Hello and welcome to the second chapter of Ink Quills and Inscriptions. I want to say a personal thank you to everyone who has followed this story, twenty-two i believe. I'm pleased this re-write suffices so far.
Everyone of the Day Class female students, and a few male as well, rushes out out of the door and across the lawn to the Night Class dormitory gates. Shrieking and squabbling for positions and over who in their opinion was the best. Yuki rushes out to struggle her way through the mass of love sick girls; valiantly- if somewhat pathetically- trying to keep the swarm at bay. Zero takes his time, in no hurry to deal with the girls, Yuki's struggle, or the vampires. Especially not the part involving a certain Pure blood named Kuran. The very thought of seeing him is enough to make his feathers curl.
He finally makes it to the mass of bodies and doesn't hesitate to force his way through.
"Do me a favor and part like the Red Sea, would you?", he mutters under his breath. Surprisingly, a few girls do hear him and scatter out of his way. With now a mostly clear path to work with Zero makes his way up and to Yuki's side in a matter of seconds. A shame, really.
Yuki is a sight. her eyes are blown wide and she's waving her arms frantically. Voice spewing words of command but it's too overwhelmed to demand any real order. As always, Zero finds himself having to step in and save the poor Prefect. She really is just a damsel in distress, it seems. Even if she does have the power, or sheer force of will, to wield a weapon such as Artemis. Unfortunately the weapon won't do her any good in this situation seeing as it;s a horde of boy thirsty girls instead of blood hungry vampires. Zero doesn't see a difference, really. If he could he wouldn't hesitate to use Bloody Rose.
Huffing air through his teeth- he's noticed lately he does that a lot- Zero positions himself before the closed gate. Strategically between the girls and Night Class up to his full height and crossing his arms, Zero doesn't hesitate to pin most of them with a deep mauve* gaze; promising dark things should his next words not be heeded.
"All of you- shut the hell up and stand still. Or I'll send you back to the dorms now and issue a student body wide detention," he threatens darkly.
It works like a charm and the girls quiet down instantly, weary of his threats having experienced many others first hand.
Yuki however only raises an eyebrow at his threat as she walks over to stand closer to him now that she can breathe a bit easier.
"Wow, Zero. Are you going soft? Letting them see the Night Class before just sending them off like usual, is it possible you have a heart in there after all?", she teases.
Zero doesn't so much as blink at her words, "Hilarious."
"I thought so."
"You would. I just don't want to deal with all the outrage today. For once, the sooner the Night Class gets out here, the better fo-", Zero suddenly cuts his quip short.
Because there is a stony hand in his shoulder, just above his wing, and in the next second the digits are squeezing. Zero grunts softly at the pressure to the arch of his wing and dares not move. He couldn't have been more idiotic, allowing his guard down. Long enough, apparently, for the gates to open without him noticing and to give Aidou enough time to clamp his disgusting claws to his person.
"Oh, Zero, how sweet. If I had known you were so eager to see us, surely we could have left sooner," the vampire's smile was tittering on the edge of sadistic, his eyes holding a cruel light. Aidou's slightly tilted posture meant their uniforms brushed, and Zero wants to vomit. Maybe even all over Aidou's pristine white jacket if he could move fast enough. Now wouldn't that just make Zero's day.
Yuki rushes up to the two, having sensed the growing hostile atmosphere between the two. With an overly large smile and squeaky laugh she gently grasps Aidou's hand that still rests on Zero.
"T-thank you for that consideration, Idol- I mean Aidou. But you're here now , and late to class as it is. So please, be on your way," Yuki chastens weakly, looking up at the blonde vampire.
Sever long seconds make themselves know to Zero as he bunches his shoulders lower to put distance between his wing and the icy hand still grasping him. Hatred courses through him at the knowledge that, because of one carelessly placed hand, Zero finds himself unable to hold his own against the vampire beside him. Just when he thinks he's really willing to risk it to get the beast's hand off him Aidou makes his decision.
"Very well, Yuki. I do so care for my wonderful education, after all,"his fingers uncurl form the dark fabric of Zero's uniform jacket and gravity briefly lowers his arm as he pulls it away. Just enough to barely brush the solid form of the folded wings against Zero's back.
Aidou's cerulean eyes narrow, and do not leave Zero as he walks with his fellow vampires to their classes.
Zero knows he should be worried, but if he needs to he's sure he can pass it off as some form of hidden weapon, or if it calls for drastics, a large crease in his shirt.
Yuki's brows furrow as she looks at him in concern with a silent question. He shakes his head in response and turns to the remaining crowd of girls who stayed to watch the scene unfold.
"Leave." he states.
They don't waste time in doing so.