I DON'T OWN INSIDE OUT (although I wish I did.) By the way rated teen for mentions of boobs, periods, and all that fun stuff.
"JOY! STOP!" Fear shouted. His mouth was filled with sandwich from the cafeteria. "Don't do it!"
"Do what?" Joy put the manual back into place and heaved herself up from her position on the floor.
Fear trembled and swallowed his sandwich. "Press..that..button..."
"Don't worry!" Joy exclaimed, "I'm sure it will be fine."
The others congregated in the room to join Fear. They all looked at Joy expectantly. She mustered up her courage and scrambled over to the panel and pushed it. Immediately, a large red flare started to go off. "Alert. Puberty is beginning. Please hold on to the control panel as some new additions are made."
Everyone immediately clutched the board as tight as possible.
"JOY! What have you done!" Fear and Anger both looked at her like she was crazy.
"We're all gonna die." Sadness flopped herself down on the ground in her usual demeanor. Disgust just sat there, looking bored.
"Welcome your new recruits." A loud voice echoed throughout HQ as a pedestal in the back rose up. Two figures, one pink with neon purple hair, and the other sickly looking with neon green hair, stepped out.
The former bounded forward. "Hi everyone! I'm Love, and this is Shock. Yes, I know Riley has fear already, but this is on a different scale. Both emotions will need a part in this eventually." She, or should I say Love, shook everyone's hand eagerly.
Joy was confused. "Okay, so I'm Joy, that's Sadness, Fear, Anger, and Disgust," she said, pointing to each one of them in turn. "But I don't get it. Why are you here?"
Love shrugged. "I guess we're only needed now. Shock, come forward and say hello!" The weird looking boy loped forward. "Now this is my kind of guy!" shouted Fear.
Everyone stared. "What?"
"I'm just saying. Fear and Shock are like best friends, at least in my mind." Fear strolled up the new emotion and grabbed his hand. "Welcome to headquarters. Would you like me to show you around?"
"Uh, Fear! You can't just, well, expect him to like you!" Joy started.
Shock, however, contradicted this statement by nodding and breaking the handshake. "Sure."
The two of them went upstairs. "I'd better come with them, to get settled and stuff, I think." Love hurried after them.
Sighing, Sadness looked at the memory rack and reckoned it needed to be bigger. "We should write a request to those memory guys and ask them for a bigger rack, Joy."
Disgust looked at the two of them and gagged. "Uh, maybe you two should lay off and I'll do something."
"Sounds good to me!" Joy, exhausted, dragged herself upstairs and flopped on her bed. "I don't know if this was a good or bad idea," She thought to herself.
"Hey, Joy? It's Sadness. Can I come in?" Sadness poked her head through the door.
Sadness walked over to one of the spinny chairs. "Did you even read about what the button did?"
Joy nodded and ran downstairs to get the manual. Once she was back in her room, she read the summary to Sadness, who was waiting patiently. "The puberty button is a fascinating specimen. It opens up a whole new panel with buttons for breast development and the ability to enable the monthly menstrual cycle." She started to mumble, then stopped. "What the huh?" She flipped back to the glossary to look over the words, then continued to read. "Once the button is pushed, there is no going back. The ideal age in which to push the button is 13, although 12 and 14 can be accommodated. Within days of the application of the puberty button, the period button must be pressed by one of the new emotions, which are Love and Worry. Often Love plays a major role in the life of your child. During this time, emotions may become slightly power hungry and lash out, but they must remember to stay calm as new events will cause them to change their ways. This manual covers all the little details of the puberty button that you would need to know."
"Interesting. Did you even read this before you pressed the button?" Sadness asked.
"Well, yes, but I might have missed a few important details. I hope none of them made a true difference in anything." Joy lay facedown on the bed after this statement. She was worried that something had gone wrong, and that Riley would never be the same again. A page she had seen in the manual wasn't that reassuring. On rare occasions, the binder stated, development and periods will not follow the schedule created by the emotions, and will just happen by themselves. There is nothing that can be done about this problem, but eventually things even out and emotions can regain control.
Sadness got up from her chair. "Aww, Joy, you gotta think about it. I mean, we'd have to do it eventually, what's the harm in doing it now?"
"I guess you're right. I just think that we should look into this a little bit more."
"Joy!" Sadness snapped. "There's no way to reverse it, so we might as well just get used to it."
"It's just hard." Joy rolled over onto her back. "I've watched little Riley all her life, I can't believe we just pressed that button! It just seems really odd, you know?"
Sadness nodded. "Yeah. Let's go learn some more about these new emotions, now that we will have to live with them for the rest of our-or Riley's - lives!"
"Fine, let's go."
"Come on," Sadness heaved Joy up. "We have some emotions to deal with."