By Dan Ectodude Shannon

Chapter 1: The Beginning of an Adventure

It was a semi-sunny day in Orland Park, Illinois. The time was 5:22 PM, just about the time Ed Ulatoski was let off work. He reach his car - a metallic-burgundy '00 Chevy Blazer - and was about to unlock the door, when his cell phone went off. The assigned ring-tone was in the tune of the Back to the Future theme.

Ed took the phone out his pocket, and answered...

Ed: Talk to me.

Man on Phone: Hey, Ed! It's Dan Shannon!

Ed: I would have figured that, because it was your ring-tone.

Dan: Oh... I keep forgetting I gave you that theme!

Ed: So... what's up? I haven't heard from ya in a while, a couple of weeks as a matter of fact.

Dan: Sorry about that. I got caught up in a... Project.

As all this was happening, Ed manages to open his truck door, and slide in as he spoke over the phone...

Ed: Oh, really? What kind of project?

Dan: That's what I called you about. I need some assistance over here later tonight.

Ed: Why?

Dan: Call it a favor for when I built your Ghostbusters Proton Pack prop. You still need to pay me back for that.

Ed: That was... Three years ago, from when we started Chicago Division!

Dan: I know, but this will pay back a shitload. For the most part, it's not really work. Hell, it isn't really you giving me something.

Ed: Uh, I don't get where you're coming from.

Dan: Well, I'll explain it later tonight when you get here.

Ed: What time? Seven? Eight?

Dan: Twelve-thirty.

Ed: Why so late?

Dan ignored the question, as he continued talking...

Dan: Also, meet me at the Orland Square Mall parking lot, by the lower-level Sears. Ok?

Ed: Yeah, bu...

Dan: ::cutting in:: Look, I got to go. Remember, Orland Square, Lower-level Sears, 12:30.

With a click on the other end of the line later, the call ended. Perplexed, Ed closed the call on his end, and started his truck. He began talking to himself, trying to figure out what was going on with his friend...

Ed: Hmmm... Dan's starting to act strange. Meet him at the mall half past midnight? Ever since he's graduated from DeVry, he's been cooped up creating the strangest shit. Maybe I should just go home before *I* go insane.


11:45 PM

Ed was fast asleep on the couch in his front room. His TV was still in Video Input mode, meaning he was playing his Nintendo Game Cube before he fell asleep. He had the Super Mario Sunshine strategy guide over his head, and one of his arms over the side of the couch.

The phone rang, causing him to jump as he collapsed on the floor. He jumped up, and grabbed the cordless phone from off the recharge stand. He spoke...

Ed: Talk to me. ::yawn::

Dan: It's Dan. You weren't asleep, were you?

Ed: Huh? No, I was... uh, playing Mario Sunshine.

Dan: Oh, alrighty then. Anyway, I forgot to bring my digital camcorder. Could you stop by my house, and pick 'er up?

Ed: Oh, ok.

Dan: Oh, and can you bring Dasher, too? She's needed here as well.

Ed: Your dog? What the hell is it you're doing?

Dan: Damnit, man, get over here, and I'll show you! Sheesh!

The phone clicked off. Now Ed was really puzzled. What the hell does the mall, a camcorder, and a dog have to do with anything? That was when it hit him...

Ed: "Back to the Future" elements?


12:16 AM

Ed stopped at Dan's house. It was a small, one level house, located across the street from an elementary school. He walked to the back gate, and walked into the back yard. As he opened the back door, barking was heard. Ed shushed, and the barking quieted. He walked into the door, and turned on the light to find a chubby Norwegian Elkhound, sitting obediently while looking at him. Ed proceeded to pet the dog on the head...

Ed: Hi, Dasher. Dan said to take you for a ride.

Upon saying "ride", Dasher started barking happily. Ed shushed her again as he went to get her leash. After Ed put her in the backseat of her truck, he went back in for the camcorder. With that being done, he proceeded to Orland Square Mall.


12:34 AM

Ed and Dasher arrived to the lower-level Sears at Orland Square Mall. They saw a white '00 Volkswagen Jetta parked, with a trailer hooked to the back of it. Ed looked to Dasher...

Ed: Well, there's Dan's car. Do you think we should go over, and say, "Hello"?

The Elkhound looked over to him, and panted. The both of them looked forward as Ed approached closer with his truck. After they parked, Ed hopped out, and took Dasher out of the back seat. They walked to the driver side window of the VW, and saw that no one was in the car. He then walked back to the black trailer. On the side of the trailer, read, "Paratech Industries." In green, glow-effected letters. Underneath, in smaller type, read, "Daniel Shannon, Electronic Engineering Specialist."

Ed: I wonder what the hell's in here. And what the hell is "Paratech Industries"?

Dasher grunted as she looked up to the trailer. That was when a sound emanated from the inside of the trailer. It was a cross between a car engine and a electronic whirling. Ed and Dasher backed up as back door of the trailer began to unfold. Smoke started poring out of the opened end of the trailer. A set of ramps extended out, as a pair of red lights, about 24 inches apart from each other, were seen glowing from inside the smokescreen.

Dasher cowered behind Ed's legs as the intimidating seen continued. A sort of a growl, or engine revving was heard as the back end of a car came out the opening of the trailer. The license plate read, "Illinois: ONTIME." The vehicle was sleek and sharp, but it wasn't an ordinary car. In the back, were two comic-looking vent devices, along with miscellaneous hoses and wires. Coils lined the back end of the vehicle, and another set of coils lined the front bumper, judging from the side. It almost had a dangerous feel to it.

The vehicle backed up more, still with the whirling noise accompanying the sound of the engine, and stopped, revealing the front grill of the car. Only three letters were on it grill: DMC.

The driver side door opened vertically, letting out smoke from the inside of the cab in the process. A figure stepped out of the inside of the car. A tall, young man with blond hair under a backwards Chicago Blackhawks hat. He was wearing a pair of torn up dark blue coveralls with a green Hawaiian shirt underneath. Over the coveralls was a tool belt, a pair of gloves sticking out of a side pocket on the leg, and had a Ghostbusters logo patch on his right arm.

Ed called out to the man in the coveralls...

Ed: Dan?

The man turned around, and saw Ed...

Dan: Ed, my man! I was beginning to think you weren't comin'!

Ed: Well, I would have called you if I wasn't going to come. What is that thing?

Dan: This is it! The project I've been working on for years now!

Ed: Dan... It's a DeLorean Time Machine Replica!

Dan looked to Ed, in a somewhat insulted way...

Dan: It's not a "Replica." Yes, I have the ability to build props and replicas, but it's not a replica! It's an Honest-To-God time travel vehicle! I have actually invented time travel!

Ed stared at Dan as if he was insane. Even Dasher was staring at him like a nut.

Ed: You dragged me out... in the middle of the night... with your dog... to the middle of Orland Park... to an empty parking lot... to reenact the one scene from "Back to the Future"? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!

Ed's words echoed in the distance off the walls of the mall, and other buildings in the area. Dan stood there, frozen from shock. He then firmed up, and spoke...

Dan: Ed... Just go along with it. Ok?

Ed grunted, as he slapped himself in the head.

Dan: What I'm about to show you is real. Please, just bare with me. Roll tape.

Ed sighed, as he lifted the camcorder up, and began taping. Dan cleared his throat, and spoke to the camera...

Dan: Hello, I'm Daniel Shannon, and I'm standing here at Orland Square Mall, located in Orland Park, Illinois. Current date and time is ::checks watch:: November 22, 2002, 12:43 AM. What I'm about to show you is an experiment concerning time travel and inter dimensional crossing. Notice to my right, the vehicle in which the experiments will be conducted in.

Ed zoomed out, and got a shot of both the car and of Dan...

Dan: It is a 1982 model DeLorean DMC-12 gull wing coupe. I realize that both using a DeLorean, and for the fact it looks like the one from the famous "Back to the Future" trilogy, it might seem fake, but I assure you the vehicle was chosen for both style, and conductivity for the flux-dispersment ratios. The particular design of the vehicle matches that of the one used in the movie, with exceptional differences. I am now going to begin "Temporal Experiment One."

Dan walked up to Ed, and took the leash that was connected to Dasher's collar. He unleashed her, as he instructed her to get into the driver side of the DeLorean. When she hopped in, Dan connected her seatbelt. He then waved Ed over to get a close-up of what he wanted to show the camera. Dan took a belt clip watch, and clipped it to Dasher's collar. He then took his wrist watch off, and budded it up against Dasher's...

Dan: Take note that both watches are in sync. Both watches are made by "Aqualite" and both batteries have been replaced to ensure that synchronization is at a constant throughout the experiment. Got it?

Ed: Gotcha.

Dan put his watch back on, then reached behind the driver seat, and grabbed a remote control. He scratched Dasher behind the ears one last time as he spoke to her...

Dan: Ok, Dashy, have a good trip. And Godspeed.

He closed the door, as the Elkhound looked around in the inside of the car. Dan and Ed stood back as Dan flicked a switch on the remote. Ed sneered from behind the camera as he looked at the remote...

Ed: How are you going to pull off this reenactment? You cant expect me to believe that the remote actually controls...

Dan hit another switch, and the car started up. 3 LED number plates lit up in the upper left hand corner of the oversized "Futaba" manufactured controller...

Ed: ...that DeLorean?

Dan: Watch, and be amazed.

Dan moved the joystick on the right side downward. The back tires screeched as the vehicle was thrust backwards. A simple moving of the left joystick, the DeLorean pulls a Rockford turn, and automatically rolls forward. He pushed the joystick forward, kicking the vehicle into high gear. The odd-formed DeLorean speeds over to the other side of the parking lot. Ed watches with his mouth open through the flip-up LCD screen of the camcorder.

The car skidded into a fishtail, and stopped. Dan backed the car up to the very edge of the pavement of the parking lot, while at the same time straightening it out. The headlights of the DeLorean pointed towards the two. Dan looked over to Ed with a large grin on his face.

Dan: Now comes the fun part.

Ed looked at him in horror...

Ed: You can't be serious! Ok, maybe you did make it remote controlled, but there is no was in hell I'm standing in front of a speeding DeLorean!

Dan: Trust me. At the distance of this parking lot, and how far away we are from the damn car, nothing will happen to us.

Ed was still a little uncomfortable about this insane idea, but he was somehow thinking it was going to be safe. Dan sounded extremely confident about this. It was insane, but it was the only thing gluing his feet in his position.

Dan: Now, if I'm right, when this bad boy hits 85 MPH, you will turn white!

Ed: Don't you mean 88 MPH?

Dan: Well, everything can't ALWAYS be like the movie! Besides, the absolute top speed in the DeLorean is 85, anyway.

Dan flipped a large red toggle switch on the left side of the controller, and a light labeled "stop" lit up. Dan pushed the controller forward. The tires screeched and smoked as the brake locked the front wheels firmly into position. Dan continued slowly pushing up on the joystick. The LED panels were now up to 55.0 MPH. Like a scene out of the movie, Dan gripped the brake switch, and waited to the perfect moment as Ed sidestepped, getting a little nervous.

On the inside of the car, Dasher didn't have a clue what was going on. The weird smell of burning tires, and strange beeping and screeching noises started to worry her. She started whining.

Dan looked to the controller, and saw that the MPH gauge was in the 60's. He toggled the switch down, and the car rocketed forward. There was a slight drop in speed when the car was dropped from its stationary position, but it didn't matter. The car was getting too close for comfort. Ed was about to turn around and run like hell when Dan grabbed him by the back of the shirt...

Dan: Keep your eye on the birdie!

When the LED panels read "85.0", the coils glowed bright blue, and large sparks flew from them. Sharp cracking and banging almost made the sound of the tires inaudible. After an intense flash, and a large bang, the car vanished, leaving a pair of fire trails, which passes threw both Ed's and Dan's legs. The both of them looked behind them to see that the fire trails lead behind them. Ed was wide-eyed at the sight he had just seen.

Dan looked down to the controller, and looked to what had happened. His eyes were as wide as Ed's...

Dan: ::above whisper:: I don't believe it. It actually worked. ::louder:: IT ACTUALLY WORKED!

Ed looked to see the license plate that was on the back of the DeLorean was spinning. It stopped spinning, and made two metallic clanks as it fell to the ground. Ed walked up to the plate, and kicked it. He turned back to Dan, extremely frightened...

Dan: Displacement occurred at exactly 12:50!

Ed: Holy shit! Holy shit, Dan! Are you sure Dasher is alright?!

Dan: She's absolutely fine! Just like in the movie, the trip will be instant, and she'll be completely unaware that anything has happened! She'll return in 3 minuets! I promise!

Ed was astonished. He was at a loss for words. Dan had actually built a fully functional time machine... and out of a DeLorean, no doubt. Stunned, if you will.

Ed: Dan... you... you...

Dan: Come on, you can say it.

Ed: Dan, you blow me away! You built a time machine! We can travel time!

Dan: Oh, that's not all, Ed! Tell him what else he's won, Johnny!

Ed: What do you mean, "That's not all"?

Dan: I've created not just a time machine, but also a dimensional transportation device!

Ed: You made a what?!

Dan: Well, what I did was...

Dan was cut off by his wrist watch. It beeped. Dan grabbed Ed, and they both jumped out of the way in time. After three sonic bangs, the DeLorean returned. The car traveled down the parking lot a bit, like the fire trails indicated, and screeched to a halt. After a moment, Dan walked toward the stainless steel vehicle. He started jogging a little. That was when a large cloud of steam shot out of the vents in the back of the car. Dan stopped until the gas stopped shooting out the vents. He looked back to Ed, then looked to the DeLorean.

Paying close attention to the movie, Dan slipped on the heavy work gloves, and opened the frost-covered door. When the door fully opened, Dasher started panting happily. Dan unclipped the watch from her collar, and unbuckled her from the seat. She ran into the trailer. Dan budded the watch next to his, and walked in front of the camera. Indeed, Dashers watch was 3 minuets behind his, and still going strong. Ed looked away from the camera, and looked to where the Elkhound went.

Ed: By god... She's ok!

Dan: Duh! Didn't I say that?

Ed: Well, how the hell did you do it?!

Dan: Glad you asked! Come on, I'll show ya!

Dan walked to the driver side DeLorean door, and sat down in the driver seat. Ed keeled down, and aimed the camcorder to the inside cab as Dan demonstrated how the time machine worked...

As if we didn't know already...

Dan: Ok. Here's how it works. This black T-switch behind the gear selector turns the circuits on.

Dan flipped the large switch, and the LED number panel lit up on the dashboard. He pointed to the top row, where the red LED numbers resided...

Dan: This is Destination Time. The green is Present Time after displacement, and the yellow is the last time visited. Basically, everything works the exact same as in Back to the Future...

Dan turned to a side to look towards where the back window used to once sit, and pointed to a fluxing "Y" shaped device. It was the one thing that made it all possible...

Dan: ...Down to the Flux Capacitor.

Ed was in awe. Everything in the cab of the car was down to every exact detail. He couldn't believe it was the exact same...

Ed: How did you do it? I mean, it looks EXACTLY like the one in the movie! It's impossible!

Dan: Not totally. Most of the stuff in here is just a mock-up. I did most of the stuff in here for style. In a sense, it's a prop, yet it does its job as a time and dimensional traveling vehicle.

Ed: Oh, yeah, what was that you said about the dimension thing? You said it could... travel dimensions, too?

Dan: Yep! Pan over here, and I'll show you and the camera.

Ed zoomed out, and shot back over by the dashboard. By the side of the time indication panel, was a new laptop computer, but with hordes of wires connecting into it. It was connected to a metal support bracket that was bolted to the console. Dan swung it around to show the LCD screen to the camera.

Dan: As you can see, the keypad used for destination time registering has not been installed. This laptop runs all destination time and dimension functions on a single program.

Dan touched the screen, and a window popped open, reveling a black background with green text on it. The arrangement was in that of some kind of database table. He touched the screen again, and a window with number pad popped up overlapping the one with the database.

Dan: This program, which I've dubbed "TimeWise" holds the database of other worlds, and doubles as a time setting protocol. The dimensional database consists of worlds of movies, television, and possibly animated worlds that do not contradict with the regular laws of reality.

Ed lowered the camera as he revealed his shock-ridden face. He couldn't believe what he was hearing...

Ed: Dan, do you have any idea what you just said?!

A smile came across the electronic engineer's face...

Dan: I know. And I mean it.

Ed: Dude! That's absurd! That's unethical... THAT'S JUST INSANE!

Dan: So is time travel?

Ed: ::rolls eyes:: Ok, point taken.

Ed hefted the camcorder back up as Dan stepped out of the car. Ed kept the camera on him as he walked away to the back of the trailer...

Ed: Ok, say that you're right, or argument's sake, but what the hell does it run on? If you say plutonium, I'm leaving right now! I'm not having Osama's boys coming to shoot me!

Dan: No, something with a little less power: Lead acid.

Ed lowered the camera...

Ed: Lead acid? You mean car battery acid?

Dan stopped and turned around...

Dan: Yeah. You see, the flux capacitor in there doesn't work like the one in BTTF, so 1.21 jigawatts isn't required, thus plutonium is not needed.

Ed: Then how much power does it need?

Dan: About a half a megawatt. The thing is I have a peek power fall off every time dispersment occurs, so I have to recharge the chamber.

Ed looked a little concerned...

Ed: How do you recharge the chamber?


A couple of sparks fly on a nearby power transformer as a set of heavy-duty jumper-cables connect to a power-out lead. Dan walks out from behind the transformer wearing a pair of black, electric-resistant rubber gloves, and a pair of category-5 welding goggles over his eyes. He no longer has the tool belt on, and behind him, he drags a set of large, highly charged cable to a regulator box that sits next to the back of the DeLorean. Dan sticks the connections into the proper ports in the box.

Dan moves to the back of the DeLorean, and twists open the lid on where the original plutonium hopper once was. Instead of it being a lid, when Dan pulled up on it, a small silver rod came up. In the background, Ed continued filming the recharge procedure, but now he had a pair of the welding goggles over his eyes, much like Dan's. When it fully came out of the hopper, two spring-loaded prongs popped out the sides of the rod, and startled Ed. The shaft stayed in position as Dan walked to the regulator box.

He unclipped the lead connectors from the side of the box, and flipped the switch on. Half of the lights in the parking lot dimmed as the box hummed with power. Dan stopped, and spoke to the camera as he explained what he was doing...

Dan: Ok, utilizing power from a nearby transformer, I now have enough power to recharge the acid chamber. The box to the side of me is a modified battery recharger/current converter. This will insure proper recharge of the acid chamber.

He walked back behind the car, and hooked one of the clips to the prong on the right side. He stopped as he looked to Ed...

Dan: Don't look directly at the connections.

He reverted his eyes the same time he connected the clip to the prong. Sparks flew from the connection as Dan pulled his hand away as fast as he could. After sparks and ozone, Dan rushed to the power box, and looked at the charge meter. When the meter went to "Full," he shut down the charger. The humming stopped, and the lights in the parking lot lit back up to its full shine. He disconnected the clips from the prongs, shoved the shaft back into the chamber, and locked the lid. He raised the goggles...

Dan: Done.

Ed: You know stealing power is a crime?

Dan: I know, which is why in the first world we visit, we have to find another power source.

Ed: Which world?

Dan: What other one? The Back to the Future world! Get in!

Dan walked to the driver side and opened the door to step in, when Ed lowered the camera, lifted the goggles from his eyes, and looked at Dan...

Ed: Wait a minuet! Me? Go with you?! You serious?!

Dan: ::Indigently:: What?

Ed: What if we get stuck? I can't live my life in a goddamn movie world!

Dan: Relax. I took every precaution into account! I have extra gas in the trunk, were going to 2015 in the BTTF world for a Mr. Fusion and a hover-conversion, I have a way in getting the money to pay for it... it's all set! All we need to do is make sure everything is in check, and the ride will be secure! I mean, I need to prove that inter dimensional travel works, and I need you to work the camera.

Ed thought for a moment. Dan raised he arm, and leaned it on the open gull-wing door as he waited for his answer...

Dan: Well?

Ed: Ok, I'll be the Marty to your Doc.

Dan: It doesn't sound right, but I'll take it as a yes!

Ed hurried to the passenger side door, and stepped in. Dan called out for Dasher...

Dan: Dasher! Come on, girl! We're going for a ride!

Dasher ran out of the back of the trailer, and jumped into the DeLorean. She climbed into the back, behind the middle console. As she made herself comfortable, Dan climbed in, and shut his door. He started the car, and began punching in the time. He then opened the dimension database, and selected "Back To The Future II."

Ed: I need to know. In the movie, you arrive in the same place you leave from. We're in a suburb of Chicago, and Hill Valley doesn't exist. How the hell are we going to get there? Do we have to drive there?

Dan: When I programmed TimeWise, I also programmed the computer to re-locate the time machine in a different point of the planet. The dimensional database holds the information on each movie, TV show, cartoon, anime, and whatnot. Each world has it's own rules of how it progressed, rules of physics, and so on. The computer will calculate the location as soon at it gets out of the 4 dimensional plane, and will sent us to the proper point in where the movie supposedly took place. In some instances, depending on if the movie has a absolute set time, the destination time will automatically set for me. Avoids a lot of problems.

Ed: Ok. Makes sense. So... Are we ready to go?

Dan: Indeed we are. Roll 'em.

Ed hefted the camera up again, and looked over to Dan...

Dan: ::to camera:: We, the members of Paratech Industries, are about to embark on a great and noble quest into the bowels of scientific discovery. Ladies and Gentlemen... it begins.

He shifted into reverse, and backed the car up to the end of the parking lot. He shifted into first, as he looked back to the camera...

Dan: Ready?

Ed: Lets take the cheese!

Ed looked forward out the windshield with the camera. Dan dropped the clutch, and speed off. The LED MPH gauge's numbers started climbing as Dan shifted gears. 50, 60, 70... the numbers climbed more with each shift of the gears. The LED speedometer read 85, and the flux capacitor lit up brightly. Dan reached behind him, and put his hand over Dasher's eyes to keep her from hurting her eyes from the flash.

The DeLorean flashed with brilliant blue light, like an aurora borealis, then disappeared in a puff of smoke. The only thing left of Ed, Dan and Dasher was a pair of fired tire trails.


Stay tuned for Episode 2: What's first - the world of BTTF.