"Hey… Kiku?" Asked Alfred, a little embarrassed, "Will you watch a movie with me?" Kiku, having gone through many horror movies with Alfred had to accept. Knowing about his feelings for Alfred he just couldn't turn him down. Alfred followed Kiku into the living room. He quickly slid the disc into the tv. Then he grabbed the nearest pillow and sat on the couch next to his Japanese companion.

Of course Kiku was wondering why Alfred kept watching these horror movies in the first place. He remembered the American insisting that he had to watch them. Apparently he was convinced that if he didn't Matt would get angry and send Justin Bieber to murder him. This was obviously nonsense.

Kiku could see Alfred flinch as he pressed the play button. The screen lit up with lightning. A young girl was walking down dark a street at night. Of course Kiku could already picture the outcome. The girl would get possessed by a ghost and haunt everyone else. On the other hand Alfred was already quivering in fright. As the ghost appeared on the screen Alfred screamed.

"Hold me I'm gonna die! What if she comes out of the screen to maul me in my sleep and suck out my soul I'm too handsome to die! Hide! I think I heard something over there! What if it's the ghost?! She's gonna kill us all and then I'll have to be a ghost! Tell me I won't die! tell me when it's over! Aaaaaaaahhhhhh!"

Kiku took Alfred by the shoulders and gently but swiftly gave him a kiss on the nose. Alfred, stunned, stopped freaking out and turned back to the movie. After that there were no more outbursts and they both survived the movie.