon's lab, Egon, Ray and Winston tried to figure out what had happened with the DeLorean they had an unusual conflict with...

Ray: Wait a minuet, Egon! You said that you were getting a high EM radiation reading from the car when you scanned it. Does that mean that maybe the car is holding the ghost, but its stainless steel paneling maybe shielding it from its true PKE levels?

Egon: It's a possibility. Stainless steel does had a way of shielding a certain amount of radiation, thus being able to shield ectoplasmic signatures. The only way we can find that reading again, is being approximately 2.23 centimeters from the vehicle itself.

Winston: I don't know, Egon. That car looked exactly like the one from the end of "Back to the Future" with the two vents in the back, and the "Mr. Fusion" thing in the back... and for it to fly?

Egon: It may possibly be a replication of the one at the end of the film, and it could be possible that ghost can simply be levitating it off the ground if it's to be a poltergeist. What we may need to do is first contact the owner of the vehicle, and then with their permission, destroy it in order to release the ghost from the vehicle.

Down the hall, they heard Peter yelling...

Peter: Wait, Amanda! I had to go out on a call! Give me another chance!... Come on, I'm begging you!... No, don't let me go! Nuts!

Peter slammed down the phone in the 2nd floor lounge, for his date that he was supposed to have dropped him on his ass. He walked into the lab with a pissed look on his face. He grabbed a chair, and joined around the table in the middle of the lab...

Winston: I take it Amanda Birchwood wouldn't let you have that second chance?

Peter: Winston, I like you a lot as a friend, but please, shut up before I zap you.


The two Paratech Operatives finally reached the roof of the building the DeLorean was found on. Ed was amazed that the stainless steel vehicle was found parked...

Ed: You didn't land this thing, did you?

Dan: Nope. I found that there was an emergency auto-land program and sensor attached to the hover conversion, allowing it to land if the power level got low. The sensor detects if there's ground under the vehicle, and lands it automatically. I believe that means I should fill the Fusion Generator.

Ed: Dan, you do realize we can't just fly this thing around anymore, don't you?

Dan: Damnit, you're right. They may try to blow the car apart if they see it again. Well, how do we get there, Mr. U?

Ed went to the trunk, and pulled out two hover boards. He tossed one to Dan as he strapped his to his foot, and wandered to the edge of the roof...

Dan: Um, I'd say "Nice thinking," but I don't know how to skateboard, more or less hover board.

Ed: Oh, don't bitch!

Ed grabbed Dan's arm, and they both went hurling over the side of the building...


They were careening to the ground, the humming of the board on high as they sped faster and faster. When they reached the ground, the boards did nothing more then bounce off the ground, then flew forward down the street, both with their riders regaining their senses. Ed took the skating like a pro, where is Dan was still trying to regain control that he never really have to begin with.


Janine: ::On phone:: ...You said you saw what?... Ok, they'll be right there.

Janine hung up the phone, and slammed down on the alarm. All 4 Ghostbusters rushed down the pole, and presented themselves in front of her desk as she handed the paper to Egon. He adjusted his glasses, then took a double take...

Egon: Is this right?

Janine: The man that phoned said he saw two people fall past his apartment window, then said he saw them float down the street.

Peter: Janine, may I remind you that we are not the morgue? We're the post-burial clean-up crew.

Winston: Really? Explain why they got up and floated away like they did?

Outside, Ed coasted to a stop around the back of the firehouse, where Dan tried to stop, but ended up tilting backwards, and landing on his ass. The hoverboard was thrown upward. Dan looked up, and saw the hoverboard coming for his head, nose down. It hit him in the forehead.

Dan: OW! Son of a...!

Ed: SHHHHHH! ::above whisper:: We're trying to keep a low profile! Keep it down!

That was when the large double doors opened in the front of the firehouse, and Ecto-1 took off around the corner. They zoomed passed as Dan got up. They looked to each other as they heard the low-moan siren fade in the distance...

Dan: Well, it is kinda easy to keep it low when someone else is drawing attention to themselves.

Ed stepped on the tail of the board, and caught it as it flew up. They both walked into the front of the firehouse, the smell of exhaust from Ecto-1 looming.


Janine looked up, and saw two men, both wearing identical black and green jackets, walking up to her desk. One man was tall. About 6'4" with strangely dyed blond, spiked hair. And he was fairly skinny. The other was shorter, but still about 6'2", and he was a bit more husky. He had natural blonde hair underneath a fitted Blackhawks hat that was turned backwards. Both wearing tool belts with the strangest devices in the pouches. The jackets they wore looked strange, like something out of a sci-fi movie. The both of them stood in front of the desk...

Janine: Can I help you gentlemen?

The husky one reached into the pouch, and pulled out an ID card...

Husky man: Hello, ma'am. I'm Dan Shannon, and this is my partner Ed Ulatoski. We're with the EPA, Division 6.

Ed looked to Dan. Dan just shrugged.

Janine: Look, we already told you, we were told we were not going to be subjected to surprise inspections!

Dan: Uh... actually, we're here because we have some license issues we need to attend to, so if you could kindly tell us when they'll be back?

Janine: Well, I couldn't tell you, Mr. Shannon. It all depends on how the capturing goes.

Ed: Could you tell us where they went? We have to get this little matter taken care of as soon as possible.

Janine: I'm afraid I can't release that information.

Dan and Ed turned their backs as they spoke to each other...

Ed: Ok, it's obvious she isn't going to tell us. I'm thinking someone saw us jump off the roof, and hoverboard down the street.

Dan: Yeah, I'm thinking that too. Well, it's also a given that Janine is going to ask a shitload of questions before we leave, in 3... 2... 1...

Janine: Wait a minuet, there is no Division 6 of the EPA!

Dan: What did I tell ya? It's a given.

They turned around to find the redheaded secretary standing from behind her desk...

Janine: Ok, who are you guys, and what do you want?!

Ed: We'd say something, but you'll think of us as insane.

Janine: You'd better say something, or else I'm going to let Slimer have at you!

Dan: Lets be honest, Hun... the little bugger don't surprise us.

Janine: Ok, you asked for it! SLIMER! There's two men from Hostess with Twinkies in their jacket pockets!

Slimer came barreling through the ceiling, sights fixed on the Paratech team. Dan turned on his heel, and looked at the little floating green blob coming at him. When Slimer was close enough, Dan whipped out the Sleep Inducer, and flashed it in his eyes. Slimer fell asleep. Dan turned back around, and put the Sleep Inducer back into the pouch as he looked at Janine...

Dan: Like I said, the bugger doesn't surprise us.

Ed: The Twinkies in our jacket pockets was just plain cold.

Janine was shocked. She watched as Slimer floated over her, asleep. She looked back over to the two men that stood before her...

Janine: Who are you, and what did you do to Slimer?

Dan: Well, to answer the first question, we're from another dimension. We're the TimeWise Dimensional Assistance Unit.

Ed: I take it you got a call about a flying DeLorean?

Janine was still in shock.

Janine: Yeah! How do you know about that?

Dan: Well, that's the vehicle we came in. The DeLorean itself is a dimensional transdescending device.

Ed: And now, to answer that other question, Slimer is asleep. He'll be fine in about 20 minuets. Besides, what can we do to him that would harm him anyway?

Janine: Ok, now that we have that out of the way... What do you want?!

Dan and Ed jumped...

Dan: Geez... Whatever your caffeine intake is, please, limit it to half that amount!

Ed: What we want is simple: an exchange of our assistance for two Proton Packs, two Ghost Traps, and one PKE Meter.

Dan: And for those dudes not to destroy my machine!

Janine: What do you need with Proton Packs? Don't you have laser weapons from other worlds?

Ed: Well, the thing is, this is our first mission.

Dan: We came to a world that we've... monitored... for the longest.

Ed: So, please, we need to know what kind of call they responded to.

Janine: They went after a couple of guys that jumped off a building, and floated down the street.

Dan: Well, back to the DeLorean. North we go!

Janine: North? The address I gave them said west!

Dan and Ed: What?


8:04 PM
1.2 Miles dew west of GBHQ

Two lone figures wearing long coats stood on the roof of a nearby building. They overlooked the street, hearing the low moan siren in the distance approach. The one figure, which was the taller of the two, watched as the old, white ambulance passed by the building, continuing its way up the road. He spoke...

Figure1: There they are. It seems they're taking the bate, don't you think?

Figure2: That's the way it looks.

Figure1: Were all the preparations made for the hijacking?

Figure2: Everything's set, sir.

Figure1: Good. Once we get the equipment from them, we're going to back, and take over. No one will fuck with us!

They laughed as they walk away.


Not too far away, the Ghostbusters interviewed the man that witnessed the two men falling past the window...

Egon: Did you happen to get a glance of what these two men looked like, Mr. Phillips?

Phillips: Yeah, it looked like they had black trench coats on. They's feet wasn't touchin' the ground!

Ray: Was that all you saw?

Phillips: Well, yeah, I guess you's can say dat.

Peter: Well, I'm sure it'll easy to find two long coated freaks that aren't walking.

Phillips: Well, they weren't just floating, they looked like they's were trying to skate.

Ray: Trying to skate?

Winston: Well, there's something you don't hear of everyday.

Egon pulled out his PKE meter, and took a scan. It found a high EM pulse coming from right above them. One very similar to the one they picked up on the DeLorean they saw earlier that day...

Egon: Something's on the roof!

Ray: There is?! Come on, lets go get it!

Ray pulled the proton gun off the hook, and started his pack as he rushed out of the room. The rest of the team rolled their eyes...

Peter: We're going to need to give him a kicking when this is over.

They pulled their throwers, and rushed after Ray. Once they reached the roof, they saw something sitting at the other end of it with a tarp over it. Egon walked up to the device, and waved the PKE meter over it. It was defiantly an EM pulse, but it wasn't the *exact* same. Egon was about to pull the tarp off of whatever it was, when gun shot off, and struck him in the arm.

The Ghostbuster looked up, and saw the two men in trench coats, hovering above the ground, holding 9mm Berettas.


Dan and Ed sat at in front of Janine's desk, while she questioned the two men from Paratech Industries...

Janine: ...So, there's believed to be over a countless number of worlds? How come this one first?

Dan: Well, the thing is, we can only visit worlds that we can monitor. Such as your world. We know almost every aspect of this worlds technological development.

Ed: We truthfully want to be friends for you guys. All the reason we didn't come in here, guns pointed, and so on and so forth.

That was when the radio behind the side of Janine's desk crackled to life with screaming of all sorts ringing from the speakers...

Ray: Stantz to Ghostbusters Central! Stantz to Ghostbusters Central! Come in, Janine!

She picked up the mic, and spoke...

Janine: This is Ghostbusters Central! What's going on Ray?!

Ray: We're under attack! Two guys in black trench coats are shooting at us while hovering in the air! Egon was shot in the arm, but he's ok!

Dan: Did he say two guys in black trench coats?!

Ed: Dan? Dan, what's the matter?!

Dan looked to Ed like he just saw the Evil Dead for the first time. Dan jumped up, and looked at Janine...

Dan: Janine, we need a ride over there!


The Ghostbusters tried to cover themselves in a shack on the roof of the building as the two mystery men shot at them. They tried to return fire, but the men interpreted every movement they made...

Winston: I don't get it?! Who are these guys, and why are they shooting at us?!

Peter: You didn't happen to cut anyone off on the turnpike within the last week, have you?!

One of the men spoke while reloading his pistol...

Figure1: Look, boys, I have no beef with you, but you'd best turn your Proton Packs over, before you get yourselves killed!

Meanwhile, Janine's pink VW beetle sped down the street. Janine, who was wearing her pink and green uniform and a Proton Pack, and Dan and Ed, who were now equipped with Proton Packs themselves, were nervous about what was about to happen. Dan, who as sitting in the front passenger seat, screwed around with the particle thrower of his pack.

Ed leaned in from the back, and talked to Dan...

Ed: What's the matter?! Why are we getting involved in this?!

Dan: A number of years ago, when I was still in DeVry, I met someone that was extremely sick and twisted. Him and a friend of his. Me and him had a shitload of friction when it came to morals. Ideas were one thing, but when it came to right and wrong, he wanted for himself. He started contemplating the idea in dimensional crossings. He had this idea about stealing other worldly technology, and using it at other worlds peril. Him and his friend believed in the same things. They always wore black trench coats.

Ed: Who are they though?

Dan: Randal Paulson and Rob Drayman of Darkworld Technologies.

Janine: Are you saying that there's another group of people that are dimensional assistance?!

Dan: These guys?! Hell no! They won't assist, they'll kill! But the thing that floors me is, how the hell did he figure out how to do it!

The VW bug stopped in front of the building as Dan and Ed immediately jumped out of the car. When they heard the shots being fired, they ran into the building with Janine following behind.

Back on the roof...

Winston: Ok, I'm going to cover you guys! You get out of here as fast as you can!

Ray: No, Winston! I'll cover, and you go!

Winston: Look, homeboy, we don't have time for this! You and Peter need to get Egon outta here! Now move it, or loose it!

Ray helped Egon up from off the floor as Peter looked around the side of the shack. Winston peered around the other side, to find that the men where gone. Both Peter and Winston charged the throwers, as Peter got in front.

Peter: Ready... Go!

Peter bolted for the door to the stairs, followed by Ray and Egon. Right before they were halfway across the roof to the door, two silver beings appeared out of nowhere in front of Peter, and knocked him down. The silver covering flaked off the two men as the taller one grabbed Peter, yanked him up, and held the gun to his head...

Figure1: Hold it, or the pretty-boy gets it in the head!

Everyone, even Egon, put their hands up...

Figure2: Ok, boys. Now that we have your attention, hand us the packs, and your buddy won't get hurt!

That was when the door was kicked in, knocking the smaller man in the coat down with the door. Dan ran out, Thrower started and armed. Ed ran out, and covered the smaller man as Dan went to the one holding Peter...

Dan: Hold it, Randal!

At the sound of Dan's voice, the taller man's eyes widened...

Dan: Turn around!

He turned around. Randal Paulson was a skinny, brown-haired man in his early 20's, much like Dan. He was still hanging onto Peter with the gun to his head...

Randal: Well, well. Hello Shanahan. What's a hangin'?

Dan: You'll be, by a rope!

Randal: Well, it also looks like you got ahead of us in the Proton Pack department!

Dan: Yeah... We asked nicely!

Peter, who was still held hostage, looked on in confusion...

Peter: I'm sorry, but who the zipity-doo-da are you two?

Dan: Excuse my ignorance. I'm Dan Shannon. Paratech Industries. TimeWise Dimensional Assistance Unit.

Randal: Randal Paulson. Darkworld Technologies. YearGear Parallel Havoc Elite.

Dan: Smart title.

Randal: Fuck you, Shanahan!

Dan: I told you, my name is Shannon!

Ed pulled up the other man in the coat. Rob Drayman was about a foot shorter then Randal with black, crew-cut hair. The other Ghostbusters were beyond confused on what was going on...

Winston: Um... I'm sorry, what do you guys do?

Dan: I'll explain later, Winston.

Winston: Wait a minuet, how do you know who I am?!

Dan: Later!

Randal: Look, Shanahan, I gave you a chance to be apart of Darkworld. We could have had it all! You where my right-hand man! You where the brains behind the operation!

Dan: That was before I knew what your intentions where. Stealing could have destroyed the worlds very space-time fabric, which could have been carried out into our own universe. I left your shitty idea in the dust and I did it on my own. But I'd like to know one thing: how the hell did you complete a transdescendible vehicle without me?

Randal: Dan, Dan, Dan... you should know better to not think about your home computer!

Peter: Um... Excuse me again. I'm starting to loose feeling my arms, could you please...

Randal and Dan: SHUT UP, VENKMAN!

Dan: Well, being as stupid as you are, I now know to not put anymore ideas on a computer hooked to the internet!

Randal: Your hard-headedness shocks and appalls me, Shanahan. You need to be put out of your misery!

Randal turned the gun towards Dan, and pulled the trigger. The bullet struck him in the chest of the jacket, and he was thrown backwards into Ed. The both of them tumbled ground as Rob was released from Ed's grip. Before Randal could point the gun to Peter's head again, Winston opened fire, and shot the gun out of his hand. Rob was about to turn around and shoot Winston, when Janine burst through the door, and shot the pistol out of his hand too.

Peter slid out of Randal's arms, and hit the floor with a thud as the two men in the coats raised their hands. Janine stepped out of the doorway, and Winston closed in on them, throwers armed. Randal couldn't help but laugh...

Randal: At least I got Shanahan out of the way!

Dan stood up, staggering a bit as he got his bearings, with Ed getting up close behind. Dan looked down where he got shot...

Dan: Ow! Asshole! I'm gonna have a burse there now, ya dickhead! And you ruined my fucking jacket!

Both men from Darkworld looked at each other, confused as hell. He survived?

Rob: Ok, how the hell did he do that?

Randal: It's obvious: body armor. But not to worry, I know something that even body armor couldn't protect from!

The both of them reached into their inside pockets, and two clicks were heard. They became covered with a silvery liquid, and vanished. Everyone looked around...

Dan: The hell?!

That was Randal's voice was heard...

Randal: Cunda astratta montose eargrets gutt Cathulhu veratoos amontos!

Ed: Cathulhu? Why does that sound familiar?

Randal: Kandar... Kandar... Kandar!

Wind drastically picked up, as the tarp covering whatever object that was underneath, blew off to reveal a converted black Lincoln LS coupe. The car itself had a design close to the DeLorean's. The doors to the car flew open, and closed...

Ed: Like Doc said: If you're going to build a time machine out of a car, why not do it with style?

Dan: Even I have to admit, the man does have taste!

The car converted into hover vehicle, and started to hover away, when all of the Ghostbusters charged their throwers, and fired. The beams reflected about 1 inch before its surface, and bounced back to the roof. A beam headed for Janine...

Egon: Janine! LOOK OUT!

Egon dove, and knocked Janine out of the way of the beam. They looked to each other...

Janine: Oh, Egon!

Ed: Oh, Christ. ::Slaps forehead::

The Lincoln LS sped off, and disappeared with a bang. Everyone looked at Dan and Ed confused as Egon and Janine stood up...

Ray: Who are you guys? And who were they?

The two men from Paratech looked at each other, not knowing what to say.

Dan: Well... uh... we're, uh...

That was when the ground started trembling. Everyone but Dan and Ed tumbled to the ground, for their reverse-magnetized footwear was activated.

Ed: What the hell was that?!

Dan: The last I heard, there were no Earthquakes in New York.

Egon and Janine, as well as the other Ghostbusters, stood up as Egon explained...

Egon: That wasn't any ordinary Earthquake! Whoever those two men were, they spoke of the Necronomicon: the ancient book of spells! He spoke of the bringing of Cathulhu!

Ed: Cathulhu? Holy shit! I remember now! One of the Great Old Ones!

Ray: Hey, how did you know about that?

Winston: Yeah! Who are you guys, and don't tell us, "Later"!

Dan and Ed looked to each other. They shrugged as they looked at all five of them...

Dan: As said before, my name is Dan Shannon, and this is my partner and assistant, Ed Ulatoski. Uh, we're from another dimension, crazy as it sounds. We monitor worlds that our outside our own.

Janine: Remember that flying DeLorean you saw, guys?

Peter: Yeah! It shocked me!

Dan: That was *my* DeLorean.

Egon: Impossible! Are you meaning to tell us that your DeLorean vehicle is in truth a time and dimensional traveling device?

Dan: Um... I think I had established that.

Ray: Then, if you're from another dimension... does that mean that those other guys were, too?

Dan: Unfortunately, yes, and I believe you guys, or we will not be seeing the last of them.

The wind really started to pick up, as a large bellow came from over the horizon. Lightning flashed in the sky as the winds became intense.

Winston: I thought after we sent Cathulhu back into the realm where he came from, that he couldn't come back for a thousand years!

Egon: Yes, that's true! But there was something different about that passage! The Samarian in that passage was very broken!

Dan: Ho, shit! I was just thinking! That passage sounded like the one from "Evil Dead 2"! Only difference was Cathulhu's name was placed within the passage! It's a modified summon! We have to get to the docks!

Dan and Ed ran down the stairs as the Ghostbusters followed behind. When they got down stairs, stray newspapers, garbage cans, and so forth flew around as the others tried to reach Ecto-1...

Dan: Ed! You go with the guys to the docks, and help hold off Cathulhu!

Ed: Ok!

Dan: Janine, I'm going to need a ride! I need to get to the DeLorean! Ok, lets go!

Dan and Janine hopped into the beetle, and sped down the street towards the DeLorean as Ecto-1 with all 4 Ghostbusters and the man from Paratech took to the docks. Dan took out the modified GameGear device, and tracked where the DeLorean was. Janine pulled up to the building, as Dan hopped out, and looked at her...

Dan: Ok, you're now going to have to go to the docks with the others! I'll be there momentarily! Alright?!

Janine: Yeah!

Dan: Ok, go!

Janine slammed on the gas, and took off back into the direction of the docks. Dan ran into the building, and up the stairs. Meanwhile, back at the docks, Ecto-1 screeches to a halt as all 5 men stepped out of the car. Ed readjusted his pack's setting as it walked to the edge of the water. The Ghostbusters joined around them, as Ray asked...

Ray: So, how exactly did you guys know what happened with Cathulhu the first time?

Ed, looking a little nervous, tried to think of a good answer to the question. He found one...

Ed: Years of close worldly study... Yeah.

Peter: Ok, if you know what happened so well, what did I call him?

Ed: A squid-headed Godzilla.

Peter was appalled...

Peter: Lucky guess!

Winston: Here it comes!

The dark, murky water started to glow orange as the lightning intensified. All five of them clicked on the packs, and readied themselves. Back on the roof, Dan has trouble opening the door to the roof, for it was locked. He grunted as he bangs on the door...

Dan: Damnit, who the hell thinks someone is going to brake into a building from the roof, if the building doesn't even have a fire escape!

Dan threw all his weight, plus the weight of the Proton Pack into the door. The door finally gave way for the locking mechanism broke apart. He rushed to the car parked on the roof, and loaded the Fusion Generator. He stepped in, started the DeLorean, and took off. He tried adjusting his seat, but the Pack took up all the space...

Dan: Damn Italian engineering! Why the hell did John DeLorean hire the guy from Lotus?!

Back at the docks, Janine had finally arrived. Everyone looked back towards her as she hopped out of the beetle. The water off the piers where raging as in the middle of the docks started to swirl and churn aggressively. The water formed a whirlpool, which grew immensely in size. The deep pit almost seemed bottomless. Suddenly, a bright green light poured from the vortex and shot far into the sky. A hellish, unearthly moan erupted from its depths. The awful sound resembled fingernails on a blackboard.

One large, scaly, green, four-fingered claw arose from the portal. It grabbed onto the edge of the pier. Its long, sharp fingernails dug deep grooves into the cement. A second arm of equal ugliness and proportion soon followed it. It bent its elbows and pulled up its body. Cathulhu began pulling himself up onto the docks, showing his ugly head. Consisting of multiple tentacles protruding from its squid-like head, Cathulhu pulled one of his legs up from the portal.

Ray: Ok, everyone, get ready!

All five Ghostbusters charged up their weapons as Ed raised his arm to use his wrist communicator. A digital chime was heard as he opened communication...

Ed: Dan, you there?!

Dan: ::over communicator:: Yeah!

Ed: Cathulhu's here! Where are you?!

Dan: I'm flying over Front Street... I think. I'll be there in about 30 seconds! Stall that bastard as long as you can! Shannon out!

Ed: You heard the man! Fire at will!

All five Ghostbusters and Ed opened fire upon the scaly-skinned Old One. The recoil of the beams slightly knocked Cathulhu backwards, knocking him into a warehouse. Everyone ran away closer to the street, and farther away from the docks as possible. The Great Old One stood up from the wreckage, as it focused on its targets. It was about to run up and crush them, when the DeLorean sped passed its ugly head, with the door open and Dan screaming out...

Dan: Hey, fugly! You want some of this?!

Dan made multiple passes around Cathulhu's body. Dan closed the door as he then sped off far and fast. He then raised his arm to use his com-link...

Dan: Ed! This is your chance! Go for it!

All 6 people on the ground opened fire once again upon the ugly demon. This time, Cathulhu just looked down, let out a horrendous howl, and attempted to step on them again. Everyone dodged, and ran to a safe hiding place as Egon screamed...

Egon: It's no use to use the throwers! We have to try to electrocute him!

Ray: Yeah! Like the last time, we had to pass 100,000 volts though him!

Winston: How do you propose we do that?! We're not at an amusement park like last time, and we don't have anything to attract lightning to!

Egon: Correct! Lightning is the only source of electricity that has enough power to produce that amount force to send Cathulhu back to his realm!

Ed: Wait! That's not entirely true! The Mr. Fusion can produce that amount of power!

Peter: You mean that thing on the back of the car?!

Ed: Yeah! Dan might be able to rig it to send the DeLorean through temporal displacement the second he makes contact with Cathulhu!

Ed raised his arm to talk again. The digital chime was heard as communication was established once again...

Ed: Dan, come in!

Back in the DeLorean, Dan responded to the call...

Dan: Dan here. Go.

Ed: Dan, is there a way you can rig the DeLorean to emanate a large electric shell over the car using Mr. Fusion? We're thinking you can drive right through Cathulhu the moment you hit 85!

Dan: I'm not sure. I re-calibrated the power resistance level to half a megawatt to make sure I don't overload the flux capacitor. Besides, it's very tricky to get the correct speed at the correct time. I don't know of another wa... Wait a minuet!

Ed: What?

Dan: I can create a protonic shell around the car, causing the lightning to follow me, and send that bastard back! Stall him while I hook the Proton Pack to the dispersment coils!

Ed: Gotcha! Ed out! ::closes communication:: Ok Speges, got an idea?

Egon: There's only one possible solution to this particular dilemma.

Peter: What's that?

Egon: Bait.

Peter: Ohhhh, *Janine*?!

Her Proton Pack was then set to high as the barrel of her thrower was then stuck into Peter's nose...

Peter: I was kidding! Fine, I'll do it!

Ed: I'll go with ya.

Both men ran out of cover as Peter screamed out to the searching Cathulhu. The Old One turned around, and found the Ghostbuster and Paratech Operative waving around their arms. Cathulhu takes off down the corridor. Peter and Ed turn to the other direction to run. As soon as his back is in their range, Egon, Ray, Winston and Janine open fire at him.

Meanwhile, Dan was standing outside of the hovering DeLorean, strapping the Proton Pack to the open passenger gull-wing door. The particle thrower was now detached from the lead-lined cord, and the cord is now attached to the outside dispersment coils. He closes the door on the passenger side, he starts up the Pack, and then climbs back into the car as he speeds off.

Back in the distance, Ed sees the DeLorean's headlights in the sky. He makes a quick message relay to Dan...

Ed: Dan, you had better be careful! If you get hit by lightning, you might end up in the Dark Ages!

Dan: Thanks, Ed. That fills me with a lot confidence!

Lightning flashed across the sky multiple times before one bolt flew past the bottom of the DeLorean.

Dan: WHOA! That was close! I better move it!

Dan gunned the engine. He pressed the lock release button on the Time Drive switch, and turned on the circuits. He quickly punched in the time, and started to run directly into Cathulhu's back. Another bolt of lightning blasted out of the clouds, and started to chase the DeLorean close behind. The lightning arced off, and continued close behind the time machine as he approached 85.

The car lit up in a bright ball of blue light as the lightning closed onto the car. Ed and Peter covered their eyes as the DeLorean disappeared. The fire trails flew right into Cathulhu's scaly body. He let out another of his horrendous howls as he caught on fire. Then, the lightning struck him, causing his howling to increase in volume. He began to turn into liquid as his now liquefying body began to fly upwards, into the clouds.

The lightning stopped abruptly as the waters on the piers calmed. Everyone stood up, and looked around at what happened. Silence filled the docks as everyone looked at Ed...

Ed: Well... it worked.

Egon approached him, with a very confused look on his face.

Ed: What?

Egon looked as if he wanted to say something, but the shock on his face described that he was at a loss for words.

Peter: Ed, you deserve a metal! You are the first person that has confused Dr. Egon Spengler!

Ray: Where is he?

Ed looked to his watch...

Ed: 3... 2... 1... now!

Three sonic blasts filled the sky as the DeLorean reappeared. It came to a complete stop, then landed in front of the group. Dan stepped out of the gull-wing door as the Ghostbusters looked on.

Dan: Did we get him?

Ray: Yeah! How did you do that?

Dan: I took your Proton Pack, and hooked them to the car. Since lightning is negative, the protons attracted the lightning to the car, allowing me to lead the lightning to the bastard. Which reminds me, Ed, go turn that pack off on the door.

Ed did so. He came back, both with the pack from the DeLorean, and the one he was wearing. He handed them to Dan, as the Ghostbusters approached Dan...

Dan: I know, this is an awkward moment. Well, we were here to help, but if you think otherwise, that's alright too. ::hands Proton Packs:: I believe these are yours.

Egon: That's perfectly alright. You may keep the packs.

Peter: Egon, you do realize that those things cost five thousand a pack?

Ray: Peter, do you realize you can't put a price on human life?

Winston: Yeah, these guys just saved our lives! And with those maniacs out there, it looks as if they need this equipment more then us right now.

Dan: Bless you guys. ::Hands packs back to Ed::

Peter: Well, still, I want *something* in return for this!

Dan thought for a moment. He tried to put himself into Peter's shoes, so that he could figure out what he had that he would be able to use. He thought of something, as he reached into the pouch of his belt...

Dan: Peter, here's something I know you're going to use. ::hands Peter object::

Peter: What is it?

Dan: It's for when... ::whispers:: for when Slimer does something you don't like.

Peter looked at him with a somewhat surprised expression. Dan tapped his nose, and a smirk came across Peter's face.

Peter: Need anything else?


Paratech Home World
November 26, 2002
5:12 PM

After the flashes and bangs, the DeLorean landed on the landing deck in the backyard of Dan's Tinley Park home. After he pulled the DeLorean in, both him and Ed stepped out.

Ed: I'm thinking of going to bed for a week. Who knew Ghostbusting was so hard?

Dan: And who knew Proton Packs were so fucking heavy? Believe me, this is not the last mission. Next one we have, we're going to get some lightweight weaponry.

Ed: Oh, I've been meaning to ask you, what was it you handed to Peter back there?

Dan: Oh... Lets just say Slimer's going to get a lot of sleep.

Ed realizes as a grin comes across both men's faces. We fade to black.

Stay tuned for Chapter 4 - Temporal Insanity Syndrome: World of Men In Black.