Chapter 1:

Percy, Thalia, and Nico ran as far as they could, trying to outrun the mobs of monsters. They couldn't use their powers because they were disowned by their own parents and had their weapons taken.

~%~%~%~%~%~%~Flashback: 3 weeks~%~%~%~%~%~%~

Percy, Thalia, and Nico came back to Camp Half-Blood and saw a crowd around the Arena. "What do you think is going on?" Nico asked the other two.

Percy shrugged, "Maybe Zeus decided to be a drama god finally and everyone is cheering?"

They laughed at this, "Well hurry up, if he did I wanna see it!" Thalia said. They raced to the Arena to see the Olympians, the Big Three stepped out and there were three kids in front of them.

Zeus said, "These heroes are the greatest heroes in time! Does everyone here agree?" This sent off a mass of nods in the crowd and from Poseidon and Hades.

"Dad?" Thalia said softly and everyone turned to see the three of them. "Thalia! What a great timing! I, Zeus, disown my daughter Thalia Grace and take all of her things and pass it on to my other daughter, Catherine." Thalia had tears in her eyes, "What?" she squeaked as her spear and shield left her and went to her sister. "HEY! You can't do that to Thals!" Percy exclaimed.

Poseidon stepped up and did the same, "I, Poseidon, disown my son Percy Jackson and take all of his things and pass it on to my son, Jones. Also, your mom and step-dad are now dead." Percy stood stock still staring at Poseidon who stepped back with eyes filled with hurt and hatred as Riptide left him.

Hades went next, "I, Hades, disown my son Nico Di'Angelo and take all of his things and pass it on to my daughter, Sophie." Nico's face showed no expression when his sword left him.

Zeus stepped up again and said, "Since we disowned you, you no longer have you powers over our domain. And now I hereby banish you from Camp Half-Blood, be gone in an hour." Everyone including all the gods cheered and Annabeth went up to Percy and said, "I never like you anyways, I just used you for my benefit, I thank you though." She walked away after that.

They ran off to pack when Zeus said that and all three had tears in their eyes. When they finished packing they met each other and agreed that they will travel together when they set off.

~%~%~%~%~%~%~Flashback End~%~%~%~%~%~%~

Thalia tripped on a rock and before Nico and Percy could help her up the monsters surrounded them. The monsters were about to attack them but a bright light flashed and before they knew it, the monsters were killed and a man stood in front of them.