The White Princess

I know, I know. I should be working on my other stories before starting a new one. But my muses have been fighting for my attention recently, and the one I name Mina (The OUAT muse) won the last round.

Just a quick side note, starting from the very beginning this is going to be very AU. I really didn't like the way the writers tore apart so many happy endings….

Definite Changes:

1) Henry isn't 10, he's 16. The curse still worked, it was just written differently so that Emma comes in when she's 34, not 28 like in the cannon.

2) Juliet will NOT be a Mary Sue. I detest Mary Sue's will all my heart, and if she becomes one I will gladly go back and rip this story apart.

3) Episode 8, I'm putting up a poll on how that mess should end…. It's up to you guys….

4) Quite a few characters who lost their happy endings WILL be getting them back. Kinda like Red and her big bad wolf Quin….

I DON'T own OUAT, or OUATIW, never have, never will. Juliet Hertz/Kingsley belongs to me though, along with any content you don't recognize from the show.


Once Upon a Time, there was an enchanted forest filled with all the classic characters we know.

Or think we know…

One day they found themselves trapped in a place where all their happy endings were stolen…

Your world…

This is how it happened….

.and how my True Love and I, fixed it.

Who am I?

Up until a few years ago I would have told you I was Juliet Hertz.

Now I know better.

Because now…

...I remember.

35 Years ago….

A 5 year old girl with light brown hair, dark blue eyes, and tanned Arabian skin rode on the back of a huge black and tan stallion. Next to them riding a dappled gray mare was a man with dark brown hair, white skin, and light blue eyes. He was dressed like a prince, she was dressed in a royal purple shirt, and dark brown pants. They galloped along the road, racing against time.

Suddenly they veered their horses off the path, plunging into unmarked woods, dodging trees, tree roots, and boulders as they continued. The girl pulled up short for a moment as a light snow began to fall around them. In her shock, the Prince's mare pulled ahead of her, galloping faster, until they reached the clearing.

Seven short men were gathered together, blocking the view of a tree trunk. "You're too late." One of them said sadly as he dismounted. They stepped aside to reveal the polished glass coffin that was carved into the wood. Lying inside, was a woman with hair black as night, and skin white as snow.

"No, No!" The prince yelled, running over. His head fell in sadness as he stopped just short of her. "Open it!" He demanded.

"I'm sorry, She's gone!" One of the small men said sadly.

"At least let me say goodby." The Prince said, a tear slipping down his face. The girl dismounted and walked up to stand beside the Prince as the men slid back the coffin's lid.

With tears in his eyes, he leaned down and brought his lips to hers. A flash of light, and a burst of wind burst out from them, flowing over the land as the woman opened her eyes with a gasp. The men cheered up as the girl smiled knowingly.

"You," She said with a breathy whisper, bringing her hand up to touch his face. "You found me." She finished, smiling

"Did you ever doubt I would?" He whispered back.

"Truthfully," She said as he helped her to sit up. "The glass coffin gave me pause."

"Well you never have to worry again." He said, giving her a teary smile. "I will always find you."

"Do you promise?" She asked him….

"I do," The Prince was now all in white, standing with the woman, who was in a wedding dress. They were inside the royal chapel, standing before the bishop while surrounded by hundreds of their friends.

"And do you, Snow White, promise to take this man to be your husband, and love him for all eternity?" The bishop asked.

"I do." She said, smiling. She sent a wink over behind the Prince, where the little girl was standing in a soft lavender dress. Standing to her left was a man with tanned Arabian skin and dark brown hair and eyes. To her right was a woman with light skin, deep blue eyes, and light brown hair. The little family of three smiled at the couple, happy that they had finally come together.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife!" The bishop announced, as the crowd began to clap and cheer. They were just leaning in for their first kiss as a married pair, when the door burst open.

Gasps came as a woman all dressed in black strode into the room. "Sorry I'm late," She said, her voice dripping with false sympathy. She strode forward, her magic moving her faster until she was nearly at the alter. She tossed aside the guards who were rushing at her with a lazy flick of her hands, coming ever closer.

"It's the Queen!" One of the Dwarves said. "Run!"

Snow paused for a moment before grabbing the Prince's sword. "She's not a queen anymore!" Snow yelled, pointing the sword at the Queen. "She's nothing more than an evil witch!"

Charming placed a hand on Snow's lowering the sword. "No, no, don't stoop to level. There's no need."

"You're wasting your time," Charming said, directing his attention to the Queen. "You've already lost." Charming moved in front of snow protectively. "And I will not let you ruin this wedding!"

"Oh I haven't come her to ruin anything." The Queen said, shrugging. "On the contrary dear," She said, stalking around the alter. "I've come to give you a gift."

"We want nothing from you!" Snow interrupted angrily.

"But you shall have it!" The Queen said, loosing her smile. With a small flourish, she turned the opposite way, pacing back and forth while glaring at the various people gathered. "My gift to you, is this happy, happy day. For tomorrow my real work begins. You've made your vows, now I make mine." She said sneering at them. "Soon everything you love, everything all of you love, will be taken from you. Forever." The Little girl's eyes widened as her parents wrapped their arms around her. "And out of your suffering, will rise my victory. I shall destroy your happiness, if it is the last thing I do."

"Not as long as I'm alive!" The little girl said, stepping out of her parent's grasps. She stood defiantly as Regina turned and glared at her. "When will you learn Regina," The girl said, glaring. "Evil will never triumph, not as long as there are still people who fight for what is right."

"Juliet Kingsley." The Queen said, glaring at the girl. "You have been a thorn in my side since the day you were born, little sorceress." Regina's smile gained a steel edge to it. "But don't worry, I have something special in mind for you." Juliet met her glare defiantly, holding Regina's dark gaze with her own, until the dark queen stepped around her, heading for the door.

"HEY!" Charming yelled, getting Regina's attention. With a flash of white, Juliet summoned her bow and quiver and had an arrow notched and flying as Charming launched his sword at the queen. As the sword and arrow touched her, the Queen disappeared in a swirl of dark smoke. Charming and Snow embraced each other as Juliet's parents rushed towards their little girl…

16 year old Henry Mills ran his finger over the painted pictures of his old storybook. He closed it up and started to stash it away.

"Is that a good book?" The woman in the seat next to him asked.

"This is more than just a book." He said, giving her a secretive smile. His cell phone buzzed, causing him to put the book further into his pack.

Juls: U thr yet?

He smiled to himself. Classic Juls, always worrying about him.

Hen: Just about. My stop is nxt

He hit send as the bus pulled to a stop, dropping him off on the busy streets of Boston.

Juls: FYI, EQ found out yur gone. She hsn't q me yet.

Henry groaned in frustration. He didn't count on her finding out so quickly….

So check out that poll as soon as you can! I really want to know your opinions!

This has been Freerunner4427, See you next time!