Light Yagami's Sleep Diary

Time: 18:23

Day: 5th

Month: May

Year: Omitted

The dreams started a week ago. I'm still maintaining the recommended amount of sleep for someone of my age and stress level, however I will admit that I have felt more fatigued and have trouble focusing lately.

I feel foolish writing all of this out. I have never been the type of person to keep a diary, and I am well aware that this is sounds more like a long than a journal entry. I wouldn't be writing this all out if I wasn't so freaked out.

If I wasn't beginning to doubt my own sanity.

Before I go any farther I feel that I should explain that the dreams I have been having are not nightmares and I'm rarely filled with a fear upon waking. Although they have recently been taking a darker turn, I would describe them as pleasant, if it wasn't for how odd they are.

No. They're not odd. They're the complete opposite of odd. That is to say, every single one of them makes perfect sense, and I can recount every detail the next day. They don't feel like dreams, they feel like instances that actually happened to me (or at least another version of me). Or they feel like chapters of a novel, each dream continuing the story by picking up exactly where the pervious one left off.

I am fully and painfully aware of how crazy I sound. Again, that's why I'm writing this. I was told that it would help by a family member after I mentioned that my dreams were bothering me. However, I did not explain what about my dreams were troubling, this isn't something that I expect to tell any other person.

Alright, I think that's enough background. I might as well get to it. After all, I have a whole weeks worth to write before I go to sleep tonight.

I can't remember exactly how the first dream began, but the trouble started when dream-me picked up a black notebook in the middle of my school courtyard...

Light closed the navy blue spiral notebook, hesitating before placing it in the drawer of his desk. The very same draw that he dreamed hiding the Death Note in. The parallel made him cringe, but didn't stop him from utilizing the most sensical place for him to keep his journal. He locked the drawer after closing it. his action may be seen as paranoia, but he didn't want to chance his mother finding and reading it if she decided to straiten up his room, or Sayu coming across it if she fancied snooping through his things. The key to the drawer went into the pocket of the pants that he had set out for the next day.

Closing his eyes, Light ran a hand through his auburn hair. It was getting late and he knew if he lost sleep he would suffer for it the next day. But did he really want to return to the fantasy world that he did not know how to escape from?

Sure, he had to admit he was a little curious to see what was going to happen next. At times he even envied the opportunity that his dream self had. Yet, the existence of the realm that his subconscious had somehow created the most frustratingly frightening experience. In the dream he surrendered all control to the subconscious version of himself, and, if there was one thing that Light Yagami detested it was lacking control.

Silently giving up, Light switched his lamp off and walked to his bed.

"Here we go again."

Author's Note: Greetings whoever is reading this! As you can tell from the prologue that you just read this story is somewhat AU.

The concept for this story is that Light Yagami is an normal high-school student who is mysteriously plagued with a continuous dream of the storyline of the anime/manga. This is an LxLight story (L will be in the next chapter), with the side ship of Matt/Mello (their first appearance will be in chapter two). For the most part this is going to be in third-person and in Light's point of view, but I will go into other main or secondary character's minds by having their diary or journal entries. One last thing, although she's not in the character list for this story Sayu is going to play a central role in this story (mainly because I like writing for siblings).

That's about it, my next update should be either tomorrow or the next day (actually chapters will be at least twice as long as this one). If you want more or have any questions please review!