Btmi chapter 19

The four of them walked into the fangorn forest. The dark trees standing over them. Gimli fingers a dark stain on a leaf and brings it to his mouth. 'Spits] Ptui! Orc blood.' 'These are strange tracks.' Said Harry ignoring Gimli. 'The air is so close in here.' Complaind Gilmi, 'is thereno way around it?'. 'This forest is old. Very old. Full of memory... and anger.'started Legolas, Groans reverberate through the forest and Gimli raised his axe. 'The trees are speaking to each other.' Continued Legolas.

'Gimli!' Whispered Aragorn, 'Lower your axe.' 'Aragorn, nad nâ ennas! (Something is out there.)' Said Harry. 'Man cenich?' (What do you see?) But it was Legolas who answered. 'The White Wizard approaches.'

'Do not let him speak. He will put a spell on us.' And Aragorn wrapped his hand around the hilt of his sword, Harry pulled out his wand, Gimli tightened his hold on his axes, and Legolas notched an arrow to his bow. 'We must be quick.' With a yell, the four swing round to attack. Gimli's axe and Legolas' arrow are deflected, so was Harry's spell. Aragorn drops his sword as it becomes red hot in his grasp. They shield their eyes with their hands from the bright light emanating from the White Wizard.

'You are tracking the footsteps of two young hobbits.' Said the white wizard. 'Where are they?' Asked Aragorn and the white wizard answered. 'They passed this way the day before yesterday. They met someone they did not expect. Does that comfort you?' Who are you?,' asked Harry, ' Show yourself!' The bright light dims, revealing Gandalf, all dressed in white. The four are astounded. Legolas and Gimli bow. 'It cannot be. You fell.'

' I've been sent back until my task is done.'said Gandalf. 'Gandalf!' Said Aragorn with surprise in his voice. 'Gandalf? Yes... That's what they used to call me. Gandalf the Grey. That was my name.' And he smiled, With a twinkle in his eye he continued, 'I am Gandalf the White. And I come back to you now at the turn of the tide.'

They walk through the forest, with Gandalf leading the way, now wearing a grey cloak over his white robes.

One stage of your journey is over, another begins. War has come to Rohan.
Edoras and the Golden Hall of Meduseld. There dwells Théoden, King of Rohan, whose mind is overthrown. Saruman's hold over King Théoden is now very strong.
We must ride to Edoras with all speed.'


Edoras is silent and somber. Everyone is dressed in black and staring at the newcomers in wary silence. Aragorn looks up at the hall and sees a lady in white standing on the steps. 'You'll find more cheer in a graveyard.' Whispered Harry, Aragorn looked up to the hall again but the lady has disappeared. The company climbs up the stairs to the hall and is met by guards.

'I cannot allow you before Théoden-King so armed, Gandalf Greyhame. By order of Gríma Wormtongue.' Said the guard called Háma, Gandalf nods in understanding and signals for the others to surrender their weapons. Aragon hands over his sword and knives. Legolas gives a little twirl to his knives before handing them over to the guards. Harry gave his sword and daggers to the guard in front of him, moving his wand deeper in the sleeve of his vest. Gimli hands over his axes reluctantly.

Háma gestures to Gandalf 'Your staff.' 'Hmm?' Glances at his staff, 'Oh. You would not part an old man from his walking stick?' And he looks at Háma innocently. Háma hesitates for a second and then gestures that they follow him into the hall. Gandalf gives Aragorn a tiny wink and enters the hall, leaning on Legolas' arm.

' The courtesy of your hall is somewhat lessened of late, Théoden King.' Said
Gandalf while he approached Théoden. Aragorn, Harry, Legolas and Gimli pull back and survey the hall and its hostile occupants. A group of men starts to follow their steps with hostility.

Gríma whispered to theoden 'He's not welcome.' 'Why should I… welcome you, Gandalf… Stormcrow?' Asked the king and he looked to Gríma for affirmation, who responded 'A just question, my liege.' He walked towards Gandalf. 'Late is the hour in which this conjurer chooses to appear. Lathspell spell I name him. Ill news is an ill guest.'

Be silent! Keep your forked tongue behind you teeth. I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a witless worm!' Shouted Gandalf while raising his staff against Gríma. 'His staff!' He shouted scared, Backing away from Gandalf while addressing the guards 'I told you to take the wizard's staff!'
The hostile guards attack. Aragorn,Harry Legolas and Gimli engage them in a fist-fight as Gandalf continues to approach Theoden.

Théoden, son of Thengel, too long have you sat in the shadows.' Started Gandalf, Gríma tries to crawl away unnoticed, but Gimli catches him and pins him to the floor and Gandalf Continued. 'Hearken to me! I release you from the spell. Theoden started to laugh, Hahahhhahahahah!.

Gandalf opens his eyes in surprise. 'You have no power here, Gandalf the Grey!' Gandalf throws back his grey cloak, exuding blinding white light and Théoden is thrown back against his seat. Gandalf Points his staff towards Théoden. 'I will draw you, Saruman, as poison is drawn from a wound.' THÉODEN said In Saruman's voice.] 'If I go. . . Théoden dies.' Gandalf moves his staff sharply and Théoden flies back against the chair again. Gandalf Continued 'You did not kill me, you will not kill him!' 'Rohan is mine!' Was the answer. 'Be gone!' Yelled Gandalf smites Théoden as he lunges at him. Théoden is thrown back into the chair and the shot changes to Saruman flying backwards from the Palantír which he used to manipulate Théoden. He lands landing hard on the floor of Orthanc, bleeding from a gash in his forehead. In the hall, Théoden lets out a moan and slumps forward in the chair. Éowyn runs to her uncle's side as he falls. Théoden's head rises again and his face begins to change gradually into that of a much younger-looking man. Clarity and recognition returns to his eyes.

Théoden Looked closely at Éowyn 'I know your face. Éowyn… Éowyn. Gandalf?' Breathe the free air again, my friend. Said the white wizard.

'Dark have been my dreams of late.' Said Théoden and he looks down at his trembling hands. 'Your fingers would remember their old strength better... if they grasped your sword.' Háma runs up with his sword. Théoden reaches for it with trembling hands. He wraps his fingers around it slowly and then draws it, gazing upon the shiny steel. In a corner, Gríma trembles and tries to escape but is pulled back by Gimli. Suddenly, Théoden's gaze turns to Gríma.

Gríma is thrown out of the hall and down the stairs. 'Argh!' Beseechingly to Théoden 'I've only ever served you, my lord!' Theoden walked towards Gríma, holding the sword firmly in his hand 'Your leechcraft would have had me crawling on all fours like a beast!' Théoden raises his sword to kill Gríma. Aragorn holds him back.

' No, my lord! No, my lord. Let him go. Enough blood has been spilled on his account. Said Aragorn, Gríma scrambles to his feet and pushes through the crowd]

'Where is Théodred? Where is my son?' Asked the king, A white flower comes into view, held up by a hand. It is released and spirals down to land among similar flowers, in front of a tomb.' Simbelmynë. Ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebearers.' And he looks at Gandalf 'Now it shall cover the grave of my son. Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see the last days of my house.' 'Théodred's death was not of your making.' Said Harry, 'No parent should have to bury their child.' Théoden started to weep] 'He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers. Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu. (Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred, go-thou.) Said Gandalf and he turns to go back to the hall and leaves Théoden to grieve in private. He spots two children on horseback. The boy collapses and falls off the horse.

Later, inside the Golden Hall, the two children are eating at a table, and Éowyn is with them. 'They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the wildmen are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go. Rick, cot and tree.' Said Eowyn to the men approaching the table.

' This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children.' Started Gandalf and he leans forward and puts a hand on Théoden's chair. 'You must fight.' 'You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Éomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king.' Added Aragorn. 'They will be three hundred leagues from here by now. Éomer cannot help us. I know what it is that you want of me. But I will not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war. Was the answer of the king. Gimli and Harry takes a bites of bread as they watches the exchange between Aragorn and Théoden. 'Open war is upon you. Whether you would risk it or not.' 'When last I looked, Théoden, not Aragorn, was king of Rohan.' 'Then what is the king's decision? Asked Harry.

' By order of the king, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep. Do not burden yourselves with treasures. Take only what provisions you need.' People are moving about, gathering their belongings and preparing to move. Gandalf, Harry, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli walk towards the stables. 'Helm's Deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king.' Started Gimli frustrated, Aragorn answered 'He's only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past.' They enter the stables, 'There is no way out of that ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he's leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Théoden has a strong will but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defences HAVE to hold.'Said Gandalf. ARAGORN turne to Gandalf 'They will hold.' Gandalf Turns to Shadowfax and strokes him 'The Grey Pilgrim... that's what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of men I've walked this earth and now I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain. Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East.'