"Is that so, Agent DiNozzo?"

Tony gulped, then he slowly turned around. "It's not what it looks like, ma'am."

"It's not? So I didn't just hear you informing your co-workers that Gibbs' lack of sleep comes from shagging me against a certain banister?" Jenny asked as she made her way down into the bullpen. "Give me one reason not to fire you right now."

Wide-eyed the special agent looked at his colleagues, seeking help. "You'll get half of my winnings from the interagency betting pool?" he offered finally.

"DiNozzo!" barked Gibbs, coffee in hand, from the other side of the bull pen. "What did I tell you about your betting pools?"

"Interagency?" Jenny hissed furiously. "You want to tell me that other agencies mess with my private life as well?"

"Not your private life, Director" DiNozzo answered, deciding to respond to the more imminent threat first. "Just your love life."

"What about her love life?" Gibbs wanted to know, coming to a stop next to the redhead in front of his senior agent's desk.

"Nothing, boss" he said at the same time she whipped around and pointed threateningly at DiNozzo. "His speculations about your involvement!"


"Look, el jefe" Abby began bravely, "the director sported quite the hickey when she came in today –"

"You gave me a damn hickey?" Jenny lashed out.

"So that much is established then" Tony murmured, content to be forgotten for the moment when he once again took his betting book to hand to look for the proper page.

Abby snorted briefly. "However that may be, she got that hickey and all we wanted to know was if you were in a foul mood because of it."

"And how got that discussion so out of hand that Agent DiNozzo suspected Agent Gibbs –"

"Don't we want to lay that to rest, Director?" Tony piped up again.

"Because obviously Tony is sure you two had sex against a banister" Ziva chimed in, ignoring the daggers Tony glared at her.

"How would you come to suspect such a thing, Agent DiNozzo?" Jenny demanded, getting more furious again.

"Because he said –"

"He?" Gibbs asked.

Tony nodded and pointed accusingly at Carson who immediately dropped his smirk and paled a little.

"Jenny?" the boy began hesitantly.

"You saw us?" the redhead asked, now paling a little herself. "Last night?"

Carson nodded and Jenny paled even further, then she turned to Gibbs. "I told you after that time in London that we wouldn't ever have sex in semi-public places again. Why can't you just for once listen to me?"

"How was I supposed to know he would wander around you house after I had to carry him to bed because he was so out of it?" Gibbs brushed off her accusations.

"You could have just carried me to bed, too!"

"Guys? Director, Gibbs?" Abby hesitantly butted in. "As informative as this is, I don't think you want to have this conversation in front of a ten-year-old."

"And as the cat is out of the bag now, may I collect my winnings?" Tony asked, smirking.

"Under no circumstances you are to do such a thing, Agent DiNozzo!" Jenny yelled, her glare murderous.

"Jen" Gibbs murmured, putting his head around her waist. "You don't want to murder him. You'll never get his blood out of the carpet."

She huffed and instead continued to glare at the agent. Gibbs smirked and bent down to kiss her neck. She sighed happily no longer caring that they were watched, as Tony had said, the cat was out of the bag anyways. She looked on as the doors of the elevator opened and Carson's parents stepped out and the boy ran over to them, content to just let Gibbs do as he liked – that was till he began nipping at a particular sore spot on her neck.

"Leroy Jethro Gibbs! Don't you dare giving me another hickey!" she shrieked as the team began to laugh.

"Told you so, it wasn't just kissing and making out" Tony whispered and leaned back in his chair, discreetly handing out and collecting money.

So that is the definite end - the team has been busted and Jenny and Gibbs are happily displaying affections in public. I hope it was worth the long wait and you'll leave a review.