Hi guys, this is my first story and I'm kind of new here. This is my first story and I will be adding new chapters soon, please leave any nice feedback please thx, enjoy!

Chase P.O.V

Bree, Adam, Leo, Tasha, and I are all watching a movie while is at a meeting in New York. I am desperately trying not to focus on the outside world besides my family and this humorous movie, but there is no possible way to escape the constant and growing pain in my chest. I don't want to cause a scene especially without here, so i ask to excuse myself. I don't even make it past the couch until i collapse to my knees ripping my chest and crying out in pain. Everyone turns their heads toward me while stopping the movie. They immediately rushes over to my side tossing out questions like cards. I cant make out any words besides "Call...Davenport" before the pain goes to agonizing to unbearable. I curl up in a ball making out short ragged breaths trying to stay calm. My visions turns blurry and the sounds around me become very distant. My heart soon feels like it rips out my chest and the darkness and dots consume me.

Bree P.O.V

We were all watching me and Adams favorite movie while we all laughed our heads off. Adam was practically rolling on the floor laughing so hard when Chase asked to leave. That was weird, he usually enjoys this movie almost as much as us. We all just shrug his excuse off and continue watching the movie until we hear a BOOM. We stop the movie and we all look over the couch. Im shocked at what I see. My little brother on his knees, his face scrunched up in pain, and he's gripping his chest for dear life. At the same time we all ask him "What happened" and "Are you ok?" but he doesn't answer, he just tells us to call . He's taking uneven breaths that are getting shorter and shorter he's becoming paler and paler and we all are just standing there watching while Tasha talks to . Finally Chase takes one last breath and is laying on the floor close to death, the family unable to understand whats going on.

Hey guys, I just wanted to that you for reading my first story, I will be adding more chapters and feel free to leave (nice) feedback please, thx! Also please include any ideas for next chapter as well.