When the first egg hatched, the creature that came out tore apart everything science thought they new about dinosaurs. 20 years later, it was common knowledge raptors had feathers and dinosaurs where warm blooded.
But 10 years of wonder has slowly dwindled, and the park needs something new. Enter the Indominus Rex. And the only one to raise them, none other than the talented Owen Grady. The Raptor Squad is getting two new members.
Things only get more complicated after Owen takes in his mute niece and Claire's nephews come to visit.
As the Rexs' intelligence continues to grow, the morality of what the geneticists have done comes into question. Only time will tell if thier mistakes will cost lives.
Owen/Claire, Lowery/Oc, bit of Gray/Oc and the sibling lives. Super smart Rex. Some spoilers.
A.N. I made a JP fic! Yay! So, yeah, I'm not dead, just lost the muse for, like, all my stories. :( I absolutly loved Jurassic World, and really wished the raptors and I Rex hadn't died. So I wrote this to make myself feel better. Hehe. I'm gonna fill in the rest of the character list later, including some of the animals. I want to just go ahead and post this thing now, cuz I'm an impatient little shit. XD
EDIT: Took out the character thingy, cuz it annoyed both me and a reviewer. Hopefully I'll put up another chapter soon. Sorry it's so short, but it is a prologue. Aaaaaand, I talked a lot.
"It's through the painstaking study of the interior chamber in multiple specimens that we can determine this exciting correlation between the larynx and the upper plate. That lets us theorize -theorize, mind you - that the raptor might have been capable of bird-like vocalizations. Which as you can imagine, would be a tremendous breakthrough."
Dr Allan Grant concluded. The symposium leader stepped forward, indicating the end of Dr Grant's lecture. "Thank you very much Dr. Grant. Now does anyone have a question?"
Nearly every hand went up. Allan sighed, unsurprised. "Does anyone have a question that doesn't relate to Jurassic Park?"
All but one hand went down. Allen eyed the remaining questioner. He was a well built man of his early thirties with dirty blond hair and stubble, a knowing grin twitching at the edge of his lips. He wore a casual outfit of bluejeans and a t-shirt.
Allen felt a small sense of deja vu looking at the young man. He had the same atmosphere Robert Muldoon once had, before his untimely death. The air of a man built for nature.
Allan gestured towards the man. "Yes?"
The man lowered his hand. "Yeah, uh, how crazy would a guy have to be to consider raising a pack of raptors?"
Allan gaped at the man, unsure of how to respond. The man just smirked. "Meet me in the lobby later, sound good doc?"
"Name's Owen Grady." Was the first thing the man said. His hand shot out in greeting, and Allan numbly took it. "Allan Grant, though you probably already know that."
Owen smirked and nodded.
"Now, what the hell did you mean about 'raising a pack of raptors'?" Allan demanded.
"Exactly what I said. InGen's reopening the park." Owen said simply.
Allan gaped at the man. "What?" He gasped.
Owen's expression toned down a notch. "I had the same reaction at first. Crazy, right? Opening a theme park filled with dinosaurs. A theme park that's already failed twice?" He shrugged. "But Masrani Global think's they can do it right while InGen failed."
Allan shook his head. "Idiots, all of them. Don't they ever learn?"
"Ya know, that's really why I'm joining." Owen explained. "Can't beat 'em, join 'em, ya know? The more people who understand that something will go wrong, the more likely it won't be as serious."
"What are they having you do? You're not seriously going to raise raptors, are you?"
"Actually I am. That's what they hired me for. They're gonna give me four eggs to raise. They've never hand-raised raptors before. It might actually work."
"Why you?"
Owen shrugged. "I'm an animal trainer. I've worked with dogs, wolves, lions, eagles, even orcas before. I know they're nothing compared to raptors, but I've got more experience than most."
Allan shook his head. "You're nuts. What do you want with me anyway?"
"Advice, mostly. You're the leading expert in raptors, fossil wise. And you've had experience with them from the park. I was hoping you could help me out every once in a while. Video chat or something."
Allan sighed, pinching his nose. "I';m guessing I can't talk you out of this?" He asked, half hopeful.
Owen shook his head, grinning. "Nope, not a chance."
"Fine. Maybe I can help keep you alive."
Owen laughed. "Glad to hear it."