A\N: Aaaaand here's an update~

Her feet touching the floor, she shifted the enormous basket beside her, clothes nearly bustling out of it as she raised her fist, gently knocking on the sleek metallic door before her. Adjusting her pink hoodie, Diane clasped her hands behind her back, awaiting any response whilst she glanced around the empty hallway. A few seconds ticked by, and she reached out to knock one more when the door hissed aside, and the blonde found her eyes widening slightly.

Starfire offered a tight smile, stepping aside. "Friend Diana!" She greeted gleefully, standing there in a pink robe, the waist tightened by a red ribbon while her wet hair lay cocooned in a white towel. "What brings you to my room?"

The mechanics in Diane's brain finally decided to work. "I want your clothes," she blurted out, then flushed. "I mean, I want your clothes for laundry!" She jabbed a finger in the direction of the basket that held the dirty uniforms of the other Titans.

"Of course," Starfire smiled, hovering aside and allowing the other girl to enter her room. "I will fetch them for you."

As the Tamaranian princess flew off towards her bathroom, Diane glanced around, slightly amused to find that the walls were a mixture of pink and purple, long velvety curtains pulled away to reveal the sea before the tower. Her gaze shifted towards the bed; the sheets a rosy pink and sleek, the whole room holding a scent of fresh lavender and cinnamon, the most warm and coziest place in the tower she had seen so far.

Robin's room had been littered with paper balls, blueprints, and empty hair gels while Cyborg's room was just the replica of a technician's workshop. She hadn't even caught a glimpse of Raven's room, and Beast Boy; his room made her wear a breathing mask as she cleaned it thoroughly, only to be left exhausted after five hours.

A dash of pink caught her sight, and a bundle of neatly folded clothes was being held before her. "Here you are, fellow Tamaranian."

Diane blinked, ocean blue eyes peering upwards, meeting bright emerald ones, and Starfire smiled softly, handing the bundle to the shorter girl. Warmth crept up the blonde's cheeks as their skin brushed briefly, the clothes now in her arms as Starfire dropped to her feet, a slight thud on the floor as she gazed down at her. "I hope to arrange another training session for tonight. You will be free, yes?"

Inhaling silently, Diana managed a smile. "I've always got time for you, Starfire." She nodded, then blushed, parting her lips to correct her words when she was interrupted.


Blue eyes blinked, confusion coming to them. "Coriander?"

"That is my Tamaranian name," Starfire flashed a blinding smile, "I wish for you to know my real name, friend Diane."

"Oh," the blonde uttered, her lips tugging upwards. "It's a beautiful name, Star."

Starfire beamed brightly, clasping her hands together as she floated behind the blonde. "I will be happy to assist you in finding a Tamaranian name as well!" She chirped, Diane nodding with a smile as she dropped the clothes inside the basket, stepping out into the hallway.

"See you in practice then, Kory."

"You as well, Diane!"

The door slid shut once more, and Diane released a breath she didn't know she was holding until now. With a final glance at Star fire's door, the girl grasped the heavy basket, picking it up like it weighed nothing as she dashed down the hallway, heart fluttering in her chest and smile nearly reaching her eyes.

She wanted to get her chores done as quickly as possible.

The waves lapped at the enormous rocks, the wind pleasant as the moon hung high up in the sky, showering the four teenagers standing over the soil near the gigantic T shaped tower. Clapping her hands, Starfire landed beside Raven, green eyes bright and shimmering as she began.

"The main purpose of this training is to help you become more agile," She elaborated, beaming happily. "On my home planet, we call this game Grugnha Patunlay but it is a bit more of a..." She paused, searching for a particular word. "Advanced sort of version?"

"Yeah, so instead!" Beast Boy rubbed his gloved hands together, green eyes darting between the two girls beside him. "We're just gonna play tag!"

"Tag?" Diane echoed, arching a brow while Raven frowned beside her. "You dragged me out of my room for this?"

Starfire smiled sheepishly, "I wished for all of us to participate."

Raven flashed her a glare, rolling her eyes as she was rewarded with a kicked puppy look. "Alright, fine." She grumbled, reaching out and flicking Beast Boy on his forehead.

"Ow! What was that for?!"

"Tag," Raven deadpanned, summoning a black portal. "You're it."

Diane watched as the sorceress entered the portal, disappearing from sight. The blonde blinked when Beast Boy scowled slightly, before a cheeky grin split his lips and he nudged Starfire, a mischievous giggle leaving his lips. "You're it, Star!"

For a second, Diane swore she saw Beast Boy wink at her as he morphed into a green skinned mouse, scurrying off somewhere into the grass, leaving both of them alone. Her gaze moved upwards, her mind stilling for a brief moment when Starfire's eyes flashed like emeralds, a coy smirk curling the ends of her lips before she pounced forward.

Diane pushed the ground at that, suddenly up in the air, a smile touching her face when Starfire missed her by a few inches. The redhead below smirked mischievously, darting into the air as well, attempting to tackle the shorter girl. But fortunately, Diane had swiftly moved away, a laugh escaping her mouth when Starfire whirled around, grinning.

"I will tag you, friend Diane!"

"You gotta catch me first!"

Within seconds Diane was shooting towards the tower, heart fluttering in her chest as Starfire's laugh echoed around, trailing after her in the air. The blonde quickly ducked a corner, glancing over her shoulder to find Starfire chasing her and gaining note speed. Despite the joyful smile, Diane swallowed, increasing her pace as they circled around the tower.

"Ninety-eight... Ninety-nine... One hundred!"

Robin panted, letting the weights hit the floor beneath him as he leaned against the enormous glass by his shoulder. He wiped the glistening sweat off his brow, catching his breath as he held an arm out. "Hey, Cyborg, can you pass me a bottle?"

"Sure thing, dude." The man answered, tossing a bottle his way while he continued fixing the treadmill Starfire had somehow destroyed a week ago.

The water bottle in his hold, Robin spun the cap open, pressing its rim to his lips as he gazed out from the window, watching the fully lit moon and the waves splash around each other. A line of pink caught his eye, and he blinked, nearly choking when another streak of purple instantly followed, disappearing momentarily as familiar laughter rang around briefly.

Diane's heart was beating like a drum as she reached the top of the tower, glancing over her shoulder to check the girl behind her but she suddenly halted in the air, looking around frantically since Starfire was nowhere to be seen. Her chest heaving badly, blue eyes darted around, searching for familiar scarlet hair when a body collided into her, sending both of them on the tower's roof.

Her back landed harshly on the Titan's basketball court, a weight on top of her as bright blue hues peered upwards, meeting sparkling green irises and Starfire laughed heartily, sitting on top of the blonde's midsection, pinning her wrists on the floor.

"Tag!" She giggled, "you are the it!"

Despite the pressure on top of her, Diane laughed as well, shaking in pure mirth as she dropped her head back on the cold ground, both of them laughing and giggling, feeling so light weighted and refreshed. Truth be told, Diane didn't quite remember having this much fun with adrenaline pumping in her veins and her heart beating away like crazy.

But the laughter gradually ceased as Diane inhaled the night air, catching her breath as she smiled, pushing herself up but paused, startled when girl on top not dared to move. "Uh, Starfire? Y'know you're supposed to run now, right?" She reminded, propped on her elbows. "Or fly to be exact."

Starfire hummed in acknowledgement, dipping her head downwards, an unrecognizable soft emotion flickering through her green orbs. "I do not wish to run from you, Diane."

The blonde held her breath, feeling the taller girl shift and get onto her feet before a golden hand was stretched towards her. She quickly clasped on it, smiling when Starfire pulled her up on the floor, fingers still knotted with hers, their gazes locked.

A loud caw seemed to snap them out of their daze, both of them vigilant as an enormous green hawk flew downwards, Beast Boy's feet hitting the roof. "Guys, Robin called. He said—" the changeling paused, eying their joined hands and Diane blushed furiously, sliding her fingers away from Starfire's as if her touch was hot fire.

Beast Boy smirked smugly, Starfire giving him a quizzical look. "What has Robin called for, Beast Boy?" She inquired and the green skinned boy blinked, realizing why he was here again. "Oh, right! Robin said Doctor Light's attacking Jump City and we need to go now!"

"Of course!" Starfire gave a firm nod as Beast Boy transformed into a humming bird, zipping down the tower while she smiled apologetically at Diane. "I must leave now. But do not worry. You did very well on this training."

Mentally cursing her burning cheeks, Diane nodded. "Thanks, Star and good luck."

Shooting a dazzling smile her way, Starfire was off the roof, rocketing after her fellow Titans while Diane sighed wistfully, thrusting both of her hands through her hair, combing back the golden locks as she turned on her heel, making her way towards the door and muttering something along the lines of villains having awful timings.

A\N: Reviews are love~